• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 2,302 Views, 93 Comments

School! Flying! Falling! Goofing! - Lazydrill

Last school year, what could possibly happen now what didn't happen in the past few years? Life can be kind, or rude, depending on its mood!

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Ch. 6 Still not there.

You nuzzled the twins one last time before releasing them. "That is a promise, girls. Now go, before Miss Cheerilee gives me homework to make."

Summer and Gloom nodded at you while getting on their own hooves as well. They turned away from you and trotted over to your mom and dad, who both stood watching with small smiles. They were leaning against each other as they watched the sibling love between you and your sisters.
As Summer and Gloom closed the gap, your parents bent both down onto their bellies as the the twins pounced them. Gloom hugged your dad around his neck, Summer doing the same with your mom. Your parents gave the twins both an affectionate nuzzle before they nudged them softly towards the school. "Go on, girls, have a very fun day! And don't get into trouble, okay?" Your mom beamed at the twins with a twinkling in her eyes.

The fillies released your parent's necks, and both looked at them, wearing giant smiles. "We promise, Mom, we will not get into trouble!" the twins both chirped out at the same time.

Your mom and dad nodded at them. "Good. Your brother and I will be here to pick you up from school again this afternoon, okay?" your mother continued.

Standing back up yourself, you walked over to your mother's side. Summer and Gloom locked their eyes once more onto you. you grinned back to your little sisters. "Okay, one more then," you said as you sat down on your haunches and opened your front legs. The twins squealed as they pounced onto you one last time. Hugging them closely to you, you gave them both one last nuzzle on their manes before putting them down onto the ground again.

"Now, I will see you both in the afternoon, okay? And please, don't hurt yourself," you said with a little worry in your voice.

Your sisters both smiled at you with their eyes closed and gave you a firm nod. "Sibling promise that you will stay safe?" you smirked at them.

The twins both chuckled before taking on a pouncing stance in front of you with their wings spread, and holding their left hoof from the ground. "Spread our wings, we will fly, staying safe, is our sky!" buzzing their wings while laughing as they went through your so called 'sibling promise'.

You nodded at them, satisfied by their safety promise. You gave them a salute with your hoof. "Now mares, move out!"

They gave you confident looks and both saluted back to you before turning around and galloping their way into the school. Chuckling at your sisters' energy, you let your hoof down on the ground again, and stood back up. Glancing over to your right, you saw your mother ever so lovingly looking at you. "Why will you not just accept the fact that you are really a father figure, Static? I've told you that many times, but you always deny it."

Blushing lightly, you scraped the ground with your hoof lightly. "Sorry, Mom, but, well, I never truly see myself as a father, I don't know, I just don't feel like a father figure."

"Don't worry, son. That feeling will come with time, and of course, with your fillyfriend as well." Your father smiled with pride as he stood next to your mother. He made a motion with his muzzle that you should look to your left. Glancing to the way he was indicating to, you saw that Rainbow Dash stood not that far away, talking to an orange coated earth pony mare with a stetson cowboy hat, probably even within earshot of the conversation. Blushing more as you saw the cyan coated mare, you noticed that the earth pony mare was looking your way with a raised eyebrow. Rainbow Dash turned her muzzle your way, curious where her friend was looking to. Seeing you, she smiled and waved your way before leaning towards the ear of the orange mare and whispering into her ear, to which her friend chuckled lightly.

You could feel the heat in your cheeks rising the longer you were watching the blue mare, who was every now and then glancing your way, while still whispering into her friend's ear. Shaking your head, you glanced back to your right, your mother simply nodding to you, while your dad wore a smirk with his head held up high.

Feeling that this situation got more awkward with the moment, you decided that this would be a good moment to take to the sky and get underway towards your own school. "Hehe, well, I think it is time that we should go to High Altitude, don't you think?"

