• Published 4th Jun 2015
  • 9,626 Views, 418 Comments

Monkey Business - FrostTheWolf

The plan was to dress up as a Faunus from RWBY. Specifically Sun Wukong. But plans don't always go the way we hoped. I just hope that my newfound abilities and skills don't get myself in Major trouble. [Displaced][RWBY/MLP Crossover]

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Tail 16- Bring the Madness!

Monkey Business- Bring the Madness


It had only been a few hours since Sun found his mother in the middle of the Everfree forest and with it, he had a lot of things run through his mind. Of course, a lot of those things were on various subjects and different topics at hand. One thought though he personally kept to himself since he wanted to see what everypony else would say about it first. Not to mention if they had something to contribute to it like if they wanted to go with him or something like that. Because he was beginning to think that the first step in being able to help out these other teams that keep showing up is to lend a helping hand and allow for them to stay in Ponyville while Beacon Academy’s construction plans were being approved by Mayor Mare.

That first step being finding these other teams. Letting them know that they aren’t the only people stuck in the same situation they were in. But for Sun right now, this plan meant he had to reach out to CFVY. The same team that Coco, the girl he knew back home for a short amount of time beforehand, was on. He personally sighed to himself. Sometimes, you have to play the hand that you have been given. In this case, that hand was going back to Manehattan again so he could find them.

Before telling Twilight and a few other ponies about his intentions though, he wanted to make sure that Raven had helped out Firefly, one of the ponies that his mother, Aya, arrived here with. Last time he checked, the swordswoman was helping craft a special pair of gauntlets for Firefly. One that would allow her to control her energy more effectively and allow her multiple possibilities in order to use her powers. But as the Faunus was entering her workshop, a blast of energy missed his face by a few inches, causing him to fall face flat on the floor.

“Hey! Friendly Fire is not tolerated here!!” He shouted out, seeing if the person he thought was shooting him was nearby. He had a hunch it was Firefly. I mean, who else had energy based powers that did not have a semblance?

“Friendly fire!? Pfft! I’m all about friendly fire!” Firefly shouted back.

“So you were really trying to kill me!?”

The pink Pegasus flew to Sun’s side, smirking. “My powers aren’t strong enough to hit through your… Aura thing unless I’m in close range. So how would I kill you?”

“Well, I didn’t know that, my apologies.” The Faunus grumbled, getting back up on his feet. “I see that your new pair of gauntlets is working out for you just fine.”

“Indeed,” said Raven out of the corner of her workshop. “It took a bit to calibrate the weapons given Firefly’s powers, but I believe it’s one of my most finest works yet. She really is appreciative of me doing this for her.” Sun agreed with that statement. So much so that it might’ve explained the reason why Firefly was trying to blast at his head. She was really excited, like Ruby in the first season of RWBY when she was seeing all the weapons that the students were carrying with them across campus. Who couldn’t blame her?

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. I was perfectly calm...” Firefly tried, but ended up squealing at the weapons.

“And that speaks for itself.” Sun giggled, looking back at Firefly. “Speaking of which, Firefly… have you seen Aya? I was going to ask her about something.”

“She’s in one of the spare rooms in Sparkle’s castle. Remember?” Firefly then cringed. “Most likely coping… This weeks been kinda crazy…”

“Well, I went to look and she wasn’t-. Wait, coping?” That caused the Faunus by surprise. What exactly happened that was now causing Aya, his mother of all people, to be coping?

“Yeah… It’s not my place to tell you… Ask Miles or Mist, they might know more on where Brea is.”

“Right… well, I was wanting to talk to her because I was thinking about going to Manehattan.” Sun told them.

“Let me guess, one of those other teams?” Raven asked.

“Yeah. I was thinking of going over there and trying to help so that way, they know that they aren’t the only humans and Fauni that are here.”

“Fanu-what?” Firefly questioned.

“Fauni. It’s the plural term for Faunus. Ironically just came up with it now.” The Monkey Faunus chuckled to himself. “Still, Raven is dead on. There are four of them there and judging from the fact that one of them has a handbag that can turn into a minigun, they can cause a lot of trouble if somepony pissed one of them off.” For a moment, he thought he saw Firefly squealing at the thought of Coco’s weapon of choice before facepalming. “I guess I’ll be checking the castle then.”

“When you're in town, find Yang and some of the others on her team. You might need some backup when going to Manehattan.”

“I’ll consider it. Thanks for the advice Raven.” He replied, walking out of the forge and heading towards Twilight’s castle. On the way, he noticed a few other things going on around the place. It looked like Weiss was helping Rarity, Neptune was being introduced to Pinkie Pie and Scarlett was getting tackled by the Cutie Mark Crusaders while Sage was at the marketplace. He chuckled to himself as he walked inside, looking to see if he could find Twilight or Spike lying around the place. Instead though, besides the few guards he found making their rounds around the place, the castle was very much quiet.

For the most part… Sun heard gunfire in one of the rooms. It was a few shots every now and then. Curiosity got the better of the monkey and soon, he found the room where the shots were coming from, slowly opening the door. “Hey, is everything alri-?” It was then that he had mere seconds to react as another bullet whizzed by his head. Causing him to crash through the door and seeing who the shooter was.

It was his mom…

“Sh*t…” Aya was panting as she seemed to have been scared. “Sun, what the hell are you doing here? Don’t you know it’s bad luck to open a door when someone’s practicing their aim?”

“Why are you firing your gun inside your room? Firefly told me you were coping with something.”

“I cope by shooting stuff.” Aya retorted rather rudely. “It’s something I’ve picked up in the past few days.” She holstered the firearm and massaged her temples.

