• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 2,296 Views, 93 Comments

School! Flying! Falling! Goofing! - Lazydrill

Last school year, what could possibly happen now what didn't happen in the past few years? Life can be kind, or rude, depending on its mood!

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Ch. 20 (Un)pleasant meeting and surprises.

"This... This is just un-plucking-believeable..." you said while standing under the tree with an expression that matched your words. The posh, Canterlot sounding accent, was coming from a white coated unicorn mare with a styled shining purple mane and tail. She strode up the grass towards you with her head held up high like a noble. She wore a yellow dress that covered her almost completely form her neck to her tail.

You closed your eyes in protection as they started to get burned by the strong, light reflecting fabric that had been used in the dress, sending the sunlight that was hitting it straight into your direction. "Celestia is trying really hard to fry my eyes today..." you almost whispered as you unfurled your wing and held it above your eyes.

"No kidding. What the hay is she doing here?" Rainbow said as she too shielded her eyes with her wings, annoyance clear in her tone.

"She's probably here for Sweetie Belle," you said as the mare came standing under the tree, making you able to fold your wing back to your side.

"Well hello there, Rainbow Dash. How has your day been so far? And who might this handsome coltfriend of yours be?" the mare asked as she swung her mane around and adjusted it with her hoof.

You and Rainbow Dash looked at each other, and then back at the white coated mare.


You and Rainbow both looked at each other with a raised eyebrow.





"...Very well then... you both didn't have to yell at me. A simple 'no' would have sufficed. Although, I must be honest, form where I was viewing this... 'situation'... you two looked to be close. Not to mention that... I'm sorry, what was your name again?" she asked as she turned her gaze to you.

"Uhm, my name is Static Spark."

"Well, Mr. Static Spark. My name is Rarity. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance," she held out her hoof limply to you and closed her eyes.

You glanced confused at her. Not getting the hint, you looked to Rainbow Dash who used hoof signs, with her right hoof she held her left hoof and then kissed the hoof she cradled. You looked at her with an expression that everypony could read as; 'are you serious?'. Rainbow Dash got the hint and nodded her head while stifling a chuckle. You were not one for formalities, never was, never will be. Except on VERY special occasions. But this wasn't one of those.

"It is nice meeting you, Rarity. You may lower your hoof now. I'm not a pegasus that flies like that."

Rarity opened her eyes and lowered her hoof with a slight huff, "That's a shame. But I suppose everypony has their own way of greeting new ponies."

"Yeah, but at least my greeting doesn't get all smoochy and sappy."

While Rarity didn't hear it, you heard Rainbow snickering next to you at your subtle comment, making you feel a bit proud as you managed to make her laugh.

"Well then, would you two explain me what you were doing then and where Sweetie Belle is? She said she would be here after school."

"I will explain it if you keep it a secret," you said with a slight grin.

"Huh? What is so secret about me getting that cream of yours and use it on you?"



"That is... well... highly inappropriate... to do in public, Rainbow Dash," Rarity said as she had a light blush, easily noticeable by her white coat, and she averted her gaze.

"Wait! I didn't mean it like that!" The damage was already done. You were laughing at Rainbow and she was glaring at you, "Tell her, Static! I didn't mean it like that!"

You snickered, "But Rainbow, why hide it? You enjoyed it just as much as I did, didn't you? It would be rude to lie, would't it, Rarity?" Rarity muttered a small 'yes', at your question.


"Okay, okay. Calm your feathers Rainbow Dash. It was a joke, Rarity. Rainbow Dash helped me with placing a cream called 'cooling-aid' below my wing base. I needed it due to a burn wound being there, and I couldn't reach it on my own. Unfortunately, or not, depends on who uses it, it has a very relaxing side affect which... well... made me... express it."

"I told you it was not true, Rarity! Static made up the story on the spot!"

"I'm sure that it was," Rarity said with a voice that you noted down as; 'I'm still going to share that story with everypony I meet and make it more juicy than it was'.

"Anyhoof... Where is my sister and her friends?

You sighed and rubbed with your left hoof between your eyes, because you where certain that this story would haunt you for some time. Brining your hoof back to the ground, you glanced around, quite unsure yourself where the fillies went. Since you didn't knew Ponyville, you were probably going to be lost yourself, let alone find somepony here. "They were off to... crusading? I believe they called it? They went off on that small thing with wheels and a cart attached to it."

"By Celestia... I hope those fillies are not going to do any dangerous cutie mark crusading again."

Your ears perked up at the word of 'dangerous'. Immediate concern boiling up within you as your head started to play some scenarios where your little sisters would be jumping rivers and ponies know what, anything that could harm them in their crusading. "Wait. Dangerous crusading? What do you mean by that?!" you asked with anger and worry clear in your voice. You narrowed your eyes at Rarity as she didn't respond to your concerns, "Rarity. Tell me, what do you classify as 'dangerous' among their crusading?"

Rarity looked uneasy around her as she noticed your stern gaze, "Well... I... maybe dangerous is a to big of a word to use..." Rarity gave you a weak smile, which only aggravated you as you still had no answer, while every second you stood here waiting, your little sisters could possibly get hurt.

"Calm down, Static. The fillies have just some 'random' idea's for what they can try to get their cutie marks," Rainbow said as she walked into your vision and stood closer to Rarity.

You turned your attention to Rainbow Dash, "And what the buck are those so called idea's then? If Rarity here needs to say," you changed your voice into a noble sounding accent, "I hope those fillies are not going to do any dangerous cutie mark crusading again," you went to your normal voice as you looked at both of them with annoyance, "If Rarity here, says it like that, those random idea's as you called it, are things I don't want my little sisters to be any part of! So tell me... what are those idea's!?" you yelled the last bit, your wings fanned out in frustration and your nostrils flaring.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know your sisters would be crusading with them!" Rarity said in slight fear, her ears drooped to the side and she took a few steps back.