Your mom got a devilish smirk on her muzzle, matching the one on your dad's. "Oh, but sweetie, don't you think you should say goodbye to your new 'friend', Rainbow Dash?" Your mom pointed innocently towards the cyan mare.

"B-but I..."

"Now, now, son. You know it is not nice to go without saying goodbye at least." Your father joined your mom.

You growled in irritation, to which your dad smirked and your mother innocently smiled. Sighing through your teeth, you turned towards Rainbow Dash and felt a little heat gracing your cheeks again as you came closer to her. Rainbow Dash, noticing your approach, stopped whispering into her friends ear and turned her muzzle fully your way, smiling as she was watching you closing the gap. "H-hey, Rainbow Dash?" you began awkwardly.

Rainbow Dash chuckled lightly, with the orange mare doing the same. "Yeah? What is it Sparky?" Rainbow Dash asked, a somewhat alluring tone in her voice, her tail swishing lightly.

Your cheeks were now burning and you were sure that the mares could see that. Chuckling awkwardly into your right hoof, you tried to calm a bit before responding. "Well, I'm going to my school in Cloudsdale, I just wanted to say that it was nice meeting you," you said as calm as you could.

Rainbow Dash looked to her left to see her friend grinning back at her. She locked eyes with you again, walking closer to you. "School in Cloudsdale, huh... which one?" Rainbow Dash asked you, now only a few hoof lengths from your muzzle.

You took a small step back. "Well, the school is named 'High Altitude', it is not far from the Cloudsdale Colosseum, I'm beginning my last year now," you said while taking an another step back, to which Rainbow Dash responded by taking a step closer to you.

"High Altitude, huh? Well that is a coincidence." Rainbow Dash said as she grinned at you.

Not knowing where Rainbow Dash was talking about, you raised an eyebrow at her. "Huh? w-what do you mean 'a coincidence'?"

Rainbow Dash's grin turned into a smirk as she began walking closely past you. "Well, let's say that I'm in my last year on High Altitude as well," she said with a teasing voice as she walked past you, brushing her tail lightly past your front leg.

You were frozen to the ground as her soft tail brushed your leg, earning you another blush, with blood throbbing in your ears. "I-I didn't know you went to High Altitude before, R-Rainbow Dash, I have never seen you before." Glancing slowly back over your shoulder, you saw that she was standing almost against you with her neck turned over her shoulder as well, looking back to you with her eyes half closed. Not able to resist, your eyes wandered slowly over the mare, starting with her mane that was brushed neatly to the side of her face, with a small patch of her orange and red mane covering her right eye. Trailing further up to her puffy ears which looked cute from close up, down her neck as you followed the cooler colors of her mane that were brushed to the side of it. Going further, you stayed on her wings, which were still looking as beautiful as ever, like they were preened every hour. Unnoticed by you, she gave her wings a small ruffle, putting her feathers in a more wild look which you found very alluring to look at. Breaking away from her wings, your eyes went down to her cutie mark, where the cloud with the rainbow bolt was still proudly displayed. Following her tail down, your eyes widened as you followed her tail towards your own chin as she brushed it softly, earning you a jolt to go through your body.

'FOMP!', you shot your head forwards again with a blush on your face that could melt 'Winter Wrap-Up' by itself. You heard Rainbow Dash fall on the ground behind you, laughing as she was hitting the dirt with her hoof. The mare in front of you with the stetson hat was also laughing lightly, while some other ponies in the street were chuckling and pointing at you. Sighing, you peeked over your shoulder to see that your wings were stiff, completely extended and were throbbing every once in a while.

Turning your muzzle to the orange mare, you saw her walking up to you, and you raised an eyebrow as the mare bent her muzzle towards your ear. "Ah mighty reckon you want to get her back?"

Looking back over your shoulder, you saw that Rainbow Dash was still laughing uncontrollably. Turning to the orange coated mare, you nodded with a smirk on your face. "Hay, of course. I want to repay her for the 'winged' situation I'm sporting right now."

