• Published 4th Jun 2015
  • 9,625 Views, 418 Comments

Monkey Business - FrostTheWolf

The plan was to dress up as a Faunus from RWBY. Specifically Sun Wukong. But plans don't always go the way we hoped. I just hope that my newfound abilities and skills don't get myself in Major trouble. [Displaced][RWBY/MLP Crossover]

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Tail 2- Visitors

Monkey Business- Visitors

Unknown Location

Sun had originally planned to lay down in Fluttershy’s college upstairs and sleep so his injuries from the Grimm attack last night could fully heal. However, when the Faunus woke up again, he found himself in someplace WAY different. Where he was almost looked like a starry night sky mixed with a grid like floor that reminded him of a scene of in TRON: Legacy when Kevin Flynn first created CLU. As he took in the sights of where he was though, something else came to mind. The fact that Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang were not with him. But he had them on his person a few moments ago before he went to lay down. All this did was confuse him more until a new voice caught his attention and caused him to turn around. What was behind him though almost had him fall backwards onto the ground as he looked up at what stood over him.

“Greetings young Displaced.”

The figure that talked to him was huge and large in scale, but also looked transparent. Almost like one of the constellations in the night sky. It looked human, but in a way, it looked like some sort of Deity. However, Sun’s only reason for thinking this was because it was almost ten feet tall in comparison to his size. Still though, the Faunus seemed tense because of finding out where he was all of a sudden.

“W-who are you?” He asked.

“I go by many names. But, I am called the Observer.” The being spoke deeply to him. “I watch over the many worlds and versions of the Multiverse, observing the events that play out as time passes.”

“O...kay. Uh… where the heck am I?” The Faunus asked in confusion. “and what is a Displaced?”

“Do not be alarmed. We are in your subconscious while your physical body continues to heal from your encounter with the monsters of your world. As for your other question, a Displaced is an individual that has arrived in the world of Equestria under the same circumstances that you have arrived. Of course, each one of them have their intentions. Some can be good while others prefer to do what they please. My job is just to watch over these worlds Idly.”

The Observer continued his long out explanation, despite the fact that Sun was zoning in and out of it because of his tiredness. And the fact that after hearing a few hours of this, he was becoming quite bored. However, when the Observer began to show him a few examples of some of the Displaced, one of them in particular caught his attention. It was a boy dressed in a blue overcoat, had yellow hair tied in a long braid and held a specially modified pistol as he channeled lightning around himself. Upon seeing him, he recognized immediately who it was after seeing him for a few seconds.

“Holy crap.”

“Is something the matter?” The Observer asked. Sun shook his head, pointing out the person that he was looking at. “No, nothings wrong… It’s just that… I know this guy. What’s his name? I remembered it started with an L.”

“His name is Lance Walker, but also known as the Azure Striker.”

“Oh damn, That’s Lance!?” Sun said, surprised. “He looks quite… Shocking.”

“You seem to know this individual. Is that true?” The Observer asked as Sun moved closer to the projection. He tried to touch it, but all it did was flicker a little before being restored.

“Hell yeah I know him!” The Faunus replied joyfully. “Lance is my cousin that lives in Los Angeles! I was wanting to go see him sometime, but I never got the chance to meet him.” Sun was really excited about this, but what came next from the Observer confused him at first.

“Then we should get to the process of making your token right away.”

“Wait, my what-?”

“Each Displaced has a summoning token in which they could call upon one another. Your cousin even has one and has lead to him having multiple…… Interesting experiences with some other Displaced. By making one, you can have other Displaced call upon you for assistance or use it as a key to unlock the doorway to your world. Not only can they use tokens, but you can do it as well.”

“Okay… how do I do that?” Sun asked, causing the Observer to sigh. The Deity asked for Sun to choose an item that was unique and would fit himself. The Faunus thought it through and remembered something he picked up while stealing food onboard the ship to Equestria. A golden Medallion with the insignia of a monkey on it. It seemed fitting to use as a “Token” for himself given the design.

