• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 2,296 Views, 93 Comments

School! Flying! Falling! Goofing! - Lazydrill

Last school year, what could possibly happen now what didn't happen in the past few years? Life can be kind, or rude, depending on its mood!

  • ...

Ch. 21 The start of something?

You and Rainbow Dash stood beside each other in front of the clubhouse as you both listened to the rhythmic drums that came out of it. "You know... whoever plays those... at least they have a feel for dramatic rhythm." You said as the drumming continued.

Suddenly, the rhythm sped up and was replaced by harsh random drum beating which made the area around you shake before it abruptly stopped. You flicked your ears and chuckled as the drums halted. Ruffling your feathers a bit, you glanced to Rainbow Dash on your left, "Well that was energetic."

Rainbow Dash shrugged, "Meh... It could have been cooler."

You rolled your eyes at her response, "Oh as if you could do it better."

She narrowed her eyes at you with a smirk, "Better than you at least."

You looked unamused back at her, "Really? You want to be better than me at drumming?"

Rainbow Dash closed her eyes and puffed up her chest, "I know I'm better than you."

"You know what? I'll just let you have that." Rainbow Dash almost looked a bit disappointed as you said that but you shrugged it off. Focusing on why you flew to the orchard in the first place, you turned your muzzle to the clubhouse of the crusaders, "Well, lets see if that was indeed the crusaders that where drumming so loudly." You began walking to the small wooden ramp that would lead up to the door of the club, Rainbow Dash following close behind you.

The ramp squeaked a bit as you made your way up. Even when you were a pegasi, and because of that lighter than other ponies, the ramp was still not build for your size. "You make the ramp screech in pain, Static. You need to shape up!" Rainbow Dash commented from behind you.

Thinking quickly, you thought back at what Lucky said about your flank. Smirking lightly and taking on an innocent tone, you said, "Oh? Lucky said that my flank was definitely an 8 on the flank scale." You swayed your hips a bit and waggled your tale in Rainbow Dash's direction who chuckled lightly.

She followed your hips with her eyes, "Well, she's quite right about that." Looking to your muzzle, she smirked and said, "But still, you need to shape up to get higher in my books."

You stopped with the swaying of your hips and looked at Rainbow Dash, "Lucky said the same thing..."

Rainbow Dash chuckled and started to walk up the ramp with you following her with your muzzle. "I know she did. We talked about it when she came to the Colosseum and told us that you were awake."

You glanced quizzically at her, "How did it come to that?"

Rainbow Dash stopped next to you, "Simple, she told us how you got into that state in the first place. Which went all the way back to the point of her mounting you."

"S-she told you that?" you asked, your ears drooping down at the thought of what Rainbow Dash and Lucky would have discussed about you.

Rainbow Dash smirked again, "Not only me."


"You don't understand much about mares, do you?" she asked as she cocked her head a bit to the side.

"Well... I think I do. But what has that to do with anything?" you said while craning your head a bit back.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, "Never mind about that. If you knew a little bit about mares, you would know we share our thoughts about stallions... and their features. And we do that mostly in groups."

Your ears drooped to the side, "A-are you serious..?" Rainbow Dash gave you a grin and a small nod. Now wanting to know what they were saying about you, you asked, "What was being said about me?"

Rainbow Dash smirked at you and began walking up the ramp again, "I'm not going to tell you, except for what I already said. These are mare things, you're not supposed to know."

"Oh come on... Now you just make me curious."

As Rainbow Dash walked further in front of you, you couldn't help but spare a glance at her cyan colored beautiful wings that were folded sweetly against her sides. Her feathers reflecting just the smallest bit of sunlight as the wind made her primaries wave a tiny bit, making your eyes glued to her wings. "Her wings are so... gorgeous..."

"Come on Static. You can ponder later over what we have been talking about you." Rainbow Dash spoke up, breaking you out of your gazing and slight drooling over her wings.

"Uhm, right." Walking up the ramp yourself, you closed in on the door of the clubhouse with Rainbow Dash standing next to it waiting for you. Nearing the door, you heard giggling coming from inside. A familiar giggle that you knew only one pony had; Summer. Your ears perked up and you started to smile instantly as you heard one of your littles sisters, instantly soothing most of your worries.

