• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 26,189 Views, 1,143 Comments

A New Flame - The Zebra Hybrid

A human named James is transported into Equestria with some surprising results. First installment of the Hybrid Universe[Displaced Story]

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Act 1: A New Discussion

The ponies all cheered in joy and happiness as the purple dragon fell face first into the dirt of Ponyville, no match from the might of Pinkie Pie's frying pan. Applejack and Rainbow was trying to keep Twilight upright so she wouldn't collapse on the ground, as Pinkie bounced over to the three with a happy grin on her face.

"Thanks Pinkie, you really came through when we needed ya'." thanked Applejack.

"Oh, no problem! At first I thought he was just really, really afraid and just needed a friend, but then I saw him attacking you girls so I was like 'hmmmmmm they need help' so I got my emergency skillet and came to the rescue!" answered Pinkie as the three ponies giggled.

"Pinkie Pie you are sooooo random!" said Rainbow.

Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow, and Pinkie all slowly walked over to the downed dragon, observing the purple drake carefully not wanting any surprise attacks, as Fluttershy and Rarity came out the crowd to join their friends. Fluttershy at the least didn't know what to feel for the dragon. she felt like she failed him for not trying to convince her friends to leave like she was supposed to do, but at the same time she was angry and disappointed that James had attacked her friends. Was James using self defense? Or was he not the dragon she thought he was?

"Fluttershy darling are you alright?" asked Rarity as the other four mares turned their attention to her.

"Um....yes.....maybe.. I don't know." whimpered Fluttershy, as she felt Applejack's hoof on her shoulder.

"It's alright sugarcube, as long as you're safe that's all that matters." comforted Applejack.

"But that's the thing......um...... I was never in....uh.....danger in the first place." stated Fluttershy causing all the girls to look at her in confusion. I Fluttershy wasn't being held captive, why was a dragon, one of Fluttershy's worst fears, was at her house?

"What do you mean by that Fluttershy?" asked Twilight.

"Yeah! If he wasn't keeping you hostage, then what was he doing at your house?! Besides Spike, don't you think it is a little risky to bring a dragon into your house!?" asked Rainbow Dash with a hint of anger and fear in her voice causing Fluttershy to let out an 'eep' and shrink to the ground.

"What Rainbow, is trying to say is why did you take this dragon to your house? And why didn't you tell us?" asked Twilight shooting a glare at Rainbow who slumped her shoulders in guilt.

"Well....he saved the crusaders from a timber wolf attack......and he was hurt really bad, so I thought I could fix him up......and I didn't want you girls to....um...overreact" answered Fluttershy stuttering almost every syllable afraid of what her friends reaction might be. The five mare were taken back at Fluttershy's response and immediately felt guilty as they glanced at the unconscious dragon on the ground.

"Fluttershy...I...we...." Twilight and the rest of the mares were lost for words unable what to say.

"It's fine really.....you girls were just trying to keep me safe." said Fluttershy.

"No it's not fine, we simply assumed you were in touble and attacked an inoccent pon- I mean dragon."

"Don't worry Twilight, I'm sure James will understand when he wakes up."

"Who's James?" asked Rainbow as Fluttershy pointed to the purple drake. The six mares sat in silence pondering on what to do next. The crowd of ponies slowly dissipated and went back to whatever they were doing for the day.

"How about we take him back to my place, so we can all apologize together about what happened, plus I can send Princess Celestia a message about how...unique he is." stated Twilight.

"What do you mean by unique?" asked Pinkie.

"Well when we had our...ahem....struggle I could sense that he was using magic with every attack he threw at us." explained Twilight.

"Twilight darling, I might not be as knowledgeable as you but I thought dragons aren't able to use magic?" stated Rarity.

"I did too, but I know a magical signature when I feel one which is why I need to get him to the castle ASAP."