“Would this work?” Sun asked, showing the Observer.

“Anything can become a token. That looks quite fitting for you though. Now, what do you want to say?”

Sun thought about it to himself for a little bit, but instead of trying to ponder on some heroic speech, the Faunus decided to keep it short and simple. “What's up? I'm Sun Wukong, The Stray Faunus. Just simply shoot the coin to call upon me for anything you might need help with.”

“Well, it seems like all the preparations are in order.” The Observer calmly spoke as he opened a small tear in the void. Sun tossed the coin in and watched as it began to multiply. Of course, he had one to keep for himself, but before he left, something else emerged from that same void. A hairpin with open wings. “My… That my friend, is actually the Token of your cousin. Keep it as a gesture of my good will. I believe that it’s time to return you back to your world. Just be careful. Many things can happen.”

Fluttershy’s Cottage

When Sun woke up from his nap. The first thing that he found was Angel hopping on his chest. It seemed like the Bunny had been trying to get his attention for a while and it was only around now that he realized it. As he got up, he also found that almost all of Fluttershy’s animals, including Henry the Bear, had went upstairs as well and took refuge inside the room that he was in.

“What are you guys doing here?” He asked, looking around. “Where’s Fluttershy?”

Sun watched as Angel shrugged his arms and Henry tried to write on a pad of paper using a marker. What came out was very jumbled, but it seemed to spell out the words “Visiting Friends” depending on how well he could read Bear Writing. Soon though, the Faunus had another question for all the animals that were upstairs. “Okay, why are all of you guys up here? Is something wrong?”

The Stray watched as all of the animals in the room looked down at the floor. Henry the bear soon wrote another few words on the paper. It spelled out “Check Downstairs” and gave Sun a few possible clues on what could possibly be going on. One of the primary thoughts was that Discord was messing around again. Fluttershy had told him that the Draconequus had been in reform for a while, but can still be mischievous at times. Calmly, Sun picked up both Ruyi and Jingu Bang and put them away under his shirt and began to walk downstairs. Because what he found was just plain weird.

The Avatar of Chaos was pulling the springs from the nearby couch and cleaning them. In a Maid’s dress no less. Not to mention the fact that he was acting like Robin Williams in Mrs. Doubtfire during the cleaning scene of the movie. He was even singing Queen’s “We will rock you” to himself. He wasn’t even paying attention to the fact that Sun Wukong had just entered the room.

“Uh… Discord?” No response. Just him saying “We will… We will…… ROCK YOU!!”

“Discord?” The second try didn’t help much either. Seeing as it being a last resort, Sun unplugged the cord on the stereo the Draconequus was using in order to get his attention.

“Aww, come on! I was so close to doing the Air Guitar Solo!!”

“Discord, what are you doing? Angel and the other animals are all hiding upstairs and… Wait, why are you tearing the springs out of the couch?”

“Well, Fluttershy wanted me to do some Spring cleaning while she was meeting her friends so I thought it would be best to do it to some music.” All Sun could do in that moment in time was facepalm to himself because of what exactly he was dealing with.

“Discord… Have you ever done this before?”

“No actually. Being an Avatar of chaos and such, I’m use to having things being all over the place. But since Fluttershy asked me to help, I thought I would pitch in.”

Now Sun was beginning to laugh a little to himself by the Draconequi’s response. When he asked why he was laughing, The Faunus told him something that soon made him realize his mistakes. “Spring Cleaning is a figure of speech. She didn’t ask you to be literally cleaning Springs. Fluttershy just wanted you to clean up the cottage a little. Like make sure everything’s not dusty and what not.”

Discord’s face was one of pure shock and surprise as he looked at everything around him. “Well now, I look totally embarrassing in this.” With a quick snap, the springs from the couch were put back where they belonged and his Maid’s outfit was removed. “Great, now I’m back to square one… Any suggestions?”

