• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 2,296 Views, 93 Comments

School! Flying! Falling! Goofing! - Lazydrill

Last school year, what could possibly happen now what didn't happen in the past few years? Life can be kind, or rude, depending on its mood!

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Ch. 26 After talk.

You kept your eyes on your parents, taking in the affection they had for each other. They sat there on the couch across from you, their eyes closed, entirely in their own world, occasionally taking in a deep breath through their nose and letting it out gently in pure content. While your eyes were on them, your vision imagined yourself with a mare in the same spot. Your father sat straight up, his left wing curled around your mother's side, hugging her close. Your mother had put her head under your father's chin, her right ear against his chest. Your father nuzzled her mane gently, his lips whispering something to her that you couldn't hear but made your mother 'hum'.

Your left ear briefly flicked as you heard the distinct sound of a door opening gently. Curiosity getting the better of you, you broke your gaze away from your mom and dad. Looking to the left and into the dinning area, you saw the door being swung open slowly. The set of small hoofsteps reached your ears, making you crane your head to try and see who the owner of the sound was. You expected who it could be, and sure enough, you saw an orange mane with blue streaks coming into view.

You watched her silently as she made her way to the kitchen counter with a small empty glass in her muzzle. She wagged her tail as she looked up to the kitchen counter, which was too high for to reach unless she used her wings to fly, which your parents forbid to do inside the house. You slowly got up from the couch when you saw Summer's ears droop down the sides of her head. Making your way gently into the kitchen, you watched her as she struggled to reach the counter while standing on he hind legs, making you wonder why she didn't ask for any help.

"Need help, Summy?" you kindly asked as you stood behind her, making Summer land on her hooves again. She turned to you, still carrying the glass, and gave a slow nod, her ears still down. You smiled encouragingly and lowered your head to her, "Why didn't you ask for help?" You wanted to facehoof as Summer let out only gibberish words as she answered with the glass between her teeth. You cupped your left hoof and lowered it underneath the glass.

Summer carefully put the glass into the cup of your hoof and smacked her lips a few times, "I'm sorry brother, I didn't want to interrupt the talk you had with Mommy and Daddy." She flicked her ears halfway up and looked apologetically to you, "...And I wanted to try and do it myself..." You looked fondly at her, the fact the she wanted to try it herself and without your help, it made you slightly proud of her.

"You're still too small, Summy. When you're older you'll get taller and be able to do this and more without my help, or that of Mom and Dad." You walked to the counter with the glass in your hoof and put it down on the kitchen, "So, what did you want to put in the glass? Water, lemonade, milk?" Summer smiled up to you and pranced to the fridge on your right side. She nudged it open with her nose, the door swinging open with ease and stopping not much further, but enough for you and Summer to get whatever she wanted.

Summer stood on her hind legs as her eyes traveled through the filled fridge, in search of what she wanted. You stepped towards the fridge yourself and looked about, trying to find what Summer was looking for. "This one!" Summer said energetically, pointing to a small blue colored carton pack that was out of her reach. You cocked your head to the side in question, because you knew what Summer liked to drink, but this was not it. This was the drink that Gloom liked the most; Blueberry juice.

You glanced to Summer underneath you who looked happily back up to you, her tail wagging behind her, "Summer, are you getting this for Gloomy?" Summer nodded her head once. "Is she awake then?" Summer nodded again, albeit a bit less energetic, probably due to her thinking about her twin that resided upstairs. You extended your right hoof and grabbed the carton pack from its spot, quickly taking a glance at the expiration date, "23-3-1004. Still good for the next seven months."

You took the pack towards the counter and Summer gently closed the fridge behind you. As you sat the pack down, a thought ran through your mind, "Mmhh... don't we have those little packs? Where you can put a straw in? It would be better and easier for Gloom to drink out of." You let the pack of blueberry juice stay on the counter and walked back to the fridge. You opened up the lower second door that was underneath the large one where you took the big carton pack out of. As you opened it, your eyes went over three cooled drawers where the smaller packs could be.

