• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 26,189 Views, 1,143 Comments

A New Flame - The Zebra Hybrid

A human named James is transported into Equestria with some surprising results. First installment of the Hybrid Universe[Displaced Story]

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Act 2: A New Execution

Crystal Empire; Throne Room; One Hour Earlier

"So does that prove that James, and surprisingly Malefor, aren't dangerous." stated Sam with a confident expression.

After her and the other mares left the dungeon, they had returned to the throne room and resumed the conversation on the fate of James and his darker half. After the episode with them she was more than confident that things were going their way, she could just see Luna face right now. Full of anger and unable to do anything, while the two dragons walked free. Of course there might some minor punishments for the destruction of property and some ponies being hurt but it sure as hell beat being locked up in a cage or being banished your life.

The purple dragoness smiled as she remembered her time with James on Earth. She was his first friend in high school, so he pretty much stuck with her where ever she went. To be honest James was actually shy in high school when he first started, he would always stay quiet and barely talk in group conversations. He would also keep to himself when doing assignments for classes, yeah he had Sam but they didn't have every class together. So they only saw each other on breaks or when school was out, but as time went on she noticed that he started to open up more and manged have his own group of friends, with her being part of that group of course.

"Yes," replied Shining, "It would seem that these two dragon's aren't as bad as we believed."

"Indeed," stated Cadence as she looked toward the group of dragons in the room, "But this does not ignore the fact, that the two has caused public damages, and critically injured royal guards while in Equestria. You all might have diplomatic immunity, but those two don't."

Drobot nodded, "Me and my group, fully understand and would love to work a an acceptable compromise on their punishment. We also apologize for the trouble we caused."

Luna grit her teeth, things were not looking good. Can't all them see that these dragons are playing them like an instrument? She couldn't contact Discord right now due to her older sister watching her very move, she could never blame her sister for siding with the enemy in this kind of situation. She was always forgiving and trying to find the best inside everything, even Tirek and Chrysalis. Luckily she has her Night Guards and Celestia's Solar Guards patrolling the area around the Empire just in case Discord returned or if any dragon decided to surprise attack.

Her thoughts drifted to the dragons back in Thedas, she could feel the pain and anguish well up in her chest. Why wasn't her best friend, Shenron, there to help her through the Nightmare Moon incident? The lunar princess knew she was in the wrong and accepted that, but even before she decided to become the demon of the night, she was hurting and almost crying herself back to sleep every night, and where was Shenron? Sitting back at Thedas like the selfish dragon he is! It was then Luna finally opened her eyes realize that almost all dragons were selfish creatures, even more than the griffons, of course there were exceptions, Twilight's assistant Spike or the water dragon that lives in the Everfree. If she wanted to she would have invaded Thedas a long time ago.

She knew that would start a full war with the dragons and she had to admit Equestria was not powerful enough fend them off. Maybe not even with the elements or rainbow power on their side, which is why she needed allies from other nations the only problem was most nations had good relations with the dragons of Thedas. Plus Shenron and his older brother, Porunga, has their 'Dragon Lords' spread out throughout each nation, including Equestria.

"Then how about this," stated Shining Armor, "I respect that James protected the princesses and my sister in Canterlot, but I can't ignore the fact that he took out royal guards and left Princess Luna critically injured. So....I say we he goes to prison for two or thee months depending on good behavior. As for Malefor though is a different story, even though eh is trying to redeem himself, he as caused more harm than good unlike James. As for that he'll be locked up in prison like James for two or three years, also depending on good behavior. Also....we'll look into an area in the empire for the changelings. Does that sound like decent terms?"

Bash put a talon to his chin, "Well, it ain't butterflies and rainbows, but it's something. The two will have their freedom once they get out?"

Cadence nodded, "Of course."

"And no harm will come to them while in the prison. No abuse by guards our inmates." added Flashwing.

"I'll make sure personally that they are treated with the best care," stated Celestia with a smile.

"So we have to wait a full two months, until we see James again?" suddenly said Twilight with a disappointed voice. They just reunited for Celestia's sake! And now they are going to be separated again! She felt a hoof on her shoulder and turned to see Rainbow.

"It's okay Twi' we can wait a little longer." said Rainbow.

"Yeah! Plus we can visit him every day!" added Pinkie.

"I-I guess." choked Fluttershy and Derpy feeling the same way as Twilight as Bolt sat between them.