“Mom…” He said, trying to compose himself. “What exactly are you coping from?”

“I don’t want to talk about it…” Aya turned around and walked back into the room. Sun noticed that there were bullet holes all over the room. “You don’t need to hear it…”

“If you say so… but still, at times you make me worried that you might hurt someone if you’re not careful.” He told her. “The last thing I want is for you to hurt yourself.”

“Hurt myself?” Aya rolled her eyes as she sat down on the bed. “I’m not helpless anymore. I’m not the weak, pitiful woman you knew growing up. I can do so much more…” She had almost said it bitterly.

“Oh really? That just makes me curious.” He replied, noticing Twilight Mist as she was trotting in. “Hey Mist. I just checked with Firefly. Raven’s done with her gauntlets.”

“I‘m so glad you did that…” Mist said sarcastically, her team mate soon coming in after her. “Now she can break even more equipment.”

“Yeah, your whole team does that.” Aya commented.

Mist growled. “Wasn’t us… It was another team from the future…”

“Keep telling yourself that.” Aya laid back, smirking sadistically. Sun chuckled as well, trying to keep himself composed as Fluttershy soon flew in with her wings.

“Oh hey there, Fluttershy. How are you doing?” He asked, noticing the wolf pup he found named Griff following her.

“Doing well. I was taking Griff out on a walk.” She said as it rubbed against Aya’s leg and looked at her with puppy like eyes. The blond woman just glared and pulled her legs into a cross legged position.

“I don’t like dogs…” Aya grumbled.

“Griff isn’t a dog. He’s a wolf pup…” Sun replied, turning to notice him as he soon laid on the ground in a sleepy position “and a bit of a lazy one.” Sun soon walked over, picking up the sleepy pup and setting him over on Fluttershy’s back. “Oh, that reminds me. Where’s Twilight? I needed to tell her something.”

“You called?” The Alicorn asked, stepping outside of a room that was nearby.

“Why yes… Twilight, I was thinking about going to Manehattan.”

“Again? But you were only there like five days ago.” She stated.

“Yes, but then I was being nice. This time I have a reason.” He explained. “The guards said that one of the other teams of people was found there recently. I want to try and help them before they cause any trouble up there.”

“I’m okay with that. However, given what’s been happening, I don’t want you going there alone. Somepony should go with you.” Twilight told him, looking around a little. Fluttershy herself then raised a hoof, saying that she would want to go with Sun after she take Griff home first. Twilight agreed with it, turning her head to Mist. “Mist? Would you and Firefly be interested in going with Sun? Or are you going to stay here with Miles and Aya?”

“Who said I was staying?” Miles asked from the hallway. “I’ve been looking for something to do in this boring place.”

“Yeah, we can go.” Mist said, and Firefly pumped her hoof in the air.

“Alright,” Sun smiled, turning around for a minute and looking back at Aya. “What about you Mom?”

“Sure. Mist, toss me another clip.” Brea said raising her hand. Mist shot a light purple beam that turned into a clip midway towards Aya, which she caught as she stood up.

“Alright. That makes six of us,” Sun said to himself after counting it up. “I’ll be right back. Going to get the tickets from the train station.” He had a feeling of comfort for them being able to come along with him. But right now, he was hoping that his mom was going to be okay. She wasn't her usual cheery self like the last time he saw her.

She had changed. And he could tell. Hopefully, things would clear up once they reach Manehattan.


In the city of Manehattan, many ponies were going to and from numerous places within the city. It was another one of the city's busy days. But soon, things were going to get out of hand.

“What the hell Fox!?” Coco screamed in anger.

“What is he even doing!?” Velvet yelped, backing off from the drunk man named Fox Alistair. Yatsuhashi just looked unamused.

Coco slapped the copper boy away from her. “You’re such a pervert when you’re drunk!”

“And a lightweight…” Velvet murmured, barely audible. However, when she turned around, she noticed a pair of guards walking in their direction.

“Is everything okay back here? We got a call about a disturbance in the area.”

Velvet started to panic, and hid behind Yatsuhashi. Coco laughed, and started walking backwards towards the guards. “I got this guys.” Unfortunately, this didn’t seem to calm the rabbit faunus down. Coco turned around, and smiled innocently. “Sup boys?”

“What in Tartarus? Another one? Silver, how many is that now that we’ve seen?”

“Besides the monkey tail, the girl with the scythe and her friends? I’d say we’re at six.” The second guard mumbled, “I seriously need a raise on my salary for this.”

“Racist!” Yelled Coco as she gave the first guard an uppercut with her bag, sending him into the air before crashing down into a trashcan. The second guard, in which was a Unicorn, had his horn lit and was staring down at Coco.

“My partner was not being racist! And you are under arrest for assaulting an officer in the line of duty. Now… drop the bag and get on your knees.”

Coco put on a pair of shades and smirked. “Diplomatic immunity. My rights are being taken you horse. Now… Taste the rainbow motherfunker!” Her bag transformed into a golden mini-gun and she opened fire below his hooves, making him dance. When she stopped, she smirked. “See ya on the way down.”

He tilted his head, but knew what she meant as the floor beneath him gave way, making him fall into an abandoned tunnel.

Coco walked back to the counter of the bar and stole a stallions drink and swallowed it in one gulp, then threw the glass away. “There’s a new troublemakers in town!” Her companions though, were looking at her before looking at the guards that were crashed on the street.

“Did… Did they say something about others?” Velvet asked, shaking.

