• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 26,212 Views, 1,143 Comments

A New Flame - The Zebra Hybrid

A human named James is transported into Equestria with some surprising results. First installment of the Hybrid Universe[Displaced Story]

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Act 2: A New Struggle

Crystal Empire; With James

James opened his purple irises, only to nothing but blurs. He groaned in pain as he sat up and rubbed his reptilian eyes. His sight came back in focus as he took a look at his surrounding. From the looks of things, Celestia's, or in this case Solar Flare's blast sent him into what used to be a house. He hoped no one was inside the house when he landed, he struggled to stand back up on all fours as he took a look at himself. He was back to his regular form and plastered with cuts, bruises, and burn marks. Blood leaked out from his nose and from the spots where some of his scales were missing. This would have to be the worst thrashing he ever had, maybe even worse when he fought Malefor in Canterlot.

He stumbled out of the ruined house to find Solar Flare waiting for him with her usual scowl. James cursed to himself that she was only had minor injuries. How did Celestia and Luna get so strong? His long-horned form should've been more than enough to handle her. It worked with Luna back in Manehattan, even if Celestia is a bit more powerful they couldn't be that far in power could they? It was then it his James like a speeding train. Have they been holding back this entire time? How powerful are they? Clearly more powerful than him and Malefor. The purple dragon gritted his teeth and was about to charge, only to hear an explosion to the right of them gaining the two's attention.

Skidding to the purple dragon's side was Malefor, in the same condition as him, covered in cuts, burn marks, and bruises and degraded to his normal form. Nightmare dropped beside her sister as they both glared in the two dragons direction. They didn't know how long they could keep this up, especially with them back in their normal forms, but they had to try.

"You...look like...shit.." panted Malefor.

"Like...you're one...to talk.." replied James as he winced from his wounds.

"Those two are definitely stronger than before"

"And something tells me we're just getting started. Malefor....we need to work together on this one and watch each other backs"

"Agreed, because if you die so do I."

"Are you two done chatting or are going back to what we started?" called out Nightmare Moon with a cocky grin. This was going better than she thought. These two dragons were causing trouble for her and her sister at first but now they've seem to be close to keeling over. She knew though not to underestimate these dragons for she learned from what happened with their last battle in Manehattan. Discord should've taken care of those other dragons by now though. Were they stronger than she thought? No they couldn't be strong enough to take on Discord, even if it is four on one. That means one of two things must be delaying him. He's either toying with the dragons to settle his amusement or Twilight and the other ponies decided to jump in and help making Discord's task in destroying the dragons a bit more complicated. Now that she thought about it a bit more it could be both of those possibilities.

"Its over dragons." called out Solar Flare, "Just give up and accept your fate. Your evil doings have plagued Equestria long enough."

"She really has Celestia twisted." said Malefor, getting in a battle stance.

"yeah, we need to somehow snap Celestia, Discord, and Luna out of it." replied James.

"Isn't Luna the one controlling them?"

James shakes his head, "No, Nightmare Moon is controlling them. She's just using Luna as a host to do so."

"Then lets beat them down and knock them back to their senses."

The two dragons surprised the controlled alicorns in front of them as they spiked their magic power. Their eyes widened as the two purple dragons transformed back in to their long-horned forms. This couldn't be! The two dragons were literally about to pass out from their wounds and yet they still have enough magic power to transform. This frustrated the two alicorns, none of this made sense! They spiked their own magic power and glared at the two, it seems that they would have to go full power if they wanted to be sure that these dragons stayed down.

James and Malefor shuddered a bit at their power. This was going to be their last battle with these two. They were all going to give it their all The two dragons were either going to die or free Celestia and Luna from being controlled. The two dragons barely saw the two princesses move as they were both hit with strikes to the face and was sent back a couple feet. Malefor recovered first and grabbed James and threw him toward the two in as the purple dragon ignited in a comet of orange flames. James collided with Nightmare, knocking her back. Solar was about to blast him only for Malefor to drop form the sky and knock her aim off course and make her fire off some were in the sky above.

Nightmare charged back in fired multiple projectiles at James as the purple dragon put up a fire shield which barely lasted long. The shield exploded when Nightmare impacted the shield as James was then stabbed in his should by her horn. He growled in pain as he was picked up and thrown to the side. Some of his woulds had started to open back up as fresh blood now leaked from his injured shoulder. He charged Nightmare once again and bit her foreleg making her grunt and flip her over his head and slam her on the crystal ground creating a few cracks underneath them. James let go and then launched a torrent of flames at the lunar princess point blank.

He groaned in pained as Nightmare came out of the flames and head butted him. The force of her head but was so strong it managed to send the purple dragon into a nearby shop. Nightmare didn't let James have a chance to recover as she fired a few magical beams in the shop causing it to explode upon impact. Once the smoke cleared the shop was no mores than a pile of wood and crystal. She walked forward knowing that he was still alive but was surprised at what she saw. There was James with his body over a crystal mare shielding her from her blast. She must've still been inside when they were fighting, but why was this dragon saving this mare? He was evil right?

Flashback; Manehattan

Then everything became quiet.

The rain had stopped.

And the thunder becoming silent.

The clouds parted showing the night sky and the full moon.

The nearby ponies of Manehattan had started coming out of the buildings gathering around the crater stilled filled with dust. Curious on what happened between their princess and the purple dragon. Once the smoke cleared it revealed princess Luna on her stomach with burnt marks and bruises on her body. Some her feathers on her wings had been singed preventing any flight. James stood there with a pitiful look at the beaten princess, who tried to stand back on her hooves but to fall back down.

He walked up to Luna as she sent him a hateful glare,"Do it dragon...finish me." she said closing her eyes.

James expression softened when he actually saw tears in her eyes, he looked around him and saw the ponies gazing at him with fearful expressions. He glanced back at Luna and all the anger from before had been replaced with guilt.

"C-Come on, d-do it!" sobbed Luna.

"No." simply answered James as Luna's eyes widened.


"Because I'm proving you wrong. I'm not the monster you labeled me as. And hopefully after this you can see that."

Them princess of the moon then laid her head on the ground and shut her eyes, passing out from exhaustion. James then started to here the booing from the ponies around him and throwing what they could find.

"Get out of here monster!"

"Leave our princess alone!"

"We hope you burn!"

James ignored the ponies' threats and glanced around finding Malefor still unconscious to the side, he walked over to him not caring what trash or rock hit him for it didn't even phase him. He picked up the darker version of himself and slung him over his back before turning back to the crowd, he noticed Coco standing among-st them with a sad look on her face.

James flashed her a small smile before he and Malefor was engulfed in flames and disappeared from the area. Leaving behind a scorch mark and a beaten princess.

Present Day; Crystal Empire

Nightmare felt a groan of pain in her head as that memory flashed in her mind. This wasn't good. If Luna came back in control then everything that she worked for would've been for nothing.

James groaned in pain as he lifted himself off of the crystal mare. He thanked God that he was able to make it to her on time before Nightmare beams hit the shop. He asked if she was okay and she nodded in response clearly fearful at what was happening around her. James smiled and told her to get somewhere safe as the crystal mare nodded and sand ran off. James turned his attention back to Nightmare with his glare more sharp than ever. The glare sent shivers down Nightmare Moon's spine, why was she so afraid of that glare? James shot towards her faster then she realized and struck her with his extended horns knocking her back.

Meanwhile not to far away, Malefor was holding his own against Solar Flare. The two were in the air dodging and receiving strikes form one another creating small shock-waves that filled the sky. Solar Flare lit up her horn and blasted Malefor in the chest with a beam of solar magic, sending him to the ground below. The dark dragons knocked the beam away before he could impact and landed on all of his fours and skids back a bit. Malefor panted as Solar Flare descended back down to his level with a stoic stare.

"You two surprised us," states the corrupt Celestia, "We didn't think you could be this strong. You could even rival Shenron and Porunga, with the right guidance."

Malefor raised an eyebrow, "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Join us Malefor, me and my sister will show you the true power you and James possess. You'll be able to rule over Thedas with an iron claw and no one would are to challenge you."

Malefor stayed silent as a shadow crept over his face. Was Solar Flare really making him this offer? Why was he hesitating to say yes? His old self from about a month ago would've agreed without a problem. It was then everything then came crashing down on the darker version of James. He wasn't really who he said he was, he wasn't Malefor, he wasn't even supposed to be a dragon. He's a human from Earth, his name was James. His thoughts then went back to the changelings and how they depended on him to get them a home to live here. It was the only way for them to survive, they even made them their king for God's sake! He would not fail Chrysalis, Shift and his sister Fade, and also the other changelings. As king of them he had to do his best to protect them. He didn't know why but his thoughts suddenly shifted to a certain blue show mare. Trixie was the first one who've been...decent to him ever since he arrived here. He couldn't explain why he needed her so close. Ever since him and her arrived at the hive he had been having this nagging urge to make sure nothing happens to her. He couldn't accept Solar Flare's offer, not only did he not want to but also the fact that way too many people were counting on him to win this fight.

"You know what," Malefor says, "You can go fuck yourself."

Solar Flare frowned at this as Malefor continued.

"If you think I'm going to just give up like that then you have another thing coming!" the dragon yelled as dark purple aura burst around him, "I go by many names! King, dragon, James, but there is one that you will remember! And that name is Malefor!"

The dark dragon then launched a giant wave of purple flames at Solar Flare, who was quick enough to blast a beam of solar magic back. The two collided in a magic beam struggle of the two trying to over power the other. Malefor grunted as he started to lose focus but stood his ground and released more magic power. His eyes widened when he saw Nightmare Moon land beside Solar Flare and combined their beams to make a more powerful one. What happened to James? He was being pushed back even more now as his claws scraped against the crystal ground trying to keep himself in place. He sensed something next to him and looked to see James next to him. James smirked and nodded to him as he nodded back.

The original human turned dragon released his orange flames intertwining them in Malefor's purple ones as their magic started to push back against the alicorns. The two sisters grunted in strain as James added his power to the fray, this was it the last attack. Who ever won this struggle would win the battle. Either the James and Malefor are wiped from existence or the two sisters would fail in their mission. The four then noticed that the amount of magic power they were sending out was becoming to be unstable but none the less they kept going as they all started to glow. James was glowing a bright orange, Malefor was glowing a dark purple, Nightmare a dark blue, and Celestia a dark yellow. The light blinded everything that was in their area as an explosion was set off.

The beams that were unstable had reached their limit and imploded on themselves blasting away everything in a five mile radius away into nothingness. The only thing that remained was the massive crater, the ground was still shaking due to the aftershocks of the explosion. Once the smoke cleared one could see four figures standing in the crater.

Solar Flare and Nightmare Moon, had brought up a shield just in time to protect themselves form most of the blast. They had burn marks on them and a few bruises, but the same couldn't be said to the two dragons in front of them. The both of them were both unconscious and barely alive. They had returned to their regular forms, with most of their scales either bloody, burned, or missing all together. The two sisters could only stare at the dragons but they didn't smile. How could they? These dragons almost beat them.

"That was too close for comfort" stated Nightmare Moon.

"Indeed, it seems like Discord is still dealing with the others." responded Solar Flare.

"Yes. How about we show those other dragons and those traitors what happens when they defy us?"

"Agreed sister."

Author's Note:

Alright another chapter in the books!

I hope you guys enjoyed this one! Malefor and James have been defeated and the other dragons and ponies are handling Discord. but what about Spike and Scootaloo? Where's Fluttershy? Where's Sweetie and Dinky? Will Shenron and Porunga arrive on time?

You'll have to find out in the last 4 chapters of Act 2!

Also there will be an Act 3 upon popular vote! And I have already started to plan for it! As always comment below on what you think of the chapter!