• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 2,302 Views, 93 Comments

School! Flying! Falling! Goofing! - Lazydrill

Last school year, what could possibly happen now what didn't happen in the past few years? Life can be kind, or rude, depending on its mood!

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Ch. 5 We're there. No, for them, not you. Not yet.

"Wait, you know Miss Cheerilee?" Rainbow Dash asked you as you walked along the edge of Ponyville.

"Heh, yeah, you can say that, although, not very good. I went to school there for maybe half a year before my parents decided that it would be better if they put me in a school in Cloudsdale and closer to home. I wonder if Miss Cheerilee remembers me?"

Rainbow Dash chuckled at you, "Don't worry, Static, I know Cheerilee as well. And I can assure you, she remembers every filly or colt that ever came in her class. Even the ones that were only in her class for a week." You smiled at her.

Rounding a corner, the road lead you and Rainbow Dash to a red building with a bell on top of it. Colts and fillies were playing in the front of the building. You turned your muzzle to Rainbow Dash, "I guess that is the school, right?"

Rainbow Dash looked back at you with a raised eyebrow but nodded, "How do you not know if that is the school or not? You went there, right?"

You chuckled lightly and shook your head, "Well yeah, I went to Miss Cheerilee's class. Only that was quite some years ago. Besides, back then the school was not painted red and there was no bell on the roof. So 'sorry' that I don't have the best memory ever." Rainbow Dash laughed at you before turning her muzzle towards the school again.

"Hey Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow Dash looked back at you, "Yeah? What's up, Static?"

You pondered lightly on how to ask, not wanting to come over as too rude, "Uhm, sorry but I'm just curious, back when I nudged Scootaloo up onto my back and folded my wing over her, you were staring at me the whole time. Why?"

Rainbow Dash smiled at you with her eyes closed before turning her head forwards again, "Don't get all excited Static. I told you that Scootaloo was pretty much my sister. So seeing her happy makes me happy. I care a lot for the little filly, and right now, she is quite adorable, even tough, she doesn't like it when I say that."

You chuckled at the last part, remembering when Scootaloo huffed at you and stated that she was 'tough'. You could relate with the happiness that the sight of you and Scootaloo brought her. For you had your own little sisters as well, who brought the same smile on your face when they were happy or on your back like Scootaloo.

"Hey Rainbow Dash, how did Scootaloo actually became your so-called 'adopted' sister?"

Rainbow Dash laughed lightly before turning to you once more. "Well, it was a few weeks ago. The CMCs, me and two of my best friends went on a camping trip in the woods."

You nodded at her but raised your eyebrow questionably at her, "Wait, sorry but, what the hay are the CMCs? Sounds like some kind of special forces. Is that what you call those guards in Canterlot castle? You know, those ponies who all look the same?"

Rainbow Dash groaned and slapped her forehead with a hoof, "I forgot that you're not from Ponyville."

You craned your head back a little in confusion. "What has that have to do with those special forces? Are they stationed only in Ponyville?" You began looking around for the guards that were supposed to look like each other, not spotting an single guard, you looked back at Rainbow Dash who was laughing lightly at you.

"Well you could say that they are 'special', and that they are indeed, for the most part, stationed in Ponyville. But I think I will explain you when you come across them. Oh, don't worry, you'll notice them when you see them."

Rainbow Dash got a grin on her face that you did not like, not in the slightest. Narrowing your eyes in suspicion, you said, "Umh, Rainbow Dash, that grin on your face tells me that I am not going to like the meeting with them."

Rainbow Dash just laughed and turned her muzzle back to the school, "That depends on what they are doing today." Hearing Rainbow Dash say that so casually rang a 'lot' of alarm bells.

Approaching the school, you could see that your parents were in front of the school talking with a purple coated mare with two light pink color streaks in her tail and mane. The mare had a cutie mark of three smiling flowers. Remembering who it was, you smiled and began to pick up the pace, while still being careful not to wake up the sleeping filly still covered under your wings. Rainbow Dash noticing you trotting and joined you in your pace.

Your mom noticed you in the corner of her eye and looked at you. She waved at you before turning to the other mare again. Reaching the three adults, you stopped next to them and looked at the purple mare, "Miss Cheerilee?" you assumed out loud, your head tilted a little to the right.

The mare's ears perked your way and she glanced at you, "Yes? Can I help yo...! Oh my... Static? Static Spark?"

You smiled at her and nodded your head. "Hey, Miss Cheerilee! I'm surprised that you still remember me!"

Cheerilee smiled at you, "Of course I remember you. I remember every little pony that stepped into my class, especially the ones that had a crush on me. Ring any bells, Static?"

A big blush spread across your cheeks as you lowered yourself a little, feeling awkward. Cheerilee smiled playfully at you, while behind you, Rainbow Dash could be heard falling onto the ground and laughing her lungs out. Your mom chuckled at you and your dad snickered with his mouth closed.

You stuttered a bit, "I-I-I'm p-pretty sure you mean somepony else." Your eyes darted around from Cheerilee to your parents and back. Cheerilee's smile got wider and she got closer to your muzzle, your blush expanding across your cheek as she got closer.

"Oh but my dear Static, I am sure I have in my school desk a certain love letter, from a certain colt, that had a drawing on it with you and me hoof in hoof...." Cheerilee's eyes closed halfway, giving you a very uneasy feeling. You craned your head back to get away from the advancing teacher, your face now completely red and warm.

"B-but I-I..." You were interrupted as the three mares around you began laughing at you, Rainbow Dash gasping for air while your mother also laughed fully at you. Cheerilee laughed with a hoof in front of her mouth, and your dad had a hoof to his mouth with puffed up cheeks that were about to burst. You were pretty sure that if your face got any redder, you would fall into a coma because of wrong blood flow. Honestly, that would be a good escape from this.

You wanted to say something back but felt a stirring on your back and under your wings. Glancing over your shoulder you raised your wings a tiny bit and saw that Scootaloo was waking up from her nap. Smiling, you craned your neck more to the filly and nudged her mane softly, "Scootaloo, we are at school, time to get up."

The filly stirred, but rolled around again and grabbed one of your wings and pulled it over her again muttering, "No, please, daddy, five more minutes." You narrowed your eyes in confusion and craned your head back. "Uhm..."

Cheerilee came standing next you together with your mom. "What is wrong Static? Something wrong with your wings?" your mom asked with concern while she looked your wings over.

You looked at both mares and shook your head, "Well, not exactly. It's just that..."

You raised your wings again so that Scootaloo came into view, snoring softly. Your mother smiled gently at you and Cheerlie chuckled, "I see what is wrong. Scootaloo doesn't want to wake up?"

You shook your head slowly, "Well, that is also the case, but... when I tried to softly nudge her awake, she called me... daddy..." You chuckled awkwardly at the mares. Your mom's face almost exploded in cooing expressions, Cheerilee, though, looked confused and taken by surprise. Scootaloo stirred again and took one of your wings and draped it over her again. Your mom jumped up and down, while one hoof was in her mouth, trying to hold back the 'D'aawwss' that were bound to come out.

Rainbow Dash landed next you, wiping away a tear as she did, "Hehe, ffeewww. Sorry about that, that was to good. Anyhoof, what's happening? Did I miss something?"

You looked at her, "Well, actually, I have a question for you."

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow at you, "Uhm, okay, shoot."

You sighed and glanced over at Scootaloo who was now under one wing again, only her head poking out from underneath it. "Rainbow Dash, is Scootaloo an orphan?"

Rainbow Dash's head shot back and she got a confused look on her muzzle, "Huh? No! she lives with her parents. Why?"

You looked back at Rainbow Dash, "Well, because you said you pretty much 'adopted' her as a sister, and... she called me her 'daddy' when I tried to wake her up."

Rainbow Dash's ears drooped to the side and her expression became one of soft understanding, "Well, I can explain that. I think. See, Scootaloo lives at home with her parents, but they work, a lot. She's had many filly sitters' over to take care of her. More so than her parents I think."

Your eyes soften in understanding before your mom spoke up, "Well, I can see then why she calls him daddy. Filly and colt sitters are almost always mare's, so her being taken care of by Static must give her the feeling that he is her dad." Rainbow Dash nodded slowly.

You looked back at Scootaloo with a small smile, "Well, truth be told, I wouldn't mind being the daddy of such a cute fil..... I said that out loud didn't I?"

You sighed and looked around at all the mares and your dad. Your dad nodded at you and raised his head in pride. Peeking a glance at the three mares beside you, expecting to be overloaded with cooing, you were surprised that your mom only had a soft caring smile on her face, mouthing the words, 'You see'.