Reaching out with your left hoof, you pulled open the highest drawer, only to be met with a multitude of cooled vegetables and fruit. Gently shutting the drawer again, you opened up the middle drawer, and sure enough, you were greeted by two small six-packs of blueberry juice. You smiled as you found what you were looking for, grabbing one of the packs, you lifted it up and out of the drawer and closed the fridge again. Putting the small pack on the kitchen, you pulled open a cabinet which had glasses of many shapes and sizes in it, with a small cup standing at the front with straws in it from all colors of the rainbow. You took a straw out of the cup which you thought Gloom would like the most and closed the cabinet.

Stretching out your hoof with the straw, you offered it to Summer who sat on her haunches, waiting patiently for you. She took the straw gently in her muzzle. Next you took the small carton of juice from the kitchen and gave it to your sister who grabbed it with her right hoof. She looked up to you gratefully, "Whanks Watic." You sighed happily and rolled your eyes as your sister thanked you with her mouth full. Summer spun around and silently made her way back to her twin, leaving you with your parents again.

"Static? is Gloom awake?" You turned to your left as you heard your dad's voice. Your dad's face seemed curious, but also concerned.

Nodding, "Yeah. Summer was just here to get Gloom something to drink. She said Gloom was awake."

Your dad let out a gentle sigh through his nose, "I'll check up on her, won't take long." He turned to the hallway but craned his neck over his shoulder to look at you, "When I get back, you and I are gonna talk about a few things."

You flicked your right ear, "Talk about what?"

"Your punishment." Your dad turned his head back and walked into the hallway, "And about those burn spots you have all over your coat. Because I might know how you got those."

Looking after your dad, all you could do is wonder what your dad will have to say about the burns you carried. And the punishment that would come...

You jumped slightly as you suddenly heard the fridge close behind you. Turning your head around quickly, you saw your mother standing there. "Sorry sweetie, didn't want to scare you like that." You sighed with a roll of your eyes. Your mom could be somewhat sneaky if she wanted to be. "Well, I think that is about it for today. I'll head up and tuck in early for today." Your mom said as she stifled a yawn and ruffled her wings.

You wanted to wish her goodnight, that was, until you remembered that your mom still had to answer something, "Mom, you still have to answer me something." Your mother froze as she stood half in the kitchen and half in the hallway. "Why didn't you tell me about the maturing earlier?" You asked as you walked closer to your mother who ruffled her wings uncomfortably.

Your mother sighed and turned around, "I guess there is no escape from this." She took a deep breath and looked you straight in the eyes, "This is going to sound selfish of me, and I'm sorry that I told you about it this late. But the truth is..." She scraped the the cloudy floor lightly with her right hoof, "I... I somewhat hoped you would get a foal yourself early on... hehe..."

You looked dumbfounded at your mother, "What? You hoped I would get a foal early on? That's why you told me this late?"

Your mother nodded and lowered her head and ears in shame, "I know it was wrong of me... And it probably sounds even worse to you like that... But I always wanted to be a grandmare... visioning my own colt having foals of his own is something I've imagined ever since you were small, and seeing you caring for your little sisters like you did encouraged me for that. I let the want of being a grandmare get the better of me... But I always wanted you to experience the joy of having foals of your own, as well. "

You looked her up and down in disbelief, trying to find out if she was joking. "You... you mean that..?"

Your mother slowly nodded and turned around, walking into the hallway and up the stairs, her ears still lowered, "I meant every word."

You didn't say anything else as your mother disappeared out of sight. You stood in the kitchen, running her reasoning through your mind, "Why would she want me to have foals so early on? Is that really something she wants? I can see why she didn't tell me earlier then... I wouldn't be prepared for the heat... Am I actually prepared for that..?"

"Static?" Focusing your eyes and leaving your own thoughts, you saw your dad standing in front of you. "Something bothering you?"