Yatsuhashi sighed, looking at her and the passed out Fox, whose face had hit the pavement a few moments earlier. “I think so… Velvet? Can you wait here with Fox until he wakes up?”

“Uhm… Sure.” Velvet nodded as she went to go drag Fox away.

“Just stay here for the time being. I need to keep an eye on Coco. Someone has too for right now.” With that, he ran off after Coco, who was casually walking down the street like a she was walking down the aisle at a fashion show. Meanwhile though, a cream colored earth pony that had a mint mane had noticed Velvet and the passed out Fox. Carefully, she tried to trot over, trying her best not to startle them.

“U-uhm… Is everypony okay?” She asked, calmly.

Velvet eeped and hid behind the nearest box.

“It’s okay, I-I won't hurt you! My name is Coco Pommel.” The mare said. “What happened to your friend?”

“He… Got in a drinking competition with one of my other friends…” Velvet responded.

“Oh my… If you want, I can take you and your friend to my apartment. You shouldn’t be staying out here on the streets.” The Mare told her, trying to help pick up Fox.

“Uh… O-okay.” Velvet helped the mare pick Alastair up. “Wh-where is it…?”

“Not far, just help me please miss…… what’s your name?” The mare asked her, confused.

“Velvet Scarlatina… I think…” The faunus stated. With that, both the earth pony and the rabbit faunus lifted Fox up and carried him to her apartment. Meanwhile though, a couple dozen guards pointed their spears at both Coco and Yatsuhashi. But Coco herself was not backing down. In fact, she had some… sweet words for the ponies that were on duty.

“Oh~ Looks like these guys want some action~!” Coco Adel laughed, aiming her weapon at them.

“Dammit Coco!!”

“Whaaaaaat~!?” The brunette asked loudly as she started shooting near the guards. “My momma told me that when a boy points his rod at you, defend yourself!”

Yatsuhashi just groaned, facepalming himself. He now began to wonder… how the hell were they going to get out of this.

Train Station (Sometime later)

Just minutes after the train pulled into the station, Sun and the people he was with were greeted by an onslaught of ponies that were running past them, trying to get on board any train that would take them anywhere outside of Manehattan. Leaving the Faunus stunned.

“Okay, something’s not right.” The Faunus said, looking at Aya and Mist. “Should we split up? We can cover more ground like that.”

“I already love this plan…” Miles said, smirking for once.

“Uh, how much do you want us to split?” Mist asked.

“I was going to suggest three groups of two. Fluttershy and I, you and Firefly and lastly, Aya with Miles. I was going to check with a friend of mine that I met here last time. One of you can check Centrail park, which isn’t far from here, while the last group can check downtown.” The Faunus proposed. “Unless you have another idea, Mist.”

“Yeah, but it’s only a slight change. Miles and Firefly go to Centrail, while me and Aya go to Downtown. One Displaced per group.”

Sun nodded his head, smiling a little. “Alright. That makes sense. Should we meet back here in fifteen minutes or so?”

“Twenty. Just in case. It might take ten or so minutes to actually navigate this place. Around that.”

“And if something happens?” Aya asked, pulling out an AK-47 that no one had seen before.

“We should be able to warn each other. Mist and Firefly can use their powers like an emergency flare while I can use a fire dust round to do the same thing.” Sun explained, reloading his gunchaku with the new type of ammunition. “Okay. Three locations, twenty minutes, and we all have a way to contact each other if something goes wrong. Shall we get started?”

Miles walked away, a dark aura surrounding him. “Whatever.” Firefly screamed as the aura pulled her along with him. Mist looked to Fluttershy, eyes wide.

“I hope she’ll be okay…” Mist squeaked. With that, both Sun and Fluttershy began to walk in one direction while Aya and Mist went towards Downtown. With it, Fluttershy was honestly a little confused as she looked at Sun.

“Sun, where are we going?” the pegasus asked.

“We’re going to Coco Pommel’s apartment. Last time I was here with Rarity, she found Neptune and the others so if she knew about anything recently, she’ll be able to tell us.” The Faunus explained, working his way to the apartment building. “Now… which floor was it… hmm… From what I remember, she lived in room 14 of floor 4.” As they went through the lobby, he pressed the button for the elevator doors as they opened for the two of them, allowing for the faunus to press the floor they needed with his tail.

Elsewhere, in another room, someone had felt the presence of the faunus and his companion from his current location in the room of a friend that lent a helping hoof to assist him. It had only been a short while ago that he had passed out. But now, Fox was beginning to get back to his senses. Just in time to notice the earth pony that was talking to his friend Velvet.

“Uh… Velvet? I think your friend is awake.” She told her, catching the rabbit Faunus’ attention as she turned around.

“Fox? You okay?” Velvet asked, examining the white eyed boy.

Fox sat up, rubbing his head. He raised an eyebrow at the faunus. “Velvet…? Where’s Coco?” He looked around the room nervously.

“She’s not here. I don’t know where she or Yatsuhashi are. We’ll have to-” She was cut off by Fox forcing his hand on her mouth and pushing her behind the nearest piece of furniture.

“Someone’s outside!” He whisper/shouted.

“Okay, Fluttershy. Let me knock on the door first so that way we can talk to Coco.” Sun told the Pegasus as they walked down the hallway to the door that lead to the earth pony’s apartment. He soon knocked on the door softly, trying his best not to disturb anypony else that would be on the same floor as he was. But after a few moments, everything was still… quiet.

“Hmm… That’s odd. I thought she would answer the door right now-.”