"By the look on your muzzle, I would say you heard what you wanted to hear." Rainbow Dash said with a smile as you put your hoof onto the knob of the door.

You didn't say anything, you simply glanced at her and showed her the smile you were carrying, which made the corners of her mouth lift up as well. Turning your muzzle back to the door, you noticed how small the doorway actually was. The clubhouse was truly meant to be used by foals only... As you tried to twist the knob, you heard the loud giggling again. But this time, you heard more giggles, probably from the other fillies as well. Curious by all the laughing, you planted your left ear against the door.

"Uhm... Static?" You hushed Rainbow Dash as you tried to listen to what the fillies were talking about. You motioned with your hoof that she had to keep her voice down. Rainbow Dash instead came standing next to you and put her ear against the door as well.

"He was very nice to us today wasn't he, Gloom?" You heard the distinct voice of Summer through the door.

"Uhm... I-I... yeah. He was very nice to me.. uhm... I mean... 'us', today." Gloom muttered with what sounded to you as slight embarrassment and uncertainty.

"Rumble is a good friend of us!" the voice of Scootaloo came through the door.

"Rumble? As in Thunderlane's little brother Rumble?" You thought to yourself. "I forgot almost that Summy and Gloomy were now in the same class as him."

A pink color appeared between you and Rainbow Dash.



You and Rainbow Dash both screamed and jumped into the air as suddenly the pink pony appeared next to you with a giant smile on her face. "What's up?" the pink mare asked as you and Rainbow Dash landed on the wooden boards of the clubhouse with your wings spread out widely.

"Pinkie Pie!?" you screamed in surprise as you recovered from the shock. "What are you doing here?!" you asked as your hearth pounded in your chest.

The door of the clubhouse opened up and the crusaders stepped out of it, "Static? Rainbow Dash? Pinkie Pie? What are you all doing here?" Scootaloo asked, the rest of the fillies glancing at you and the two mares that were now occupying the balcony of their clubhouse.

You opened your mouth to respond, but Pinkie beat you to it, "Hey there, crusaders!" Pinkie said happily. "I baked you all some cupcakes for your 'new members party'!"

You glanced her over, not spotting a basket that could carry the cakes or any cupcakes she was talking about in the first place. "Uhm... Pinkie Pie? What cupcakes? You haven't..." You were interrupted by a sight you had never seen before, Pinkie Pie brought her right hoof into her poofy mane and pulled out a basket that was the same size as her mane, "...I-I... But... HOW!?" you asked loudly as you witnessed the act.

"I told you already Static, it is best to not question her." Rainbow Dash said as she watched Pinkie set the basket with cupcakes down near the crusaders.

You looked at Rainbow Dash and sighed in defeat, "I wonder how anypony can get used to that..."

"Thanks Pinkie!" You heard the crusaders as they jumped the cupcakes.

You ruffled your feathers as you saw the crusaders digging into the basket and munching the sugary goods. But you noticed one filly was not assaulting the basket. "Gloom? Aren't you hungry?" you asked as you saw her sitting back in the doorway, fumbling with a small cupcake that only had one bite out of it.

Gloom fumbled around with her hooves and put the cupcake down. "No... I'm not hungry." You looked at her dumbfounded. Your little sisters always loved to eat a quick snack when they could. So why wouldn't she now?

You grew a bit worried about her. Walking passed the munching crusaders and Pinkie, you craned your head down to Gloom's eye level. "Is something wrong Gloom? You always like a sugary treat." you said with your ears halfway down.

Gloom sighed and glanced back into your eyes. "I don't know... I'm just not hungry. My tummy does feel a bit strange..."

Your ears drooped down the side of your head and brought your body down onto the wooden floor of the clubhouse, "Maybe it is better if we go home now. Mom will know what is wrong with your tummy." Gloom gave a small nod as she covered her tummy with her hooves, making your heart twist to see your baby sister like that. You stood up gently and brought your muzzle down to Gloom, giving her a reassuring nuzzle before gently scooping her up by moving your head underneath her. She crawled over your mane and onto your neck before making her way over to your shoulders and laying between your wing bases.

You raised your head up again and glanced back to Gloom. She was curled up like a small yellow furred ball, her muzzle buried in her own wing while you could see that her front hooves where still curled around her tummy. You folded your wings over her, feeling bad yourself to see her in such a way. "I hope I can fly home with her on my back..."

