• Published 4th Jun 2015
  • 9,625 Views, 418 Comments

Monkey Business - FrostTheWolf

The plan was to dress up as a Faunus from RWBY. Specifically Sun Wukong. But plans don't always go the way we hoped. I just hope that my newfound abilities and skills don't get myself in Major trouble. [Displaced][RWBY/MLP Crossover]

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Tail 1- Straight out the Gate

Monkey Business- Straight out the gate


The ship called the Steelwing had just returned to port as the passengers began to disembark as the crew members and passengers were leaving the ship. Outside the ship, two ponies and a griffon were trying to adjust themselves after a few hours of traveling at sea. Unknown to them and to the guards that stood on duty at the docks that day, one of the few FRAGILE items that was being moved from the cargo hold was something nopony would expect.

“Name and Occupation, please.” The Guard checking the cargo asked the head griffon that was in charge of the ship. His fur was an Albino White with golden armor, a brown mane and same colored eyes. The Griffon that he was dealing with had a Silver beak guard that he wore as an accessory, Brown and black feathers and green eyes.

“Embargo Steelwing. Antique’s dealer.” The griffon replied. The voice though, caused one of the boxes to shake a little, catching the guards attention.

“Mr. Steelwing, you do know that transferring livestock and animals is illegal unless you have a permit, correct.”

“Yes, sir. And I promise you, there’s nothing here that will go against your regulations.”

The Griffon’s sentence was cut off again by the same box with holes in it to violently jerk. This caught the Rainbow maned Pegasus’ attention and had her go over there. After her adventures, she learned about how most of the griffons were personally selfish and greedy. This one looked like no exception.

“Gilda, Pinkie, can you wait for just a minute? Something about this guy seems fishy.” She told them as she trotted over to the box where a few of the Griffons were trying to handle it. However, A loud BANG!! went off, causing one of the panels of the box to be sent flying forth, smacking two of the Griffons in the face and causing them to fall into the harbor. Out of the box, came a bipedal figure that was lightly tanned. Had a golden yellow tail that resembled a monkey and same colored Mane. Unlike other monkeys that Rainbow Dash had seen, this one actually had two major differences. The first was that it wore clothes.

The second was that it could talk.

“I don’t mean to be rude, but I call your story a piece of trash after locking me up in that Crate after you said that I was of use to you.”

“What the-!?”

“Explain yourself!” The guard on duty demanded as the Figure straightened himself up.

“Well, Sir. Mr. Steelwing is actually known as Silverbeak. He’s a black market dealer who specializes in stolen Antiques, jewels and most importantly, smuggling living beings. The moment after I met him, he gagged me and forced me to be in a cramped cargo hold, barely giving me anything to eat and robbed me of one of my possessions.”

“Okay, that’s enough-.” The Griffon said, using his sharp claws to disarm the guard of the sword he had on his right hoof side and threw it at the figure. Rainbow watched as he somersaulted backwards and got on top of the boxes of cargo, opening one box and getting out a pair of Red… sticks?

“Well, I’m glad to have you back-.” He said before the other griffons soon tried to attack him. The monkey himself had all four of the sticks he had link up to form a staff as he began to beat up his attackers like he was a star in an action movie. He even surprised Rainbow Dash with the agility that he possessed. Soon though, he pulled what appeared to be a trigger on his weapon of choice as he de-linked the weapons again and blew off the bolts that held a huge wooden crate together. For a moment, it didn’t do anything. But soon, the wooden panel fell down and revealed the contents of what was inside.

Over twelve griffons were inside. Low class families that wanted to escape from Griffonstone and start a new life. But couldn’t purchase a ticket to go across to Equestria. The stunned Steelwing snarled a little, trying to fight back and go after the filthy primate that foiled his plans. But, he was soon held down by the same guard that he was talking to earlier.

“Embargo Steelwing. You are under arrest for the illegal immigration of goods and civilians from the city of Griffonstone. You had the right to remain silent and anything you say will be used against you in a court of law.”

Pinkie Pie and Gilda were relieved of the outcome that came of the string of events. But when they turned around, they realized that the monkey that was only there a few moments ago… was now gone.