Cheerilee on the other hoof looked very pleased, "Well I can say that you have indeed grown a lot in the past few years, I guess that is because of your two little sisters right?"

You wanted to answer but your mom beat you to it, "You can say that, Cheerilee. Since the twins were born, he started to be really protective of them and caring. He once got into a fight with my husband over how he handled his little sisters with not enough care. The week after that, Static did everything he could to make sure that his dad would not come into five meters of the twins. Even when my husband tried to bottle feed the twins, Static grabbed it out of his hooves and checked if the temperature and taste was good, and even if the right amount was in the bottles so that both of the girls would get the equal amount. And then he would feed them both at the same time."

You blushed softly at the story, not just because of the compliment, but also that you kept your dad from the twins like that. Cheerilee smiled and chuckled softly. You looked over to Rainbow Dash on your left, now standing close to you but with her muzzle towards the filly on your back. Your eyes wandered over her, this time staying on her wings that were tucked sweetly to her side. Her wings wore a very well kept look, her feathers looked beautiful and clean and were definitely preened every day. Shaking your head a little, you forced yourself out of eyeing of the mare next to you. Taking a deep breath, and letting it out, you tried to calm your thoughts. Glancing over your shoulder, you saw that Rainbow Dash nudged Scootaloo herself. "Come on Scoots, wake up sis, Miss Cheerilee is waiting for you."

Scootaloo let out a scratchy sounding yawn and opened her eyes. You raised your wings up and slowly folded them back to your sides. Scootaloo rubbed her eyes and began to sat up straight on your back, letting out another yawn while she looked around her. "Arrgghh, do I really need to? I haven't slept so good in quite some time."

You smirked at her, "Well Scootaloo, me, as your personal bed. I'm glad to hear that I do my job good."

Scootaloo turned to you and smiled, "Hehe, you did your job good, yeah."

You gave a pleased nod to her. Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow with a smirk at the filly who looked confused back. "Well Scoots, tell me, because I'm really curious now. Do you sleep better on his back, or on a cloud?"

Scootaloo got a smirk on her face and looked at you before looking back at Rainbow Dash, "That, Rainbow Dash, is what you need to find out for yourself."

The cyan mare took a step back at the blunt statement the little filly made to her. You could swear that you saw a very tiny red stripe form across her cheek before it was gone a second later. You chuckled at the little filly's bluntness and began to lower your belly to the ground, tucking your legs underneath you. Scootaloo wanted to hop off, but you held her back with a wing. She looked at you with a raised eyebrow, and you glanced back at her with a soft smile, "Be careful with your hoof Scootaloo. It's better if you let Miss Cheerilee take a look at it before you use it again, okay?"

Scootaloo smiled and nodded at you. You folded your wing back and Scootaloo turned around on your back, putting her back legs first on the ground before her last good hoof touched down on the ground. Cheerilee walked over next to you and Scootaloo, "Scootaloo, did you hurt yourself on your scooter?"

The little filly nodded at Cheerilee who sighed, probably having seen it multiple times already. "Well you're lucky that this nice stallion brought you here."

Scootaloo's ears drooped a little to the side but she smiled at you, "He is not a nice stallion." Your ears drooped to the side and you lowered your head in fear that you did something wrong.

Scootaloo chuckled before limping over to you and hugging your neck, surprising you. "He is not a nice stallion. He's an awesome stallion!"

Your ears perked up again and you smiled at the orange fur ball that was hugging you with her wings buzzing in happiness. "Thanks, Scootaloo, I was afraid that I did something wrong."

Scootaloo chuckled at you, "Not in the slightest. You have been a better pony than some of the filly sitters have been. And, uhm, you can call me Scoots, like Rainbow Dash does. But don't take it the wrong way! I'm not cute!"

Scootaloo let you go and turned around to go with Cheerilee towards the school. Scootaloo made a motion with her hoof that Cheerilee needed to lean down with her head, Scootaloo whispered something in her ear. Cheerilee smiled at Scootaloo before looking to you, "Well Static, now that everypony is accounted for, I should start class before they will overthrow the school. I wish you a healthy and cheerful future, as well as a nice fillyfriend," You blushed lightly. Cheerilee leant down to your ear and whispered, "Don't tell Rainbow Dash, but Scootaloo says that she sleeps better on your back then on any cloud."