You looked to the floor with your ears a bit down, "A small bit... Its what Mom said about why she told me so late about maturing."

"Oohh. I know, her reasoning seems a bit off, but hey, she likes foals, and loves you and your sisters. It is only natural that she tries to give you the happiest times she can. Even if it is not what you want yourself." Your dad said with an apologetic smile. "To be honest, she pleaded to me that I wouldn't bring maturing up to you and wouldn't talk to you about it. At least, not until she felt that it was necessary to tell you about it, it seemed that the day finally had arrived. I wanted to talk to you about it a few years ago, because I noticed you were having maturing 'tweaks' left and right. But your mother pleaded again to me that I waited longer, so I did. In hindsight, I should've told you anyway." Your dad finished with an soft chuckle and made his way past you and into the living room.

Raising your head up, you looked after your dad, "So you were in on this the whole time?"

Your father shrugged his wings and jumped onto the couch were he sat before, "As we explained you, a mare can coax their stallion." He lay down on the couch with his legs tucked under neath him, motioning with his left wing for you to sit on the opposite side again. "But to put it simply, I wanted to see you and your mother happy. Having a foal of your will put your whole world upside-down. For me it was a surprise, but it was, and still is, the best surprise I could've wished for to this day." Your father said with a puffed out chest.

You made your way to your previous spot on the couch and sat down on your haunches, your tail flicking around your flank. "Is having foals of your own such a great thing then?"

The stallion on the opposite side of the living room took in a deep breath with his eyes closed and let it out slowly though his mouth, "It is indescribable." Your dad opened his eyes and looked at you with a far-away stare, "Parents can only share the joy with other parents. Unless you've a foal of your own, you'll never truly understand the joy it brings."

You soaked in what your dad said, making you only more curious to what having a foal of your own would feel like. "I hope I'll know the feeling someday..." you said under your breath as you lowered your head a bit and ruffled your wings.

"You will someday, Static. Maybe even sooner than you think." Your dad coughed in his hoof, "Alright, now the very reason why I wanted to talk to you." You flicked your ears up and looked at you dad as he also went to sit straight up, his expression turning serious. "First off, your punishment. As your mother and I said before; you did good by saving your friend the way you did, but you brought in her in that situation in the first place, which is one of your dumbest actions to date." You lowered your head in shame and your ears flicked down at your father's words. "Static, look at me." Solemnly you looked to your dad without raising your head. His eyes were narrowed and stern, but there was a sense of pain behind them. "You'll come home after school right away for this entire month, unless being told otherwise by me or your mother. You'll not stay or go to any of your friends and they are not to come here. Once you are home, you'll help your mother around the house with whatever she needs done. If she has nothing to do for you, you'll go to your room and study. You're allowed to read your Daring Do series, however. But you're not allowed to leave your room unless we say so or when it is dinner time."

Your ears flicked up and your mouth fell open, raising your hoof, you wanted to argue with your dad, "Dad... but..."

Your dad fanned out his wings and glared at you, "End of discussion! You'll follow these rules as I've set them out for you." He snorted through his nose and folded his wings as he closed his eyes. You lowered your own hoof and remained silent. "I'm sorry Static, this hurts me more than you might think. But you need to learn from this." You only gave a small growl in response. While a part of you wanted to argue, you felt the punishment from their point of view was somewhat justified.

You sighed, "Fine. Was that all?"

"As far as your punishment goes, yes." He opened his eyes and looked you over, "Now, about those burn spots." Your ears flicked in your father's direction, your full attention now focused on the topic. "Do you know why you carry the name we gave you?" Your father said with a light chuckle.

"No, I don't?" You said confused.

"The thing is, we had a different name for you when you were born. Although, that changed when your mother and I held you in our hooves for the first time." Your father ruffled his wings a bit and shook his coat. "When you were born, the nurses wrapped you in soft cloths after examining you. When you were hoofed to your mother, you 'shocked' her. Not in the way of scaring her or anything, you simply 'shocked' her with 'static electricity' that was build up between your coat and the cloths where you were wrapped in. When you were handed to her, your coat discharged the power it had, it was minor and didn't do damage of any kind, it just made your mother jump."

