• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 2,296 Views, 93 Comments

School! Flying! Falling! Goofing! - Lazydrill

Last school year, what could possibly happen now what didn't happen in the past few years? Life can be kind, or rude, depending on its mood!

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Ch. 27 Its that time again.

"UUggghhhh..." you groaned with a sore throat, your eye lids feeling like they weight a ton each, refusing to open at the sound of your beeping alarm clock. Smacking your lips a few times and swirling your tongue around you managed to get some moisture around your mouth, helping only a little to help the dry feeling that was in there and in your throat.

With your ears flicking at the repeating sound of the alarm, you managed to get your right hoof moving and aimlessly swung it at the clock, managing to hit the snooze button with the first try. Everything felt heavy, and last night was a fuzzy memory to you. With a bit of stress and pain, you succeeded in opening your eyes a bit, thanking Faust that your curtains were properly closed, saving you from the sun's rays.

Opening and closing your eyes forcefully a few times, you got them to relax and easy to open. Pulling your head up with a stiff neck, you looked down your bed, noticing your blankets were half thrown of the bed, with only your hind legs covered till your knees. "...What did I do last night...?" you asked yourself, noticing your voice was all scratchy thanks to your dry throat. "Ugh, I must have slept with my mouth open..."

Letting your head fall down on the pillow again, you sighed, "What did I do last night..." Looking to your nightstand on your right, you saw a bottle standing that was still open, squinting your eyes at it, you read the label, "'Cooling-aid'." Processing the information, you suddenly remembered what happened, " Oooohhhh yeah... that had happened..." You grinned to yourself as you flopped your head down on the pillow, "By Celestia, that cream feels good on my burn spots when they irritate, but damn... never thought it would feel so fine down there."

"STATIC! Get up or you'll be late for school!" your Mom yelled from downstairs. "You have missed your alarm three times already!" Your eyes went wide as you actually looked at the time the clock was displaying;


Startled by the sudden leap in time you scrambled to your hooves, almost falling out of bed and to the floor because your left wing wasn't folded. Managing to just keep your balance, you hastily made your way out of your room, slamming the door open inwards and taking a sharp right into the bathroom. Jumping into the shower, you turned the knobs to your preferred temperature and opened the three shower heads above you.

"AAAAHHHHHHH! COLDCOLDCOLDCOLDCOLDCOLD- COLD!" you screamed out at the sudden icy rains of water that hit your coat. The water then warmed up and got comfortable just the way you wanted it and you grabbed a bottle of shampoo and emptied a hoofull of it over your mane, tail and coat. Quickly washing it the best you could, you took care when rubbing a hoof over the burn marks that had started to fade back to their normal colors of your coat but were still sensitive.

Spreading your wings you took care to wash every feather so they looked in pristine condition and healthy. Angling them in different poses, you inspected them both over if they were looking good. Satisfied with them, you folded them to your sides, the water clinging to it slapping against your sides. Lifting up your right hind leg and resting it on the small elevated pedestal that was build in it, you made sure to wash between your hind legs, wanting the stallion parts to be clean, after last night's event especially.

Rinsing the last bit of soap from your body, your turned of the shower heads and jumped out of the shower and shook your coat, getting water everywhere. Grabbing a towel to quickly dry yourself for the few wet parts, you dumped the towel into the hamper and grabbed your toothbrush. Putting on it some Colgate you swiftly brushed your teeth.

Spitting into the sink you put your brush back in cup with four other brushes and zipped out of the bathroom. Quickly grabbing your saddlebags and rushing down the stairs, you stopped at the front door where your sisters jumped at your sudden arrival, "AH!" Summer and Gloom both landed again and looked angrily at you, "Static!" Gloom said with her ears down and eyes narrowed.

"You scared us!" Summer said, trying to puff out her chest to look intimidating.

"Sorry girls!" you said with apologetic smile as you went to the kitchen. "But I'm already later than normal!"

"Don't scare your sisters like that again Static. You know they easily get on edge." Your Mom said as she walked in the opposite direction of you. She stopped in front of you and looked you once over, "Huh, you look all fresh and clean, what is the occasion? Expecting to do something with somepony?~" your mother teased with a knowing grin.

