• Published 4th Jun 2015
  • 9,615 Views, 418 Comments

Monkey Business - FrostTheWolf

The plan was to dress up as a Faunus from RWBY. Specifically Sun Wukong. But plans don't always go the way we hoped. I just hope that my newfound abilities and skills don't get myself in Major trouble. [Displaced][RWBY/MLP Crossover]

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Tail 25- Until the End

Author's Note:

And now the next chapter is up. This chapter is going to tie into what's going on with one of my other stories, Of Magic and Machines and the events that are going on over there.

Not to mention that now everyone's favorite headmaster has now arrived at the academy. Enjoy!

Monkey Business- Until the End

Beacon Academy

It had been almost a couple of weeks since the initial gathering was held at beacon academy to celebrate it’s grand opening and for the most part, things seemed peaceful. The party that Coco and him set up for Penny after fixing up the old home that she was staying in went off without a hitch and since then, things have been going along pretty smoothly for everyone. Yet, there were still some things lingering around in Sun’s mind around now as he walked to Twilight’s study at Beacon Academy… or to be more specific, the office that she had. Due to recent events… and with the fact that Twilight usually made a habit out of studying way late into the evening before passing out, the least he could do was make sure that she didn’t overdo it… again.

However, what he found this morning when he did enter her office was not exactly a tired out Twilight, but a freaked out Twilight… and when she saw Sun, nothing really seemed to change on that fact. “Oh thank Celestia you’re here Sun-!”

“Woah, hold up there Twilight…” Sun told her. “You look like Pinkie Pie pulled off a terrifying prank that gave you nightmares last night… what happened?” The Alicorn sighed, using her magic to close the door behind him as she looked back at him and saw her pull something out of her saddlebag. Much to his surprise, it looked like one of the small drones that he would see Faith Nocte have beside her.

“Well, earlier this morning, I got this… drone I think it was from Anson’s daughter Faith,” She replied back, causing the Faunus to remember when she visited the academy and helped Penny be herself again sometime ago. “She’s… requesting help. Not just from us, but from the academy… I-i don’t know whether we should actually get ourselves involved or not.”

Sun smirked a little as he folded his arms. “Now that’s just dumb Twilight, you should always find a way to get friends involved. Especially us… now what was Faith needing help with?” That was when Twilight sighed as she looked back at the small drone. It was chirping to itself almost like a bird and also spoke sometimes in beeps as it took a moment to try and recognize Sun. When it did, it sighed to itself as Twilight made a simple request for the drone.

“Nono, please play the message from Faith that she had for us.” The Alicorn’s request soon followed with a transmission that was recorded and stored onto Nono as the drone began to project it onto an empty wall. Originally, Sun thought that when Faith was asking for her help with something small or relatively minor.

However, what was presented to him was anything but that. Immediately, when the Code Queen was speaking, her tone was serious. Sun wasn’t sure why in the beginning, but what the white haired girl had to show him afterwards soon changed all of that. In her world, demons that were originally locked away in Tartarus had broken out, laid waste to Canterlot and had the refugees flee to either Cloudsdale, Ponyville or the Crystal Empire. Their Princess Celestia and also her brother, Prince Artemis, were weakened because of the attack and because of how bad the attack was, the main hall of the castle in the crystal empire was turned into an emergency medical wing. Many victims had been hurt in the attack, and some of the children that had survived had lost everything that they had in the attack.

As for her father, according to Faith, he was scrambling to try and put some kind of plan together. Almost like he forgot about the fact that he could contact them for help. Not to mention that she had not heard from her uncle Nicko in a few days, yet there was the sighting of one of her runes on the top of the tallest tower in Canterlot with the words ‘The Time is Now’ underneath it. With the way things were, she could bear standing around any moment longer and just watch things break apart and other people die around her.

She wanted… no, needed their help. Food, medical supplies or people who can help push the demons back. She didn’t care… but made it certain that they needed help in any possible way… and for Sun, the whole transmission in itself caught him off guard. Nicko did mention to him that he needed help with fighting demons… but he never thought that it would lead to something like this. This was not any mere fight against a single foe… This was an invasion. And Faith was asking for anyone at beacon that could be able to fight to come and help them push the invaders back. To be honest with himself, it was a lot to think about… but Twilight didn’t have to think so much in order to come up with an answer on what she think they must do.

“We need to help them… but I’m worried about what would happen if word gets out about this… the school has only been open for more than a week and were being asked to assist in what may be a war. I don’t feel as if we’re ready to help them.” She admitted. That comment though, did little to help Sun with his thought process.