Sun had only mere seconds to react as a clenched fist soon burst through the door and slammed into his shoulder. If it weren’t for the Faunus’ quick reactions, his attacker would have completely caught him off guard. But the attack also sent him sliding down the hallway, separated from his friend. As he looked up, he saw his attacker unsheath two huge wrist blade gauntlets and had a pair of white eyes.

“Oh come on, seriously!? I was just wanting to talk to somepony and now I’m getting attacked by Riddick?!! Fan-freaking-tastic!”

“You’re really whiny… Has anyone told you that?” Fox said, getting in a fighting stance.

“Look man, the last thing I expected to happen was getting sucker punched in the face.” Sun shot back, having Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang take on their Bo staff form and preparing himself for his opponent’s next move.

“Velvet! Get out of here!” Fox yelled, and Sun saw inside the building, a rabbit faunus climbing out the window.

“Wait a second,” Another voice said, poking her head out to see what was going on. “Sun?! What are you doing here?”

“I was actually coming to see you. I was the one knocking on the door until this guy here punched me.”

“Fox, Velvet, stop. Sun here is a friend of mine!” The mare insisted, looking back at the rabbit faunus as she turned to notice the blond boy’s monkey tail. “He’s a good person.”

Fox just ignored her and started attacking Sun with quick strikes. Sun himself just dodged the incoming attacks, using his arm guards to defend himself while trying to use productive counter attacks. At one point though, when it looked like Fox knocked him down on the floor, he used his tail to spring himself back up on his feet and leap over him, landing nearby Fluttershy and Coco Pommel as he collapsed his staff.

“Look, I’m not trying to harm you. I only want to help you guys. Can you just hear me out for one second? Please?”

Fox kept quiet, seemingly debating on whether he should or shouldn’t. The deciding factor was guard ponies yelling from outside. “Velvet! Get to the roof!”

“O-okay!” Velvet replied as she started climbing. Fox ran after her and slid out the window. Sun growled, looking back at Fluttershy and Coco Pommel. The pegasus nodded her head, telling Coco that they needed to get the guards to stop chasing them while Sun went after Fox and Velvet. With it, The faunus raced outside, using his weapon to propel himself upward as he landed on the rooftop. Right where the other two were.

“Leave us alone!” Fox yelled as he got into his fighting stance again. Velvet did her best at it, but seemed to be lacking a weapon of her own.

“Look, I don’t want to fight you guys. In fact, the only reason why I am here is because I want to help you two. You and your friends aren’t the only ones stuck in your current situation.” He told them. “I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that you and your team got sent here after buying some stuff from a man that looked like Junior at RTX, am I right?”

“Y-yeah, how did you know?” Velvet asked.

“The same thing happened to me and my friends. I got displaced as Sun while they ended up here as Neptune, Sage and Scarlett. Another group got sent here as Team RWBY and I ran into another person here who arrived here as Penny. Trust me, you aren’t the only ones stuck in the same situation you are in.” The Monkey Faunus explained. Trying to ease the tension that was drifting in the air.

“Then why’d you bring the guard!?” Fox yelled, not moving.

“I didn’t bring the guard! They’ve been actively patrolling the streets for a while now. My best guess is that a pair of them followed me from the train station.”

Fox was about to say something, but an explosion downtown caught him and Sun off guard.

Velvet and Fox looked to each other and said. “Coco.” In unison.

“Oh no… Charlene, what the hell have you gotten yourself into?” he said. However, what was meant to be something he would say to himself was overheard by Velvet.

“Charlene? You mean Coco?”

“Yes… Would you think I’m crazy if I told you that I knew her before ending up here?” Sun asked them.

“How exactly…?” Fox raised an eyebrow.

“Did she ever tell you of someone she knew named Sean Jiris?” Sun’s question got both Velvet and Fox to look at each other before looking back at him, partially confused. “Well, let me make this simple. I used to be in a relationship with her, but when my mom got in the hospital and my life was being flipped on it’s head, I had to break up with her.”

“Oh… You…” Fox said. “You might not want to tell her that.”

“Can we just keep that between us then?” Sun asked him. “I think it’ll be easier if we just kept the fact of who I really am a secret. Plus, I prefer being called Sun now anyways.”

“I don’t really care.” Fox grumbled. “Come on Velvet, let’s see the damage…” It was then though that Sun noticed something shining in the air. A ball of violet magic. Mist’s emergency flare.

“Oh boy… we might want to get over there. If what I’m thinking is right, then she’s really going to cause a LOT of trouble.”

In downtown Manehattan, the brunette that was known as Coco Adel was sitting in a clothing store, which was torn apart.

“Are you kidding me!? It’s all dresses and made for ponies! I am not wearing just this.” She gestured to her current attire. Her abrupt interruptions have not gone unnoticed though as a earth pony mare soon walked up to her, furious.

“How dare you destroy my boutique!? Do you have any idea how many hours and bits I had to put into starting this business?! I hope you have the money to cover the damages, ma’am.”

“Uh oh…” A nearby Yatsuhashi muttered to himself mentally, noticing Coco turn towards the mare in anger.

“Did you just call me ma’am!? How old do I look!?” Coco threw her handbag into the cash register. From outside though, Yatsuhashi just facepalmed as he watched what was happening. However, when he turned his head, his eyes widened at the sight of another human walking with a unicorn next to her.

“Oh thank god, we’re not on our own.” He said, audible to the point that the other human could hear it, but not Coco since she was currently… distracted.

“I’ll have you know I can tear your house down with a single punch!” Coco screamed as she picked up her bag.

Aya finally got close enough to see the two, and did not look amused. So when she cleared her throat, and Coco turned to see an angry woman with a gun, she instantly turned her bag into a mini-gun and fired.