Blushing lightly at her remark, you answered her truthfully, "No Mom, I'm not expecting to do something with somepony today, I'm grounded remember? I just felt dirty."

Your mother chuckled and resumed to the front door, "Alright, if you just felt dirty I'm sure there is nothing wrong with washing yourself to look as good as you can." She pulled her scarf from between the mountain of clothes and swung it around her neck, your sisters themselves wearing a scarf matching the streak color in their mane. "I've made you something to eat and drink on the way to school, since you are late you didn't have time for breakfast."

You ruffled your feathers and looked over your shoulder to your mother who was softly nudging your sisters with her muzzle out the door, "Thanks Mom. You are the best."

Your mom glanced over to you and winked, "No need to tell me Static, I know I am the best." You rolled your eyes as she made her way out of the house, "Have a nice day at school sweetie."

Your sisters popped their heads around the edge of the door and waved at you, "Bye Static!" they happily said in unison.

You waved quickly back to them before they took off, leaving the door open for you as you would be exiting the house yourself right after them anyway. Darting your muzzle back to the front you quickly made your way into the kitchen, noticing your mother had prepared your saddle bag as it was standing on the kitchen counter with a note it;

Have a good day at school sweetie!
I made your favorite sandwich with a pack of blueberry juice.
Loves, Mom.

PS: Clean your room when you get home.
You made a mess last night and I'm not going to clean that up.

"..." You felt your ears lightly thumping from the embarrassment at her knowing that. "It is about time I buy a lock for my door..." you said to yourself as you picked up your saddlebag and threw it over your back, swiftly buckling it tight as soon as it was in place. "Everypony just comes into my room without knocking, they could have at least knocked on the door and ask if they could enter or something, but nnnooooooo." With a sigh you turned around and trotted to the door, closing it behind you as you exited the house.

Unfurling your wings you gave them a few test flaps, feeling that the wind went over and under them with ease. Shaking your coat from the colder wind that washed over you, you started to trot and took off for High Altitude.

The wind brushed over and underneath your feathers as you flew over Cloudsdale, the chilly air, sining that Autumn was around the corner, made you occasionally shiver a bit. The Earth ponies and unicorns on the ground would not feel as much of the cold, but up here among the clouds, it could be felt easily.

"Bbbrrrr, I should have taken my scarf as well. Living high up and flying makes the wind feel a lot colder than that it is." Flying over the coliseum, you saw your school a little bit away from it, the schoolyard starting to empty with all students entering the school. "Oh thank Celestia... I'm not too late yet." Angling your wings, you glided down to the schoolyard.

As you descended onto the clouds and folded your wings to your side, you just noticed the last pony disappearing in to the main entrance. Starting a trot, you made your way to the doors. Walking up the steps, you entered the school hall, your fellow students walking or flying about to their lockers or to their class rooms.

Taking a right in to the second hallway along the side before the stairs you made your way to where your locker has been standing since you started on High Altitude. Keeping up your trot, you stopped alongside the wall with rows of lockers stretching out through the corridors. As you twisted the code on the lock, you noticed that your locker was actually not that far from Firefly's office.

You furrowed your eyebrows, "How come that I've never noticed that?" You mentally shrugged a bit, having more important things on your mind, like knowing what class you had and where. Opening your locker you took out one paper laying on top of the small stack you had on the upper shelf.

"You are not very bright, are you?"

"Ah!" Your wings shot out from your sides in surprise, dropping your lesson planning on the floor. Bowing down to pick the paper up, you heard your locker being closed with a 'thud'. Folding your wings back to your side, you looked up from your lowered stance as you grabbed the paper with your right hoof. You didn't expect to that pony again so soon, especially this early.

Looking back at you with a friendly smile was the rainbow maned mare as she leaned against the lockers with her right hoof dangling over her left hoof. "Morning Sparky."

You blushed lightly as you looked into her magenta eyes and slowly stood straight again, "H-hey Dash. Morning to you, too." Looking her over quickly, you noticed her mane was not as wild as it was yesterday, it looked more... done with more care.

