• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 2,302 Views, 93 Comments

School! Flying! Falling! Goofing! - Lazydrill

Last school year, what could possibly happen now what didn't happen in the past few years? Life can be kind, or rude, depending on its mood!

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Ch. 11 Coming to the rescue.

You stood up from your chair, determination radiating off of you as your goal was clear, "Saving Rainbow Dash from the fearful 'Headmistress'". As you thought about it, it sounded more as a cliché romance novel...

Coming back out of your thoughts, you noticed Square looking up at you, smiling as she saw your lifted mood and determined look. "I see you have your goal cut out for you," she said with a nod. "I hope you'll succeed in your endeavor."

"I'll try my best," you said back with a smile of your own. "Thank you, Square."

Your teacher stood up as well, sliding her chair back under the desk she sat next to. She glanced at you, "Now, I believe you have something to do, Static. I usher you to make haste to the Headmistress's office, before she decides Rainbow Dash's verdict."

You nodded and turned sharply to your left, your saddle bag bumping against your sides as you trotted down the aisle and shot passed the desk of your teacher.

"MR. STATIC!" You heard your name getting yelled from inside the class. You screeched to a halt at the classroom door and looked behind you, seeing that Square was standing near her desk with her glasses on.

"Y-yeah, Square?" you asked with slight worry.

Square narrowed her eyes slightly at you, "First off, 'NEVER' run in my classroom," she said in seriousness. "And second, it's Miss Pi," she said, giving you a small grin and a wink.

You smiled back at her once more, "My apologies, 'Miss Pi', and, thank you," you dipped your head a bit in gratitude. Miss Pi made a motion with her left hoof that you needed to get going, so you did that, turning your gaze away from Miss Pi, and towards the hallway you stood a hoofstep away from.

You jumped into the hallway and unfurled your wings to their maximum span, shooting off through the corridor and making way for the main lobby of the school. You shot past every other door that was down the hall, luckily, the teacher let you go earlier than the other classes, so flying through the school was easy to do, not having to watch out for anypony made your flying a whole lot easier.

You halted your flying and fanned out your wings as you entered the upper floor of the lobby, the staircases going down to your right, towards the 2nd floor, and to the left ended in a wall, in front of you was a railing with beyond there a somewhat 20meter or so drop to the first floor.

You gave a powerful flap with your wings, diving over the railing and gliding down to the first floor, where you landed with a 'fomp'. "Okay, now to the Headmistress's office!" you said to yourself as you folded your wings back to your side and began trotting towards a corridor in front of you.

"...Wait... where is her... office..."



You slapped your forehead at the brain failure that just happened, "I should have asked Miss Pi where the Headmistress's office is..." You span your head around in a hurry, trying to find anypony who might tell you where the office was. Luckily, there appeared to be an old looking janitor mopping the floor. You perked up at seeing the janitor, and made your way over to him, but at the same time a question went through your head, "Why, in the name of Celestia, would you need to mop clouds...?"

You shook your head lightly, pushing back the question for another time, right now you needed to interrogate the janitor where the office was located. As you got closer, you noticed that he was old... like... really old. He wore a lime green overall where his un-preened white wings came through the side, a color matching cap on his head and a toothpick resting between his lips, a toothpick that was there a bit 'to' long. You also saw that he was mopping the cloudy floor aimlessly, the clouds simply reforming to their fluffy self as the mop went over them, without a change in their color or cleanliness in any way. You were pretty sure that the stallion was close to fall asleep right then and there if is face was any indication.

You stopped a few steps in front of him, "Excuse me, sir?" you asked with hesitation.

The stallion sighed deeply before stopping with mopping the floor. He brought the mop directly under his chin and leant on it while looking towards you, his green eyes glancing you over. "What is it kid?" he said as he moved the toothpick from the right-side of his mouth to the left and snorted in disinterest.

"Uhm, I wanted to ask where the office of the Headmistress was."