You turned around to the crusaders that were swallowing down the last pieces of the cupcakes, together with Pinkie, who was swallowing a big chocolate cake... in one bite... that she didn't carry with her before... as far as you knew. You shook your head a bit as you heard Rainbow Dash's voice echoes through your head about not questioning her.

You gently stepped behind Summer and nudged her mane softly to get her attention. Summer turned around with puffed up cheeks that were seemingly holding the last bits of cupcake she just ate. She swallowed down the last bit of sugary goods and cocked her head sideways, looking at you with a quizzical expression, "Is something wrong, brother?" Summer asked you, seemingly not knowing that Gloom wasn't feeling well.

You sighed softly and glanced into your little sister's violet eyes, "Your sister isn't feeling to well," you spoke gently. "I'm taking her home."

Summer's ears instantly went down to the side of her head and her look saddened when you mentioned Gloom's condition. She stood up and walked to your right side. Flapping her wings, she slowly flew above your back. Landing gently on top of your flank, she got close to Gloom and nuzzled her mane lightly, "Gloomy?"

You looked over your shoulder to Gloom and Summer. Summer looking worried as Gloom didn't respond beside letting out a small groan, which tugged your hearth. "She'll be getting better, right?" Summer asked you when she glanced at you. You craned your head back and nuzzled her cheek, reassuring her that everything will be fine. Summer smiled faintly and nuzzled her twin again before flapping her wings and gliding down to the floor. "I think it'll be better if we go to Mommy then." You nodded at her in agreement.

Summer trotted away from you and to the crusaders who turned around as she approached. You headed for the door, your wings folding softly over Gloom in the hopes that you could somehow ease the pain she had. You felt her tremble lightly underneath your feathers, making your ears drop down the side of your head again.

"I'm sorry Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle... But I have to go home." You heard Summer say with discomfort, something that sounded strange to you coming from her. "My sister is not feeling well... so my brother will take us home," Summer glanced shortly at you before looking back to the crusaders.

"She is going to be better again, Right?" Apple Bloom asked with concern, the other crusaders looking to you for an answer.

"Gloomy will be fine, girls. My little sisters are though, they are not beaten this easy." You said with pride. The crusaders' ears perked up at the reassurance you gave them. All the while, you felt uneasy yourself, but you tried to keep that hidden from the fillies. You had to be the strong pony they would look up to when in doubt. Especially with Summer, who was making her way back to you with her ears down.

"She is going to get better, right big brother?" she asked as she stood on her hind legs and put her front legs against you, her eyes glistering as she darted them between your eyes. You brought a hoof around her and hugged her gently, giving her a soft squeeze in attempt to remove her doubts.

It worked for a bit, she lay her chin for a few seconds against your leg she was leaning on. You brought your muzzle down and nuzzled her mane. "I promise you Summer, everything will be fine with Gloomy." She nuzzled you back and went to stand on her own legs.

Raising your head, you noticed Rainbow Dash walking to you with a concerned expression, "Is your sister unwell, Static?"

You lowered your head a bit, "Yeah, she is not feeling well. She told me her tummy hurts. I will try to take her home."

"I need to prepare for her a 'GET WELL SOON' party!" Pinkie Pie chirped suddenly in from above Rainbow Dash, making you jump back in surprise.

You almost wanted to yell at her for scaring you like that while Gloom was on your back, but you realized she only meant it to cheer her up. You took a deep breath as you recollected your thoughts from the shock. "Thanks Pinkie Pie. But I think it would be for the best to not throw her straight into overwhelming situations right after she gets better," you spoke your concern as you glanced briefly over your shoulder to Gloom and then back to Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash who now stood beside each other facing you.

"I agree with Static. Scootaloo had a few times where she fell a bit ill or was injured when doing stunts on her scooter." Rainbow Dash said to Pinkie Pie. She glanced to Scootaloo who looked back with big sparkling eyes, "I didn't let her do any major activities during those days. When she felt better, I still went with her to most places to make sure she stayed away from harm."

You smiled at Rainbow Dash and your hearth fluttered as she said that she agreed with you and how much she looked out for Scootaloo. It made you feel warm inside, and the negativity that you felt earlier washed away into nothingness.

"It is true though..." Scootaloo spoke up with hesitation. "Rainbow Dash has cared more and better for me than all of my foalsitters." She looked away from you all and to the wooden floor, her ears drooping to the side of her head, "Even more than my parents..."

"Aaawww. You are always welcome to stay at Sugarcube Corner, Scootaloo." Pinkie Pie said with care.

Scootaloo perked up and turned her muzzle to the pink mare, "Thank you, Pinkie," the corners of her mouth lifting as she said that.

"Thanks for wanting to help out Scoots, Pinkie. But she stays with me if she really needs somewhere to stay. Or with one of the crusaders." Rainbow Dash said as she walked to Scootaloo and draped her left wing over Scootaloo's back. "She's my little sister. I'll take care of her when she needs it." Rainbow Dash puffed her chest up in pride and Scootaloo's eyes were pretty much beaming towards the rainbow mare.

And once again, your hearth fluttered when you heard how much Rainbow Dash cared for the little filly. "She shows so much care for Scootaloo. And Scoots surely trusts Rainbow Dash with her life. I wonder how it would be when we..." You mentally slapped yourself, "Dammit, Static! What is wrong with me!? I really need to know why I keep thinking about us being together and having... foals... I'm not even looking for a fillyfriend!"

Your attention was pulled to your left front leg as you felt that some weight was put against it. Looking down to it, you saw Summer looking up at you with her ears down, "Brother? Can we go? I want to see Mommy. She can make Gloom better."

You craned your head down and nuzzle the top of her head gently, "We are going, Summy." Your little sister pressed lightly into your nuzzling before turning around and heading for the door. You shortly checked if Gloom was still comfortable on your back by glancing over your shoulder. Gloom hadn't moved much, but she seemed as comfortable as she was going to be until you got her home, hoping that the weather wasn't scheduled to become worse of course.

You folded your wings a bit more over Gloom and craned your head back to the crusaders and the two mares. "Girls, I'm taking my sisters home. It has been nice meeting you Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, I'm happy to see my sisters have made some good friends here in Ponyville."

"Hey!" Scootaloo shouted at you, grabbing your attention and making you look at her with a raised eyebrow. "Wasn't it nice meeting me!?"

You chuckled lightly at her, "Scoots, we already met earlier today. I thought it was clear that meeting you was nice."

Scootaloo's expression went thoughtful for a second before doing a shrug, "Meh, if you put it like that, it could have been cooler." You were sure that you heard Rainbow Dash let out a very light and hidden girlish giggle, something that made your ears ring with gentle tones that made you want to hear more of it. You let out a gentle breath of air, somehow feeling a bit more satisfied after hearing her giggle like that.

"Static! Come on! We need to go home!" Summer yelled impatiently at you.

Your ears perked up and slurred you back to the job at hoof. "I'm coming Summer!" You yelled back. "Alright girls, I have to go." You said to the two mares and the crusaders.

The crusaders nodded and waved, "Bye Static! Bye Summer and Gloom! We hope you feel better quickly!" The crusaders, ironically, said that all at the same time.

You spared a glance with Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, when something crossed your mind, "Oh... Uhm... Pinkie?"

"What's up?" she responded with cheer.

"I... forgot to... say 'Hi' to Dust for you..." you gave her an awkward smile.

Pinkie Pie smiled, "It is okay, Static. You can say 'hi' tomorrow to him." She said jus as cheery.

"I'll... I'll try to do that tomorrow." Pinkie gave a happy nod with her head.

You looked to Rainbow Dash, her deep magenta eyes catching your eyes for a brief moment.

"STATIC! HURRY UP!" You slightly jumped as Summer was suddenly flying next to you and was yelling into your ear.

You recovered and shook your head from side to side, "Alright, alright. We are going now." Summer huffed and flew out the door again, this time with you in tow as you followed her out the door. Exiting the clubhouse, you saw Summer waiting for you down on the ground, staring up at you with her ears halfway down. You sighed and walked down the ramp, balancing yourself in the same way as you did in the morning when you carried Gloom down the stairs at home.

You heard the ramp squeaking as you put your hooves onto the grass of the orchard. Glancing up and over your shoulder to the ramp, you saw Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie coming down as well. Although, Pinkie was more bouncing than walking... But considering what you had witnessed with her so far, you chalked it up as one of the things you shouldn't question about her.