Rainbow giggled and gave her mane a flick with a shake of her head, revealing her in a ponytail pulled mane as it swung over her left shoulder and into view. Your mouth opened a bit at her display, she looked good, and it seemed she knew that too, if her cocky grin was anything to go by. "Weren't you gonna check our planning, Static? I don't mind it, but if you keep gaping at me you will be late."

"I... right." Shaking your head a bit you looked at the planning, asking her a question as you looked through your week planning, "what did you mean with that 'I' would be late? Wouldn't you be late too?" You raised your eyes from the paper and looked at her.

Rainbow chuckled, "That is because the teacher has seen me already, but I was allowed to use the bathroom, so I am on time already. You on the other hoof, are not- yet." She stepped around you, her tail flicking as she walked past you and your locker, your eyes following her.

"So you know where we need to be?" you asked.

"Yup." Looking over her right shoulder, she flashed you a grin, "But I"m not gonna tell you."

You raised your eyebrows, "Huh? Why not?"

Rainbow opened her folded wings, "See it as a... little payback for not letting me in yesterday through the window." Before you could say anything she shot into the air and through the corridors, disappearing in a flash of rainbow colors, leaving you stunned for a few seconds.

"Tha... That mare..." You wanted to be mad at her for leaving you like this, but couldn't really blame her since you somewhat deserved it. Until you noticed that your planning was gone too. Your ears perked up and your wings shot out, "buck... buckbuckbuckbuckbuckbuck!" You looked on the floor, in your locker again, under the lockers, it was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, there clicked something in your head, "Dash has to have taken my planning while she walked around me... ponyfeathers..."

"Hey Sparky, are you coming or what?!" Rainbow suddenly yelled to you from the end of the corridor where she disappeared, hovering in the air while showing a piece of paper in her hoof to you. Your ears perked up as you saw her hovering there, waiting for you. Not wasting time, you quickly shut your locker and trotted towards her.

She smirked and slowly flew backwards as you got closer, flapping your planning mockingly with her hoof. Opening your wings yourself, you flapped them and flew up to Rainbow as she turned around and zipped into the hallway on the second floor of the school. You shot after her, determined to not lose sight of her.

As you chased her through many corridors and corners, passing by the occasional student that had to duck out of the way if they didn't want to either get hit by the speeding mare or you. As the chase went on, you found yourself enjoying chasing her, as if you two were playing a game of catch.

She rounded corner after corner, often checking over her shoulder if you were still there, grinning and speeding up slightly when she saw you were keeping up with her. You kept your eyes focused on her, finding yourself admiring the elegance and smoothness of her turns and how easy she maneuvered past students or objects that were in her way. After trailing her for at least five minutes straight, you rounded another corner, where you and Rainbow ended up in a long hallway with a dead end. Rainbow slowed down with you following her example. She landed at the end with her back against the wall, watching you as you landed, your nostrils flaring from the chase and exercise. Your hearth was thumping in your dry throat with your wings fully flared.

You caught your breath a bit before addressing the mare in front of you, who was only slightly panting, her chest expanding and falling with each breath, puffing out her chest with unknown grace. Besides her panting, she didn't look to be all too tired, no way near as close as you were. "Well-... are we there-...?" you asked between your heavy breaths for air.

She flashed you a cocky grin with a flick of her tail, "Heh, maybe we do." She held your planning paper in front of her, "Why don't you come and try to find out?"

You cocked your head back in surprise, "W-what?"

She kept her gaze on you, "You heard me. Come and get it. If you dare," she waved the paper to you.

She was right there, challenging you, with no ways to escape. So why were you so reluctant to get it? You took a hesitant step closer, a small voice in the back of your head urging you to pounce her and grab your paper. But then there was the bigger voice in your head who didn't want you to give in to her. If you would pounce her she could get hurt, and that was the least that you wanted.

"What are you thinking about Sparky? Afraid of a filly like me?" Rainbow said with a mocking pout. She grinned, "You better be, because this filly would kick your flank to next Friday." She flung her mane over her right shoulder again.