The janitor sighed again and stretched his right hoof towards the staircase, "Take the right stairs, second floor, first hallway to the left, third corridor right, first door on your left," he said without any doubt or stop to think, changing the position of his toothpick from his right mouth corner to the left.

"uhm, are you sure?" you asked a bit uncertain as you raised an eyebrow at him.

The janitor had his eyes closed while leaning on his mob, mouthing a simple, "Eeeyup."

"Okayyy, thank you," you said in slight awkwardness while your turned to your left towards the staircase, wanting to get away from the slightly strange janitor that began to aimlessly mop the floor again.

Trotting up the cloudy staircase, you skipped two steps at a time by jumping over them. Reaching the second floor, you turned to your right and glanced as you had three corridors where you could go. "Okay, so second floor, first hallway to the left." you recalled what the janitor said to yourself a few times as to not forget it. Trotting into the first hallway, you were greeted by a similar look as the way to your math class, only this corridor went further into the school.

"Alright, third corridor on my right..." you slowed down to a steady walk as you arrived at the intersection, as you walked around the corner you were greeted by a small hallway with only two doors, one on the left, and one on the right. Further down the corridor was only a window where a little bit of sunshine was coming through. "First door on my left... here goes nothing..." you stopped in front of the door, your right hoof lifted towards the door, ready to knock.

"Rainbow Dash... we had this talk already. And I'm 'not' going to repeat myself." Your hoof halted an inch from the door as you heard an annoyed female voice through the door. A bit curious, you planted your ear gently on the door, trying to hear the muffled conversation better.

"But, Miss Firefly! I really tried to be on time!" You heard the distinct voice of Rainbow Dash almost yelling through the door. "I woke up a bit later than that I planned, but that is the only thing! I brought Scootaloo to school and helped my friend Applejack at her farm! She said she really needed my help with getting supplies for raising their new barn! I lost time there, and as soon when I realized how late it was getting, I flew here as fast as I could! Only... I forgot my saddle bag, so I needed to go back to my house and grab it and then fly back here. But I really tried to be on time!"

You heard a slight 'sigh' coming from the other side of the door. "Rainbow Dash... I know you cannot say 'no' to help your friends, especially Scootaloo. But you MUST understand that you need to fully attend this school year. The previous years you could skip most of them due to your 'FAS' and your apparent 'missions'. But that ends now. School must be your priority. You need to have this diploma, if you want anything for in the future; A stable life, a house, a husband, maybe even foals. How are you going to support that all without a job? Your time as a weather pony in Ponyville was only granted to you for a certain time, due to these 'missions'."

You took in everything the Headmistress said, your thoughts hanging on the 'FAS' and these 'missions' she was talking about. 'Rainbow Dash could skip almost three years? Thats probably how I haven't seen her before...' you thought to yourself as the conversation behind the door continued.

"I'm sorry Rainbow Dash, but I need to punish you for your absence, as I told you before, this year you need to FULLY attend school, including the punishments that come with it for being late."

"B-but, Miss Firefly!"

Sensing the incoming verdict, you moved your ear away from the door, and lifted your right hoof once more towards the door, and with slight hesitation knocked gently.

It remained silent for a few seconds, until the door opened and a... well... quite beautiful middle aged mare came into view. Her mane was a firey-red with an orange color stripe that matched a setting sun. Her coat was a nice snow-white color, her wings resting gently at her sides through the professional brown suit she was wearing, a card hanging from it, reading: Headmistress Firefly.

You got a slightly odd sense of 'déjá vu' as you took in the appearance of the Headmistress, something about her seemed familiar to you. "Can I help you?" came the voice of the Headmistress. You locked eyes with Miss Firefly and noticed her magenta eyes looking you over in a questioning manner.

Collecting your thoughts, you took a small inhale and letted it out through your nose, "Miss Firefly, my apologies for interrupting. But, it is not Rainbow Dash's fault for being late," you said as you looked straight into her eyes.