The mare got a smirk on her face as well before whispering in your ear, "She doesn't share this with anypony, but..."

The smirk on your face grew wider as the cowboy mare continued to whisper in your ear. You peeked over your shoulder to the blue mare as she was panting on the ground with her belly facing the dirt. Nodding in understanding towards your new 'friend', you thanked her with a small salute to which the mare gave a wink in return.

Turning around, you slowly made your way to the still panting and laying Rainbow Dash. You walked over her carefully, putting your front hooves next to her neck and your back legs next to her hip, keeping her from suddenly escaping. Bending your head down, you breathed strongly through your nostrils into the ears of the mare. "How about I return the favor?" you said alluringly. Rainbow Dash froze in place, and was still panting, but not fighting back. Seeing that as a confirmation, you slowly took the tip of her right ear in your mouth and nibbled it tenderly, earning a sudden gasp from Rainbow Dash.

You continued to nibble on her ear tip while bringing your left hoof to her left wing and brushed through it softly. "Her wings feel soft, yet strong..." Rainbow Dash began to fidget between your hooves, trying to get loose. Seeing that your prey probably had enough, you decided to playfully give her ear a last, firm, but gentle tug.

'FOMP!', you got wacked to the side of your body. Glancing back, you saw that two blue wings were outstretched, throbbing slightly against your sides. Smirking, you stepped away from Rainbow Dash, who slowly got to her hooves. She looked your way with a tint of red across her cheeks.

"D'aaaawww, that looks cute over her blue coat."

Smirking you locked eyes with her. "Seeing you like that, Rainbow Dash, I would say that we are even."

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes in a death glare and began to growl. "Okay... remember when I thought that Summer had a demon stare? Well, compared to that glare from Rainbow Dash, those were from an angel...

Faster than you could blink, Rainbow Dash launched at you, pinning you to the ground with her hooves on your chest. Staring with eyes of Tartarus at you, while growling like the dog Cerberus. She raised her right hoof into the air. "I'll wipe that smirk off your muzzle, Static!" Rainbow Dash growled through her teeth.

Seeing the sudden hoof approach, Your pupils became pinpricks and your ears instantly went down to the side of your head. "Oh Celestia..."



Your eyes darted around, seeing little clouds flying around you in a circle. Groaning, you slowly pulled your head off from the ground as you refocused your eyes. Still being pinned down, you looked up to the rainbow-maned mare, who looked still angry, but was probably satisfied by that, as she still held her right hoof over you. Moving your left hoof up to your muzzle, you held your jaw and moved it around a bit, noticing that it was a few degrees off to the right. Smacking your lips a few times, you managed to get your jaw back in place. Glancing up to the blue mare, you chuckled, to which she gave a confused look while she still panted a little. "Why are you laughing!?" Rainbow Dash growled.

"Well, first off, that punch to the jaw, that I deserved. Secondly, that is probably the worst thing that will happen to me for the upcoming month."

At that, Rainbow Dash smirked. "You bet that that will be the worst! Nopony will top that!" she boasted, as she puffed up her chest.

"Uhm, Rainbow Dash?

She looked down to you with a raised eyebrow. "Huh?"

"Not that I really mind it, but, you're kinda... squishing my... lungs..." you managed to get out.

Rainbow Dash's smirk returned and she pulled her hooves off of your chest and put them down to next to your shoulders. Instead of going away from you, she inched closer to your muzzle, brushing her tail over your stretched out hind legs. She was so close that you could feel her warm breath on your muzzle as she was still panting a bit through her nostrils. She inched closer, and closer, and closer. You tried to crane your head back, but it was held in place as the dirt blocked your escape.

"Being an Ostrich would come in handy right about now..."

Feeling the heat in your face coming to dangerous levels, you were blinded as a white flash went through your eyes. Bringing your hooves to your eyes, you groaned as you rubbed the poor things for the second time that day. You felt Rainbow Dash stumbling away from you, probably blinded by the light as well. Still covering your eyes, your ears picked up your mom muttering, "Ah, shoot. I did it too early."