Unfortunately for both parties, Mist only had enough time to summon a random object to guard herself and her teammate… Which was a highly explosive barrel.


“Coco!!!” Yatsuhashi yelled. The warrior though soon began to see through the smoke and with it, watched his teammate walk over and stare down her opponent. Before taking her finger and pressing it against the other woman’s chest.

“Hehe… mine are bigger.”

Aya’s face went red in anger and embarrassment… But mostly anger. Aya pulled her pistol out and shot Coco point blank in the face, sending the giggling brunette flying. Yatsuhashi just facepalmed himself, breathing a sigh of relief as he looked back at Aya.

“Personally… I would thank you for smacking some sense into her. She’s been like that since we got here.” He told them, surprising the unicorn and the human.

Mist groaned. Her horn was black from the explosion and some of her flesh was missing.

“Can I ask who you two are?” The swordsman asked them, putting his weapon on his back as he sat down with his legs crossed. “It would be polite to know your names before I introduce myself.”

“Aya Brea, and that’s Twilight Grim-Mist.” Aya said, face still red.

“Yatsuhashi Daichi. I apologize for my partner’s actions. Coco has been acting this way since she beat one of my other partners in a drinking contest earlier. Now we got separated from the rest of our team-.”

“Mom!” A voice from afar cried out as Sun soon landed next to Aya, Fox and Velvet not far behind him. “Are you alright? We heard an explosion from the other side of the city.”

“This b*tch shot us!” Aya said, pointing her handgun at Coco, who was rolling on the concrete, laughing.

“Well great…” Sun said to himself, before turning around to look at the swordsman nearby. “Oh, it seems like we haven’t met before. Sun Wukong, pleasure to meet you.”

“Yatsuhashi Daichi.” He replied, turning around to notice that Coco was off to the races again, heading into the huge open park that was nearby. Sun then looked at Aya and Mist, a little surprised.

“Hey, correct me if I’m wrong here, but isn’t Miles and Firefly in that direction?”

“Uh… Yeah…” Aya said, seeming to zone out a bit. “Um… I’ll help Mist out, she might need medical attention.”

“I’ll stay with Fox and Velvet.” Yatsuhashi said, leaving the monkey faunus to sigh to himself.

“Seems like I’ll go after Coco then.” He replied. But as he was about to cross the street, he heard a familiar voice shouting at him from far away. Causing him to facepalm himself.

“SAIYAN!!!” yelled Ruby as she and Penny drove past Sun in a homemade go kart almost hitting him, but only crashed into a tree. “Ow….”

“Just great…” Sun sighed mentally, moving up a nearby slope in the park, only to notice Coco preparing to take aim at them. “Uhh… Ruby? Penny? You might want to get ready…” He told them, getting out his gunchaku as he collapsed the two weapons into a bo-staff.

“Ready for what?”

“For combat.” Sun briefly stated, nodding his head in the direction in which Coco was preparing to fire at them.

“I am combat rea-” Penny was cut off as Coco started shooting. Penny stepped in front of Ruby, taking all the damage while Sun was saved by a shadowy ghost.

“Astra, if that was you, then thanks!”

“That… wasn’t me.” She said, causing Sun to look around. Only to realize who it was once he turned around.


“Okay can someone tell me what’s going on? Because right now I’m a little confused about why there’s someone shooting at my friend Penny.” Ruby asked as she looked over at Penny to see if she’s okay. “You okay Penny?”

“Uh… I feel funny…” Penny replied, wobbling in place.

“Well, let me make this simple. There’s another team here, Team CFVY, who I’m trying to help and have them come back to Ponyville with us. But as it turns out, Coco here started going on a rampage after she beat her friend in a drinking contest. Trust me, Fox told me on the way here.” He said. “Ruby, can you get Penny to cover? I don’t want her getting hurt and Aya over there has a first aid kit.”

“Not like I have much of a choice seeing how I kinda lost crescent rose to a group of fillies.”

“... Okay how did that happen?”


“...... You want the short version or the long version of it?”

“You can tell me later. I’ll draw fire from Coco and distract her so you two can make a break for it.” Sun told her, leaping in and preparing himself.

“Or I could restrain her.” Miles said, standing next to Coco Adel who had a dark aura around her. She looked scared, and in pain.

“Miles, let her go. The last thing I want is for her to be freaking out right now.” Sun explained, walking over. He then began to hear something familiar as he looked back at Ruby. “Uh… Ruby? Were you and Penny the only ones that came here?”

“Well we did accidentally run into a pink pony, but she ended hitching a ride...with...us...oh crap I hope she didn’t get hurt when we crashed.”

“I’m okay there, Silly Nilly!” A familiar voice echoed. Turning around, Sun noticed Pinkie hanging upside down in a tree once his face met hers.

“AHH! Pinkie, where did you come from!?”

“I was here the whole time silly!” The Party pony cheerfully answered her. “Oooh. Who’s Mr. Shadows and Chocolate?”

“I’m really starting to wish the others we’re here right about now.” Ruby said holding Penny close to herself.

“Oh that reminds me, here you go Ruby.” Pinkie said, pulling Crescent Rose from out of her mane and plopping it on Ruby’s lap.

“Crescent Rose! How did you get it back?”

“I have my ways~.” The party pony cheerfully replied. Causing several people to look at the earth pony in confusion. Including Sun and Ruby.