Sun sighed for a minute, smiling. “Tell you what. Let me pitch in with this and help you out. Two heads are better than one anyways.” The Draconequus agreed with the idea and the two of them soon got to work. At one point though, Sun came across what appeared to be a closet in the back of the room. Despite Discord’s warning of not wanting him to open it, he did so anyway and got swarmed by a landslide of clothes, pet food and other items that were stored in there. All that could be seen afterwards was Sun’s tail, which Discord then used to pull him out.

“You okay there, fumblerooski?”

“Yeah, just don’t pull my tail. That really-.” BONK!! “-hurts.” What hit Sun in the head just now was a small wooden box and a medal that looked like a bottle of ink, a quill and a piece of parchment. Once Sun was set down, he looked at the Medal and placed it in his pocket. Something for him to look at later. But his attention turned towards Discord as soon as he opened the box and pulled out what was inside.

“What the heck is all of this? A chalk set?” Discord asked, holding the said “chalk” in his paw for Sun to look at. However, it wasn’t chalk. It wasn’t that at all.

“Discord, this isn’t chalk. This is Dust.”

“Oh, you mean the stuff we needed to clean-.”

“No, not THAT kind of dust. This is different.” The Faunus explained. “This Dust is a source of energy that’s given a crystalline form. It’s properties allow it to be used in multiple forms. It could be used with Dust based weapons, serve as ammunition for weapons like mine, woven into clothing and other things too. Think of it like Crystalline Magic if you will.”

“Oh, well that’s interesting. For a moment, I thought these were rock candies.”

Sun ignored the Draconequi’s comment and now wondered something. Why would a crate of Dust be in Fluttershy’s house? Was somepony else here and left them behind? Did Fluttershy just stumble upon this accidentally? The possibilities were unknown. Then, Sun noticed something on the other end of the room. A picture frame with a Stallion and a much younger version of herself.

“Hey Discord, did you and Fluttershy ever talk about family? I see that her mother is missing from this picture.”

“Actually, that’s the thing. She doesn’t know who her mother is aside from stories her father told her. Flutters told me that her father raised her most of her life, but when he died due to an accident, she had been living on her own with the animals she care for. This cottage actually belonged to her father and was passed down to her in his will.”

“Wow… I feel sorry for her.” Sun said, putting the frame back on the wall. “Hey, lets focus on putting this stuff back. We got a house to clean up.”

“Roger that!” Discord saluted as the two of them got back to work. It took them a couple of hours to clean up the mess that spilled out onto the floor, but soon, they were able to fix everything up to make it look good as new. Like nothing really ever happened. However, to their surprise, Fluttershy didn’t come back by herself though. Instead, she came back with a friend.

“Hey Everypony, I’m ba-. Oh hey Sun, good to see you’re up.”

“Thanks Flutters-.” The Faunus’ comment was cut short once he laid eyes on who was right next to him. It was what Discord told him was an “Alicorn” with a Lavender Fur coat, wings, Purple mane and tail with a pink stripe and purple eyes. It’s cutie mark looked like some kind of bursted star or Sparkle. Right off the bat, it’s jaw dropped upon seeing Sun.

“Um… Hi?”

That was all it took for the pony to start looking around him like he was put on Display. “So… you must be this Faunus that Fluttershy was referring to… Son Goku right?”

“No, It’s Sun Wukong.” He corrected her mistake, despite it causing him to mentally laugh inside his head.

“My apologies, some of my late night studying is finally catching up with me.” The Alicorn apologized as she sat down at the nearby tunnel with Fluttershy and Discord. “I’m Twilight Sparkle. Princess of Friendship and student of Princess Celestia.”

“Nice to meet you, Princess Sparkle.”

“There’s no need for formalities, Mr. Wukong. A friend of Fluttershy’s is a friend of mine. Just call me Twilight.”

“Then you can call me Sun.” The Faunus replied back on that note, happily. “What brings you out to Fluttershy’s cottage if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Well, when I talking with the girls, Fluttershy told me about you off to the side, so she thought that it would be best for you to meet me before anypony else. That and the fact that an encounter that Rainbow Dash and Pinkie had back at Baltimare is still fresh on their minds.”