With the rest of the mares agreeing they huddled up with the unconscious drake and teleported toward the crystal castle in the distance. Within a few seconds the six ponies and downed dragon poofed in the middle of the castle library startling another small purple dragon with green spines making him drop the books he was carrying.

"Twilight? What's going?" asked Spike, who then brought his attention to the other dragon laying on the ground, "And who is that!?"

"I'll explain later," said Twilight hoisting the purple drake on her back, "girls wait for me in the throne room I'll go set James down in one of the guest rooms. Spike come with me." the five mares nodded and went to the throne room while Spike followed Twilight to the guest rooms in her newly acquired castle.

As they reached the guest room Twilight opened the door and set the unconscious drake on the bed, and put a blanket over his body. Twilight had a sad expression on her face as she watched the dragon move in a comfortable position in the bed, "I'm so sorry." whispered Twilight loud enough for Spike to hear.

"So what happened?" asked Spike coming to her side.

"I did something a friend should never do Spike." started Twilight as tears started to form in the corner of her eyes, "I-I attacked this dragon for assuming it was going to hurt Fluttershy, without talking to him first and now I got an innocent pon- dragon hurt maybe even worse."

"Wow. That bad, huh?" Twilight nodded.

"What am I supposed to say when he wakes up Spike?"

"Well...uh...I don't know honestly, but if you really feel bad about it I would forgive you in a heart beat."

"You really think so?"

"I know so!" said Spike sticking out his chest in confidence as Twilight wiped her tears and gave Spike a hug, which he simply returned.

"That is why you are my number one assistant."

"Aw shucks," said a blushing Spike, "It was nothing now go with the rest of the girls I'll fill him in with the details when he wakes up."

"Thanks again Spike." said Twilight before flashing him a smile and leaving the room. Spike let out a deep sigh and grabbed a chair setting it beside the bed. He remembered the last time he interacted with dragons and it didn't turn out so well, but maybe just maybe this one will be different, but there was something else about this mysterious dragon Spike couldn't figure out.

It felt like he should know this dragon, like he was really important about something. Deciding to brush it off he watched the purple drake snore in his sleep wondering what he was dreaming about.

I am in darkness once again, but something is different, I can actually move! With curiosity overwhelming me, I walk around in the dark void, curious of what I might run into or how long this place goes. As I am walking I think back to the events that had transpired in Ponyville. I was knocked out by Pinkie Pie with a frying pan when I was fighting against the rest of Fluttershy's friends.

Oh crap, Fluttershy.

My eyes shot open at the realization that Fluttershy had just witnessed me fighting her friends and nearly killing them(which was unintentional). I let out a sad sigh, coming up with reasons why Fluttershy might hate me right now. "She might not even want to see me again after what happened." I say to myself as I let out a sad sigh and kept on walking in to the sea of black nothingness.

Your right you know.

I sighed in annoyance hearing the my other disembodied demonic voice again, the last time I had this dream. I try to ignore it just for it to go away, but surprisingly it's nice to talk to it about my problems for awhile, you know.

"What do you want?" I saw in a low tone trying not to be bothered.

Hey, I just want to talk! All I'm saying is that why should they forgive you? You pretty much attacked them first making you the enemy and who knows when you wake up, you might be in a cage or worse.

"Gee, thanks I really needed that." I say sarcastically rolling my eyes.

Just trying to help.

"Well, it's not working, maybe I should try to apologize, hopefully they would understand."

You know they won't. Come on forget about them, you're better off on your own. Ever since I got teleported to Equestria this voice kept disagreeing with everything I did and keeps bothering me like a fly hovering in your face, while trying to enjoy your lunch.

"Do you ever say anything positive?" I ask the voice in my head.

Of course, I do.

"Really, name one time you actually agreed with me?"


"Exactly my point."

Well I wouldn't be a dick if you gave me a damn body!

"You never asked!" I screamed now getting frustrated.

Are you sure? I'm pretty sure I did.

"No, you didn't."