Where could the savior that was here only a minute ago have ran off too?

Later that evening…

The Faunus that was on the back end of a cargo train going to who knows where wasn’t always like what he was now. For one thing, his name was Sean. He was attending the RTX or Rooster Teeth Expo in Dallas, Texas going as Sun Wukong from RWBY. However, everything from there soon went completely downhill when some merchant dressed up as Junior from the same show sold him a look a like of Wukong’s pendant as well as his two gunchaku; Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang. Now, he was Sun Wukong. He spoke like him and could even run like him without breaking a sweat. However, his speed wasn’t able to help him get away from Silverbeak when he was captured in Griffonstone.

However, after three days stuck inside the crate and using his tricks of the trade to survive, Sun felt good to be free as a bird. Of course, he would’ve stayed and helped out, but with the possibility of some of the guards thinking that he would be a stowaway on board that boat, the Faunus thought it would be best to hightail it out of there. Literally. Especially with all the commotion that was caused back at the docks.

He liked riding the top of the train that he was on. It felt really comfy to him as he looked up at the night sky, trying to see if there were any constellations that he could spot. But, in laying his head down, he could hear some people speaking below him.

“Sir, how long until we reach our stop?”

“We will be reaching Ponyville within 15 minutes.”

He recognized one of the voices, but didn’t want to assume anything yet. It sounded just like the Pegasus with the Rainbow mane back in Balti… whatever they called it. But to be sure, he continued to listen.

“Fifteen minutes? Oh COME on!! We’ve been waiting far too long in order to get there.”

“Rainbow, we’ve only been traveling for half an hour. Not all things can be as fast as you can.”

“I wish they can be, Gilda. That way, I get more time to kick back and just be awesome!”

“Right… So, um… If I may ask… How have your Friends been?”

During this time, Sun sort of dozed off. He rather not listen to the talking between the two of them and focused his attention on what to do when he got to this Canterlot that one of the train attendants mentioned earlier. Maybe it would be the chance for him to get some much needed-.


Rest. Something caused the hairs on the back of Sun’s neck to stand up. He looked around, hoping to see something that could tell him what he was hearing. The Faunus was hoping for it to NOT be what he thought it was as the train went into a heavy forest area. Sun decided to relocate to where he had more light and moved to a riverbank along the edge of the forest. For a moment, he thought that he was safe. Until he turned around and saw what was making the noise he heard earlier.

Grimm. Grimm everywhere. Four Beowolve’s and two minor ursa’s. His movements must’ve caught their attention. “Oh come on!! Seriously!? This is the last thing I need!!” Sun bellowed as he combined his two gunchaku to form his staff. The First two beowolves that lunged at him had Sun flip backwards and use his weapon to counter their incoming claws. After dodging to the right, he split the staff in half to form the two gunchaku again and aimed one directly at the first Beowulf.

“Say goodnight.”


In a small cottage outside the Everfree forest, one pegasus that was attending to her flock of animals heard a loud shot rang out as she was feeding them dinner.

“Oh dear… What could that be? Angel, please keep an eye on everypony. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

The gunshot caused the Beowulf to turn to cinders as the second one swung its claws. Sun was able to dodge most of it, but the tips of the claws soon struck him across the chest. He stepped backwards, partially in pain, but still able to move as the beowolves coordinated their attacks. The Faunus felt like he was having to run all over the place because these Grimm were attacking him so quickly that he wasn’t being given any opportunities to counter.

Backflipping in the air again, Sun used the descent to get two shots off. The first one hit one of the three incoming beowolves while the second one hit a tree, making a mental note to himself that he seriously needed to work on his aiming. Two of the beasts were down and four were left. But at one moment, he saw the four grim that were in front of him running away.

“Aww, did I scare you? Serves you right-.”

By the time he turned around though, he realized why they ran. A Major Ursa was right behind him and looking at Sun, he was MAD.

“Oh son of a taint-!!”

