• Published 4th Jun 2015
  • 9,625 Views, 418 Comments

Monkey Business - FrostTheWolf

The plan was to dress up as a Faunus from RWBY. Specifically Sun Wukong. But plans don't always go the way we hoped. I just hope that my newfound abilities and skills don't get myself in Major trouble. [Displaced][RWBY/MLP Crossover]

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Tail 24- From the Ashes

Author's Note:

A new Tail is here and with it, I had to make some adjustments for how to do this. Given the ending of Volume 3, I wanted to make sure that Pyrrha still remembers what happened leading up to her defeat by Cinder. This will also play out when she meets certain... characters that may trigger haunting memories for her.

Also, some other things will play out too with regards to the whereabouts of Team RWBY and also the return of the Mane Six from the Crystal Empire. With that, enjoy!

Monkey Business- From the Ashes

Sun… was speechless. Well, who wouldn’t be right around now. He had just found out that one of the characters on RWBY… Not to mention one of his other favorite characters besides Sun Wukong… was actually right in front of him. It was a lot to take in, no doubt about it… But the fact was that the real Pyrrha Nikos, in this present moment, was alive. There was no way for him to describe what was going through his mind, but it also explained why Pyrrha asked him that one question earlier in their conversation.

Do you believe in Destiny?

It was the same question that she had asked her Jaune and also Cinder right before she died. Both of them resulting in separate answers. His though, was different from the other answers that she had already been told and that… didn’t do anything to ease what was going through her mind. The whole concept behind the Displaced and the fact that some of the people here that were displaced as RWBY characters were not exactly the same as she once remembered them before. Not to mention that he wasn’t the same faunus that she remembered from Remnant.

“Y-you must think I’m crazy…” Pyrrha first began to say, shortly before Sun cut her off. Because now was when he actually had an effective response for her.

“No, I don’t… In fact, I actually believe you.” He insisted, looking at her straight in the eye and catching her by surprise. “You may not realize it, but there are a lot of people not just in this world, but in other worlds who have gone through strange things like both of us have. But for me to understand you… I would like for you to share your story.” She was hesitant at first, but soon, Pyrrha began to explain what lead up to the last moment that she remembered on Remnant before somehow arriving in Equestria. Telling Sun everything from her first day at Beacon all the way up to her final moments.

By the time she ended her story though, that was when Penny burst out of nowhere, looking panicked. “Sun! Sun! Sun! Help!” She shouted. “My bow’s missing!” Sun looked at her, sighing a little but also noticing the partially scared and worried expression on Pyrrha’s face while he tended to help her.

“Did you retrace your steps? Maybe you accidently misplaced it wherever you last were.” The faunus suggested to her as he tried his best to help. “Do you have an extra one to wear while you look for your other bow?”

“No! I’ve only got the clothes on my body! And that bow! It’s important to me!” Penny then looked to Pyrrha, then her eyes widened a bit and she started to shake. “Uh… Nevermind… I-I’ll ask CFVY if they’ve seen it…” Sun noticed there was fear- no, terror, in her voice. She then turned and ran off. That just confused Sun personally, but still made Pyrrha a bit fearful to speak… until the faunus spoke up instead.

“Pyrrha? Are you okay?”

She nodded a little, before looking towards Sun. “I-i… When I saw her… I had a flashback to Remnant… I… destroyed her…” Pyrrha was too caught up in her emotions before speaking again. “She had friends… had a family… yet… what I did to her… still haunts me to this day.” The Faunus tried his best to comfort her, thinking of what he could say to help her snap out of this mood of her’s that she was in. Only to think of something that he soon said after some thought.

“Don’t worry about it… I know for sure that there would not be anything this time to cause you to do the same thing again…” He said, only for Pyrrha to retort something back to him.

“Yes, but do you think she would ever forgive me for what I did to her?” Pyrrha then asked him. It was a tough question, without a doubt. But soon, Sun had finally thought of something to say.

“Pyrrha, you are strong and a brave warrior. A lot of us here can learn a few things from someone who has had your experience… But when it comes to this, there’s only one thing I can say,” He said as he looked back at her. “It’s more likely that she will be able to forgive you… once you are able to forgive yourself.” He got up and was about to help hold the door for Pyrrha, but before she left, the red haired lady pulled a fire like feather and handed it to the faunus.