"As much as ah' don't agree with this. It's the best we got." said Applejack and Rarity nodded in agreement. They didn't want to see their new family member get sent to prison. Especially after all he has done for them, but it was better than the purple dragon being banished....or worse.

Applejack couldn't handle loosing another family member, ever since her parents, she knew Granny Smith was old and it was apart of life. So she could come to peace with that, but to have one taken away from her? Even James was dragon and not a pony. He had the heart and strength of an Apple that had been with her as long as she remembered. He would always come by the farm and help her and Big Mac buck the trees. And shoot, it did help move things along and allowed her and Big Mac extra rest time. He had a great time with the crusaders and Dinky as well, plus Bolt seemed to like Wioona a little too much.

Rarity had always wanted a older brother, don't get her wrong she loved Sweetie Belle. She just wanted that older male figure that she could play with when she was a filly. She had no friends, and all she could focus on was fashion so by the time Sweetie was born she had no time to spend with her. But ever since James came it was just like that, he came by the boutique and helped her and Spike, with the fashion line she was working on, and would always tease her on certain things. He even had that overprotected big brother attitude, telling her to be careful when using the sowing machine and coming with her to deliver orders when she was alone. There is also the fact the he loved Sweetie Belle with a passion, almost to the point where it would think that he was her father.

"Then it's settled-" started to Sam only for the throne doors to open and two night guards carrying in a wounded Discord.

"N-Not so fast." the spirit of chaos choked.

"Discord!" exclaimed the ponies in the room(including Luna) as they quickly made their way toward him. Discord was supported by the guards as Cadence quickly flew over to heal his wounds quickly followed by Fluttershy. The yellow mare as she saw the burn marks and gashes across his body. Who could've done this to her friend? Who was even powerful enough to go toe to toe to Discord anyways. Cadence worked her magic and quickly healed the spirit of chaos, his wounds closing and bruises healing up nicely.

Discord then struggled to his feet still sore, "Discord, what happened?" asked Celestia in a stern voice.

"I...was attacked...by dragons..." panted Discord shocking everyone in the room. That can't be right can it? Rarity, Applejack, and Rarity arrived here with the group of dragons on the train. Plus what kind of dragons would be powerful enough to take on Discord. Celestia could only think of the two dragon gods, Porunga and Shenron, but they rarely left Thedas which only meant....

Celestia's eyes widened, "No..." she whispered but it was loud enough to gain everyone's attention in the room. She would've expected Malefor to do this kind of damage to the spirit of chaos, but Discord said 'dragons' as in plural so that also meant that James was involved. She couldn't come to conclusions so quickly, she made her way over to Discord with a worried but still stern expression.

"Discord," the sun goddess said, "Do you know who exactly attacked you?"

Discord nodded, "Like I said, I was attacked by two dragons, but one of them being James and the other being Malefor."

The room was silent shocked at what Discord just said until Twilight spoke up, "This is no time to play games Discord! What exactly happened!?"

"It is as I said," responded Discord, "I was blind sided by the two dragons while making my way to the Crystal Empire for any support. They planned to take over the Crystal Empire and use it as a base of operation for the changelings, I tried my best to stop them but I was overpowered."

"That's not true!" exclaimed Trixie, "I was there with Malefor when we spoke to the changelings! He is trying to help them! Not use them for war!"

"And James would never agree to something like that!" added Derpy.

"That's right," said Sam, "I know James better than anyone else here and he would never agree to something like that."

Discord shrugged, "Then I guess you didn't know him as much," he then turned toward Celestia, "If you don't believe me look into my memories and project them for everyone to see."

Celestia nodded, "Alright."

Her horn glowed as she placed the tip of her horn on Discord's fore head and her eyes shined a bright white and projected his memory for all to see. She let out a gasp at what she saw. Everything Discord said.....was true. James and Malefor ambushing him, the two explaining their plan to use the changelings to take over the Crystal and then all of Equestria. Everyone in the room was in a familiar state, even Luna trying to fake hers, as the memory ended with Malefor and James leaving a beaten Discord in the snow and heading toward the direction of the empire. The room was silent no one said anything, what was their to say?

"Oh this is bullshit!" yelled Bash.

Flashwing put a talon on his shoulder, "Bash, calm down.."

"No! Come on, you can all see something isn't right about this!"

Luna put on a comforting expression, "I see you are hurting, but you have to understand their is no way to change a memory. You probably just put to much trust..."