You chuckled, "Thank you, Miss Cheerilee. I hope you have a smiling future, with manageable classes."

Cheerilee smirked playfully at you, "Don't become a smart mouth now, young colt, or I will give your mom the love letter you gave me." Your eyes expanded and you gulped loudly. Cheerilee just chuckled and turned around with Scootaloo, You waved both of them away, "Stay safe, uhm, Scoots!" Scootaloo turned her face towards you from the entry door of the school, and she smiled and waved to you as well before disappearing into the building with Miss Cheerilee.

As Scootaloo and Cheerilee disappeared, two yellow blurs shot out of the door and came flying at you. guessing who they were, you just kept your belly on the ground and opened your front legs in 'hug receiving mode'. And you guessed right, as Summer and Gloom slammed into your front legs and hugged you cheerfully. "Hey Summie, hey Gloomy. How do you like the school so far?" you asked as you closed your front legs around the twins, hugging them softly.

The twins craned their heads away from your neck and they both looked into your eyes, "Our class is really friendly!" Gloom answered first.

"Yeah! And we even made two new friends already! Apple Bloom and Sweetiebelle!" Summer chirped.

You nuzzled them, "That is great to hear, girls. I hope you will not make it to hard on Miss Cheerilee."

Summer and Gloom moved their heads from side to side, "No, we must save our energy!" Summer began.

You raised an eyebrow at her before Gloom spoke up. "Yeah, we must save our energy for when we are done with school, to help our new club!"

You chuckled at them, "Okay, and which club is that?"

The twins at the same time began to open their mouths and take in large amount of air. Raising an eyebrow, you noticed that Rainbow Dash took out of nowhere two big corks and put them in her ears, and then she grinned at you. "Why do I get the feeling that I am not going to like this..."

You turned your head slowly back at the twins as they shouted, "THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!!!"


The whole group of ponies turned silent, except for Rainbow Dash, who could be heard laughing out loud through the ringing noise in your ears. You could see a flash going off through your unfixed eyes, as they were shot in different directions due the direct force of the twins' war cry.

Shaking your head to clear the daze and get your eyes in place, you glanced over to your right where your mom now had a camera around her neck. She held a picture in her right hoof and showed it to your dad who was laughing loudly. Your mom saw you looking and began trotting over to you happily, and she put the picture in front of your eyes while chuckling softly.

Looking at the picture, you saw that the twins were cheerfully screaming out their war cry at you. And because of their war cry, your coat was flying backwards over your whole body, as your eyes went unfixed and your ears, mane, tail and wings were being blown backwards as well.

Risking a glance at your wings, your eyes widened. To your horror, they were ruffled beyond what you had ever seen. "What the hay!? This is gonna take forever to preen every feather!!" Spreading your wings to the widest and adjusting them so you could see the underside, your jaw dropped to see that the underside did not fare any better than the topside of your wings.

Rainbow Dash was now snickering, and came to stand next to you. Extending her left hoof, she poked at one of your worst looking feathers, which promptly fell off. Rainbow Dash began laughing again, turning her muzzle towards you, "Good luck preening that, you will be busy all day with just your left wing!"

You growled at the mare who didn't seem fazed by it in the slightest and instead began laughing louder. Huffing loudly through your nostrils, you began to flap your wings a little while turning them lightly in different directions, putting most feathers back in place, but your wings stayed quite a mess.

You looked with narrowed eyes at the twins again who were smiling innocently at you with big, glistening eyes. "Cheaters! They know I can not get angry at those eyes!" You sighed and just hugged them tighter, "Girls, pleaseeee, don't do that again, my wings are a mess now!"

You looked at your sisters to see them giggling softly. "Oh? Finding this funny don't you? Well how about you both don't get to be on my back for the next few days?"

Their smiles and ears dropped instantly as they stared at you, "Y-you don't mean that, right?" Gloom said, beginning to get tears in her eyes.

"Yeah, we're reallyyy sorry Static! Please? We promise that we will not do it again!" Summer followed quickly.

Smiling sweetly you hugged them tighter to you, nuzzling their cheeks, "Of course I don't mean that, don't worry. But please, don't scream like that again. Or I will also need new ears. They're still ringing."

You released them and they looked back at you, smiling again, "We promise, Static!"