“NORA!!!” In an instant, a cheerful young woman that was known as Nora Valkyrie sprang from behind Ruby and Pinkie. It startled Ruby, but the moment Nora laid eyes on Pinkie, her voice began to squeal in delight as she hugged the earth pony with an iron grip.

Coco’s fear turned to boredom with a hit of pain. Sun though, refocused his attention to Coco as he looked back at Miles. “Miles, please stop restraining her. Any longer and you might hurt her.”

“I know people's limits. She hasn’t reached hers.” Upshur said simply. “She’ll die of boredom before she gets permanently hurt.”

“That’s not my concern though-.”

“COCO!” Yatsuhashi yelled, charging into a shoulder tackle as he tried to knock Miles over and break his partner free.

That was my concern.” Sun deadpanned, facepalming himself. It was then that Yatsuhashi’s actions did more than just help his friend though.

He managed to anger the last guy that you would want to piss off.

The Walrider pulled out of Coco and went back into Miles. When they were reunited, Upshur jumped twenty feet in the air and landed on the other end. “I was restraining her so she wouldn’t shoot anyone else!”

Coco fell to the ground. “So… Crazy…”

“You okay, Coco?” Yatsuhashi asked her, looking at Sun and the others as Fox and Velvet walked to catch up with them, followed behind by Aya and Mist. Mist was helping take a look at Penny while Aya was walking over to where Sun was. But, Coco’s response to her partner was something else.

“It’s little boob lady!”

Aya screamed in rage as she spun around and shot at Coco again, but missed.

“Mom, what the hell!?” Sun shot back.

Coco burst out laughing, holding Yatsuhashi. Sun himself, now noticing that everyone was here, put himself between Coco, Yatsuhashi and Aya as he looked towards Coco. “Okay, look. I’m going to be brief on this. I already talked to Fox and Velvet about this and they told me about you got here. In fact, I ended up here the same way along with a few others. If you can give us the chance, we can take you to a place where you are not being chased by the Royal guards and we can better explain what is going on. Because I think we have all had enough shooting at each other for one day.” It was then that he heard something that caught his attention as he turned to see something he didn’t expect.

The rest of Nora’s team.

“Can we take you up on that offer?!”

Coco raised a hand. “Can I get a change of clothes? I’m already sweating through these.”

“Yes, and even better, I can introduce you to somepony that can make you some clothes.” The monkey faunus told her, offering a hand so he could pull her back on his feet.

“....Um I think we’re forgetting something very important.” Ruby said.

“Wasn’t Misty trying to help Penny or-.” Pinkie stopped talking once she saw the ponies that were with the rest of Team JNPR. One in particular caused her to bolt over there faster than lightning. “PARTY FAVOR!!”

“Pinkie!?” The surprised stallion stuttered, seconds before being tackled by the overexcited party mare. He was seen with three other ponies, just as Sun was getting Coco off of the ground.

“Something tells me that there will be a LOT of explaining to do.”

“You think?” Yatsuhashi replied. “There’s one thing I’m confused about though. You said that there were others here besides us. Can you clarify on that?”

“Well besides you guys, I was displaced here as Sun while three of my friends were Displaced as Sage, Scarlet and Neptune. Ruby was displaced with her sister and two friends as Team RWBY. Penny showed up here as… well Penny. We just found out that there's a team JNPR here too and back in Ponyville, where I live, there’s Raven Branwen. Trust me, I’ll inform you guys on the full story once we get out of here because right now, I think maybe we should get going before the guards come here and arrest all of us.”

“...... Good point.”

“They can try to touch me.” Coco said as she stood up. She looked to Ruby and said. “Sorry about shooting you, I get a little bit jumpy when I’m confused…”

“All’s forgiven.”

“Alright, I think that’s that then,” Sun said to everyone. “Let’s get back to the station and make sure to catch the next train. We got one hell of a story to tell Twilight and the others once we’re back.”

“I’m still shot!” Penny shouted. With that, Sun went over and looked at the extent of Penny’s wounds. Only to be surprised to see something that surprised him. The bullets that were fired were actually blocked by her body. It was like her skin was a bulletproof vest. Reaching down, he picked at one of the bullets, pulling it back like it was a thorn.

“Holy crap.” Sun stammered. “Your body took the hits, but held the bullets back. Here.” He said, handing one of the bullets that fell into his hands. “Let’s get you fixed up before we get back to Ponyville.”


Coco poked Aya’s chest again, smirking. The blond woman crossed her arms and tried to ignore it while listening to the current conversation.

“So let me see if I get this right…” Twilight repeated. “You, Coco, Fox and your friend Velvet found yourselves in Manehattan.”


“And the first thing you guys do is go to a restaurant to get some food, where Fox and Coco decided to have a drinking contest?”

“I resent that statement!” Coco shouted. “I clearly… Uh… What were we talking about?”

“Coco’s been acting strange-” Velvet started, but was cut off as Adel bit her ear.

“Stranger…” Fox stated.

“Right…” Sun facepalmed. “Right now, we're recalling everything that happened. Please continue Twilight.”

“Afterwards, Fox passed out. You found yourselves in a back alley, only to have Coco pick a fight with the ENTIRE Manehatten division of the royal guard while Coco Pommel found Velvet and Fox. All while Yatsuhashi was forced to follow alongside Coco.”

“I figured she was bound to pass out at one point. I just didn’t think she would be able to hold her liquor for that long.”

“All and all, you along found a second team there and four other ponies that we know from Our Town.”

“Your town? I thought this was your town.” Fox said, arms crossed. “Oh, and you forgot the part about Coco shooting Penny… I think Mast is taking care of that.”

“It’s Mist.” Aya corrected.