Your ear twitched as the sound of soft clip clopping came from behind Miss Firefly. Tilting your head to look past her, you saw Rainbow Dash walking up behind her, a surprised look on her muzzle, "Static?"

This got the attention of Miss Firefly, turning her head around to Rainbow Dash, she asked, "Rainbow Dash, do you know this stallion?"

Rainbow Dash gave a nod to Miss Firefly before looking back to you, "I met him today."

The mare in front of you turned her head back to you, "Alright, so tell me then, Mr. Static, 'why' it is not her fault for coming late?" she asked somewhat sternly.

You gulped lightly from the somewhat stern gaze the Headmistress was giving you. "Well, you see, Rainbow Dash would been on time, if it was not for me holding her up."

Miss Firefly nodded, "Continue."

"I met Rainbow Dash in Ponyville today, which was not one of the best meetings ever, but nonetheless, I held her up on a few occasions. When she brought Scootaloo to school is one of them. After that I kept her from going by talking to much with her. When she did arrive here, I...I kept her from getting into the school..."

Miss Firefly's expression narrowed further at you, "And 'WHY' didn't you let her enter?"

"I... I... I honestly cannot tell you. Because I don't have a real reason as to why I did it," you diverted your eyes from Miss Firefly and lowered your ears, expecting to get a verdict yourself.

To your surprise however, it never came. "Remarkable." You turned your head back to the Headmistress in question, her expression was lifted, one eyebrow raised at you. "I understand why you're late, Rainbow Dash."

"You-you do?" Rainbow Dash questioned with slight disbelief in her voice.

"Rainbow Dash, you're here by free to go. BUT, this is your 'LAST' time. No more problems, no coming late, and 'NO' excuses, or I'll punish you for real," Miss Firefly said as she faced the cyan mare behind her. She turned her muzzle back to you, "As for you, Mr. Static. You have my appreciation for telling the truth, and helping your friend in such a manner. Not many stallions of your age fly around with such feeling of responsibility. BUT, don't think just because of what I just said, will help you in the future. Today is your lucky day for that manner, next time, I'll punish you as well. Is that understood?"

You perked up and nodded without a second thought, "Absolutely, Miss Firefly."

"For you as well, Rainbow Dash?" Miss Firefly asked as she turned to Rainbow Dash, who was still looking in disbelief at the both of you. "Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow Dash blinked a few times before noticing what had been said, "Uh, yeah! Don't worry Miss Firefly, this is the last time I'll come into trouble! I promise!" Rainbow Dash made a salute with her hoof.

Miss Firefly gently shook her head at Rainbow Dash, "Now, out of my office. Before I change my mind."

Rainbow Dash didn't need to be told twice as she walked past Miss Firefly, who was looking at you again. Now that you saw both mares next to one another, you noticed something, their eyes and their mane, they looked very similar. "No, that can't be a coincidence..."

You kept staring at them for a while, until the door closed in front of you and Rainbow Dash brought you out of it, by slapping your left cheek.

"OUCH! Wha..? Rainbow Dash!" you said annoyed as you brought your left hoof to your cheek and rubbed it on the spot. With your eyes slightly narrowed you looked over to the cyan mare who was standing in front of you. "Dammit, Rainbow Dash! Why did you hit me!?"

Rainbow Dash grinned at you, "That is for not letting me in through the window."

You couldn't help it but slightly agree with her on that one, "Okay, I guess I deserve tha..." She wacked you again mid-sentence.

"What the hay!" you almost yelled as sat down onto your haunches and brought your right hoof to your right cheek, the same pain now flowing through both of your cheeks.

"And that, is for getting me into trouble." Rainbow Dash commented smugly.

You growled inwardly, annoyed by the fact that she just hit you two times, and you did nothing about it. "Do I get anything else? Or can we go?" you asked as you stopped with rubbing your cheeks and brought your hooves down to the ground.

Standing up, Rainbow Dash turned to her right and began to walk down the hall, "We can go, We'll see when I need to give you anything else," she said glancing back at you as you began walking towards the intersection yourself. Rainbow Dash turned left and you followed right after her, walking down to the lobby together, you heard the bell chime two times, signaling the start of the fifteen minute break time.

Not two seconds later, every door in the hallway opened up and ponies filed into the hallway like it was black-friday at Hoof-Mart. You and Rainbow Dash were quickly submerged in the middle of an intersection in a sea of ponies as they all went towards the lobby. "For Celestia's sake, this always happens!" you groaned inwardly.

Luckily, it were not as many ponies as you would like to believe, it only looked like it were many by the sudden flood students that wanted to get out of their classes. Looking to your right, you saw Rainbow Dash being slightly annoyed as well.

Rainbow Dash glanced past you, a thoughtful expression on her muzzle before she began to grin. You raised an eyebrow at her in question, turning your muzzle to your left, you saw that she was looking down the corridor, with a window at the end of it, which was wide open. You guessed what she wanted to do. Turning back to Rainbow Dash, you gave a side-ways nod to the window, to which Rainbow Dash gave a smug grin and a nod. "Cheeky mare..."

Rainbow Dash suddenly began to run, diving between the ponies that were still making their way down to the lobby. "Come on, Static!" she said as she ran past you. You chuckled lightly as you spun yourself around and began to ran after her while avoiding your fellow students. You locked your eyes on the rainbow maned mare as she ran towards the window, her agile form skillfully evading every student. You almost ran into a stallion because of your slight lack of concentration on the crowd, "WATCH IT!" Was yelled after you as you barely missed him. "SORRY!" you yelled back as you resumed your way.

Nearing the window, you noticed Rainbow Dash's wings unfurling a bit. "What is she doing!? she cannot fly through 'that' window with her wings fanned out!"

Rainbow Dash, instead of bringing her wings back to her side, spread them fully and gave a powerful flap, shooting her off into the air. She shot straight for the window. Sensing danger, you tried to stop her, "RAINBOW DASH! STOP!"

The rainbow mare ignored you and out of nothing she brought her wings back to her side and began twist on her axis, shooting out of the window like a rainbow colored arrow, missing the sides of the window by a feather length on each side.

You halted inches from the window sill, your mouth half agape as you followed Rainbow Dash's colors shooting into the air. She halted her daring antic in the sky and glanced back at you as you stared at her. "Your turn, Static! Or are you chicken?! Tok-tok-tok!" Rainbow Dash shouted from where she was hovering while mimicking chicken wings with her forelegs. You closed your mouth and narrowed your eyes a bit. "Is... is she really challenging me?" Not wanting to give Rainbow Dash the satisfaction, you decided against your better judgement and turned around to get some distance from the window sill.

Nopony was in the hall anymore, so you had a straight line to the window. You faced the opening in the cloudy wall and got ready to do... well... whatever you could come up with, seeing you pulling off the same stunt as Rainbow Dash would give you most probably a bad ending, so that was no option. You just began to run towards the window, without any real thoughts as to what you were going to do once your reached it. Nearing the window in full gallop, you jumped and made yourself as flat as you could in order to fit the easiest through the window. As you surged through the air, your head went through the window, and in the top-right corner of your eyes, you saw Rainbow Dash still hovering in place. Thinking quickly, you just turned your forward momentum into your advantage and transformed the jump, into a summersault. You ducked your head onto your torso and aimed it downwards while you tucked your legs towards your belly, transforming you into a spinning ball.

You span a quick two rolls forward before flaring out your wings and brining your head forward and your hind legs back to their regular flying spots.You were a tiny bit dizzy, but you shook it off as you were pretty proud that you managed to do a summersault straight out of the window.

Although, every little bit of success you felt was quickly thrown out of the window, literally, when you opened your eyes and noticed that the cloudy ground was coming to meet you. "You had to show off again, didn't you?" was the last thing that went through your head before you vision blacked out.