• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 2,302 Views, 93 Comments

School! Flying! Falling! Goofing! - Lazydrill

Last school year, what could possibly happen now what didn't happen in the past few years? Life can be kind, or rude, depending on its mood!

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Ch. 33 Only temporally.

The world focused for your eyes again and the haziness that plagued your mind faded away, leaving your eyes to look up at the ceiling you had seen a few weeks prior. Your mouth was dry and hinted at a salty taste, making you cough as your brain started to turn its gears, "W-what happened, where am I?"

"Your school's infirmary, Static." a gentle tone you remembered in the back of your mind said. From your laying position you looked to your right where Cadence stood, levitating an empty potion vial that she was cleaning with a cloth. She briefly paused and glanced in your way. "How are you feeling?" she asked, hovering the vial into the cabinet and walking over to your side.

Your pupils grew larger at her approach, "I-I think I'm alright... what happened?"

Seeing your reaction she took a step back, keeping her distance and sitting down on her haunches, "A mistake is what happened I'm afraid." You raised an eyebrow at her. "What I mean is that I didn't expect any colts to have matured already."

You still didn't know what she was going on about, "Pretend I still don't know what happened."

The Princess let out an amused sigh, "How can I explain it to you..." She paused and looked to the floor for a bit. "Well, do you know what my princess title is?" You nodded in confirmation. "As you know then, my magic is centered around love, and all it entails." Scooting up in bed, you went to sit against the pillow, your ears perked to the princess. "What happened is that you caught my scent, which should have been fine had you not matured this early."

You put your hooves on your face and dragged it down slowly, "Ugh, I hear about that too much... By Celestia." Cadence let out a chuckle. "Why does it affect me so much?" you looked at the Princess, hoping she had the answer.

"As much as I would like to help you with it, I'm afraid nature is what it is. Even I can't change that I'm afraid." She extended a wing and preened herself quick before going back to the subject, "Sorry about that, had a feather bugging me for a while now." You smiled at the Princess, feeling more at ease at seeing her having the same struggle as the average Pegasi. "Where was I? Oh right. Where it comes down to is that heat season is at the doorstep, and you happen to be able to catch the scents of mares in heat."

A bell rang through your head, "Hold up, does it mean that you are in..." Cadence closed her eyes and nodded. You crawled a bit back to the edge of the bed and away from the Princess, "Was that what I smelled?" Again, she nodded. "Buck... that was..." You brought a hoof to your head and let it rest there as realization sank in.

"Will this be your first heat season you are aware of?" Cadence asked in curiosity as she stood up and walked closer to the bed, looking intrigued at you with her head cocked to the side.

You slowly stepped out of bed, trying to make some distance between you and her, not wanting to experience her heat and have something bad happen in some way. "I-I think so... It was unlike anything else I've smelled in my life." Your flank bumped against the wall, hindering you from going any further. "But what has that to do with you being the Princess of Love?"

Cadence stopped at the foot of the bed and lay her left hoof on it, "As you know, cutie marks either hint to somepony's special talent, or what they like to do." Agreeing with the Princess, she continued, "I am not ashamed to admit I have a special talent in love magic, as well that I enjoy that love to the fullest extend." Your wings spasmed slightly at her words, extending a bit as the the pink mare explained. "But to get to the point, magic, as you know, is not only limited to unicorn's horns, or enchanted items of any kind. Magic is part of our very being and as such it involves in our daily lives and has a chance to impact it in some way."

It began to dawn on you were she was going with this, assuming you were correct, "So, what you are saying is that your magic amplifies your heat..?"

Cadence brought her hoof to the ground and stepped closer, "Somewhat, yes. While not by my doing, but by nature my heat starts earlier than other mares, lasts longer than normal and can have a big impact on stallions, its worse on maturing stallions that have not been with a mare yet."

Feeling a dent in your pride, "I-I have been with a mare before!" You tried to stand proudly, but felt your own shaky back legs giving you away, although it seemed the Princess bought it.

Cadence raised an eyebrow in question, "Oh? What was her name? Surely a mare that was your first would be proud to be the one to take your virginity."

Your eyes darted around the room, wanting to come up with a name she couldn't know, "Buck! What do I say to her!? I... ah-ha!" Raising your head up in confidence, "Rainbow Dash is her name, she was my first." Regret swelled around as you realized how that sounded, but there was no way the Princess could know a random mare like Rainbow Dash, right? You didn't even know her why you supposedly spend four years on the same school together.