Oh, than can I have a body then? I thought about it for minute. It will be less weird talking to someone in person than just their voice. Plus he could help me train whenever I go to sleep since this always happens when I do that, but he could just want a body so he can escape my thoughts and enter the physical world and try to take over Equestria......Nahhh! If this guy is just a copy of ME than what harm could he do....right?

"Alright fine." I simply said closing my eyes.


Ignoring the cheer from 'my voice' as the darkness around me began to take form. My eyes widened in shock at what stood before me. For starters it was me, but at the same time something entirely different. What stood before me was a black dragon about my height, silver horns and wings, and two blood red eyes. My blood ran cold from figuring out why the voice sounded like mine, but I just couldn't believe. I know I've been turned into one of my favorite dragons in video game history but I didn't know it would come with HIM as well.

Standing before me with a wicked smile on his face was my(or Spyro's) doppleganger and opposite........Dark Spyro.

Before I could react the dark entity of myself launched a ball of purple fire right at my face and everything went black.

I woke up with a startle sweating again from the nightmare, but was it a nightmare? I know the last few times it was but.....something was different. "Hey, are you ok?" a voice said snapping me from my thoughts. I turned to see a small purple dragon with green spines looking at me with a look of concern on his face .

"Where am I?" I asked the little dragon.

"Well after Twilight brought you here-" he said as I instantly went pale at Twilight's name, remembering the scuffle we had earlier, the little dragon seemed to notice my scared expression.

"Oh, don't worry," he said waving a talon at me, "whatever happened between you and the rest of the girls, it was all a misunderstanding and want to apologize."

"Really? Because I was actually going to do that first."

"Why would you apologize?" he asked as I looked away in embarrassment.

"Well, I kind of attacked them first, because I thought they were going to do something to me so I decided to do something first." I said in shame. It was true I did attack them first when I knocked Applejack down when she opened the cabinet I was hiding in. I could've just gave up and tried to talk it out. Man, I really messed up.

"Are you sorry?" asked the little dragon.

"Yeah, but I will understand if they want to put me in a cell and why Fluttershy doesn't want to be my friend anymore." I say putting my head down in shame.

"Oh yeah, I forgot you were hanging with Fluttershy for a while. Hey, if it makes you feel better, Fluttershy said she wanted to say sorry as well."

She does? Why would she I was the one that screwed up, why would she feel bad for something I did? But it did give me relief that she still cared for me as a friend. I put on a small smile and nodded at the drake signaling that I was feeling better.

"Thanks I need th-" I started but then out of no where I let out a loud sneeze and in the process launching three ice spears in the wall.'Oh yeah!I forgot I can use other elements other than fire.' i thought as a the little dragon peeked from the side of the bed with a shocked expression on his face.

"That's new." I simply said.

'What...when..how?" stuttered the little dragon.

"What can't all dragons do that?"

"No, only thing dragons, that I know of, can breath is fire!"

"Huh, weird, but I'm James by the way." I say holding out a talon which the small purple dragon shook it in response.

"Nice to meet you James. My name is Spike! Number one assistant to Princess Twilight Sparkle!" he said puffing out his chest and gave a salute. I let out a small chuckle as I thought about the purple alicorn.'If I want a good relationship with the ponies here I have to sort things out with Twilight, Flutters, and the rest of the girls.' I think to myself.

"Speaking of Twilight, should we go see her so...uh...you know we can sort out about what happened earlier." I ask Spike.

"Oh yeah, follow me they should be still in the throne room right now." he says as he walks towards the door with me sliding out of the bed following in pursuit. I was glad that I felt one-hundred percent again, but I caught a glimpse at a mirror in the room and stopped in my tracks to see my reflection, not my reflection....but the Dark Spyro staring at me with a wicked grin. I rubbed my eyes and blinked a few times and turned back to the mirror only to meet MY reflection.

"Yo James you coming?" I heard Spike call out.