You narrowed your eyes at her, that little voice in the back of your head growing louder with each passing second. You bend your front legs and flapped your wings a few times, making yourself ready to pounce her. If she wanted you to come and get it that badly, you were happily to oblige and get that smug grin from her muzzle. She would surely apologize if you would loom over her with your paper in hoof with her underneath you. You would grin victoriously with her gazing wide eyed at you in shock.

You felt confidence swell within you. Rainbow on the other hoof, didn't look discouraged in the slightest. "Dare Sparky... Dare."

That was all you needed. With a powerful flap of your wings you jumped and pounced towards the mare. As soon as you did, time seemed to slow down, your gaze focused on that gorgeous mare in front of you. Suddenly, her expression changed from cocky to slight fear as you got closer and closer, the voice in your head that was afraid of hurting her becoming louder again.

You spread your wings wide, trying to slow down and hopefully miss her. Successfully you managed to stop a short mane-length away from her muzzle. You could feel her warm breath on your muzzle as you suddenly found yourself staring into those magenta orbs. For a moment time seemed to stand still, until she flashed you a grin, "Well, it seems you've got more primaries than I thought, but not enough to actually take your planning back from me."

You snorted at her remark, "I didn't want you to get hurt. I could've taken it easily if I really wanted to." Rainbow pulled her head a bit back and chuckled. "What's so funny?" you asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Heh, nothing. Just that you try to be gentle with the toughest filly in Equestria." She puffed out her chest and held the paper in her hoof towards you. "I suppose you have at least earned that back." Huffing you took the paper from her hoof. Giving Rainbow one more glance as she looked with a smug grin to you before you went to look at the paper. "Don't be lame Static. You should be proud, not many pegasi can keep up with my flying." Rainbow said as she walked past you, your eyes following her for a few seconds before you read the paper aloud.

"HHmm... F2B. Why don't we get a map from the school with these planning..?"

"That's because all the doors are labeled, dummy. With at every corner a board saying what is down that hallway." Turning around to the voice of Rainbow Dash, you saw her standing in front of a door with written on it 'F2B' in big golden letters. She nudged her muzzle from you to the door, "Told you I knew where it was."

You chuckled and walked over to her, putting the paper away in your saddlebag, "And there I was thinking you were just fooling around to get me late and lost."

Stopping next to her, she chuckled lightly and punched your shoulder gently, "Nah, I like fooling around and teasing my friends, but I'll never let them down on or get them into trouble on purpose." She raised her hoof and knocked on the door of the class. "Today we only have one class; History and Legends. Should be an easy day."

You smiled at her as she kept her eyes on the door, finding yourself being thankful of her being so friendly to you instead of getting you late. She was a cheeky mare for sure, but besides that, she proved in just two days to be a friendly and fun mare to be around with. Hopefully this would be a great start of an amazing friendship.

The door opened, an older stallion way in is old age appearing with an intrigued look, "Ah, Rainbow Dash. I was afraid you had gotten lost in the school." The older stallion turned his gaze to you, "And you brought somepony with you as well."

"Sorry Mr. Quill. I came across Static when I was finished using the little filly's room, he didn't know where the class room was so I showed him." Rainbow said with a sly look to you.

Scratching the back of your mane, you agreed, "Hehe... yeah. I'm having difficulty with learning the new lay-out of the school. Sorry about that." Looking back to Rainbow she gave you a quick wink with a smile.

Turning back to Mr. Quill he gave a small nod in understanding, "That's alright Static. More students have it a bit difficult with learning the new lay-out of the school. I had some trouble with it myself earlier today." He gave a quiet laugh to his own misfortune before stepping aside and letting you and Rainbow into the class. "Take a seat anywhere you like. Today we will be re-discussing the topic we ended with last year; The Rise of the Griffon Empire in 600 B-NMM."

Rainbow walked into the class room with you following after her, Mr. Quill shutting the door behind to continue the class for the day. All in all, this day could've started worse in many ways.

Author's Note:

Art within the chapter from JennieOo.:twilightsmile: