• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 2,302 Views, 93 Comments

School! Flying! Falling! Goofing! - Lazydrill

Last school year, what could possibly happen now what didn't happen in the past few years? Life can be kind, or rude, depending on its mood!

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Ch. 7 Glancing onward. And yes, we're there.

Your eye twitched as Pinkie Pie disappeared into the town. You turned your muzzle to your mom and dad, who were standing on their hooves again and holding one hoof to their temple as well, rubbing it while groaning to everything they just witnessed. "Mom, Dad, I think you both may heed Rainbow Dash's advice as well, and just don't think about it, and simply accept what she does, when she does. Because when I tried to comprehend that mare, I got headache's. And I guess you both do as well," you said, while looking with sympathy at your parents as they were still rubbing their temples. Your mom and dad simply nodded their heads slowly, groaning as their head movement brought more headache with it.

Chuckling to your parents, you glanced over to Rainbow Dash who was snickering at them. You poked her with your left hoof. "Hey, Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow Dash turned to you. "Yeah?"

"Thanks, for saving my head from more headache then it already had to endure," you said, as you put your right hoof to your temple and rubbed it softly.

Rainbow Dash closed her eyes and puffed up her chest while putting her right hoof to it. "No problem, Static. I won't let anypony get a headache from Pinkie, not If I can help it."

You smirked at her. "Then I can assume, that you can't even help three ponies at once. So much for Rainbow Dash," you said, raising your head up and closing your eyes.

Rainbow Dash's eyes shot open and she glared at you, while you kept smirking at her. "HEY! what do you mean by that!?"

You lazily pointed a hoof to your parents who were now beginning to get their wits back again. "You helped me out of it. So why not my parents as well?" you asked her, narrowing your eyes with a grin.

Rainbow Dash chuckled before answering, "Okay, first off. You really need to work on your glare's. Second, your parents fried my pupils. Third, you gave me a bucking 'wing boner'!" Rainbow Dash glared at you.

You just shrugged. "Hey, you gave me a wing boner first. Besides, you wacked my jaw! two times!"

The blue mare smirked at you. "Well, that is what you get for teasing a mare like that, and waking her up."

You put your right hoof to your chin and brushed it in thought. "Hhhmmm, okay. I guess that is fair enough. Besides, my parents kind of deserved it. They like to tease me, and not did they only fried your eyes, they burnt mine as well." you said as you shrugged to the blue mare next to you.

Rainbow Dash gave a firm nod in agreement to your statement. She raised an eyebrow at you in question before asking, "Static, how did you know you needed to tug my ear like that?" she asked, her eyes narrowing at you.

You chuckled at her glare. "You can thank your orange coated friend of yours for that. She walked away after she told me that though, something about bucking apples."

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened, before returning into a death glare. Growling, she spread her wings and blasted off into the air, screaming, "AAAAAAAJJJJJJJJJJ!!!"

You coughed a little as Rainbow Dash's take off left you in a cloud of dirt. Shaking the dust off of you, you noticed your parents came standing next to you. "Well, I think it is better if we get going now. I think my brain can't handle much more of this. And I still need to work today," your father groaned from your right.

Glancing to your left, you noticed your mother held her right hoof to her head and was gritting her teeth a little. Feeling a bit worried, you nuzzled your mom's shoulder lightly with your muzzle, asking, "Mom? are you okay?"

She looked your way, her eyes and ears perking up as she looked at you. "Yes, I'm okay, Static. Don't worry, I can survive your dad, you and your sisters everyday. So a little headache won't slow me down," she said as she put her hoof down and nuzzled your cheek softly.

You chuckled lightly as you returned the nuzzle. "I know you, Mom. You're too tough to be slowed down by a headache."

Your mother smiled at you as she pulled her head away from you. "And you better remember that."

You nodded at her. "That is something that I will never forget, Mom."

Your mom nodded back at you with her eyes closed her chest puffed out a bit. "You shouldn't praise your Mother like that, Static. I will never hear the end of it by her or her friends. They will all be telling me that she is the boss around the house." your father said, smirking your way.

You chuckled while raising an eyebrow at him. "Oh? I always thought that Mom was already the boss at home. And that you were just her assistant."

Your dad chuckled and rolled his eyes at you. "Well, that is close enough. When your mare tells you to do something, you better do it," he said, as he ruffled your mane lightly. "You better heed that advice from your Dad, son. You can ask your Mom if I'm right." he said as he looked past you, towards your mother.

Your mom raised her head up with closed eyes and puffed out her chest, wearing a giant smile. Glancing over to her as well, you chuckled at your mother's pose. "That is all I need to know, that you're right Dad."

Your dad looked to you and your mom. "Let us be underway then. I think you'll be late for your first day, Static. And I'm already late for work anyway, so I will come along to 'High Altitude', okay?" he said with a little teasing in his voice.

You gulped lightly at hearing that your dad will be going with you to your school. The last time he went along with you, that was last year during Autumn, it took only ten seconds for him to point out mares he thought to be a good match for you. Which if your remember correctly, was half of all the mares in school. He even tried to get you into talking with a mare that time, to let you two get too know 'each other'. After that, you never wanted him to get near the school again. Not that your mom was that much different, but at least she only talked to you about mares. And was not trying to get you to talk with them, except for Rainbow Dash. Which was odd now that you thought about it.

Sighing, you agreed with your dad, "Fine. You can come along then, as long as you aren't going to try to pair me with every mare in school!"

Your dad put his right hoof to his chest, his face turning into an expression of hurt. "But, son. I would 'never' do that to you. Besides, why would I try to match you with a mare, when you obviously have found one already," your dad said, his face turning into a smirk.

Your cheeks became a little warm again as your father finished. Groaning, you spread your still ruffled wings wide and shot into the air, leaving your parents behind in a small cloud of dust.

Your mother turned to your dad with an unamused look. "Do you really need to tease him like that every time?"

Your dad glanced back to her with a grin. "Oh, honey. As if your talking about him being a father figure is helping him. And you're the one that is imagining him marrying with every mare that he seems to like even a bit. As well as hoping that he will get foals on his own, so that you can spoil them and become the best grandmother there ever was."

Your mother chuckled back at him. She glanced up to you as you were now sitting on a cloud above the edge of Ponyville, her eyes half closing with a small twinkle in her eyes. "That is true." Your mom lowered her head a bit, a tear falling down her cheek. "It is just... he grows up so fast. This year he is going to be graduating from High Altitude. After that, he will probably move out, seeking his own future, his own way, his own home. I don't know if I'm ready to face that, maybe I will never be able to face it."

Your dad nuzzled your mom as he came standing next to her, a warm smile on his face. His eyes closed half way as he carefully laid his wing over your mother's back. "Don't worry. He may be almost fully grown up, but he will always be our son. Our little colt that we brought into Equestria, the little colt that we helped learning to walk, fly, eat, play, love, enjoy life. And soon, we will learn him to find his own way. Largely he will have to do that himself. But we will help him in any way we can. Until he really leaves us, and will only visit us to see his sisters. Or to have one of your specially made sandwiches were he always get's a water muzzle from."

Your mom chuckled as she looked back at your dad, a loving smile on her muzzle. She leant into your dad's side, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, dear."

Your parents nuzzled each other affectionately before braking and spreading their wings. They both walked a bit before taking into the sky, making their way over to you as you were sitting on the cloud.

You were idly sitting on the cloud, just enjoying the bit of silence while it lasted as your parents were talking on the ground. You closed your eyes as the air brushed over and through you, making you feel free. Hearing wings beating behind you, you opened your eyes and glanced over your shoulder, noticing your parents flying towards you. Blinking, you could swear that you saw that your mom had a tear going down her cheek. You shrugged it off, "Mom? crying? Naahh, she never cries, unless it is something serious. Must be from a bit of dust or something that came into her eye."

Your parents stopped flying and hovered in front of you. You smiled at them, which they returned. "High Altitude?" you asked them with an eyebrow raised.

Your mom and dad turned their muzzles towards each other for a few seconds, before turning to you and nodding at the same time. "High Altitude."

Nodding back to them, you stood up and jumped off of the cloud before spreading your own wings. You flew towards Cloudsdale as your parents came flying next to you on either side, somewhat closer than usual, but you didn't mind. "Say, Static. What happened with Rainbow Dash? She zipped away before we could say her goodbye," your dad asked from your right.

You chuckled as you looked to your dad, as small grin on your face. "Let's say that she went to visit the mare that 'advised' me, to tease her like I did. I wonder how it will be going between those two," you said as you brushed your chin with your right hoof.

Your father smirked at you. "Well, if both mares know what their 'friends' teasing spot is, maybe they will... you know," he said winking at you.

You rolled your eyes and tried to avoid thinking to much about what 'could' be happening between them right now. Glancing back over to your dad, you saw him still smirking at you. "You're thinking about it, aren't you?" You shot your muzzle forwards again, trying to hide the light blush that was creeping onto your cheeks.

Looking forwards, you saw that the familiar cloudy city came into view. You perked up at seeing the best city in Equestria, still floating proudly over the grassy plains below it, small waterfall-like streams falling down at a few edges of the seeming endless cloud. Upon entering the Cloudsdale's city edges, you and your parents flew towards the giant Cloudsdale Colosseum, which was as good as the city center. Flying over the marvel of Pegasi architecture, your mom pointed towards it. "Sweetie, remember that there is a Wonderbolts show coming again near the begin of winter as a closing for this year. If you want to see them, it is best that you order tickets as soon as you can. You know that those tickets are going away like feathers form a aging pegasus."

"You mean like the feathers of grandpa?" you said chuckling towards your mother.

Your mom chuckled as well before looking to you. "Almost, but your grandfather is losing his feather's slightly faster."

You and your mother laughed both at the little mocking of the old timer. Your mom sighed after the laughter died down, looking ahead into nothing particular. "We should visit him soon," she said, her voice becoming a little scratchier.

Your eyes softened. "Yeah, we should. I think grandma would like it as well. We don't go to see her that much either."

Your mom nodded while her left hoof brushed her left eye softly, she sniffed before responding, "We can visit them around Autumn. I believe you have vacation from school then, right?"

You brushed your chin in thought. "I honestly don't know. I'll need to look on my school schedule for that, but I think I have indeed vacation around that time." Your mom gave a slow nod towards you before turning her muzzle forward again.

"It is indeed sometime ago we visited them. I believe that I need to put on my tux again then. I need to make a good impression every time I see your parents, or they will scold me for not being the best I can be for their daughter," your dad said as he was smiling to your mother.

Your mom chuckled softly as she glanced his way. "For my Dad, that would be the best. For my mother, you'll need to do your hair backwards. Like she always wanted you to have," your mom said quietly.

You flew a bit up, letting your dad glide towards your mom as you hovered to your dad's spot in the air. Your dad brushed your mother's cheek gently. "I will comb it backwards when we go visit them, okay?" he said softly as he tenderly brushed your mother's cheek. Your mom leaned her head slightly into the affectionate touch of your dad.

"I would appreciate that, dear," your mom said calmly.

They gave each other a nuzzle before fully turning their attention forwards again. You smiled as you saw the never ending understanding between your parents. Even if they are the opposite from each other, they would never do anything without considering the feeling of the other or before asking the other's opinion on anything. It was always warming to see that your family stayed ever strong like this.

Noticing a flag not far away from you, you glanced fully towards it. You saw the flag off your school standing proudly on top of the main entrance building. The flag itself was a shade darker blue than the sky was, two spread out wings with a golden Halo above them was displayed on the flag as it waved in the wind. "Looks like we're there," your dad said as you three approached the building.

"Indeed, High Altitude," you said as you watched the flag waver through the sky.

Glancing in front of the large school, you noticed varied colors of Pegasi from around your age walking or flying around. In font of the school entrance was a big water fountain, made from grey rain clouds. Next to the fountain, were a mare and a stallion idly talking. You grinned as you saw the two pegasi.

Gliding down towards the fountain, you silently touched down onto the cloudy ground with your parents stopping somewhere behind you. Walking slowly behind the stallion, your face turned into a smirk.

"Well, Well. Look who survived summer and hasn't been hospitalized or putted into a institution yet," you said smirking to the stallion.

The stallion's ears perked your way and without looking to you, he chuckled before responding with a smart-flank voice, "Who says that I haven't been institutionalized all along? And that this is just my mind tricking me into believing that I'm still going to school?"