"O-oh yeah, I'll be right there!" I call back as I walk out the room and shut the door behind me and catching up to Spike.

Me and Spike made it to what appears to be a large set of crystallized doors. I stopped and took a deep breath and gave Spike a worried glance. "Are you sure this a good Idea?" I asked him as he shrugged in response.

"I don't know, Twilight was pretty down when she bought you in the guest room, so I think they are just as nervous as you are." Spike explained.

"You should be a guidance counselor ,you know that?"

"Bah!" he said waving a claw, "I'm just a helpful dragon in need. I flash him a smile and I turn back to the huge set off doors and let out a deep breath.'Well, here goes nothing.' I say to myself as I give Spike a nod that I was ready which he simply nodded back. Spike then opened the door and we both walked in, and was greeted with by six familiar mares. We sat their for a good minute staring at each other not knowing what to say.

"Well?" finally said Spike breaking the awkward silence.

"Oh yeah...uh....hi I guess?" I say awkwardly.

"Um...hi?" said Twilight back even more awkward than me.

"Yeah..um...I'm sorry for what happened, i kind of assumed the worst and I....just took action."

"What!? Why are you apologizing?!" I jumped from the sudden outburst from the purple alicorn,

"Because technically I fired the first shot, which makes it my fault that this mess happened in the first place." I explain.

"Well, we wanted to apologize for attacking you as well. We jut wanted the well being for Fluttershy." Twilight said back.

"So....uh...we cool now."

"Yeah I guess so." Twilight then flashes me a smile and I flash one back. When in my mind I was sighing in relief and thanking God almighty for having that conversation go better than I expected. I noticed Fluttershy giving me a warm smile as well, probably because she to was feeling guilty and was relieved when I said everything was ok.

"Now that we have everything situated, what's your name?" asked Twilight snapping me from my thoughts.

"My names James and to tell all of you the truth I'm wasn't always a dragon." I answer.

"What do you mean you weren't always a dragon?" asked(surprisingly) Fluttershy.

"Well I was originally a human from a place called Earth, but when I bought a gem from some creepy old guy in a hat I somehow popped up here as a dragon." I could tell the six mares and little dragon were shocked by this by the looks on their faces.

"Oh I almost forgot! My name is Twilight Sparkle and these are Pinkie, Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack, and you already met Fluttershy and Spike."

"It's nice to meet you all, I hope we can get to know each other on a less.....aggressive approach."

"Don't ya' worry about it sugarcube, as long as ya' don't eat any ponies ya'll alright in m'ah book." said Applejack.

"I do have one question though," started Rainbow Dash raising her hoof in the air like she was in school, "How in the hay did you use magic?! I don't know dragons really well, but I do know they can't do what you did earlier."

The six mares attention was all on me waiting for an answer,.I guess the dragons here don't have magic I thought to myself trying to come up with an explanation to Rainbow's question.

"Well, I'm not just any regular dragon, I'm none as one of a rare line of dragons that can control all the elements known." I respond.

"By elements you mean earth, fire, and water right?" asked Twilight who now was taking notes on a notepad.

"Fire, water, earth, wind, electricity, ice, you name it, but I really prefer fire which I can make a shield or channel it to my horns, I also can change form to but I won't be able to do that until get stronger" Twilight was still writing down notes like crazy as the rest of the ponies were just staring at me slacked jawed.

"That is sooooo coool!" shouted Pinkie, "Do you know what this means! This means that you aren't a meanie pants after all and we can throw 'You are not a meanie and sorry party' after your 'welcome to ponyville party'! I hope you like cake because you are going to see a lot of it like strawberry, banana, orange, vanilla, pecan, chocolate, carrot, apple spice-" Pinkie was then quieted by Rarity who put a hoof in her mouth.

"Sorry about that darling, Pinkie can be...Pinkie at sometimes." said Rarity.