You chuckled at the image that appeared in your head of the scenario, your dad did the same at recalling the moment. "When you shocked your mother, she uttered that you were 'static' before she hoofed you to me. I didn't take her all to serious, so I took you with a grin, until you gave me a shock as well. After that, I muttered; 'a static spark'. Your mother and I looked at each other and said again what I said; 'Static Spark'. And that is how you got your name. Hehe."

"I don't think I'll share that with anypony. Not really a story to be somewhat proud of," you said with a light chuckle of your own, a small warm feeling creeping in your cheeks. "But how would you have called me otherwise? And what has it to do with my burn spots?" you said as you cocked your head to the side.

Your father smiled and leaned back in to the couch, "Your mother thought of your name. She wanted you to have a 'daring' and 'exciting' name, a name that would stick in all mares heads." He chuckled to himself and looked to you, "Your mother wanted to call you 'Vortex Storm', quite the name she came up with. But I think the name you have now suits you."

"Vortex Storm," you said to nopony, your head tilting a bit sideways. "I can see why Mom liked that name." You looked to your dad who gave a shrug with his wings and his eyes shut, a small grin on his muzzle. "And what about my burn spots?" you asked as you went to lay on the couch.

"I think it went as the following; you dived to save your friend from falling. During that, you probably went through a part of the sky that was filled with particles. These small particles are not noticeable by us, but we see the effects in everyday life. The dense patch of particles must have come in contact with your coat as you dived towards your friend. The particles all rub over your coat like an invisible cloth. Thanks to your rougher coat, it build up a charge along your fur."

"I don't see how I get burn marks from that..." you said with doubt as you glanced at a darker patch of your coat.

"I'm getting to that." Your father adjusted his sitting and continued, "When the charge kept building up, it probably released a few strings of electrical discharges on several places along your body. When you got out of the dense particle area, the charge it had build up along was probably released swiftly and suddenly, likely giving you a sudden boost of speed as well which helped you saving your friend. My guess is; that you got those burn marks this way, during the release of energy." Your father breathed through his nostrils as he looked you over, "I think I'm not that far from what happened."

You hummed to yourself and let your father's words go through your head while remembering what happened and what you saw. "I think you're right, too." You sighed, "I almost thought I had a special talent in making lightning or something."

"Thank Celestia that it isn't the case though, you would have likely shocked me with lightning more times than I can count by now!" Your father said with relief clear in his voice and a chuckle.

You grinned back at him, "Would have come in handy on a few occasions." You rubbed your chin as a thought popped up, "But how do you know this? I mean... about the particles and that it reacted to my coat the way it did?" you asked as you raised your head up and looked back at your father.

"I work at the weather factory. I need to know physics to be able to do my job. It doesn't look like much, but there is more behind making the weather than just spewing out clouds." He said with a weak chuckle. Your father took a quick glance at the clock, "Ponyfeathers... already eight-thirty. Static, I'm heading up, I need to be awake earlier tomorrow than usual for work."

You nodded, "Okay. I'll be getting to bed too then."

Your father rose from the couch and stretched, "A wise decision." He walked towards the kitchen as you rose from the couch as well and stood on the cloudy floor again. He glanced over his shoulder to you, "I hope I gave you the answers you were looking for." His eyes narrowed slightly, "And remember, your punishment starts tomorrow. And again, I take no pleasure in punishing you. I hope you learn form this."

You sighed with lowered ears and nodded solemnly, "I understand, Dad. I'm sorry to have worried you and Mom so much with what I did."

"Good." Your dad craned his neck forward and walked into the hallway, "Goodnight, Static. Oh, and good luck by the way, you'll need it." Your dad let out a soft chuckle as he disappeared around the corner, leaving you standing confused why he wished you good luck.

"Where was that for?"