Cadence tapped her chin with her hoof, "Rainbow Dash, huh. Her name sounds familiar." Pupils shrinking, you swallowed a lump that was growing in your throat. "Hmm, I can't place her, but her name does ring a bell. Oh well, I'm sure she would be happy to be your first."

You mentally swept the sweat from your forehead, "Yeah, yeah she would be." The Princess smiled knowingly and you thought about what you said, "NO! Wait! I meant that she IS happy to have been my first!"

"Don't lie to me Static, I know that you have not been with a mare before." Your ears went halfway down and you bit your lip, Cadence stepping in front of you, "Don't take this the wrong way, but you smell like that." She said apologetically.

Bending your head a bit down, you looked at her like she had gone mad, "Hehe, what? I smell like a virgin? What the buck?" Cadence's muzzle went to your chest, making you sit down on your haunches to try and increase the distance between her and you, but to no avail. She took another step closer and sniffed the air below your tummy, making your wings throb. "Uhm, Princess??" You heard her take a big inhale through her nostrils a second time before she pulled her head away.

The Princess hummed in satisfaction, her tail swishing behind her. "Without a doubt, you have not been with a mare before." She glanced into your eyes with a knowing look. "You have not been claimed yet. And before you ask, no, I'm not going to explain you what that means, you'll know when you have been claimed."

Sitting on your haunches, the thoughts in your mind went all over the place,"I could feel her warm breath down there~!" Your wings twitched against the wall behind you, sending slight pain through your muscles of not being able to unfold on their own.

A knock on the door broke the silence between you and Cadence, a small creak sounding right after, "Apologies, Princess. But I've come to bring the moon tea you requested." Your mind focused on the sound you recognized to be the school's doctor, the same pegasus that treated your burn spots. "Ah, Mr. Static. Good to see you again, as good as it can be that is." You gave a shady nod back.

"Thank you, doctor. I'll take it from here." Cadence lifted the tea from his hooves and the doctor gave a small bow, leaving and closing the door as quickly as he appeared. She inspected the tea bags and lifted an empty cup from the cabinet. She filled it quickly with water from the faucet above the sink next to the cabinet.

following her magic left and right, your curiosity grew, "Princes-I mean-Cadence what are you making?"

The cup with water levitated in front of Cadence, her blue aura increasing in intensity. "I'm making some more moon tea for you. Give me a moment and I'll tell you more."

You sighed to yourself, the idea of maturing as early as you did was not all sunshine and rainbow as you thought it would be, "Sheez, what a buck load of pony feathers..." A sharp pinch pulled your tail, making you jump to your hooves and look at back to see what did it. "What was that?"

"That was me. I pulled your tail a bit." Cadence said as her aura around the cup dissipated, floating a bag of moon tea to the cup and dipping into the now steaming water. Glancing to Cadence, you furrowed your eyebrows at her. "Don't look at me like that Static, I don't appreciate that kind of language."

"Oh by Luna not you, too..." you said with an almost disappointing expression. "Don't tell my mother I said that please? She'll pluck my primaries till I'm featherless." You feared that if a Princess of all ponies would tell your mother you used bad words, her fury will be the last thing your wings will ever feel.

"Hmm, I could tell her..." Your hope slowly sank to your hooves, your ears drooping to the side of your head. "But that depends." She looked at you, a teasing smirk on her muzzle.

"Depends on what?" you turned your head to the side, giving your wings a small flap.

She floated the hot cup of moon tea in front of your muzzle, "Depends on if you will drink this cup empty, yes or no."

The tea swirled calmly, releasing a calm scent in the air. Sniffing it, you immediately felt the calming effects of the aroma, your ears perking up in the process, "Hm. I think I can do that. But what does it do?" You took the cup with two hooves and sat down on your haunches.

Cadence's magic disappeared and she sat down in front of you, "Let me answer that with a question of my own; haven't you noticed any difference with now compared to when we were in the classroom?"

Stopping your inhale of the tea's scent, you looked up at her question, "Huh? What should be different besides that we are in the infirmary?"

You raised an eyebrow as Cadence was surely close to facehoof. "Colts... Only thinking with their fifth hoof," she took a deep breath, and chuckled lightly. "You don't seem to catch my scent anymore, that's what is different."

Your ears flicked up at the realization, "Wait, what?" smelling around the room, you caught a small hint of musk, but nothing close as it was before. "But... you are right in front of me...?" looking at the alicorn in question, she smiled kindly. Lowering her eyes, she glanced at the tea, your eyes following where she was gazing at. "The... tea?"