The huge bear like grim swung it’s massive paws at the Faunus as it tried to take a few shots at it. However, it’s boney skin and structure caused the bullets to deflect, not making a dent. After missing a few more attacks though, the Ursa’s jaw bit into Sun’s left arm, causing him to feel extreme pain. The Faunus however, was able to free himself by shooting at the Ursa’s exposed belly so he could break free of his jaws. The pain was still felt almost everywhere in that arm whenever he tried to move.

Sun was now down an arm and had open cuts across his chest. But he wasn’t going to go down without a fight. Arming one of the guns on his weapon, he waited on the ground until the Ursa got close enough. Then, when the bear was in position, Sun smiled and pointed his good arm right below the front of the monster’s head, pulling the trigger. “Gotcha.”

The shot that followed rang out as it had the Grim fade away into the blackness of the night. However, despite his victory, Sun was incredibly tired. He didn’t have any energy left in him to stand. All he could do now was just fall asleep… Just as a Yellow Pegasus came into the clearing and saw him.

“O-oh my!! You poor thing!!! What could possibly have done this to you?! You’re coming with me right now!!” The young mare named Fluttershy said, doing the best that she could to carry Sun on her back with his weapons going across her neck. As the mare took him inside, she brought him upstairs as the pegasus attended to his open wounds and his arm. Despite the bite that was on it, the injuries looked to be minor as the Element of Kindness tried to take care of the helpless creature the best that she could. Hoping that whoever it was, that it didn’t die on her throughout the long process of tending to him.

Next morning

The sounds of a rooster and the urge to shoot it woke up Sun the next day. He was quite surprised at a few things the moment that he woke up, For one thing, his arm and chest were covered in bandages and he was feeling a lot better than before. Another thing was that he was on top of a long sofa and his two Gunchaku were on the nearby nightstand. Not to mention that he could hear something. Like… breathing.

He looked around, seeing that the door to the room was left open and that something was moving in the hallway. It wasn’t until long that Sun decided to sit down on the floor and see who was coming. He originally thought that it was a pony, but was surprised when he saw a white rabbit instead.

“Hunh? Hey little guy.” The Faunus said to the bunny, poking and tickling him with his tail. Despite the rabbit’s cute reaction to being tickled, he soon bounced off and away from him towards a closet door, where he was seen tapping his foot and folding his bunny arms. At first, Sun didn’t know why he would exactly be doing that, but soon found out why when the closet door slowly opened and what was hiding behind it peaked out.

It was a yellow pegasus with a pink mane and tail and a mark of some kind on her flank. One with three butterflies. It looked really shy, but to Sun, it was also kind of cute.

“Hello.” He greeted the pegasus, who reacted at first by being a little bit scared, but soon came back down to earth.

“H-hello.” She whispered a little, faintly. “A-are you okay?”

“A lot better now. Did you patch up my wounds?” Sun then asked. The Pegasus replied with a nod, making him feel very grateful. “Thank you for helping me, Miss…… what’s your name?”


“Fluttershy? Is that right?” The Faunus asked. She nodded, giggling a little upon seeing Sun’s tail and him using it to tickle her. “Nice to meet you Fluttershy. I’m Sun Wukong, but you can just call me Sun for short.”

“O-okay… Um… w-what are you, Sun?”

“Me? Well, I’m a Faunus.”

“A Fawn? But you don’t look like a deer.” Fluttershy replied, causing Sun to chuckle a little to himself, confusing the Pegasus.

“No no no… not that kind of Fawn. Faunus. It’s a race of individuals that have animal characteristics. For example, I have my monkey tail.”

“Oh I see!” She exclaimed. “That makes sense.” For a moment, the two of them heard some noises downstairs. Fluttershy sighed, looking back at Sun. “Can you wait here for a moment? I almost forgot to feed my animals this morning.”

“Sure.” He replied, seeing a nearby banana. One that strangely… wasn’t in the room before. He sighed a little, ignoring it and returning to Fluttershy. “Hey, Fluttershy…”

“Y-yes Sun?”

“Is anyone else living with you besides the animals you mentioned? Because I remember that wasn’t there when I first woke up.” The banana soon faded away as what looked like a being that was composed of numerous body parts faded into view, doing the chameleon effect as a way to hide himself.

“Aww man, I thought that would work.”

“Discord, what have I told you about playing pranks on other ponies who are recovering? Do we have to go over the same thing we did a few weeks ago?”

The being, now called by his name, looked all apologetic as he turned towards the Pegasus. “Sorry, Fluttershy. I just wanted to have a little fun with our new houseguest.”

Sun, despite what had occurred over the last few moments, was already liking this ‘Discord’ fellow. He was quite comical, especially with forming a halo above his head when he apologized to Fluttershy. “I believe we can have some fun once I’ve recovered it a little more. Of course, if it’s okay with Ms. Fluttershy.”

“I’m fine with it. Just nothing TOO reckless that would cause your injuries to open.” The Pegasus told the Faunus as she left the room. During that time, Discord got the chance to learn a bit about Sun and in return, Sun got to learn a bit about where he was, the kinds of individuals that called this land home and what had transpired recently. Later, the two of them were with Fluttershy for a morning brunch as they talked for a little while, telling the Pegasus what they were talking about earlier. But now, a new question formed in Fluttershy’s curious mind.

“Sun… Sorry if this is a little uncomfortable to talk to you about with you waking up recently and everything but…… what caused you to get those injuries? Did something attack you?”

The question had Sun stop blowing on the cup of coffee that was brewed for him as he set down the cup using his tail. He sighed. “Have you ever heard of the Grimm?”

Both of them shook their heads, causing Sun to sigh as he began to recall what they were to the best of his abilities. “Grimm are monsters that are drawn to the feelings of negativity like sadness, envy, hatred and loneliness. They are said to be creatures without souls and some cultures believed that they are the spirits of once tortured animals. Last night, I was attacked by a small group of them at first, but then a Ursa Grimm attacked me and almost bit my arm. I was lucky that I had both my weapons on me or else I would’ve died out there.” Sun, as he finished, held onto both Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang to show what he meant.

“O-oh my-! We should tell Twilight about this-!”

“Wait… Who?”

“A friend of ours.” Fluttershy replied. “She’s an Alicorn who’s very talented with magic. I’ll introduce you to her once you’re all healed so you can tell her the same thing you told us.”

“Maybe… Right now though, I feel like I should stay low for a while.” Sun said, causing Discord to look at him in confusion. “I might have caused a disturbance back in the city where I got off that freaking boat.”

“So, you’re a Sea Monkey?” Discord chuckled a little.

“No, it’s not that…" the faunus let out a small sigh, before trying his best to explain, "Some jerk decided to lock me up on a cage and put me on a cargo ship, treating me like an animal. When the ship went into port, I busted out and exposed him of his crimes. I couldn’t stay though because I personally thought that everypony in that entire city would be afraid of me after the stunt I pulled.”


“Yeah. Might not have been the best decision I’ve made, but at least it saved my tail when I needed it the most.” Sun replied, leaning back a bit on his chair until he fell over backwards on accident. Discord and Fluttershy both chuckled a little at the monkey’s clumsiness as he got back onto his feet. “Sorry about that, Fluttershy.”

“It’s okay Sun.” She replied in a light whisper like voice. Sun sighed a little, excusing himself so that way he could lean down and go rest upstairs. As he went up there, the Faunus took off his bandages to find that his injuries were almost completely healed. For now though, he should just lay down and sleep.

However, in the distance, someone watched him as he sat down and fell asleep on the couch in the room. This individual's face was covered with a mask and was hard to see it as they disappeared into the blackness of the Everfree Forest. But there was one clear trait about them that was noticeable.

An insignia of a Red Rose. The rose of beauty that belonged to a beast.

End Tale 1

Author's Note:

Though I would try something new with my writing and decided to go along with this. I always wanted to do a RWBY Displaced and thought that Sun Wukong would be the best choice because of how awesome he is. Oh and here's a few references to Sun and the Grimm

Sun Wukong

Beowulf Grim

Minor Ursa

I hope you guys enjoy the first chapter. Sun's token won't be out yet, but I promise to get that taken care of with the next chapter. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy it!