“Thank you Sun… I’ll think on what you said… I found this in my satchel when I first woke up in this world. I’m not sure why it’s there, but maybe you can find a better purpose for it.” Before the monkey could say anything though, Pyrrha was gone as she walked back into the halls of the academy. Sun though, did not have the time to investigate the properties of the feather and instead just quickly placed it in his pocket. His main priority right now was to go see Penny and see if she was okay after… what happened earlier.

When he stepped out, the first thing he saw was Angel, who looked to be chewing on a small ‘baby’ carrot even though he was technically not a baby. “Hey Angel, have you seen where Penny went off too?” He asked. All he got from the rabbit was a tilt of the head and him pointing an ear in the direction of Carousel Boutique, which was a start as he thanked Angel and gave him a couple more carrots for after he finished the one that he was currently munching on.

Just as he approached the door though and knock a small bit, he could hear something going on inside. It sounded like Penny was doing something, probably to get her mind off of her encounter earlier, but maybe she was still looking for her bow that she lost.

When Sun entered, he saw Penny and Coco dancing sporadically. Penny was wearing a fedora as she shimmied around Coco who was spinning in the center of the room. They were listening to Hooked on a Feeling, an old song that ironically… Coco and him listened to a lot when they used to date shortly after Guardians of the Galaxy came out. Coco noticed Sun and yelped, spreading her hands out is surprise. Penny was unfortunate enough to have her eyes closed and continued to dance into Coco’s back hand, which knocked her across the room.

Sun soon rushed over to Penny and tried to offer a hand. “Penny, are you okay?!”

“Ah’m… Fine… I think...” Penny dizzily took Sun’s hand and pulled herself up. She looked into a mirror near her and noticed silver was showing on her cheek. “Wowzers! I think you actually gave me a dent!”

“I’m so sorry Penny, I… Have no excuse…” Coco looked to the ground.

“Hey, it’s nothing that can’t be fixed.” Sun said to Coco and Penny as he looked back at the Android, “Right Penny? It’s just a simple scratch.”

“There isn’t much technology, but yes. I can indeed buff the dent and my synthetic skin regenerates on it’s own.” Penny explained. Sun smiled a little bit, before thinking a little bit and then asking her something.

“Hey, did you find the Bow you were looking for earlier?” He said, turning his head to the side for a moment.

“No… But Coco gave me this awesome hat that she made!” Penny beamed, pointing it out to Sun as he had the chance to inspect it himself. He was amazed by the details and craftsmanship in the piece and it looked great on Penny.

“Nice. Coco did really well in making that… Hey, I’ll still be keeping an eye out on that bow for you… but can I ask you something for a minute?”

“Sure.” Penny said. Coco understood they needed privacy, so she walked off to find her teammate Fox.

“Well, how is everything here going for you at Beacon? Are you adjusting well?” He asked, wanting to start slow before getting into the main details of what he wanted to ask.

“Ugh, I hate that place…” Penny grumbled.

“Well… other than that, how's Ponyville?” Sun then wondered. “I noticed you have been “having fun with Ruby on occasion along with Coco.”

“I only came here to ask where my bow is and Coco asked a few questions and one thing lead to another and then she wanted to dance for some reason.” Penny said. “That’s only the ninth time I’ve interacted with her. And Ruby’s been doing stuff.”

“Well, can I ask you something different now…?” He then spoke up, changing the subject a little. “Earlier, you came by the cottage when you were looking for your bow, but ran out shortly after seeing Pyrrha… Is there something about her that makes you… well… scared?” He tried to make it brief, but also still get the message across.

“Yeah, when I saw her I got this image of her standing at a far distance, then suddenly she outstretches her hands… Then pain… Like parts of me were cut off. And then… Coldness…” That was when Sun realized what Penny was talking about. She was referring to when Penny in RWBY was destroyed in Season 3. Something that… shocked a lot of people. Now he had to work with not just a real Pyrrha, but also a Penny who has the memories of the Android Pyrrha had torn apart unintentionally. “But yeah, I got scared.”

“Penny… can I be honest with you on something?” He then asked, looking back at her for a brief moment. “Pyrrha herself… is scared as well… She’s scared because she doesn’t want her powers to hurt you…” He tried explaining it, but it didn’t seem like it was making any sense. “Tell me… do you know what happens when you are affected by magnets?”

“Yeah… If applied too much it could damage my mechanics permanently.”

“Well, Pyrrha’s semblance is Polarity… which involves Magnetism,” Sun then explained to her, trying to keep things simple. “She’s scared that she would somehow harm you if she had used her powers on you. The last thing I would want is for you and her to be scared of each other. Both of you and kind, nice and brave and many other students and displaced that come here can learn a few things from you two.”

Penny smiled, although Sun could tell it was fake, and said, “Trust me, it wouldn’t matter if I died. A robot like me wouldn’t be considered a casualty.”

“But you still have a soul… You have friends, Penny. They would be devastated if you were gone.” The Faunus explained. “I just want to help you feel comfortable so you don’t need to be scared. The same goes for other people like Pyrrha and Coco.”

“If Pyrrha wants to be friends, then I’d be happy to put aside my fears and get close to her! I mean, she wouldn’t hurt a friend.” Penny grinned. “Anyway, I better head home.”

“Would you like me to walk you home or are you okay on your own?” He offered, trying to be nice to her.

“I’m fine, I don’t live in the Everfree anymore!” Penny stated happily.

“That’s great news Penny!” Sun congratulated her. “Hey, if you do need anything by chance, just drop by the cottage and let me know. I’ll do anything I can in order to help.” With that, Penny soon stepped out of the boutique and began her walk home. Sun though, happened to spot a small pile of clothes that had a note from Rarity for him. Taking the chance, he changed into them while also putting a thank you note next to her sewing machine as she stepped outside. Only to run into another familiar face.

“.......Idiot.” Sun turned around, only to see an irritated Weiss as he looked back at her with a tilted head and a raised eyebrow.

“Hello to you too Weiss.” Sun replied back. “Is something on your mind?”

“If there was I wouldn’t be talking about it with you.”

“Hey white.” Coco remarked as she walked into the area outside of the boutique.

“Hey Coco… Sorry about interrupting your… fun with Penny earlier. I needed to ask her about something.” He apologized to her. Coco then punched him.

“Thanks you making it sound like I was having sex with her in front of my roommate!” Coco snarled.

Sun smacked himself in the face, groaning a little. “I’m sorry. You too looked to be having fun while doing kareoke-. Wait a minute, roommate?” He didn’t realize the last bit until the very end, which now made him even more confused.

“Yeah, I live with Rarity and her. And we were dancing, not singing. You tell anyone this and I’ll use that backhand on you.” Sun immediately nodded his head, going as far as saluting Coco to show that her secret was safe with him and that he would not tell anyone else. “You too, white.”

“Yeah, like I’ll tell anyone of my friends.” She said sarcastically while looking at Coco.

Thanks. Now, I gotta go tear Fox’s d*ck off. He’s been talking behind my back to fluffy ears.” Coco said, cracking her knuckles. “Then I’mma help gears move in.” As she walked off, Sun soon turned around to Weiss as he had a raised eyebrow on his face.


“Who’s a robot!?” Coco shouted.

“Oh right… Forgive me, I thought you were talking about somepony else.” He said. Earlier in the week, he had heard of several different names of some of the locals around town. One of whom was named Silver Spanner. So when Coco said gears, he thought that either she was relating to Penny, Silver, or some other pony with a talent for Engineering. Now with that figured out, she then looked back at Weiss. “Now… where were we before that happened?”

“You tell me. Because right now every fiber in my being wants me to freeze your ass in a block of ice.” Sun backed up a couple of inches, really confused by what was going on.

“Weiss… What are you talking about? Did something happen to Ruby?” He asked, worried that something actually did happen. It had only been a day or so since the initiation exam and right now, having to keep track of not just Ruby, but everything else at the school was putting a strain on him.

“Oh no Ruby’s doing fine. Her lack of reflexes and almost getting killed is alway a normal thing for her.”

“ …… Sarcasm is not very becoming of you.” Sun sighed, looking back at Weiss. “Look, if you are still mad about what happened to Ruby, that was two weeks ago. Are you still going to hold it against me for making one mistake?” The faunus did feel that he was partially to blame for it, but he never thought that Adam would actually use the time that he was gone to perform a surprise attack on Ponyville while he was away. “Besides… No one actually knew that Adam was going to attack Ponyville.”

“One mistake that almost got us killed! Need I remind that Ruby’s reflexes are shot to hell, Yang got her arm cut off, Blake is missing an eye, and to add it all up the two of them have gone missing. So yeah you can see why I am very, very, pissed off.”

“Look Weiss, I accept that I made a mistake. But I can’t change the past… What I can do though is prepare for if he tries to attack again.” Sun replied, “But what I want to ask you is what I can do to help you. I know you may not forgive me, but I want to do what I can to make sure everyone is ready next time around.” That was when one of the guards that was by the academy walked up to him and caught their attention.

“Excuse me, are you Mr. Sun Wukong?” He asked, causing both Weiss and Sun to look at the pegasus stallion.

“Yes I am… What is this about?” The Faunus asked, looking back as he took a scroll that was handed out to him.

“Well, my name is Swift Skies and I’m part of the investigation team regarding your friends. We may have found two leads on your companions.” That caught Sun’s attention almost immediately as he opened the scroll that was given to him.

That got their attention rather immediately as Sun looked at the scroll and looked back at the pegasus. “What are these leads that you are talking about?”

“Two of our scouts have received reports of possible locations where your colleagues may have been sighted. The first one, Ms. Belladonna, was spotted in the forest along the mountains in Neighpon and is seen living in what may be an old temple. The second one, Ms. Xiao Long, was seen wandering the dragon lands. We were only able to get this information because any chance of being able to communicate with either of them hasn’t been successful.” What the stallion had to say was both good news and bad news for the faunus. The good news was that they were alive and okay. The bad news though… they were not coming back so soon. It seemed like they needed a little more time to heal first beforehand.

“Thank you, Swift Skies. You may go now.” He said to him, allowing the pony to return to his pose as he looked back at Weiss before letting her have a look at the scroll that contained the report the pegasus just explained to both of them. “Well, at least we know that they are okay… that’s a start.”

“At least someone is doing something about it.”

“It’s a team effort Weiss. Besides, if they had a reason for running in the first place, they would have a reason to come back when the time is right. I would think that given Yang and Blake, they would want to get stronger first so they can hold their own in a fight.” Sun said as he looked back at her. “You did the same when you had yourself fuse with Dust, remember?”

“Need I remind you why I did it, or did you forget about what happen?”

“I’m just using it as an example,” The Faunus clarified. “You’re all doing something in order to make yourself stronger than you once were and I would only think that Blake and Yang would come back once they find that something. Hell, even Ruby is getting stronger with learning how to use her new Crescent Rose.”

“Really, I haven’t notice after what happen to us.”

“That was a month ago. This is now… You’re dwelling on the past and it’s not letting you see what’s going on right now. How Adam found out about you four being the only ones in Ponyville there is beyond me, but what happened to you was not my fault… And if Adam does come back again, I’ll let you do whatever you want to him and tear him to shreds.”

“Oh, nononono. When Adam appears again you’re going to deal with him. Don’t get me wrong, I know we can hold our own against him, but after what happen with Ruby. Think of this as a way to own up to your mistakes.” Weiss said as red crystals start to form around her skin. “I know Ruby and Blake will forgive you, but me and Yang will never forgive you.”

“I already owned up to my mistakes. They make me who I am and haunt me whenever I feel at peace with myself.” Sun then said to her before tilting his head. “Uhh… You’re growing red crystals… again.”

“A result of being like this. The dust sometime react to my emotions.” Weiss said as she calms herself down, causing the crystals to disappear. “It quite interesting if I do say so myself.”

“I can agree…” He then replied, before thinking of something else in his head. “Hey… Can I ask you for some advice? I’m trying to help someone get adjusted here and… well, it’s kind of hard to explain.”

“Normally I would say no and kick your ass, but I’m in a good mood today. So I’ll humor you until I feel like I’m done.”

“Well, I had a conversation with one of the members of team JNPR earlier today and… found out something that is a little surprising…” The Faunus began to explain. “Remember Pyrrha?”

“You mean the girl that got shot through the heart in volume 3?.....You know upon saying that I’m starting to miss Ruby being stupid around me….” When she said that though, Sun looked around nervously, hoping that Pyrrha was not exactly nearby when she said that as he looked back at her. “...She’s here isn’t she?”

“The Pyrrha that is here is the same Pyrrha that died in Remnant. Just… reborn and given a second chance. However, she doubts herself and is also afraid to interact with Penny after what happened back in her home during the Vytal festival tournament.” Sun told her. “I want to help her regain her confidence and help Penny not be afraid of Pyrrha because she is scared of her. When Penny came by earlier today, she got an image of her being torn apart by Pyrrha’s semblance.”

“… And you think I can help her overcome her fear? The only thing I have for that is to either lock her up in a room with Penny, have Ruby solve the problem, or just tell her to get over before that fear ends up killing her again later on down the line or worse.”

“That is going to be hard, but I’ll only leave Ruby as a last resort,” Sun replied as he looked back. “I guess some of these things just take time… then again, time doesn’t heal all wounds.”

“Yeah… I know.” Weiss said as the faunus looked back at her and letting her keep the scroll.

“So… see you tomorrow then?” He said, looking back at Weiss as he was beginning to walk backwards.

“If Ruby was here then she might end up bringing me to you to try to be friends and stuff. But seeing how she’s not here… you got about five seconds to leave before I freeze your ass in a tome of ice.”

“Careful now… Rather not want to hurt a friend… now if you excuse me, I need to go back to the cottage. I got some things to do and help Fluttershy prepare for the new arrival.” He smirked, running off before Weiss could have the chance to encase him in Ice.

“… One of these days I’m going to enjoy watching him get his ass handed to him by someone else for screwing something up...Wait, what the hell do you mean by new arrival!?”

Penny was laying on the ground in an alley. Pain shot through her as she somehow bled out of her eyes, mouth and ears. She couldn’t move, errors flashing before her vision, and a voice in her head whispered.

“Sun will betray you. These ponies hate you. Ruby has abandoned you. And Pyrrha will kill you. Nobody loves us. The voice said to her as a red eyed version of herself appeared above her. “I’m your only friend… Let me take control and make them suffer… Make Ruby yours… Just take my hand, Penny.”

Penny was about to answer, when Velvet called to her and the world changed in an instance. “Penny! Are you okay!?” Velvet ran into the alley and fell to her knees, sliding on the dirt slightly from the momentum. She grabbed Penny in her arms and lifted her head up and into the faunus’ lap. Penny then noticed that the blood and tears were gone, the tears, as well as the other her. Velvet hugged Penny’s head tightly.

“I-I’m okay…” Penny said before hiccuping. Velvet gave Penny a concerned look, but didn’t press on.

“U-um… Can you get u-up?” Velvet asked, feeling something strange in her chest. An odd, familiar feeling. Velvet felt weaker all of a sudden.

“Yeah.” Penny replied, slowly getting up. Velvet then noticed Penny’s damaged cheek and gasped.

“P-Penny! You’re hurt! Did you get in a fight agai-” Velvet froze. ‘A-again?’

“No, I accidentally ran into Coco’s fist as she was twirling!” Penny said, returning to her chipper self. “Heh… Well anyways, I’ll see you later friend!” Penny then turned around and skipped away. Velvet just stood there, in pure confusion and shock.

“D-did I… Know her before I was Displaced?” Velvet asked herself, stunned at the potential possibility.

Penny sighed as she came to a stop outside of a crumbling building, separate from the rest of the houses in the block. It was rumored haunted, which allowed her to move in with relative ease.

Although, she’d only told Coco about it. The brunette promised to give Penny a house warming party, though Penny doubted that.

Penny walked in and locked the door. She was alone, locked away from all life. Left is silence. Part of her was happy she was away from others, but most of her was just… Tired. The android walked up the stairs, then went into the bathroom and laid down in the filthy bathtub.

“I hope Penny will be okay…” Penny said to herself with a sigh. Silence. Penny looked around until she noticed a cockroach on the side of the tub. “Oh, hello Mr. Bug! I’m Penny Polendina!” No reply. Penny sighed dejectedly. “I know, I’m a sad excuse for a friend… I haven’t even seen Ruby in the hospital… Knowing me, I’d just hurt her more…” No reply. “Uh… Mr. Bug? Are you okay? Why are you- OH MY SWORDS!!!” Penny soon saw ants ripping the dead cockroach's leg off. She pulled out one of her swords and sent a green laserbeam at the dead bug and ant, causing a hole to open up in the wall. “I… Didn't need a wall anyway…”

There were a couple knocks at the door as she heard someone walk onto the porch outside.

Penny rushed to the door and opened it up. “Salutations guest or guests!” Penny looked to who was there. Turns out, it was Sun Wukong and he was standing on her outside porch.

“Hey Penny. I was coming by to check on you and see how you were doing.” He said, looking around on the inside of the old home before asking Penny a question. “May I come in?”

“Sure!” Penny replied, moving away from the doorframe as to let the faunus in. Sun walked in, looking around to see the inside of the home as he looked back at Penny.

“Wow… this is a… pretty cozy place you have here.” He commented as he walked into what he thought was the living room “You enjoying it?”

“Yeah… I just need some furnishings like a bed and a skyline.” Penny replied.

“Ah nice. Nice…” Sun then said to her as he looked around before offering something to the gynoid. “Hey, would you need any help with the furnishings? I can help build you some things like a table and chairs if you want. Anything for a friend.”

“I’d like that. Coco’s coming over with a spare bed.” Penny said.

“Like the mattress or a bed frame?” The faunus then asked for clarification as he followed Penny into another room.

“Everything.” Penny added.

“Wouldn’t it be hard for her to carry the whole thing by herself?” Sun then questioned as Penny looked back at him. “I mean, many hands make light work and you can’t always do everything by yourself. That’s why you have friends.”

“Coco’s far stronger than you give her credit for.”

“True… But sometimes carrying all that weight might throw your back out.” He said, looking around. “Nevermind that, is there anything I can help assemble for you while I’m here?”

“While you’re here? Well… Maybe you could try to replace the dining room table.” Penny pointed to a pile of wood in the kitchen. “I checked and the wood’s all soggy. And falling apart.”

“Right… Well, do we have a table that’s ready to be built or do I need to get one from the furniture store?” He then asked so he could have the information in his head.

“This whole house is pretty old. So the later sounds like the best.” Coco said dully from outside. She was dragging a twin bed behind her, with Fox lying on it.

“Oh hi Coco… Need help with getting Foxy off of there or are you good?” He offered.

“I’m good, Fox is just taking a break.” Coco replied plainly while Fox moaned in pain and curled up on the mattress.

“Alright… I’ll be back with a table and hopefully some assistance.” Sun said as he walked out the door and around the mattress, walking to the furniture store to get a table while Coco and Penny worked on the bed.

“There, I helped you.” Fox grumbled. “Now don’t hit me down there again.”

“Fine. And go home. The housewarming party will be at nine tomorrow night, so get some rest.” Coco turned to Sun. “And you’re paying for the booze, Sun!” Sun was already coming back out from the furniture store… along with some friends alongside him.

“Hey guys… look who I found,” Sun smiled as Twilight and her friends walked up next to him. “They just came back from the Crystal Empire. I told them about helping out Penny with the house and they said they would be more than happy to pitch in and help once they set some things down back at the castle.” As Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie went to their homes to drop some things off, Twilight, Spike, Starlight and Applejack stood around in order to help assemble the recently bought furniture along with cleaning up the interior of the home to make it nice and beautiful for Penny to live in.

“Now, for those of you who are here to help, this may have some physical labor.” Coco started. “Twilight, Starlight, you two are going to look for weak parts of the house and mark them… If you have that kind of spell. Applejack, you’ll help by finding any piece of floorboard that’s wet and unsalvageable and tearing it out.” Coco ordered.

“What can I do, Miss Coco?” Spike then spoke up from on top of Twilight’s back as he hopped onto the floor… shortly before almost falling inside… if it weren’t for Sun’s tail catching him at the last second.

“Well… That makes mah job a bit easier.” Applejack chuckled as she trotted over to those floorboards and began to tear them out as instructed.

“Spike, you’re going to have an important job.” Coco said seriously. “Are you up for it?”

“Yes, Ma’am!” He replied, saluting Coco in the process.

“You’ll be helping me with taking out the carpet.” She instructed before Spike soon walked over to her and followed her to another room while Sun worked on building the new table for Penny’s kitchen. After a while, he was able to finish it and start on the chairs while Applejack was still working on the floorboards, and Twilight and Starlight scanned for the integrity of the walls. When the chairs were done, he set them in the kitchen and turned to Coco to see if she needed anymore help.

Spike was taking out tacs with a crowbar while Coco was taking out the carpet itself.

“Sun, why don’t you help cowfilly?” Coco suggested.

“Ah’m good over here!” Applejack insisted. “Sun should go check on Fluttershy… You know, spend some time with her. We were away for some time, ya know.”

“Okay fine. Don’t forget tomorrow at nine we’re having a party!” Coco added, letting Sun go return to his marefriend

“I’ll make sure to be there!” Sun told them as the faunus went back to Fluttershy’s cottage. He definitely missed the pegasus… and they quite a bit to catch up on.

End Tail 24

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