• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 26,212 Views, 1,143 Comments

A New Flame - The Zebra Hybrid

A human named James is transported into Equestria with some surprising results. First installment of the Hybrid Universe[Displaced Story]

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Act 1: A New King

'Changeling Caves'

Malefor and Trixie followed Fade and Shift through the lit caves being lighted by glowing green torches. The dark dragon could feel Trixie close at his side, he could feel her fear radiating off of her and couldn't help but pity her. He had to admit she is rather cute without the hat and the cape especially when she is not in her bitchy mood. But that's what he admired about the mare, she was not afraid to speak her mind, even if she knows if it will get her killed.

"Malefor." quietly said Trixie beside snapping him from his thoughts.

"What is it?" he asked, with a growl.

"Why did you stand up for me back there?"

"You could have just stayed quiet and left me, but you didn't."

The dark dragon ignored her and kept on walking, Trixie took the hint and stayed quiet for the rest of the way but the same question stayed in her head. The four then made it to an opening of the cave they were walking through, Trixie's eyes widened in fascination as Malefor kept a neutral expression at what they saw. What laid beyond the dragon and the unicorn was the biggest cavern they ever seen with a literal city inside it, houses were built along the spires of rock and along the walls and a stone like castle in the back.

"So I'm guessing this is the place." asked Malefor as the two Changeling nodded.

"Yeah, it's not much but we're managing to get by." replied Fade.

Trixie gave her an unbelieving look, "Not much? Trixie is having a hard time believing that, this place is beautiful."

"Thank you, but wait till we enter the city it might look pretty on the outside but it's depressing on the inside."

"As a reminder," started Shift, "Changelings here are nervous about ponies, especially unicorns in the city, So I recommend you stay as close to us as possible."

Trixie nodded as the changelings continued their walk once again with Trixie and Malefor following close behind, they started to pass by houses and Trixie could see what Fade meant. They were small rock like shacks, there not even as big as the houses in Ponyville, she noticed other changelings walk by giving her and Malefor (mostly her) nervous and stern looks. She saw mothers and fathers call their younglings inside as they passed.

Like before Trixie stayed close to Malefor, the changelings probably think that she has been captured, and probably think the same about the dark dragon as well. Trixie stopped as she looked at a particular house and noticed the lone stone in front of it with a message carved in front of it, she put two and two together and figured it was a grave stone. She felt something on her shoulder and she turned around to see Malefor motioning her to come one.

She didn't even noticed that their were changelings advancing on her, Malefor gave a warning growl and they backed away slowly. Malefor and Trixie then caught up with Fade and Shift, after an hour of walking they finally made it to the gates that surrounded the stone like castle where they were stopped by more changeling guards.

"Your orders was to only acquire the dragon, not the unicorn." said one of the guards.

"There were complications," stated Shift, "We had no choice."

"That is no excuse to-"

"The unicorn is with me," stepped in Malefor, "and if you have a problem then I have a problem."

The changeling guard stared at the dragon and back at Shift and Fade, he then nodded to the other changelings as they nodded back and opened the gate letting the four inside the castle.

Manehattan; James' Dream

I looked at my surroundings and noticed that I was in some kind of ocean like void, white fog spread across the ground and everything was a light blue. I noticed the echos that filled the realm every time I took a step, I knew my dreams shouldn't be like this so I had to theories, either Luna found me in my dreams or I'm just very stupid and never realized it.

I spread my wings and took to the air to see how far this realm went, which seemed it could go on forever. I start to fly in a random direction seeing if i can find anything that looks like an alicorn.

"Hello?" I call out, "Princess Luna? I know that you....don't like me at the moment but I just want to talk."


Maybe she's busy? No, then why am I here? It's not one of my dreams.

"WHAT DOES THOU WANT!!" yelled a familiar voice as I covered my ears.

"First off..ow..second I just want to talk." I say looking around trying to figure out where the voice came from.


"Can you stop with the yelling! And I am not a criminal!"

I suddenly felt a presence behind me in the air as I quickly turned around to met with no other than Princess Luna with a scowl across her features. If I'm correct then she won't be able to hurt me in here unless, she's like Freddy where the injuries that I take in here happens to my body outside, which would be bad.

"Why shouldn't I call you a criminal?" asked Princess Luna, "You put ponies in danger, and was part of the murder of good guards."

"it's not my fault, Malefor-"

"You and him are the same, are you not?"

"Yes, in a sense but-,"

"Then that's all I need to know."

I growl a little bit at this, "What is wrong with you? Didn't you have the same problem before?"

She glares at me with a murderous intent, "Don't you dare compare me with you, unlike you I actually cared for my subjects."

"I care for them to! Obviously you have to have heard about the friends I have in Ponyville! They're probably worried!"

"Pssh, don't make me laugh dragon." she scoffs, "They are probably celebrating that you are finally gone."

I rubbed my head in frustration, this is like talking to a brick wall. Does she understand that I am not the enemy here? Malefor is still out there doing God knows what but she's more focused on me...the one who is actually trying to help instead of... the other me who probably wants her dead. This isn't the direct approach, so I'll have to try something else, something she won't expect and actually listen...then it hit me.

"Princess Luna," I start gaining her attention, "Why do you hate dragons so much?"

She gives me a confused but annoyed look before answering, "I do not hate dragons. I simply have bad history with them."

"So what about Spike?"

"Spike is nothing like other dragons, he is kind and selfless unlike you!"

"Hey! If I remember correctly I saved your ass and also your sister back in Canterlot and you still had tried to get me killed! Also you never used my actual name but just referred me as 'dragon'."

"And why should I refer to as something else? You're certainly not a human anymore."

I groan as I throw my claws in the air, "What do I have to do to convince you that I'm on your side! I mean, hell I made friends with Equestria's most famous heroes, saved three fillies and a dog, and almost dying twice in the process, and let's not forget me saving you, Twilight, and Celestia from Malefor!"

Princess Luna gave me a scowl, "You don't have to do anything dragon, all of you are just the same, greedy, and selfish! And when ponies need you the most you just abandon them!"

I give a small smile, "So it IS that."

Princess Luna gives me a confused look, "What?"

"I know all about you and Shenron, you're still mad about him all that time ago."

"Of course! He was supposed to be there when I needed him most!"

"Like taking over Equestria, and covering it in eternal night."

She stays quiet at this as I continue, "Do you think you should just let go of the past, Shenron has and he's been regretting doing that to you everyday and even if it meant putting his kingdom in danger. Please Luna don't take out your anger on an entire race just because one of us made a mistake."


"Princess Luna?"

"No, I'll make sure every damn dirty dragon pays!"

I didn't have time to react as she struck me in the chest with a blast of magic launching me back and plummet from the sky, I watch as the ground becomes closer and closer before everything goes black.

Coco's Apartment

I wake up with a jolt and covered in sweat, I quickly check my body and let out a sigh of relief that none of me is injured in real life. I take a glance at the clock and noticed that it was half past eight. I couldn't get to Luna like this, she is way too stubborn if only I could contact the others but there back in Ponyville.

"Hey, Spyro!" cheered Coco's voice snapping me from my trance.

"Oh, hey Coco. What's up?" I answer, 'Why are you so happy this morning?"

"Oooooh nothing, I just have some great news for you!"

"And what would that be?"

"Well, after trading receiving another letter from Rarity she informed me that she and her friend Applejack will be coming here!"

I felt my heart literally do a backflip in my chest, "Really!? When would they get here?", this is great! I could probably hitch a ride with them back to Ponyville! I could introduce Sam and the others to the girls and Bolt, and who knows maybe they'll help me figure out this bounty that's been placed on my head.

"Actually they arrive today." replied Coco.

"Wait does the other's know?" I ask with a hint of worry.

"No, why?"

"Well, I'm not supposed to be in contact with any of the elements because of safety reasons, but I really need to see them! Can you just cover for me please!"

"I don't know, but for a friend of Rarity's sure, but be careful. Also Flashwing said she'll be taking you out today for your training."

"Alright, thanks Coco, I really appreciate it."

"Hey, what are friends for?"

"Which reminds me where are the others?"

"Oh their eating breakfast downstairs. I recommend you get ready and join them," said Coco as she walks towards the front door, "I have to go to work, but I'll be back soon stay safe."

I nod with a warm smile as she closes the door leaving me in the room, I couldn't believe how my luck just turned around. I just need to get away from Flashwing long enough to talk to Applejack and Rarity long enough to tell me what's been going on since I've been gone.

I really hope nothing goes wrong.

Changeling Castle

Malefor, Trixie, Shift and Fade walked through the halls of the stone castle, the dark dragon had a scowl on his face as a bunch of questions swam through his mind. Why did they want him? He hasn't lead anyone in his life, let alone an entire race. He glanced at the corner of his eye at Trixie, he couldn't help but feel bad for the unicorn.

She looked so scared like a small child walking into their classroom on their first day of school. He let out a quiet chuckle as the 'Great and Powerful Trixie' coward next to him. He glanced at the guards they passed and noticed their grip grew tighter as they walked past, he better be careful, he could take one a few guards easily, but to take on a whole army would be suicide. he needed a plan just in case things goes south with the queen.

"Trixie," whispered Malefor gaining the blue unicorn's attention, "Just in case things get rough I want you to stay as close to me as possible."

Trixie gave him a confused look, "W-what do you-"

"I don't entirely trust these changelings. So stay close just in case things go south."

Trixie nodded in understanding as the four came to what looked like a fairly designed door, Fade and Shift turned around as serious expressions were plastered on their faces, "Look, when we go in try not to...upset the queen." said Shift.

"Yes, she is really emotional at the moment due to her injuries and we don't know how long she is going to last." added Fade as the dark dragon and blue unicorn nodded as Shift opened the door letting the two inside. The door closed behind the Malefor and Trixie, Malefor kept his guard up even more at this as he heard Trixie gasp he followed the unicorns surprised to see a bed and a dark figure underneath the covers.

Fade and Shift weren't lying about Queen Chrysalis being in bad shape, her horn seemed to be snapped, bandages covering half her body, one eye was shut closed as well of her missing o few teeth. Malefor was at too a little shocked who knew ponies could do this to her, "Who has approached me?" Chrysalis said in a strained voice.

"You should already know the answer to that, you were the one that called for me." replied Malefor as he heard a cough from the changeling queen as she turned her head looking at the dark dragon and the blue unicorn.

"So you are the dragon, Malefor. Ashamed I suspected you to be taller."

"Tread lightly, let's not forget who has the power."

"Of course, but before we began, let me ask what is a PONY doing here."

Trixie backed away a bit as Malefor glanced back at her and then to Chrysalis who had a scowl on her face, "She's...here to help. She is no threat to you."

"Fine. As you can see I am not in the best of states and the changelings population is decreasing everyday."

"And why would I help you? From what I heard you and your EVIL changelings tried to take over an entire nation."

"Seems a little hypocritical don't you think."

"There is a difference between being evil and not giving a fuck."

Chrysalis glared at this, "Us changelings are not evil, we are just what we are and we are treated like monsters because of it. We never hurt ponies when we feed, but we are rejected none the less."

"So is it true? You are dying, and you need me to take over."

"Yes, I-I didn't think th-there was hope," stuttered Chrysalis as tears began to form in her eyes, "until I heard of you in Canterlot, y-you and that o-other dragon. I-I knew with you l-leading us no m-more of my children needs to die."

Trixie felt tears go down her cheeks as well, she had never seen this side of the changelings before, She has always been told that changelings were heartless creatures that sucked you dry of love until you were nothing but a emotionless drone, but to see the changelings in this cave starving and depressed woke something inside her.

"Queen Chrysalis," said Trixie gaining Malefor's and the queen's attention, "Trixie and Malefor accept your offer."

Malefor looked surprised at this, "What!? But-"

Trixie shot him a glare as he grumbled in annoyance, "Fine, I'll take over what do I have to do."

Chrysalis gave a tearful smile, "Thank you! Both of you! For agreeing, but before you could be officially crowned king you need to earn my subjects trust. Which means they need to feed."

"Yeah, I'm sure ponies aren't willingly going to give up their love."

"What about the crystal heart?" suggested Trixie earning a confused look from the dark dragon.

"Crystal heart? What's that?"

"It's an ancient artifact in the Crystal Empire, from what Trixie has read it's supposed to radiate an endless supply of love."

"Well, that was convenient. What's the catch?"

"Trixie's wagon cannot travel that far, so we would have to take a train from the nearest settlement."

"And what's that."


"Fine. I'll suck it up," agreed Malefor before looking to Chrysalis, "You ok with this?"

Chrysalis nodded, "Absolutely, you two are doing a great thing for my children and i hope succeed. At least I can now rest knowing my changelings are...in...good...hands." the changeling queen then slowly closed her eyes and laid still.

"Chrysalis?" called Malefor

No response.

"I-Is she-?" stuttered Trixie as Malefor put to talons on her neck checking for a pulse but didn't.

"She's gone. Come on we have a promise to keep."

The blue unicorn nodded as they headed for the exit of the room as Malefor said one last thing, "I really hope nothing goes wrong."

Author's Note:

Hey guys I am sorry for the late update! I had a lot of things on my plate with school and my other stories. But I reached 200 followers so that's good!

Comment on what you think about the chapter!