“Oh? What did they say?” Sun asked, a little confused.

“Something about a hairless monkey running around and freeing some stowaways in the port, which lead to the arrest of a black market antiques dealer. They’re still searching high and low along with their Griffon friend Gilda so they could thank him.”

“Well…… They might not need to search for long… You just found who they’re looking for.” Sun told Twilight, making her jaw drop. Fluttershy and Discord already knew about the story due to a conversation they had earlier, but this was the first time she had heard of it. To prove his point even more, he nudged her wing a little using his tail.

“Oh…… That’s…… interesting. Say, what exactly are you, Sun?”

Sun took his time in explaining everything about his adventure up to right now with Twilight, leaving out the parts involving the Observer and the Closet incident just to be on the safe side. Everything from being a Faunus to explaining about the Grimm. Talking about the monsters though sort of scared Twilight like if you were telling a little kid a Ghost Story. Then, she became worried about what if the Grimm came to attack Ponyville.

“Twilight, Grimm are only attracted to the negative emotions expressed through everyone here. So unless if somepony was having an argument or something that isn’t… peaceful happens, there could be a chance that they might show up. But they can be defeated just like any other monster. You just need a strong aura and will in order to complete the task.”

Sun’s words helped a bit, but did little to now have Twilight’s mind continue to stress on the possibilities. After a while though, for him, Sun became a little bit stiff and decided to step outside. He was tempted to practice his aim with his attacks, but feared the noise would drive the Grimm crazy and have them come after him. So, he unloaded the clips from both Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang and began to practice some basic self defense moves. Sun Wukong’s combat style was based on the Japanese Martial art of Bojutsu, which was martial arts involving a Bo Staff like the staff form of his weapons. Not only that, but he is highly adept to Martial arts. So… practice for both of these skills was a necessity.

The other thing that he wanted to figure out was how to use his Semblance. In season 2, Sun was shown having a Semblance or power that’s unique to a specific person. He called it “Decoy” since it allowed him to create two Spectral clones of himself that can detonate upon contact with an object or being. In a way, it reminded him of Gotenks Super Ghost Kamikaze attack in Dragon Ball Z, but he was dealing with his own stuff right now and rather not have any distractions.

But distraction come in many forms and in Sun’s case, it was when he began to think about the medal that he found earlier. He held it in his hand for a moment, pondering about what exactly it could be. It seemed like a token to him, but the Observer told him that tokens come in many forms. Damn it, how the hell was he suppose to figure this out?! It’s not like this thing came with a label or something.

The Faunus began to try different techniques in order to see if he could get it to work. He tried holding it above his head, holding it between his hands, and many other methods. Including a few methods that involved his tail. Still, each one of them didn’t work. At this point, Sun was beginning to become a little bit Frustrated. He was even beginning to wonder how the hell did Lance do something like this during the same moment that he used his thumb to flick the medal upward like a coin.

The moment it came down though was when the object began to glow a crisp light yellow color as a flash of light went off in the backyard. The next moment, Sun was gone. The backyard was completely empty.

And the whole thing was witnessed by a White Bunny who was looking at him through the upstairs window. Angel looked terrified and soon went outside, seeing that Sun was really gone. But in the distance, the rabbit saw something else. Another figure almost similar to Sun, but didn’t have any animal traits. But it was only for a second before it too strangely disappeared. Angel was now considering that he needed a nap just like Sun earlier in the day. This whole day had been weird enough already given today's conundrums.

End Tail 2

Author's Note:

To start, thanks for all the Positive praise that this has got since it's approval. I look forward to entertaining all of you guys! Also, the Observer and the mentioning of Lance are both from one of my other Displaced stories called When Lightning Strikes.... Check it out when you have the time.

Also, the Son Goku joke is because Sun Wukong is said as Son Goku in Japanese according to the RWBY wikia

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