“When we first started the town, we named it Our Town. More likely somepony else's crazy idea.” Night Glider snorted.

“Right… All and all… The amount of damage Coco caused exceeds… a million bits.” The Princess finished, rolling up a scroll that was sent to her from Princess Celestia. “It will take almost a few weeks to fix all the damage she caused. But now I’m a little more focused on one other thing.” She turned towards team JNPR, where Nora was snuggling with Pinkie Pie and also hugging Firefly. “Double Diamond, what happened to your home?”

“I’ll tell you what happened.” Night Glider interjected. “Some Black haired woman with a bow and arrow set the entire village ON FIRE!! We would’ve been snake food if it wasn’t for Jaune and the others.” That caught Sun’s attention rather quickly, but Night Glider’s outburst attracted more attention than she realized.

“SNAKES!!!” Velvet screamed, jumping on top of Yatsuhashi for dear life.

“Velvet, there aren’t any snakes here. They were speaking in past tense.” He deadpanned, looking at Twilight. “So, what are we going to do now?”

“Now, we need to find someplace for you to settle in before I talk with Team JNPR.” Twilight replied. “Anypony have any bright ideas?”

“Coco can stay with Rarity and Weiss at the boutique, Velvet could stay with Blake, Fluttershy and I, Fox with Yang and Yatsuhashi with Sage?” Sun suggested, shrugging his shoulders.

“Yang? As in the girl who would tear out someone’s entrails for messing with her hair? And a girl period!” Coco said while laughing. She elbowed Fox. “She’s so out of your league…”

“It’s just a suggestion. You don’t have to act on it if you think it won’t work.”

“Look, if she’s okay with it, then I’m cool. If she doesn’t like the idea, then I’ll gladly take another room. I’m not Coco.” Fox said with a shrug.

“Hey, I’m not that bad once my heads… Clear…” Coco zoned out.

“Okay, what about Velvet and Yatsuhashi? Are you guys alright with it?” Yatsuhashi just simply nodded. Velvet’s response though… was different. Just as Fluttershy was trotting over to her.

“There there… Everything’s going to be okay.”

Velvet’s ears folded back. “I-I’m fine with it…”

“Alright… Fluttershy, can you take Velvet to the cottage?” Sun asked. The Pegasus nodded, soon guiding her to her cottage as Yatsuhashi followed Sage. Leaving Coco and Fox in the room with them. Until Yang and Weiss soon came walking in.

“....Um….what did we miss?” Yang asked.

“I ran into your sister with Penny today in Manehattan. Also, we found team JNPR and team CFVY.” He pointed towards them while Nora was still hugging Firefly with a strong iron grip. The pink Pegasus didn’t seem to mind though.

“I’m surprised Ruby hasn’t shot you yet.” Weiss said. “Then again this is Ruby we’re talking about.”

“She forgot Crescent Rose because it somehow ended up in the hooves of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.” Sun deadpanned. “Also, I wanted to ask you something. Do you two mind taking in an extra guest at where you’re living at? We were thinking that Coco could be with Weiss and Fox could be with Yang.”

“Seriously? Why are we the ones that you have to come to when you need someone to look after?” Weiss said as she rubbed her head in annoyance. “We’re pretty much have our hands full trying to keep Ruby from killing her mother.”

“Well, this is only temporary. When we begin construction for Beacon Academy in a few weeks, all of you guys will be able to have rooms to call your own.” The Faunus told them. “Besides, we already have a lot to deal with because there’s new reports of Grimm on the outskirts of the badlands. Sage are playing our part too with taking in Yatsuhashi and Velvet.”

“I want Nora to stay with me, pretty please!!” Pinkie cheerfully stated, bouncing around Nora.

“....Fine, but under two conditions.”

“Go on…” Sun said, folding his arms as Aya soon came closer to him.

“One, you’re going to help us with the relationship thing between Ruby and her mom.” Weiss said as she poked at Sun’s chest. “So far I am tired of trying to keep her from shooting her, me, or someone else in her rage fit.”

“Normally, Penny helps with that and they live out by Zecora’s but I’m all for helping however I can. What’s condition two?”

“Condition number two. Whenever I come over here, it means that it’ll be your turn to keep an eye on Ruby, more importantly babysitting her from time to time.”

“I believe that’s something I can accommodate for when I’m not being summoned by Displaced.” He said, looking at Aya. It was then though that Yang noticed her being next to him and then asked him something.

“Who’s the milf next to you?”

Sun flinched at this. “Dammit Yang!! That’s my mother you’re talking about!!”

“Oh…… is she single?”

“What…?” Aya’s eyes widened while Sun facepalmed himself, sighing a little as he looked back at Mist, Firefly and Miles.

“Mist, do you think it’s about time we send you guys back? I can call on Lance so he could help you guys out if you want.” He offered, grabbing Lance’s token out of his pocket. “The rest of your team needs you back there right?”

“Eh, yeah.” Firefly replied before Mist could. “But we got our own way home.” A wormhole appeared, and all but Aya walked through.

Aya walked over to Sun, smiling slightly. “You know… I’m really proud of you. I don’t think I’ve ever told you that… And…” She kissed his forehead. “I love you.”

“Aw~.” both Yang and Weiss said in a teasing tone.

“Hehe… Love you too. Just stay safe okay? I rather not have anything bad happen to you.” He said, taking a brief moment to glare at Yang and Weiss.

“If it means you’ll come around more often, I’ll gladly break my arms and legs…” A bit of sadness broke through her eyes, but she covered it up quickly. “Well, I’ve gotta go save a city from a parasitic creature that threatens my whole world. I’ll see you next holiday.”