"Nah, it's fine I find it amusing actually." I say with a chuckle, "So what now?"

"Well, first we need to contact Princess Celestia and let her know of what has happened." said Twilight.

"Who's Princess Celestia?"

"She is the co-ruler of Equestria alongside her sister Princess Luna, who controls the moon while she controls the sun." At the moment she said I burst out laughing and fell to the ground with tears in my eyes. Yeah, like they can control the sun and the moon I think to myself as I got and wiped a tear out of my eye only to be met with faces of disapproval until it hit me.

"Oh shit, you're serious?" I ask in disbelief as they nod their heads, "Damn."

"Going back on topic, after we contacted Celestia, we need to introduce you to the rest of Ponyville." I instantly went pale at this. The most scariest thing in my life is spiders...yes I said spiders, shut up. Talking in front of a large crowd of people has to be about number two or three on the my 'top ten things I don't fuck with list'.

"Yeaaah, no." I simply said.

"What?" they all said simultaneously

"I am not, repeat, not going to stand in front of a crowd of a hundred peop- I mean ponies."

"Come on James, don't be silly, their aren't a hundred ponies in Ponyville." said Pinkie putting a foreleg around my shoulder.


"Yeperoonie, there are about a thousand ponies waiting to meet you!"

"Gee, that helped alot." I said sarcastically as Pinkie just kept on smiling.

"Come on! You're a fire breathing dragon! What got you so worked up about just talking to a few ponies?" asked Rainbow Dash

"Yer' not stage fright are ya' James?" asked Applejack with a smug look on her face.

"I wouldn't call stage fright it's more ...uh....me getting nervous around new people." I answer.

"Yep yer' stage fright alright."


The six mare and little dragon then started laughing, and to tell you the truth so did I. The ponies weren't that bad once you got to know them and everything. Maybe this town isn't all that bad, so meeting them probably will be a breeze and who knows maybe Celestia will give me my own house if I'm nice enough.

"Should we contact Celestia now about James, you know if you feel like it anyways." asked Fluttershy.

"I would think so, Spike take a letter!" said Twilight as Spike took out a piece of paper and quill.

"James, darling?" called out Rarity.

"Yeah?" I answer back.

"What do you plan on saying when you meet the ponies of Ponyville and the princess."

"Well I don't really know exactly, I was honestly just going to wing it.(No pun intended.)"

"Nonsense James if we are going to be friends from now n I need to make sure you make a proper introduction. Fluttershy will you be a dear and help me get James ready?" Fluttershy nods.

"That's really, generous of you, but I think I'm good."

"I won't take no for an answer darling, by the time me and Fluttershy are finished with you, you'll be talking like Pinkie Pie." Rarity with a sly grin states as she(with Fluttershy walking behind) starts to drag me out of the room. I could hear the giggles and laughter from the others behind me, once we got out the throne room I glanced at a random mirror hanging on the wall and guess what I saw? Yep....Dark Spyro staring right back with a wicked smile on his face and giving me wink.

"What are you looking at, James?" asked Fluttershy also looking at the mirror but of course she couldn't see what I saw.

"Uhhh...just admiring the mirror, that's all." I answer.

"A gentlecolt and has a sense of art? You are getting more interesting by the second." commented Rarity making my cheeks warm up.

This is going to be a long day. I think to myself as Rarity and Fluttershy lead me to what look like the entrance (or in this case the exit) of the castle.

Author's Note:

Hey guys sorry for the late update:ajsleepy: Hope this makes up for the late entry. There also may or may not be a new chapter next week because I will be going on vacation. Dark Spyro will be showing up in reflective surfaces throughout the story,Until Dark Spyro gets strong enough to break out of James' body

James will also slowly obtain new abilities and make a new friend along the wayparasprite version of Sparx and to make up for the next chapter I will do a Q&A instead so if you have any questions comment below or you can P.M. me.

If you sneezed during this story bless you. PEACE OFF!!!!