At that point you didn't know if you were saved by the... flash? or if your mom just interrupted the mood, and maybe your first kiss with a mare. But let's go with the "saved by the flash" for now.

Moving your hooves away from your eyes, you managed to glance to your right, seeing that your mom had the camera around her neck again. She was looking at the picture in her hoof before putting it away into her saddlebag, looking displeased. "Really, Mom?"

Your mom glanced at you innocently. "What? Can't a mother have a picture of her son's first kiss?"

Still with a few blue spots dotting your eyes because of the flash, you stumbled to get up. "Uuugghh, Static, please tell your Mom to put off the flash. I'm pretty sure my eyes are fried right about now..." Rainbow Dash said from your left as she also stumbled around a little.

Groaning you agreed with her. "I hear you, Rainbow Dash, this is not the first time my eyes have been fried today."

Slowly you got in front of your mom who was fidgeting with the camera around her neck. "Mom, will you... please.... uhhh..." Noticing something behind your mother, you craned your neck a bit to the side, looking past her.

Your mom looked up at you with an eyebrow raised. "What is it, sweetie?"

Your father patted your mother on her shoulder to which she turned her head to your dad, who was watching with an open mouth at the same thing that you were looking at. Your mom looked to where your dad was pointing at, and her jaw dropped as well.

A pink earth pony mare was hopping across the road with a giant cannon behind her. It was stuffed to the end of the barrel with what looked like confetti and balloons. The mare jumped up and down while dragging the giant blue, confetti filled cannon as if it was nothing, while you were sure that it looked like the cannon should weigh at least a ton.

"Mom? Dad? You two are seeing the same thing I'm looking at right now, right?"

Your dad's right eye twitched. "You mean the pink mare hauling the big, confetti filled cannon? Yeah, I'm pretty sure I see that as well. you too hun?"

Your mother said nothing as she simply nodded her head slowly.

Rainbow Dash came to stand next to you, groaning as she still rubbed her left eye. "Hey, where is everypony looking at?" she asked as she saw the look on your face and those of your mom and dad. Slowly, you brought your hoof up and pointed at the pink mare which was now closing in on you. Rainbow Dash cocked her head next to your hoof and looked that way. "Huh? I don't see anything strange."

You glanced, surprised, to Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow Dash, don't you see the mare that is 'hopping' her way over to us, is hauling a giant confetti filled canon?!"

Rainbow Dash looked again to the pink mare. "Yeah, so what? That is Pinkie, being Pinkie," Rainbow dash said as she shrugged.

"Rainbow Dash. She. Is. Dragging. A. Giant. Cannon," you said with your left eye twitching in disbelief.

The pink mare stopped in front of you while still hopping in place. "Hey, Dashie! I just found out this awesome new flavor combination at Sugarcube Corner! It is a heavenly flavor mix of blue berry and frosting! Mixed with little sprinkles of chocolate and Jam! Then you mix that with a small super secret special ingredient! I'm heading to Twilight's right now to ask her if she can help me make more! Although, yesterday she said that she would be busy with studying for her upcoming test or something. But that would be silly, because then she can't help me in making more which would be terrible, because if she can't help me, than I can never make enough to let al of Ponyville taste it! and if everypony can't taste it, everypony wouldn't know about it. And if not everypony knows about it, then I've packed my cannon for nothing! which means I need to shoot it for nothing! Which is not fun. If I don't find something to fire it off for, it means that Gummy will have no fun day as well, because he likes the cannon a lot! There was this one time I went with Gummy to see Rarity when she was making a new dress and...." The Pink mare continued on in her endless rambling without taking a breath.