"You shut the hell up!"

"ENOUGH!" exclaimed Celestia, "The memories don't lie. I'm afraid that James and Malefor are too dangerous to be left running around Equestria."

Cadence then stepped in "Auntie, I have to agree with the dragon. I might not know James well enough, but I felt his love when we went down to the dungeon. It is strong! Something isn't right here. Right Shining?"

Shining Armor just stood silent.

"Shining? Don't tell me you believe this?" Shining Armor only shook his head. Cadence had a shocked expression at her husbands response as she felt her heart drop. The feeling got even worse when she heard and saw the reactions from the others in the room.

"I can't believe we trusted him." muttered Rainbow.

"He is no friend of mine." added Pinkie.

"This can't be." said Rarity and Applejack.

"I was a fool for seeing any good in that dragon." said Celestia.

The group of dragons just stood silent all having guilt expressions like herself, for having failed the purple dragon. Derpy, Twilight, and Sam all had tears running down their cheeks, Fluttershy was the worst of all literally bawling and hugging Bolt her nudged into her shoulder.

Luna then spoke up, "I guess it's time we think of an alternative method to be rid of these dragons."

Crystal Empire; Palace Grounds

James and Malefor could only take the food and trash thrown their way as they made their way toward a stage surrounded by angry crystal ponies. The two dragons had their wings bound, with chains around their ankles and wrists, and magical collars around their necks to prevent them from using their powers. They were being led by Luna's Nightguard as they came onto the stage and was forced to face the crowd. A torrent of boos and curses were sent their way and was continued to be pelted with trash. On the stage with them was none other than the mane six, Bolt, Derpy, Trixie, Celestia, Luna, Discord, Cadence, and Shining Armor.

What really caught their attention was not the guards pony at a block with a giant battle axe, but the absence of Sam and the other dragons. They must've left back to Thedas not wanting to see their execution. James couldn't blame her, the crowd would only give the group of dragons a hard time. James took a glace and his eyes met Fluttershy's his heart stopped as he saw her expression. Her cheeks were stained with tears as she held on to Bolt for dear life, her eyes were filled with betrayal, sadness, and worst of all...fear. Fluttershy was afraid of him.

James could only fill his tears start to surface. He never got to say goodbye to his friends, but why would they want to see him? From what him and Malefor were told they were planning to take over Equestria. Him and Malefor pleaded their cases as much at they could saying that it wasn't true but it was no use for the damage had already been done. The two brought to a kneeling position as they rested both of their heads on the wooden block.

Luna watched Cadence with a solemn expression walk up to the microphone on stage telling her subjects to calm down. Luna didn't want to see her loved ones in such a unhappy state, but this was the only way to get rid of the dragon menace that plagued their minds.

"My loyal subjects!" called out Cadence, "W-We are here today to.....Extinguish two threats that has plagued E-Equestria...."

Shining Armor put a hoof on her shoulder giving her a sympathetic look before taking over, "These two dragons," started Shining, "known as James and Malefor, are charged with assault, murder, and conspiracy against Equestria. Therefore....they will be put to death."

The crowd cheered as Shining kept his stoic expression, he always hated when he had to attend these executions. He especially didn't want Twily and her friends to see this either, as much as he wanted to help the dragons known as James and Malefor the evidence that Discord gave them was the one that was the most believable. He saw Luna with a small smirk and Celestia with a stoic expression both looking at the two chained dragons.

James could only watch as the crowd started to cheer louder than before. He looked toward Malefor as his gaze was toward Trixie with her head down. The purple noticed the lone tear going down his darker self's face, which made him realize that this was it. This was then end of the road he would die knowing that his friends will hate him and probably forget him and Sam and the other dragons not being able to see his face.

"So..." says Malefor, "This is how we go."

I nod, "I always expected us to go out by us just sleeping or maybe taking each other out."

"Heh, well I guess life doesn't have those plans for us huh?"

"I guess not...I'll see you on the other side."

"Yeah, I guess I will."

James watched as Shining Armor nodded toward the executioner who gave a nod and walked toward the two dragons. They couldn't see where the executioner was but they could hear him beside them and resting the blade of the battle axe on their necks. The two dragons closed their eyes as tears started to flow down their cheeks as the they felt the blade of the axe rise, assuming that the executioner was going for his first head. And they both knew that if one of them died so did the other so there was no hope in escaping. Until James felt a furry weight around his neck.

"NO!", yelled a familiar soft voice.