"Yup. When you were knocked-out I gave you some tea before you woke up." Cadence explained, your eyes darting between her and the liquid. "While I can do nothing to change what nature does, I was able to create a 'tea' based on Zebra potions to help and ease the heat season for stallions. As you notice now, you aren't smelling my heat anymore, or at least, not as firm as in the class, that's thanks to this brew."

Smelling the air around you one last time, you confirmed in your mind what she said. "Huh, I never heard about this tea. But it does seem to help!" you said with a smile, making her mimic the emotion.

"I do hope it does. The mix is not that long known, so it hasn't been distributed or been advertised yet in any form." Cadence lit up her horn, making another moon teabag appear, "What you have now is a bit that I made myself, I have about twenty, making that eighteen now with the two you have. That's why you haven't heard of it yet, but that will hopefully be different next year."

Looking at the cup again, you hummed, "But, that means I will only have this... What do you call it?"

"I don't have a name for it yet, besides 'moon tea' and calling it a suppressor."

"I'll just name it moon tea, then." The Princess shrugged with her wings. "So after this I won't have any?" The alicorn nodded. "Aww damnit. I hoped I could get more of it, if your heat is that strong that it blasts me off to dreamland or whatever it was I felt, than the heat of all the mares on school are gonna drive me nuts!"

The Princess laughed, "That would be a sight I would like to see. Alas, I'm afraid you'll have to do what all other stallions have been doing for generations." Putting the cup to your lips, you glanced curiously at the princess. "You'll simply have to survive and try to keep level-headed at all times."

Snorting, you took a sip of the tea, the liquid not tasting any different from the regular kind you could find in any shop. "I figured as much. How long does this tea's effect last?" you asked, truly wondering how much protection it would give.

Cadence tapped her chin, "Well, if you finish this one, added with what I already ave you, it should be enough for today. I think."

Taking another sip, you looked at her, slightly confused, "You think? But... you made it, how do you not know what it does?"

Cadence sighed and stood up, leaving you sitting with your room temperature becoming tea, "As I said to you, it is a new recipe, I only have a few of my own and it hasn't been tested a lot on its workings. What is apparent though is that it helps the stallion through heat season by suppressing the scent of the mares that you inhale."

"Oh. Wait... it hasn't been tested? Could I die from this!?" your wings flared out and pupils shrank to pinpricks as you looked at the tartarus cup of liquid. You let the cup drop to the floor, only to be caught in Cadence's magic before it could shatter.

"Tsk." She lifted the cup to your muzzle, "Static, its not going to hurt or kill you. Please just drink it." You scrunched up your muzzle like a foal not wanting to eat their vegetables. The Princess let out a low growl, "You'll drink this whether you like it or not." Her magic enveloped your muzzle and opened it against your will, letting out a little whine as she levitated the cup to your lips.


"Sorry Static, I can't hear you. You first have to swallow..." she said as she threw your head up and poured the left over tea into your mouth. Swallowing out of reflex, the magic faded and released you, leaving you to cough at the salty and sudden aftertaste. "That's a good colt. Now, don't you feel better?"

You zipped your head to look at her with anger, "Better!? You forced me to drink an untested potion you made!" Cadence raised an eyebrow at you, more surprised than anything. "I could die from drinking this!" you spit to the floor, the salty taste not getting any better.

"Relax Static, as I said you are not getting hurt by it nor will it kill you. Do you really think I would give a colt something to drink if I didn't know it was safe to do so?" Cadence said matter of factly, a royal tone making itself known in her voice, demanding respect.

You raised a hoof to argue but realized she was most likely right. After all, one does not become a Princess by doing rash actions. Sighing once more, you sat down onto the floor, "I... I apologize Princess. I should have known that... I just... I was just scared of it."

"None of that 'I'm sorry', Static. You reacted naturally, I just wanted this to be over quickly and make sure you and I could have a normal day of class after this, that's why I sped up the process instead of trying to persuade you."

Sighing, you resigned your argument, "I guess we'll see how the rest of the day goes then?"

Cadence stood up, opening the door with her magic, "We sure will. Now come, your class probably wonders what's taking us so long."

Standing up yourself, you followed the princess out of the door, closing it behind you as you and Cadence made your way back to class, a faint trail of her scent still swirling around your nostrils.

Author's Note:

A merry Christmas to everyone! Enjoy the days, fellas!:yay: