• Published 4th Jun 2015
  • 9,626 Views, 418 Comments

Monkey Business - FrostTheWolf

The plan was to dress up as a Faunus from RWBY. Specifically Sun Wukong. But plans don't always go the way we hoped. I just hope that my newfound abilities and skills don't get myself in Major trouble. [Displaced][RWBY/MLP Crossover]

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Tail 22- For those who have heart part 2

Monkey Business- For those who have heart part 2

Ponyville (next day)

After the events of the night before, the town was still stricken by the surprise attack Adam commenced on Team RWBY. Now two members were gone, one was in the hospital and some time had passed since the attack. Things for the most part have gone back to normal, but today was the day before a very special occasion for most ponies. Fluttershy herself though was concerned primarily for her coltfriend. He wasn’t cheerful this morning like he would normally be and it felt foreign to her. She did not like Sun with the way he was… and she was going out into town for some advice to see if she could fix that.

After a small trot, she came across the place where she needed to be as she lightly knocked on the door to Carousel Boutique. She waited for a few moments, tapping her hooves anxiously before Rarity soon opened the door. “Why good morning, Fluttershy! What brings you here this early?” Her friend asked, the greeting from her friend revealing both of the figures that were also in the kitchen. One she recognized while the other one was completely new to her.

“U-uhh H-hello Rarity… Umm… If it isn’t any trouble… C-can I please talk to Weiss?” She asked. “If she is not busy of course. I’m just worried about Sun.”

“About Sun?” The Unicorn asked. “What do you mean?”

“Well… he wasn’t exactly his normal cheery self this morning and since I saw him leave the same hospital where Weiss was, I thought I would see if she knows what’s bothering him.” The pegasus said, looking even more shy than before and almost squeaking a little when she finished the sentence.

“If you must know, it’s because of Ruby being in the hospital after getting stabbed in the heart by her father.” Weiss said as she appeared from upstairs. “In retrospect it wasn’t such a smart idea of Sun leaving us here to protect Ponyville alone. Grimm we can handle but him… well you know the outcome.” The news almost caught Fluttershy off guard and she even gasped when the pegasus heard about Ruby’s condition.

“Well… I-i want to help him. W-what do you think I can do to make him feel better? Hearts and Hooves day is tomorrow and I want to show how much I care for him the same way he does for me.” The pegasus stammered, her feathers almost ruffling up from how anxious she was when speaking to Weiss.

“Unless you can get Ruby out of her coma, then that might help him a bit. Other than that he’s not my problem.” Weiss said coldly as she looked away from the shy pegasus. “Frankly I couldn’t care less about him.” Fluttershy ignored the last statement, but it gave her an idea. Given what she had said about Ruby, the timid pegasus decided to fly over to the hospital and pay a visit to her and see Ruby’s condition. While over there, she noticed a few other ponies with different injuries and minor cuts and scrapes. But when she saw her, the pegasus’ eyes widened.

She now saw why Sun was acting the way he was earlier… and how Ruby looked in the bed almost scared her.

“Scary isn’t it?” said Neo as she appeared right next to Fluttershy. “Hard to believe something like this could happen to her.”

“W-who are you?” The Pegasus asked, surprised and a bit confused.

“Neo, the void dweller. Just passing by and thought I see how Ponyville’s ray of sunshine is doing. I’m still wondering who’s smart idea was it to leave them in charge of Ponyville?”

“W-weren’t there other teams here too?” Fluttershy asked.

“Nope, the others were either in a different state or busy with Sun.” Neo said as she walked over to Ruby. “Poor thing never stood a chance against Adam. It was pretty much a one sided battle.”

“I-i’m sorry to hear that. I… I just want to help Sun feel better, that’s all.”

“And trying to figure out a way to wake Ruby from her coma was a way to help Sun? Not that I don’t mind, but you should leave it to someone like me.” Neo said as she pointed the tip of her umbrella at Ruby’s chest.

“It was Weiss’ idea.” Fluttershy mumbled.

“An idea that you knew was impossible unless you had some kind of special magic. Again not a bad idea, but you should let someone else do it.” Neo said as she jabbed Ruby’s heart for a quick second before it started to patch itself up. “There we go.”

“W-what did you do?” She asked.

“Just a little something I picked up from traveling the void. Ruby will wake up tomorrow, but her reflexes will be a bit slower than usual. But she should make a full recovery in a few days or less.”

“O-oh my… T-that’s good to hear… right?” All she got was a nod and that sent the pegasi’s confidence through the roof. Neo saw this and just smiled as she looked back at her. This was only the beginning of a good plan.

Sun felt like the world was being weighed on his shoulders… Literally. After having himself find out about the condition Ruby and Weiss were in, he had put his mind to work on preparing the academy. It became his top priority and because of it, something in his mind made him think that he was becoming a workaholic. He had already sent a letter to a few Displaced, including his friend Ken about the Academy and so far, not many have responded back to him. Just as he was about to pick up the pen he had on the table and begin writing again, he heard a small faint knock on the door and turned around.

“S-sun?” It was Fluttershy and boy, was she really playing the cute act. “Are you okay?”

“I am… a little tired, but okay. Why, what’s up?” He asked her.

“Well… There’s something I want to show you… both you and Weiss.” She said. It was then that Sun looked at the door to notice Weiss standing there in a new set of garbs with her arms folded as she was leaning against the entrance.

“Didn’t expect to see you anytime soon idiot.” Weiss said as she glared at Sun for a moment before looking away.

“Hey… Look, I’m sorry about before… I have no excuses for my choices and you can blame me if you want-.” He was interrupted though by Fluttershy as she started to walk towards the door and catch their attention.

“There’s something I want to show you guys… Follow me.” She insisted, stretching her wings as she began to fly a little. Both of them soon followed her, only to be surprised by two things. The first being that where she wanted them to be was the hospital. A place where Sun was hesitant to step foot in.

The second being that once they were inside, Ruby was beginning to wake up. “I feel… empty for some reason.”

The Faunus was at a loss for words as he walked into the room that she was in. “O-oh my god… You’re okay!” He carefully then hugged her for a few seconds before looking back, tears almost falling. “We were worried sick about you.”

“W-What happen?”

“Should I let you explain this Weiss?” Sun asked her as he looked at the Schnee.

“You explain, I have something I need to talk to Ruby about.” The Faunus nodded, explaining everything down to the last detail to Ruby as she absorbed everything like a sponge. Shortly afterwards, she looked at Weiss, asking her if what Sun said was true. An affirmative nod from her was all the proof she needed to see from her.

“Where’s Yang and Blake?” That though, caused Weiss and Sun to look at one another as they sighed deeply.

“Out of all four of us, you were the one in the worst condition after what happened. Shortly after you were stable though, they took off. We’ve been trying to track them down, but we have no clues on where they could possibly be right now.” Sun sighed, noticing Ruby’s expression change as he looked back at her. “We will make sure to find them one day Ruby, I promise.”

“No, I’ll find them.” Ruby said as she pulled herself up from bed, only for Weiss to flick her on the head and fell back to bed. There was a moment of silence before Ruby said something. “.....Ow.”

“Idiot, you’re in no condition to move at the moment. Judging by the way your reflexes are, they’re pretty much shot.”

Sun agreed with what Weiss was saying as he looked at the both of them. “We should give you some time to recover first before doing anything drastic. While we are on that note though, I was giving some thought on something that I want to run by you two first before making a choice.”

“In a minute monkey boy, I need to ask Ruby something.” Weiss interjected as her expression turned serious at Ruby. “Care to explain why you didn’t take that fight seriously back in Ponyville Ruby?” Sun himself was caught off guard by that. But it did bring up a very good point. To put it in different terms, Weiss basically took the words right out of his mouth before he could even say them. What Ruby had to say though… was different.

*Sigh* So you knew I wasn’t taking it seriously huh Weiss?”

“You could’ve easily cleaved Adam’s head off, but you didn’t. Why is that?”


“Ruby I swear to god if you think this is a game, I will personally beat the crap out of you right here right now.” Weiss threatened, trying to not draw her weapon on her.

“Look if I were to kill him at that moment, then something tells me that he’ll either come back from the dead or we just basically killed a clone of him. I just got a feeling that something big is going to happen if he dies to soon.”

Sun sighed deeply, looking back at her as she noticed him groan. “I think there's more to it than that.” He said, irritating Ruby as she angrily stared him down. “I think it’s more of the fact that he’s your father and that you looked up to him so much that you hesitated to do the final blow.”

“... Spot on monkey butt-” Before Ruby could finish her remark, she was knocked upside her head by Weiss. “Ow! What the heck Weiss!?”

“Idiot! I told you before and I’ll say it again! That man is not your father anymore! He’s nothing more than just a villain, and he needs to be stopped before who knows what will happen.”

“I agree with Weiss,” Sun then chimed in. “But if we’re going to do this, we need to do it right. Which leads to something I wanted to ask you two…” He then straightened himself up as he looked back at them with an honest expression. “I want you two to be instructors at Beacon. There is strength in numbers, so I want your help in being able to work together to take him down. So nopony else can get hurt by him again.”

“If you can get Yang and Blake back here, then yeah we’ll join.”

“Princess Celestia has graciously helped us by allowing some of the ponies in the night guard to look out for them while they’re on there normal scouting patrols. Like with anything else in the other cities and towns, they will report immediately to us if we find anything.” Sun explained to them. “In the meantime though, we have to get Beacon ready for when it is open in two weeks. Not to mention the fact that Weiss met a…… surprise visitor.” When he meant surprise visitor, Sun was referring to when Neo decided to “drop” in on the conversation they were having the other day.

“Greetings, my lovely displace friends!”

Sun turned around, looking back at the girl that he was just talking about. “Well, speak of the devil… We were just talking about you.”

“Really? What was it about?”

“I was saying about how you had a surprise visit with Weiss… Shortly before offering for them to be instructors at Beacon… You can be one too if you want, Neo.” The Faunus offered for her to consider.

“Sorry I don’t do stuff like that. It’s pretty much boring and I prefer not to have some of the other void dwellers asking questions about where I’m going.”

“Suit yourself I guess,” Sun sighed, looking back at his marefriend before looking at Neo. “So, what brings you to our neck of the woods?”

“Oh because I know where Yang and Blake are at the moment and thought I would tell you where they are.” The Faunus raised an eyebrow at that statement. More specifically though, something that Neo said.

“Would? Why the past tense?” He then asked.

“I would tell you, but I’m not in the mood at the moment.” Neo said as she began to float in midair. “Maybe if you give me something of interest, then I might tell you.”

“I’m not sure if I have anything, but maybe Ruby or Weiss does,” Sun replied, looking back at the two of them. “Do you?”

Weiss sighed as she extended her arm as dust shape crystals appear sticking out of her arm. “Will this do?” Sun was personally surprised by that. He didn’t know that Weiss had turned herself into a walking Dust factory.

“Oh a personal dust factory! That’s rare! Most people would die from something like this.” Neo said as she examine Weiss’s arm.

“I guess that is now something of Neo’s interest then.” Sun thought to himself as he watched Neo inspect the crystals emerging from Weiss’ arm. “I’m guessing I should just leave you guys be then?”

“Nope.” Neo said as she snatched a chunk of crystal dust off of Weiss’s arm. “I got what I needed.”

“Would that like hurt her? You did just basically rip a crystal out of her arm.” Seeing as Neo wasn’t answering and Weiss’ arm was beginning to heal by itself, the Faunus thought that his question answered itself as he then looked back at Fluttershy before looking back at the three of them. “Okay then, I think we’ll just leave you three alone for the moment. I was going to spend some time with my marefriend anyways.” With that, both Fluttershy and Sun left the three of them alone to spend some time with his marefriend on Hearts and Hooves day. But the whole day in itself was an interesting series of events.

First off, there was the fact that stopping by Rarity’s to tell her how everything went lead to Sun having a glance at Weiss’ sister, who was displaced recently as Winter Schnee. Second, Rarity had a new outfit that she insisted for Sun to wear so he wouldn’t be exposing his chest all the time while out in public. And by insist, it meant using her magic to try and yank his jacket off and be forced to try on the clothes. Even though he repeated multiple times that he would try it out and also thanking her for her hospitality.

The third thing happened shortly afterwards, where Sun and Fluttershy were yanked off by a summoning to another world for the evening portion of that day, with the pegasus coming back early in the morning and Sun coming back a bit later after he helped the Pokemon displaced named Itazura take care of something in her own world. Still, even with all the shenanigans that had been going on during Hearts and Hooves day… the two of them can spend some time together on the day after hearts and hooves day more.

Almost… “Aww… Looks like the couple of the century are back… and just in time for Beacon’s grand opening…”


Elsewhere in the world…

Run. That’s the single thing that went through her mind as she trekked through the snowy terrain after sneaking onboard a cargo ship out of Equestria. However, she had exhausted herself more than she originally intended. Even though she found a way to hide her face and expand her powers from what she was capable of before.

But she couldn’t run for long… and at one point in her journey, the only eye she had at the time began to flicker out as she crashed onto the snow… But when Blake woke up… She found herself not in the snowy mountains… but in the middle of a cabin that resembled a temple in the country of Neighpon. She was next to the fireplace and found that her mask was removed… But why?

“W-Where am I?” It was then that the Faunus realized that there were no bandages where her injured eye was and when she placed a hand on it… she felt a healed scar instead of a fresh wound. “M-My eye. How did it fully heal on it’s own?” This meant that there was one last test. The outside wound was healed, she was warm… but was it possible?

That was when she tried to do the one thing she didn’t think she could… Open the eye… and to her surprise… She was successful. “I can see again? H-how?” That was when her ears twitched. She heard footsteps nearby. And they were getting closer. Who was coming though? “Crap, I better get out of her before something else happens.”

“Why the rush?” A voice said, showing what appeared to be a man holding a plate of cookies and a cup of milk. “If I didn’t attend to you sooner, you would’ve lost an eye… Something that you should not go through at your age…”

“Care to explain who you are?”

The figure, realizing the blunder, apologized for his rudeness, removing his hood as his face was now visible to the faunus. A face that made her eyes widen.


“It seems like my reputation precedes me…” He smiled. “Yes, that is who I am. I’ve been alive to witness many things, young child… I’ve lost track of how long I’ve been away from Equestria though… and originally… I thought I was the only one who was thrown into the position I was in. That was proven false once I came across you.”

“Where am I?”

“You are in Neighpon… What you might see as Nippon back on earth. As for right now… You are in the home that I constructed in the mountains.” He looked back, now with a new question on his mind. “How though… did you get here… or for that matter… How did you get hurt?”

“... I prefer not to talk about it.”

“What about the first question? We each have a story to tell or something that lead you here… For me,” He spoke, picking something up from underneath his chair. “It was this cane. Now… what about you, young Belladonna?”

“....I need a place to be alone and become stronger. So I pretty hopped on the next ship to wherever it was going. Geez… Now saying this makes me sound like Sun.”

The figure raised an eyebrow. “Sun?”

“A somewhat annoying person who I’m starting to dislike to a certain degree.”

“I…… see. Would he happen to be known as Sun Wukong by any chance?” That… shocked and surprised Blake. How exactly did he know?

“Yes, how do you know him?”

Ozpin sighed, moving a finger as a sliver of warm magic began to appear. “When you’ve been alive for over a thousand years and have a complete mastery in magic… you get to know a few tricks… This is how I healed you… But for Sun… I just honestly took a guess.”

“Why am I not surprised by that answer.”

“Heh… However… I do know something that might interest you… what if I told you that you can expand the capabilities of your semblance?”

“What are you talking old man?”

“You’re powers are with shadows… but you have only been focusing on shadow creations of yourself…” Ozpin told her, holding out a scroll with strange symbols on it and a series of pictures. “The old guardians of Neighpon were capable of conjuring multiple clones and weapons along with turning themselves into the forms of an animal for stealth… You may not be that… but you can take on the same concepts.”

“Is there a place where I can train in private?”

“There is a separate training corridor down the hall. Feel free to train there while you recover. I may have allowed you to see again, but you may feel pain from time to time. Repairing an eye is no easy task.”

“I’ll manage it.”

“Suit yourself…” He said as she walked past him. “But pulling this off is no easy task… I was once like you when I first began to learn arts like these… I can feel that you are angry… Remember… Anger gives motivation without purpose…” He remembered having to say those words to another person that he knew… To try and calm them and to see reason. However, he was too late then. He still remembered leaving Equestria. Leaving Celestia and Luna, two ponies that he cared for like they were daughters to him. However, he could not care for them forever, and when he had left… was when one of them gave into Anger…

And because of it, became a nightmare.

As Blake herself left the room though, she walked down the hall to the room that Ozpin had told her about. But along the way, she noticed something… strange. It was a picture frame. Only one. There weren’t any accompanying it and she had to wipe the dust off to see the photo inside. There were two young fillies. One with a white coat of fur and a mane of pink and the other one with an azure coat and a night blue mane… However, she had seen the cutie marks before.

“You knew Celestia and Luna?”

“Ah yes… The two of them are like daughters to me… I lived with them and helped raise them since the year before my arrival… The Grimm killed their parents. I helped teach them many things… however… I also worry for them… Remember what I just said about your anger?” He asked. Blake’s response was a nod, a sign for him to continue. “I told the same words to Luna, but she ignored me… Because of that, she gave into the darkness… and became Nightmare Moon. I have not seen them in 1000 years… I left because I thought that my student, Starswirl, could help them learn independence so they wouldn’t have to always rely on him or myself in order to do things for them… Such a naive fool I was back then.”

“We all make mistakes whether it be our past or future mistakes. We just have to keep on moving and try not to dwell on it and learn from the mistake.”

“Yes… But we can only move so much until we tire ourselves out to the point of exhaustion.” He said, looking back at her. “Can I ask you something?”


“How much has Equestria changed?” He asked, looking at her. “I have heard that Luna is now herself again… But I have heard many other things. And for me… I don’t know what is true and what is a rumor. So… could you tell me please?”

“All I can say it that Luna and Celestia are ruling over Equestria. You’re gonna have to go there and see how things have changed instead of hiding out here.”

“I plan too… In due time… The same will go for you though… You can’t hide out here either.” He said, turning around. “So, when you feel like the time is right to go back… I’ll come with you.”

“You best go on when you’re ready to leave.” Blake said as she walked off. “I can’t return until I have what I need during my training.” Ozpin sighed, acknowledging this. But to him, he knew that he wasn’t going to leave her.

Blake reminded him of Luna. And the last time he left her, a Nightmare took form… He was not going to let the same thing happen to her.

End Tail 22

Author's Note:

Now, part 2 is done and I have a few things to let you guys know. Specifically with changes to RWBY. Their changes, thanks to their Displacer, now reflect their clothes here designed by Kumafromtaiwann, the creator of the Henceforward AU on Tumblr.

Crescent Rose 2.0:




As for Sun, his new clothes were inspired by this pic of him dressed as Noctis from Final Fantasy XV.

But with all of this comes one last announcement. Applications are now going to begin soon. If you are interested on having a Displaced be part of the shenanigans at Beacon Academy, PM me and I can submit to you the application form. It may take some time to organize it, but hopefully, Beacon's grand opening will be a snap. Hope you like it!

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