“You too.” he said as he watched them go through the Wormhole that soon closed on them after they crossed through. Fox and Coco were walking up to Weiss and Yang as the blond huntress then said something.

“Dude! Your mom’s hot! I mean compare to my mom, your mom pretty much beats mine.”

“Let’s save the comparison for another day.” Sun said, turning around to team JNPR. “Now, where were we?”

“We were starting to talk about how Double Diamond’s home burned down to the ground-.” Twilight first started to speak, only to turn around and notice another mare open a nearby door. “Oh… Hello Starlight?”

“W-what’s going on?” She asked, yawning a little as she tried to adjust her hair. However, Night Glider and a few others did not take the sight of her kindly.

“Oh! Oh! Guess what someone did to the foursome squad’s home!?” Coco suddenly shouted. “We’re building it uuuuuuppppp~! To burn it back doooooooooooowwwnnnnnnnn~!”

“Shut up Coco…” Fox growled.

“More importantly, WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE!?” Night Glider snarled.

“I’m here for the free waffles.” Coco replied snarkily.

“Starlight was almost killed by Grimm until I found her outside of town.” Sun responded. “She’s trying to start over. A clean slate. Just like you four.”

“We’re completely different! Our home is now burned into the ground.”

“WHAT!?!” Starlight shouted in shock, causing Jaune and a few others in the room to facepalm. It was there though that the unicorn’s eyes began to willow up as she broke into tears. She couldn’t take the fact that the town she used to call home was now wiped off the map. And just when she thought that she was brave enough to ask them for forgiveness. Double Diamond and the other ponies were shocked, alongside Twilight as the princess looked at Sun.

“You guys should go. We may need a bit of time so Starlight could cope a little.” All Sun did was just nod, walking outside with Yang, Weiss, Coco, Fox and all of team JNPR.

“So… Nice to meet you guys… I guess.” Jaune said lightly, trying to break the small bit of silence.

“You too.” Fox said, raising his hand for a high five. Jaune returned the high five as they roamed around Ponyville for a little while before night was going to fall.

“So… Who knows where we are?” Coco asked. “I half expect to wake up, but this place feels too real.”

“Ignore her, we’ll figure that out later. What’s the story with you guys? I’d like to get to know you each a bit more.” Fox commented, placing his hands in his pockets. “Like, who you guys are, how you got together, why you dressed up as RWBY characters, that kinda stuff.”

“We pretty much ended up dressing like this thanks to my sister.” Yang said.

“I went to RTX with my friends and one thing lead to another.” Sun replied to Fox’s question.

“We were part of a contest for a video game expo, then one thing lead to another and then poof here we are. In this pastel world of colorful talking ponies.” Weiss said.

“Video game expo? Is RWBY based off a game or something? That’d explain so much…” Coco said, zoning out again. Only having Sun sigh deeply. “What!? It would!”

Fox pushed. “So, how’d you guys meet?”

“We met in kindergarden when I was trying to get Ruby away from a bully.”

Sun then looked at Jaune and the others for a moment. “What about you guys? How did you guys get here?”

“Same way you guys did.” Phyrra replied to the Faunus’ question.

“I got killed!” Coco shouted. “Murder is the best way to appear in heaven!” Fox just stared, wide eyed.

“...... How many drinks did she have during your contest?” Ren asked Fox as he crossed his arms.

“I dunno, I lost count at twenty…” Fox grumbled. That caused Sun to roll his eyes as he looked at everyone else.

“Well, it’s getting late. Should we pick this up in the morning?” He asked everyone.

“Meh, I’m… Uh… Good with anythin-” Coco fell over suddenly.

“Oh now she passes out!” Fox yelled in rage.

“Do you guys need help carrying her? If not, I was going to check on Velvet and Blake.” The Faunus asked them as he saw Phyrra help Fox pick up Coco off of the ground.

“We’ll be fine… Uh, where am I gonna sleep? I know Coco’s gonna be with this ‘Rarity’, but I haven’t talked to Yang.” Fox replied.

“She’s right here, you know?” Sun deadpanned, pointing to his left.

“As long as Sun helps us with the whole Ruby and mother relationship thing, then sure you can sleep with us.”

“I… guess I’m fine with that.” Fox nodded.

“Alright. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” He said, walking back to Fluttershy’s cottage as Fox and Coco went home with Weiss and Yang. As he got home, he noticed that Velvet and Blake were fast asleep. But on his way upstairs, he soon found Fluttershy in the room he was in.

“O-oh! Sun… I-i didn’t think y-you would be h-home so soon.”

“It’s alright…” The Faunus asked, noticing the mare was shaking a little. “Is something wrong?”

“N-nothing… Just… a little cold.” The mare stuttered, eeping a little as Sun gave her his jacket. She nuzzled against him, soon wanting to say something. “Um… Sun? C-can I ask you something?”

“Sure. What is it?” He asked. What came next though… surprised him.

“Well… I-i’ve been thinking and… um…” She squeaked a little before asking the question that she intended to say what was on her mind. "C-can I...... b-be your marefriend​?"

It indeed catch him by surprise. After what he had gone through with Charlene back home, the last thing he wanted was to put the mare he cared for in the same situation. Soon though, he had an answer for Fluttershy as he turned to her.

“Yes you can, Fluttershy.” He said, hugging her for a moment. “Yes you can.”

End Tail 16

Author's Note:

Part 2 of the Evolve me not crossover. I think this song explains everything.

What's next? Will Coco cope from her hangover? Find out next time?

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