You were pretty sure there was smoke coming out of you and your parents' ears, as all of your thoughts were on overdrive with what the pink mare was going on about. Rainbow Dash punched your shoulder, bringing you back out of your thoughts. You swung your head from side to side. Feeling a slight headache coming up, you put a hoof to your temple and rubbed it softly. "Ugh, what the hay..." you groaned out.

Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Thrust me, Static. It is better if you don't think about or question it."

You simply nodded at her, taking her advice to heart as your head seemed to calm down a bit. "I think that is indeed for the best, Rainbow Dash, but... but... physics... I mean... how?"

Rainbow Dash gave another jab to your shoulder, bringing you back from your thoughts again. "I told you, it's better not to question it. Believe me. Once, my friend Twilight wanted to discover how she could go on like this. She's an egghead, so she wanted to know what science thingy was behind it. In the end, I'm pretty sure her egghead got boiled. And after that, we told her to just accept Pinkie like this."

You slapped your forehead with a hoof and dragged it slowly down your face in simple acceptance. "FINE. I will not question her. But that doesn't mean that she isn't defying physics with what she is doing! I'm pretty sure a pony shouldn't be able to carry around a HUGE cannon filled with party ordnance, while casually HOPPING through a town without getting tired, or even stopping ONCE! Even now she is hopping in place, going on about something, without stopping to BREATHE!"

Rainbow Dash simply shrugged. "That's Pinkie."

You groaned in frustration. "FINE. Pinkie being Pinkie!"

Rainbow Dash gave you a smirk. "That's the spirit! Just don't think about it, and you will survive her."

You raised an eyebrow at her. " What do you mean, 'survive her'?"

"And that's why I think that Princess Celestia's throne is made of dough! Oooohhhh, who is your new friend, Dashie? I've have never seen him before....." The pink mare let out a sudden giant gasp. "WAIT! if I haven't seen you in Ponyville before, that means that you are new to Ponyville! Because I know everypony that has been to Ponyville before, which means that you must be new here! OOOOOHHHH! This so exciting! Maybe I can use my cannon today after all! For the new SUPER DUPER WELCOME TO PONYVILLE PARTY!!"

The pink mare launched forward and, somehow, grabbed you, and your parents in one giant hug and squeezed you all. "My name is Pinkie Pie! What's your name?" she asked, looking at you with giant blue, beaming eyes.

Struggling, your body being squeezed together with your parents, you managed to answer her, "I'm... Static... Spark... and... these... are... my... parents... AArrgghh."

Pinkie Pie giggled and promptly released you all onto the ground. "Stay strong, Static. Fate is taunting you today..." you thought to yourself as you were pulling yourself together from the ground. Slowly getting onto your hooves, you noticed that your parents didn't fare much better than you. As they were struggling to get to their hooves as well.

As you managed to get up again and shake your head, your front hooves were both being grabbed by two pink ones. And again, you looked into the otherworldly big eyes of Pinkie Pie. She shook your hooves up and down in rapid succession without stopping. And you were pretty sure that your shoulders got dislodged at some point as she shook your hooves up, but were brought together again as she brought your hooves down again.

"OH! I totally have to prepare a party for you!" she said in less than two seconds before her expression became thoughtful and she released you. Your arms still shook even tough she had released you. Forcing yourself to stop, you slowly got your hooves back onto the ground, and you flopped down onto your belly as your front hooves became paste. "Ouch... I think she just surpassed Rainbow Dash... by a mile..."

"Wait, You can't come to your party because you must go to school, right?" Pinkie Pie asked you.

Still laying on the ground, you groaned while giving a tiresome nod. "Wait. How do you know I need to go to school?" you asked her with your eyebrows raised in question.

Pinkie Pie shrugged before answering with, "Just a hunch."

She smiled wide and turned around, hopping off towards the big Oak library with the cannon trailing behind her as if it was nothing. "Bye, Dashie! Bye, Static! Bye, Static's parents! Say hello to Dust Cloud for me!" the pink mare yelled as she disappeared into the town.