“So are you actually saying that we don’t help them at all and let them suffer out there?”

“N-no that’s not what I meant,” Twilight replied. “Sure, we may have the supplies, but what Faith is asking for is a lot more than medical supplies and food. She’s asking for fighters to fight back what she’s up against and that we don’t have.”

“She’s not specifically asking for student’s Twilight. Faith probably means any of the teachers or staff members that can help them. Many of the students that are still here are still learning how to fight in the first place.” The faunus pointed out to the Alicorn as he looked back at her. “I just… rather not think about it right now…”

That… surprised Twilight. She had not seen him act this way before… it was… quite surprising and also made her concerned for why he was acting this way. “What’s wrong Sun? Is something on your mind?” The faunus at first didn’t respond… but after some time to think, he did respond to Twilight’s question.

“I’m worried Twilight…” He told her honestly. “I’m worried that if I do take part in this somehow, my decision would not only affect me, but everybody else I know and also everybody I care for… Especially Fluttershy. I do not want to put her in a position where she would have to worry for my safety and I don’t want to put myself in a position that I would not be able to protect her of help her if I’m gone…”

“Sun, I think Fluttershy can take care of herself just fi-.”

“No, she can’t!” The Faunus snapped, startling the Alicorn before trying to calm himself down afterwards. “She can’t…… Twilight… there’s been something that Fluttershy and I have been meaning to tell you and the girls, but with everything that has been going on, I did not want to make things too hectic for you.” Now Twilight was really confused as to what he was talking about, but a small part of her really wanted to know what it was. In fact, she was anticipating for him to say something… but instead, both of them heard a slight knock on the door as they turned around.

“Uhh… Were you expecting any visitors this morning, Twilight?” He then asked, acting like he was before.

“N-no I wasn’t… Wait, weren’t you going to tell me something?” She then questioned him in response.

“Yeah… I think we should just save that for later…” He told her. “I’m not trying to avoid the conversation, Twilight. I just think it would be rather rude if we make whoever is knocking at the door wait a lot longer than they have to… Matter of fact, how about Fluttershy and I both tell you later when you’re not so busy?” The faunus did make a valid point, Twilight had to admit. Sighing to herself, she then took a deep breath and looked back at him.

“Okay, but don’t forget about it.” She sternly told him before putting Nono away. However, when Sun did open the door… who they saw behind it immediately caught them off guard.

“My apologies, but would you happen to be Mr. Sun Wukong and Princess Twilight Sparkle? I was informed by one of the guards on the premises that if I wanted to talk with someone in regards to the academy, I would speak with either one of you.” This person had white hair, a small set of spectacles over where his eyes would be, green shirt, a buttoned vest that was underneath a black suit jacket, long dark green pants and black shoes. That was also accompanied by a cross shaped pin on his neck and a special cane he was holding.

“Oh… my… god.” Sun was at a complete loss for words right now.

“W-who… are you?” Twilight then asked as the man realized that he forgot to introduce himself now.

“Oh… my sincerest apologies. I forgot to introduce myself,” He replied back, as he walked into the room. “It’s been far too long since I’ve been in Equestria that I forgot some basic customs… I am called many things by other people I know, but you can call me Ozpin-.”

“O-ozpin!?” The Alicorn stuttered. “Y-you mean the Ozpin that was the teacher of Starswirl the Bearded?!!”

“That is correct…” Ozpin nodded his head. “It’s a pleasure to meet the two of you, but before we continue, there’s someone here that came along with me… Ms. Belladona, would you please join us?” That… caught Sun off guard immediately. For a moment, there was no way that Ozpin here could actually be talking about who he thought he was talking about. Then, from the darkness of the empty hallway outside… she stepped in.

“Didn’t expect to see you here, Sun.” The faunus was at a loss for words… he couldn’t process what was going on in order to say anything… but instead, all he could do was walk closer to her as he tried to speak.

“B-blake? … Is that… r-really you?” He wanted to be certain. The mask she was wearing hid her face, but he knew that was her voice. Still though, he wanted to make sure that was truly her and not someone playing a very sick trick on him.

“Unless there’s another fauna with cat ears, then I doubt this is a trick-.” That, caused him to do the only thing he could think of in that moment and pull the cat faunus into a hug.

“Y-you’re okay…” He said, relieved. “I-i was worried sick about you… everyone was… I personally even though that it was my fault that you and Yang took off.” The Faunus then released the hug as there was now an overjoyed look on his face. “But… why did you run?”

“My reasons are mine and mine alone, Sun.”

“Blake… Don’t you realize that your decisions not only impact you, but everyone else around you?” Sun retorted. “Weiss has been on my case saying that it was my fault for what happened to you and you’re acting like you running doesn’t matter!?” He calmed himself, looking back at her before speaking again. “I’m glad you are back… but please do take into account that everyone you know cares for you. That what you do impacts them too… I know your reasons are yours alone, but they don’t always impact just you alone.”

“Like I said.” Blake replied as an onymous dark aura surrounded herself. “My reasons are mine and mine alone.”

Sun sighed, looking back at her as he was trying to form some sort of reply for him to say… until they heard the door slam open behind them and the sound of footsteps.

“Even when you were still in the hospital. Ruby you’re still an-.” That voice, Sun knew. Blake did too and by the time she turned around, she was face to face with both Weiss and Ruby… and both of them had equally different reactions to the sight of their teammates presence right now.

“Blake’s back!” Ruby cried out in pure joy, going as far as to hug Twilight in the process… which made her really uncomfortable. As for Weiss though… her reaction was much… much different from Ruby’s.

“Where the hell have you been!?” Weiss asked as she walked over to the fauna and punch her in the face. Causing the mask on her face to fall off as she fell to the floor. All Sun could do right now was just watch helplessly as Weiss proceeded to try and knock some sense into Blake. “We been trying to find you after what happen, but you just up and left without saying anything about where you were going! Who the hell give you the right to leave us without even telling us!?”

“....Sorry.” Blake said as a bittersweet smile appeared on her face.

“You’re sorry!?” Weiss said as she punched her in the face again. “You got some nerve saying you’re sorry after that little stunt you just pulled!” She said as she quickly pulled herself off of Blake as she dusted herself up and extended a hand towards the fallen fauna. “That being said. It’s good to have you back on the team with us.” Sun was glad to see that things were somewhat patched up between the three of them… but there was still two things that needed to be addressed. And the first one was in the room with them.

“Are you alright there, Blake?” Weiss turned at the sound of the newfound voice and even Ruby let go of her hold on Twilight after shaking her so much like a ragdoll to look back at the newest person in the room. That being Ozpin.

“Gah! Creepy old guy!” Ruby said, only for Weiss to smack her upside her head.

“That’s Ozpin you idiot...wait what is he doing here anyway?”

“Well… To be fair… I was here a long time ago before you or your companions, Ms. Schnee,” Ozpin commented. “Yet, I only know of recent events because of Ms. Belladona… You see, when she ran, she happened to find me at where I was staying in Neighpon. Thanks to her, I decided to come back… but only on the condition that Blake would find a way for her to get stronger with her Semblance beforehand.”

When Twilight finally got herself back up, she then began to speak. “It’s been said that Ozpin was the teacher of Starswirl the Bearded, one of the greatest sorcerers in Equestria’s time and knew the princesses when they were just fillies.” She added onto that to try and help answer Weiss’ question. “What he’s doing here now though… that I am not sure about.”

“He’s here because I told him about it.” Blake said as she walked over to her mask and place it back on her face.

“Yes and I figured that, with everything that Blake did tell me, I thought I would ask you Ms. Sparkle… If I can help with being the Headmaster of Beacon.” That… surprised both Sun and Twilight… but also felt as if Sun had some of the weight that was on his shoulder before when Beacon first opened felt lifted off it. “Granted, I don’t know much about the Displaced or anything related to it, nor do I know much about current Equestrian affairs. So, If I were to be headmaster, I would still need your help in making sure I am… up to speed to be more specific.”

He was not sure what to say… But Twilight surely did in that moment. “Of course!”

“Um, I’m kinda lost. Does this mean we get to have cookies?” Sun facepalmed himself in response as he looked back at Ruby.

“It means that he’ll need our help in understanding about the displaced if he’s going to be a successful headmaster,” Sun explained, only to add something else to it to simplify things for Ruby. “So basically… if we help him, he can help us with running the academy.”

“Yeah especially after what we got this morning,” Twilight said to herself, thinking that no one else would hear it… only to underestimate Weiss’ exceptional hearing.

“Care to explain what you mean by that?” That caused Twilight and Sun to sigh a little as they looked back at Weiss, Ruby and Blake. Now they need to be caught up to speed on the situation at hand before Ozpin arrived with Blake.

“Weiss, Ruby… do you happen to remember a white haired girl named Faith that was with the Rune Slayer named Nicko when Beacon originally opened?” Sun asked both Weiss and Ruby to see if they remembered.

“Yeah, what about them?”

“Well, take a look at this,” Twilight told them, showing them the Nasod Courier drone and the transmission that was on it. “Faith’s asking for help from the academy, but I was telling Sun that not everyone here could be able to fight since many of the students here are still fighting. We can send supplies, but that won’t help push back the invaders. We were trying to figure out what would be the best decision given the circumstances.”

“Normally we would help. But seeing how Ruby just got out of the hospital, I’m still trying to get the whole dust factory thing with me under control.” Weiss said a pair of red dust crystals appeared on her head. “Blake… well she might help… right?” She said looking a Blake who nodded no.

“Still… trying to get things under control with the whole darkness thing I have. I would be more of a burden then help. Not to mention Yang isn’t here and she’s missing an arm as well from what happen in Ponyville. But knowing her she’ll figure out a way to fight with something as a substitute for that. But in this case we be more of a problem then we are at helping.”

“True, not to mention Ruby’s reflexes are still shot.”

“No they’re not.” Ruby said, only for Weiss to throw a piece of a chocolate chip cookie at her head. “... Did something hit me?”

“Case in point.”

“If I may…” Ozpin spoke up, clearing his throat. “I may not be so familiar with who you are talking about, but what I do know is that someone is in need of our help. I believe that all of you can be able to play a part… and I can do something to assist Ms. Rose.” Carefully, he placed a hand on Ruby’s shoulder, emitting a small turquoise glow from his hand for a few moments before looking back at Weiss. “Now, Ms. Schnee… Would you care to try that again?”

Weiss, at first, was unsure what Ozpin was trying to prove to them in that moment, but nevertheless, she did what was requested… only for the results this time to be much different.

“Wait a minute… You threw a cookie at my head didn’t you!?” That… surprised Sun. It was only a few moments ago that Ruby had no idea that something was thrown at her. Now though, not only did she know what it was, but could also tell who did it. Something that even surprised both Weiss and Twilight.

“What did you do to Ruby?”

“Just a small spell to restore any strain on her muscles. Granted, it will take some time, but I assure you that in the next couple of days or so, her speed would be back to normal,” Ozpin explained. “Which leads me to another point… Some of you don’t have to go immediately to help them, but time is of the essence. The longer you wait, the more things will just get worse… For now, some of you should plan help them as soon as possible… while the rest of you can assist when you feel ready.”

“Hey I can still help!” Ruby said, only for her to stagger a bit as Weiss moved over to her for support.

“You just got out of the hospital Ruby. Remember? The doctor said that you can’t do any physical activities for the next few weeks until the wound is fully healed.” She said as she looked over at Ozpin. “I might be able to help if we can find Yang.”

“I’m sure that when she’s ready, she’ll find a way to come back to you three… Also, you don’t need a few weeks… The spell I had used also affects any physical injuries and restores them too, but does require time if you want to be fully healed. At most, she’ll need two days… Now, I’m confident in the fact that all of you will make the right decision when the time comes, but take some time to prepare yourselves if you need too.” He said to them, “Now, if you would excuse me for a moment, I would like to have a conversation with Ms. Sparkle.” All four of them stepped out of the room as Ozpin closed the door behind him. For the moment, everything seemed fine and calm… but that all changed once they reached the main hall… and found Pinkie Pie, Neptune, Sage and a few of her friends with all of her party decorations everywhere along with her favorite treats.

“Hey everypony!! Welcome to Blake’s welcome back party!!!” They heard the mare tell them just as she set out a plate of chocolate chip cookies while they were coming down the stairwell… which Ruby immediately bolted for and almost knocked over Neptune in the process.


All that caused Sun to do was chuckle and Weiss to facepalm herself as the faunus looked back at Blake. “It’s good to have you back.”

Fluttershy’s Cottage (Some time later)

Some time after the welcome back celebration that Pinkie threw for Blake, Sun proceeded to go back to Fluttershy’s cottage. He needed to talk to her about a couple of things and wanted to make sure that both of them were on the same page when it came to some of the things he wanted to discuss. One thing of course involved the fact that he wanted to go and help Nicko and Faith, but didn’t want to just go rushing into something without thinking it over first.

The last time he did that, it was before he was displaced. His mother Aya had been in a car wreck and with his father gone, he was the only one that could take care of her. However, his mother insisted that he should go to RTX that year. She wanted him to have some happiness despite how things have been for both of them and he jumped at the chance without a second thought. Of course, despite all the preparation then, nothing would’ve prepared him for what lead up to his displacement.

That kind of separation, he feared… changed his mother to the point that she wasn’t the same as he once remembered her before. That feeling of being separated from someone you truly cared for in the blink of an eye… It was the kind of feeling that he didn’t want Fluttershy to go through… especially since the two of them were going to start their own family.

The sound of the back door closing behind them caught his attention as he looked up to see Fluttershy walk in. From the looks of things, she was coming back from taking Griff out on a walk… and the young wolf pup was tired out. Going as far as letting himself fall on his bed and instantly falling asleep.

“Welcome home, Fluttershy.” Sun greeted the pegasus, who soon noticed him sitting on the couch as she trotted in.

“Oh! H-hello Sun. I didn’t expect you to be h-home so soon.” The pegasus responded, a little surprised to see her coltfriend home early. She had thought that with him being at the academy and helping around there that the faunus wouldn’t exactly be home around now. Seeing him inside was a bit of a surprise to her personally… and also confused her a bit. “I thought you were doing some things at the academy.”

“Yeah, well, there had been some changes going on at the academy and because of it, I may not be needed as much as before.” He told her before wanting to clear up on something. “That doesn’t mean they won’t need me at all, but it just means that I have a little bit more time on my hands.”

“O-oh…. That’s well… good to hear.” Fluttershy squeaked in response. This soon lead to what Sun was going to say next as he looked back at her.

“Hey, Fluttershy… Can I talk to you about something for a moment?” The question surprised the pegasus, but after a bit, she nodded her head and sat down next to him on the couch.

“Sure, what did you want to talk about Sun?” She asked nicely. Even though Sun was kind of nervous, there were two things on his mind that he wanted to talk about with Fluttershy. The first thing being if they should let somepony know about what was going on between them and let them know of the fact that they were going to start a family. The second was about what the Faunus found out about Faith… and seeing if his marefriend was okay with letting him help the Code Queen in her world.

“Well… There were two things I wanted to ask you about.” The Faunus told her calmly, trying to not lose his composure. “Remember when you told me that you were pregnant some time ago?” She nodded her head, a little bit nervous since she did not know what he was trying to tell her. “Well… have we ever considered telling everypony else? Like Twilight or somepony?”

“W-well…” She said, a little bit shy and nervous. “I-i’ve been thinking about it, b-but I’m a little worried about how they would take the news.” That… was a valid point… and something that Sun had not taken into consideration. “P-pinkie would be happy, but not really understand what we mean… Rarity would be utterly shocked about it… Rainbow might get mad at you for getting me pregnant and Applejack may be the same way… The only p-pony that I would think about telling would be-.”

“Twilight.” Sun spoke, finishing her sentence. What a coincidence that the pony that he almost accidently told her about Fluttershy’s Pregnancy this morning was the same pony that she was actually thinking about.

“D-dont get me wrong… It’s not that I don’t want anypony else to know… I’m just nervous about telling everypony else. So I want to just tell Twilight first before letting the rest of the girls know.” She explained to him, looking back at him for just a brief second. “Because I wanted to ask her something too if I did tell her.”

“You… did?” Sun asked. “What did you want to ask her?”

“Well… I was thinking that… maybe we should ask if Twilight could be our child’s… um… what’s the tern for like a parent, but not really a parent?” That was when things began to click inside the faunus’ head. He knew what she was talking about… and was honestly surprised that she had actually been thinking about this for a while. He had not even had the chance to think about it honestly.

“You mean… you want Twilight to be our child’s godmother?”

“Yes! That’s the word for it.” Fluttershy responded, overjoyed now that she knew the right word for it. “D-do you think that’s a good idea?” She then asked nervously, causing Sun to chuckle a little as he looked back at her.

“I think that’s a wonderful idea, Fluttershy.” He smiled, hugging her in response… until he realized something that slapped him in the face. “Aw crap…”

“What’s wrong Sun?” Fluttershy asked him.

“I… remembered that I was going to ask Coco the same thing…” Sun said, facepalming himself. “Ugh, why do I have to make this more difficult on myself-.”

“No, no it’s okay…” Fluttershy replied. “To be fair… I had Coco be my second choice if Twilight were to say no… Sometimes, being prepared is a good thing.”

“T-that’s great!” He said, relieved to hear that from her after his accidental blunder. “When do you think we should tell her?”

“W-well… maybe after we’re finished talking…” Fluttershy responded. “You did have one other thing that you wanted to ask me about right?” She was right. Sun did say that there were two thing he wanted to talk to her about. Now that they had just finished the first topic, he needed to ask her about the second one… and even that was particularly hard in order for him to say at first.

“Y-yes… well… do you remember the white haired girl named Faith that helped Penny when the academy first opened?” Fluttershy nodded, remembering the displaced that her coltfriend was talking to. “Well, she’s in desperate need of help from us. Her world is in… really bad shape and needs our help to make everything right. I want to go but… I don’t want to be gone too long and for something to happen to you if I were away.” He was going to continue speaking, but refrained himself from doing so as he looked back at her. But what she had to say afterwards though was what surprised him personally.

“I-it’s okay…” She assured him, placing one of her hooves on his shoulder. “There’s nothing you need to worry about… I’m sure that Twilight and our friends can help me while you’re gone… When do you leave though?” The question itself… caught Sun by surprise. That was one variable that he didn’t think about.

“I-i don’t know… late tomorrow I think-.” He was interrupted when Fluttershy actually reached over to him and pulled him in for a light kiss on the cheek before giggling a little at the sudden blush on the faunus’ face.

“Then perhaps until you have to leave… you can stay with me… Besides, I’m going to the doctor’s tomorrow to find out the gender of our child. Would you like to accompany me?”

“S-sure.” He replied, taking the moment to breathe a sigh of relief… even if it was temporarily as they soon heard another voice.

“Okay, just what the hay were you two talking about?”

Both Sun and Fluttershy turned around to find Twilight by the open patio door. Who seemed to had just arrived only a few seconds ago. “Oh Twilight! E-excellent timing. Come, come. We got some news to share with you.” Now, whenever Sun noticed Fluttershy trying to be insistent, she always seemed to do it in the cutest way possible.

“What is it, Fluttershy?” Twilight asked, a little puzzled first before looking at both of them in confusion.

“Twilight, can you promise to keep this to yourself for the time being?” Sun asked her, causing the Alicorn to tilt her head in a puzzled manner. “Fluttershy and I have some news that she’s… nervous to tell everypony right now. So until she’s ready, please keep this to yourself okay.”

“Um…… okay? What’s going on?” Twilight asked, even more puzzled than before. That’s when Sun sighed and looked back at Fluttershy, who now showed the ring that he had given her on Hearts and Hooves day. “… No way… Are you joking with me right now?” Both of them shook their heads no, confirming something for Twilight. “Y-you two are getting married?!”

“T-there’s more to it then that.” Fluttershy told her before looking down at herself for a brief moment and then looking back at her friend. “We’re also going to start a family… Twilight…… I’m p-pregnant.” That caused Twilight’s eyes to widen immensely, looking back at both of them.

YOU’RE WHAT!?!!” That almost blew Sun off of the chair he was on while knocking Angel bunny onto his face.

“Keep quiet! Some of us are trying to sleep a**hole!” Reese’s voice screamed. That just had Sun sigh to himself, even though it was only a couple of hours before sundown.

“Oh uh… sorry. Sometimes, I forget to restrain myself from having that happen.” Twilight apologized as she shook her head. “But still… Why are you telling me this though?”

“W-well, I was concerned of how some of the other girls would react if we did tell them. I don’t want to have them think that Sun forced this upon me or something else. He asked me first and I said yes…” Fluttershy told her friend in a whisper like tone. “I love him Twilight… and I care for him as much as he cares for me.”

“You… bring up a valid point,” Twilight responded, realizing what her friend was saying. “So uh… do you know what the child’s going to be?”

“Not quite actually… We’re going to the doctors for her sonogram tomorrow.” Sun added on. “I promised Fluttershy that until I leave to help Faith, I’ll be spending as much time with her as I can.”

“So you are going to help her then?” Twilight asked, leading to him nodding his head in response. “Well, that’s good. Right now, I still have to ask some of the others around here, but we do have a good amount of supplies to bring to them. A couple of others did agree to come along and assist Faith as well.”

Now that caught the Faunus’ attention. “Who are those?”

“Well, I’m still asking some of the instructors, but a few of the people that were here before we set up Beacon have offered to help Faith. One of them being Neptune while another being Pyrrha if I remember correctly.” Hearing the second name surprised Sun for sure. Last time they talked, Pyrrha still seemed to be a little nervous and promised to think on what he had told her before. Part of him was grateful that she did decide to lend a hand and help… but another part of him wanted to know why.

“I’ll make sure to tell you who is going to help you out sometime tomorrow. Right now, I need to help Ozpin get situated with the academy first along with show him around.” Twilight replied, before looking back at them. “Oh… I almost forgot… about what you told me… I just wanted to say Congratulations to the two of you.”

“Aww… Thanks Twilight.” Her friend replied, Sun nodding his head as well. “Thanks for being such a good friend and hearing us out.”

“No problem,” She smiled as she began to trot out the door. “That’s what friends are for.”

Late in the town of Las Pegasus, the nightlife of the city was soon going to have some… unexpected guests tonight at the Ponet Fantastique.

Roman Torchwick stopped walking and slammed his cane on the ground. He breathed in the air deeply, before exhaling and speaking. “Ah, I missed this town… So many bad memories… Like when I was chased out of town. Good times.” Roman grinned. “And this place! This is a joke, it’s gotta be! That chubby con-pony runs this place?”

“Excuse me sir,” Torchwick turned to see two of the security guards at the front of the casino trotting towards him. “Do you have some form of identification on you?”

“You… You can’t tell? I’m one of the good guys~! One of those bipedal heroes!” Roman lied half heartedly.

“Sir, please just-.”

“No, no, I don’t think you get how this works… I tell you an obvious lie, and you buy it. I’d have to hurt you gentleponies.” Roman sighed, looking around for a moment until remembering the… accomplice that was with him.

“Allow me…” He heard his companion, Emerald tell them as she focused a little, closing her eyes before opening her eyes. The security guards looked startled for a moment, before she held out a slip of paper like it was a ticket. “Excuse me, gentlestallions, but my name is… Suri Polomare and this is my accomplice. He’s my plus one to this event and we were told that we could visit Mr. Gladmane?”

“Right this way, Ms. Polomare.” The two security guards replied, leading the two of them towards the elevator in the back at they made their way towards the second floor of the casino. They were soon lead to a room in the back that was Gladmane’s personal office… and the stallion was rather surprised to see the two of them.

“R-Roman! I-I didn’t know you were… Going to be here…” Gladmane said, sweat rolling down the side of his head. “I-if I did, I would’ve hooked you up with the m-master sweet! A-anything for a friend!”

“Friend… Right…” Roman chuckled darkly. “I seem to remember to conning me out of three million bits! I had to fire a ton of helpers who were new…” He shook his head, as a way to show his disappointment. “And you said you’d pay me back two years ago.”

Gladmane started to shake in fear.

“And you see, I’m very rich now. But I’ve gotten myself into some deep manure. Wait, do ponies say sh*t? Ah whatever.” Roman shrugged. “Basically, I’m trying to fund them. And I’m sad to say, I don’t like the idea of failing my customers… And you know how I get when I’m desperate…”

Gladmane began hyperventilating. “I-I-I can pay you four times as much! I-I’ll even give you this casino! Just please let me live!”

Torchwick sighed. “You’re a good con artist… I’ll give you that. But here’s the thing. I don’t just want the money…” Roman pointed his cane at Gladmane, before the heel of his cane flipped up into a reticle sight, and a barrel.

“Please, no!” Gladmane screamed, before Roman shot one of his explosive rounds into the ceiling above Glademane, and it came down on him, crushing the con pony as his head hit the side of his desk. Roman’s reticle sight went down and he slammed his cane down.

“Clever I have to admit…” Emerald replied, going to his desk to try and find the keys to the stallions safe… only to realize that the stallion's head hit a button on his desk that was a security switch. “Ah, son of a b*tch… Roman, we got company coming.”

“I’ve got this, luv.” Torchwick said, before walking out of the office. Four ponies ran up to him, guns drawn. “Looks like it’s your lucky night boys! Gladmane’s been paying you poorly, hasn’t he?”

“How-?” A stallion started, but was cut off by Torchwick.

“He conned me. And the poor stallion suffered a fatal injury when his ceiling collapsed on top of him… Bad night for him, but an opportunity for you. You see, I now own this building. If you don’t shoot me, and forget you ever saw me here, I’ll raise you and your colleagues pay, without any strings attached.” Torchwick promised.

“Why would we listen to you!?” The guard in the rear shouted.

“Lovely you asked. My name’s Roman Torchwick…” Roman stated, calm as ever.

“You’re… The leader of the Mafia!” The first guard gasped.

Torchwick nodded, “And if you let me stay here for at the most, an hour, I’ll make sure that this hotel stays clean. Of blood, drugs, and illegal arms. Meaning if I ever get caught, you’ll never get arrested.”

It took a minute, but their answer came in the form of them lowering their guns.

“Wonderful. Just tell any guard that comes by that it was a malfunction.” Roman stated. The guards ran off, and Roman returned to the office. “There… Everything’s taken care of. Now I own this hotel. One of my associate shall forge a last will, and then I’ll have a new way of making you money, new weapons, and help hire more help… Is that an acceptable outcome, darlin’?”

“Not what I thought would happen, but it’ll work… I just thought that your friend Mercury would be bored waiting outside and would want something to entertain himself.” Emerald replied, almost tripping over something on the floor as she went down to discover a loose panel that was jerked out of place because of the collapsed ceiling. Upon further inspection, Emeralds eyes lit up. “Well… looks like we hit the jackpot. Turns out your friend has a safe installed in the floor.”

“Wonderful. Just wonderful. What’s mine is yours, within reason.” Torchwick said, playing with his cane. “I mean, I need bits to fund my group as well as yours. And Mercury's a very patient man when asked nicely.”

“Right… besides, wasn’t there one other mare that was with us in Manehattan before we took off to here? That… Suri Polomare? How is she going to help us in all of this if I may ask?”

“She has many friends across Equestria. She’s a master manipulator, and a beast with the sewing machine.” Torchwick said, twirling his Melodic Cudgel. “She’s gonna be the face of this place! Out with the old, in with the new as they say!”

Emerald grinned at that, opening up the safe as she had a look inside. The safe had a whole lot of bits that were inside and also a small book that contained a list of names of all the donors that helped fund Gladmane lavish lifestyle. He kept track of everything from dancers to waitresses and hotel employees. Hell, it even had a section that contained performers for his concerts and shows.

“I never liked Gladmane, always living the expensive life without thought of the consequences. He reminds me of my father… Even the way he died.” Torchwick grunted angrily. “Murdered by a man who he owed…”

“And that’s why you always pay your dues…” Emerald added, before noticing something else. “Well, what do we have here… Turns out, that con-man of yours has some dust in here…” Taking a look at the journal, she soon laughed a little upon looking at it. “Oh this is hilarious… that idiot just only saw these crystals as a way to add special effects to his performances… What a dumbass.”

“He wasn’t a fighter, he had no other uses for them. Well, our gain.” Roman’s eyes then widened. “Uh, I-I mean your gain! They’re all yours!”

“This partnership works two ways, Roman. You help us and we help you,” Emerald said before tossing a couple of dust shards to the criminal. “Sure we may need dust… but there is the possibility that you can acquire more of it if you and your men are armed with better equipment, am I right?”

“Right… Of course, forgive my little outburst. I’m a little hesitant to assume to my gain, since I’m fairly sure I’m on thin ice with this partnership.” Torchwick stated calmly.

“The ice only becomes thin once you try to do something behind our back,” Emerald warned, getting closer to him. “But, as of right now, I don’t see any problems with this relationship. If there is a problem, I’ll be sure to address it with you first… personally.”

Roman clapped his hands together, grinning happily. “Wonderful! Then there won’t be any problem! Besides possibly future interferences from those heroes, which I’m sure there will be.”

“They haven’t interfered with our operations yet… But when that time comes… I’m sure we will be ready.”

“Of course… So, now that this little escapade is over with for the most part, what do you need of me, Ms. Sustrai?” Torchwick asked.

“As of now, your services have been most beneficial to our cause… But if there is something that we would need from you, I’m sure that you will be hearing from us.” Emerald informed him as she walked out of the room. “For now… enjoy your rewards. You’re now the richest man in Las Pegasus. Shouldn’t you be celebrating with style?” The last part was with a chuckle as she walked to the elevator doors and out of the building into the Las Pegasus night life, leaving Torchwick with his new claims.

As long as he didn’t double cross them… they will be sure not to double cross him in return.

“She’s kinda hot.” Mercury stated from his perch on the opened window behind the desk.

“Oh shut up, Black.” Torchwick facepalmed.

“You know, I have a feeling they’re a lot more trouble than they’re worth.” Mercury stated dully. “You sure we should keep this partnership, Roman?”

Torchwick sighed. “Well, I can’t really back out now… Plus, it’ll be fun, too.”

End Tail 25

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