"C'mon big brother, we need to get home for Gloom." Summer whined lightly.

You glanced shortly at her and nodded. Turning your head back at the approaching mares, you said your quick goodbye before unfurling your wings and tried to flap them. While usually this wouldn't be a problem, you found yourself unable to get off of the ground, your wings feeling very sore with the extra weight on your back. Your wings protested heavily against your tries to get yourself into the air, making you actually pant from exhaustion.

"What's wrong Static?" Pinkie Pie asked as she came standing next to you.

You panted lightly, "I... I can't fly with Gloom on my back. My wings can't carry us both... they are still to weak from my injuries..."

"How are we going to get Gloom home, Static?" Summer asked as she landed on your flank and glanced at her sister that was still curled up between your wing bases.

"I can help you with that." Rainbow Dash offered as she walked right next to you. "If you like Static, I can carry her to your house for you."

Your heart responded to her on its own accord by thumping warmly in your chest, "She... she offers to help me and my sister just like that... She's so sweet. And that while I even got her in trouble today..." You glanced into the magenta eyes of Rainbow Dash who looked back at you, awaiting your answer. "I would really appreciate it if you will carry Gloom home for me." You said with a smile.

"Thank you Rainbow Dash! You're awesome!" Summer said energetically as she zipped from you back and to the rainbow mare and hugged the side of her muzzle, which resulted in Summer being covered a bit by Rainbow Dash's mane, what looked uttermost adorable.

Rainbow Dash patted Summer lightly on her back, "I know I'm awesome, Summer." Summer released the rainbow mare and landed on the ground, glancing up at her with hopeful eyes and her tail wagging happily.

"You think you can carry Gloom over to your back without hurting her, Rainbow Dash?" You asked with slight worry.

Rainbow Dash gave you a reassuring smile, "Don't worry Static. I've lifted Scootaloo multiple times when she needed it."

You breathed through your nose in relief. "She knows how to handle foals," your thoughts flashed through your mind.

Rainbow Dash came standing right next to you, your right wing softly brushing against her left wing, sending a warm feeling through you. She craned her neck over your back and nudged Gloom gently, making her turn slightly so that her neck became more exposed. Rainbow Dash opened her muzzle and closed in on Gloom. You focused on how Rainbow Dash gently took the coat of Gloom's neck in her muzzle and began to lift her slowly up from your back, Gloom giving a little murmur as she was lifted off from her spot but further made no motion that Rainbow Dash did something bad.

It somehow made you smile broadly as Rainbow Dash lifted Gloom with great care and gently moved her to her own back. "She lifts Gloomy up as if she is her own..."

As soon as Rainbow Dash brought Gloom onto her back Gloom nuzzled into her coat and got comfortable between her wing bases while being slightly covered by the rainbow mane. You heard Gloom sigh a bit in content as she resumed what she was doing on your back. You could' help but look to Rainbow Dash as she looked at your little sister with her head a bit to the side before turning to face you, her magenta eyes once again locking with your own eyes, the two of you staring at each other for a few seconds.

"Well? Are you ready Static?" Rainbow Dash asked you as she unfurled her wings and gave a few flaps.

You gave a nod and spread your own wings, "You know where to go?"

"Only that we need to go to Cloudsdale. When we're there, I'll follow you."

"Sounds good to me." Rainbow Dash flapped her wings and gently flew into the air, Summer zipping after her as she tried to stay close to her twin.

And for a moment, you simply watched after her, how she flew away with your sisters and how the setting sun casted an almost dreamy hue over the horizon. You sighed happily and started to flap your own wings, lifting you up into the air with more ease than when you had Gloom on your back. You gently flew up into the air and went to follow the rainbow mare towards Cloudsdale.

"HEY! YOU FORGOT TO SAY GOODBYE TO ME!!" You heard Pinkie yelling from the place you just left.

You lowered your ears and quickly turned around mid-air and waved at the pink mare who waved happily back, as if she never yelled at you in the first place. You resumed your flight behind the cyan coated mare, "I think I'll never understand Pinkie Pie... Oh well. At least Dashie and I... Dammit Static! Keep your feathers together!"