James opened his purple eyes to see none other than Fluttershy, with her fore-hooves hooked around his neck and hugging him for dear life. He could feel the his scales starting to moistened due to her tears, but he couldn't help but smile, even though he was at Death's door. She sent a glare at the executioner making him step back and the crowd to moan in disappointment.

"Fl-Flutters?" James stutters still not believing she was here hugging him.

"I will not let you kill him!" exclaimed Flutters in a protective tone as Luna came up to her.

"Dear Fluttershy, I know you care for this...dragon....but you have to understand that this is for the greater good for Equestria, maybe even all of the world." said the moon princess in a sincere voice.

"I don't care!" retorted Fluttershy with tears literally flowing down her cheeks like waterfalls, "I....Equestria will not be good if I can't share it with him!"

Then without warning, catching James and probably everyone else off guard who was watching, Fluttershy crashed her lips into his. James' eyes widened for a second before he decided to make the most of it as he kissed back, the yellow mare smelt and tasted like lemons, making the dragon to sigh in pleasure. He was disappointed when the yellow mare broke the kiss and glared at the lunar princess who only shook her head in disappointment.

"I see, if that's how you feel," said Luna as she motioned the guards to come over, "Guards! Please remove Mrs. Fluttershy so we could get back to the task at hand."

It was then Malefor and James noticed that Luna's eyes flashed like a reptile for a second and that her tongue was forked. Both dragons knew what that meant and sadly they were the only ones to see it. James started to growl at the guards as they got closer to Fluttershy, but was helpless as they dragged her away despite her protests. Twilight, Trixie, Cadence, and the others yelled to let Fluttershy go only to be surprised to be silenced by Celestia and Discord, telling them that it was best that Fluttershy left and not see the dragon she loved get killed. James then watched "Luna's" smirk as she showed the two dragon's her reptilian eyes before turning them back to normal and walking off. The two dragons now with a purpose tried everything they could to get out the chains. Biting, shaking, pulling, and even trying to summon what ever magic they can, even with the anti-magical collars on, to get free.

"Executioner! Please resume!" commanded Luna as the executioner stallion nodded and came back over to the dragons. With the crowd cheering, but not as loud as before.

James and Malefor struggled even harder to break out as the axe was raised over their necks. Twilight, Derpy, Trixie, Cadence, and the other mare's closed their eyes and turned their heads with tears now streaming down their cheeks, Bolt whined and fidgeted in his place unsure to help his master or not, and, Celestia and Shining all had stoic expressions. Discord however felt a pang of guilt in his chest, when Luna said the two dragons were after Fluttershy, he had no problem framing them to keep her safe. But after what he saw her do for the purple dragon he was having second thoughts. He had erased the purple dragon's memories of himself of meeting him at the party back in Ponyville, when they encountered each other in the blizzard, so he wouldn't expect his magic in that fight. Was Luna lying to him this whole time? Speaking of Luna, she had a malicious smirk as the axe then descended on the two dragons.

Then silence.

Just the woosh sound of the axe striking down.

And the sound of a body colliding with another making the crowd gasp.

James and Malefor opened their eyes to see the blade of the axe just inches away from their face and the unconscious body of the executioner in front of them. What really caught their attention was the familiar scales of Bash, Flashwing, Drobot.....and Sam. All four of them radiating with magical energy and surrounded by the guards on stage. Bash went over to us and smashed the locks of the chains breaking me and Malefor free before joining them.

"What took you fuckers so long?" joked Malefor.

"Your welcome to you too asshole." replied Bash.

"We don't have time for this, we need to figure out a way to get out of this." replied Flashwing.

"I calculate a 60% chance of survival if we fly and a 45% if we fight by ourselves." stated Drobot.

"Sam.." I say as the purple dragoness pulls me into a hug with tears flowing down her cheeks. James uses his talon to wipe them off as she looks away.

"James," she says, "I saw what Fluttershy did."

James' heart then dropped to his stomach, "Sam I.."

He was cut off when Sam put a finger to his lips.

"Survive now, talk later got it?"

James noticed her smile, but he knew it was forced. He could only nod and smile back.

"Got it."

The six dragons then got into a battle stance as they were faced with a now enraged Luna.

Author's Note:

OOOOOHHHH THE CLIFFHANGERS! I hope this is enough for one chapter!

No Spike, Dinky, or CMC this chapter, but trust me they will be important down the road.