"Calm the buck down, Static! Their crusading is not that dangerous." Rainbow Dash waved her hoof casually through the air, "They have done rock climbing, parasailing, potion making, exploring in Ghastly Gorge and the Everfree forest, catapulting over the town..." Rainbow Dash continued the list with many more activities the fillies had done in the past, which only served into dislodging your jaw and your right eye spasming in disbelieve.

Some of the most extreme things and places that you never wanted Summer and Gloom to do or even get near to, and these fillies have done almost everything, and they were going to pull your sisters into these situations? Not if you could help it.

"...And they also tried once to... Static? Are you okay?" Rainbow Dash asked you as she saw your face scrunching up into pure anger. Your nostrils flaring rapidly, your wings outstretched in utter rage of what you heard. And in an instant, you launched yourself from the ground with neck breaking speed, leaving a large cloud of dirt behind.

"STATIC! WAIT!" Rainbow Dash yelled after you which you ignored.

You flew up into the air high above the town, hoping to find a clue as to where your sisters might be, "By Celestia! How stupid are these mares to let fillies do activities like this!? I swear to Luna, if those three fillies helped my sisters into any kind of dangerous activity, they are never allowed to play with each other again!"

You stopped with flying up and hovered in the air high above the town, searching franticly in every direction for the smallest sign that would give your sisters location away. Looking all over, you couldn't find the smallest trace of them.

"Static! Wait up!" You heard Rainbow Dash yell at you as she came flying up.

You ignored her again, more out of concentration to find your sisters, but also because you did't know how you felt towards her after hearing what the fillies did while she knew about those activities. It made you see her differently, especially since she was the 'adopted sister' of Scootaloo.

Rainbow Dash came hovering next to you, a mild annoyed look on her muzzle, "Static, I..." You stopped her in the middle of her sentence with a sharp glare, taking her by surprise for a second. Rainbow Dash recovered herself and spoke up, "Static. I know you're concerned about your sisters, but the crusaders know what they are allowed to do and what not."

Your eyebrow twitched, "They know what they're allowed to do? So you allow them to go into the Everfree forest and explore Ghastly Gorge?"

Rainbow Dash stammered a bit, "Well... n-no. But..." you cut her off by holding up your hoof.

"No. I've heard enough." You closed your eyes and sighed, losing a great deal of what you thought was 'interest' in her, "You're to careless. How can you let them out of your sight if you know they do things like this?" you asked as you looked at Rainbow Dash. You didn't give her time to say anything back, "I don't want my sisters near ponies who are so careless. What if something happens to them?!" you almost yelled.

You started to flap your wings again, trying to gain lift and get up higher into the air. "Static, wait. I think I know where they are." Rainbow said with slight defeat clear in her voice. Your ears perked up and you lowered back down to her eye level.

You hovered in front of her, waiting for her to take the lead or tell you. "Well? Lead the way," you said with slight annoyance.

Rainbow Dash nodded with a look of guilt and something else that you couldn't place at that moment. She turned towards a large farm that was at the outskirts of the town, and started to fly towards it. You didn't waste any time into following her, trailing closely after her as you two flew towards, what appeared to be an orchard. You could see from far off the red glisters from apples that where hanging in the tree. You looked quizzically at the farm, unsure why the fillies would be there, or why Rainbow Dash would lead you there, "Why are we heading to that orchard?"

"The crusaders have a small clubhouse there. And since your sisters are new members from the club, they will without a doubt be officially welcomed into their club, which they always do. So I'm pretty sure they are busy with that right now," Rainbow Dash said without looking at you. However, what she said, it re-sparked a bit of the flame inside of you for her, because she 'did' know where the fillies were. But you were still saddened by what you heard in the park, the mare that caught your eye, she was so careless as to let the fillies do all of these things, it tugged your heartstrings.

You looked up at the sound of wings flapping closer to you, noticing that Rainbow Dash flew slower so she could get next to you. She glanced at you with a slight saddened look that was accompanied with that other look you couldn't place before, "Static, look... I know you're angry that the fillies are able to do these things. But you've to believe me that we try to keep an eye on them, and we try to keep them out of dangerous crusading... we even ground them for one week at a time. But how do you expect us to keep an eye on them when we need to be elsewhere? You know yourself that you can't watch over your sisters the whole time."

You thought about what she said and realized that she had a good point. You sighed in acceptance and looked at Rainbow Dash, "I... I know what you mean... But you've to understand how it sounded to me... My sisters mean the world to me, I don't know what I would do if one of them would do something like that and would get hurt." Your ears drooped halfway down to the side as you thought about your little sisters.

"Hey..." you glanced to your right, seeing Rainbow Dash looking at you with a gentle smile. "...your sisters are lucky to have a big brother like you."

You felt the corners of your mouth lift a bit at her kind words, "Thank you... Rainbow Dash. I appreciate you saying that."

Rainbow Dash gave you a quick wing and angled her self to the right while starting to descend towards a more open spot in the orchard. Glancing down to where she was going to, you spied a small construction of wooden planks in the tree that was in the open part of the orchard. Figuring that that would be the clubhouse that Rainbow Dash mentioned, you started following her down to the ground. Angling your wings, you flew after her and glided towards the front of the clubhouse where Rainbow Dash had already landed.

Landing next to her and folding your wings to your side, you glanced at the clubhouse that was build in the tree. "This is where they are, Rainbow Dash?"

"They should be," Rainbow Dash said, turning to you. "I can be wrong but... wait... do you hear that?" Her ears perked up in to the direction of the clubhouse and so did yours, hearing what sounded like a pair drums.

You cocked your head to the side in confusion, "Are... are those drums I hear?"