• Published 4th Jun 2015
  • 9,626 Views, 418 Comments

Monkey Business - FrostTheWolf

The plan was to dress up as a Faunus from RWBY. Specifically Sun Wukong. But plans don't always go the way we hoped. I just hope that my newfound abilities and skills don't get myself in Major trouble. [Displaced][RWBY/MLP Crossover]

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Tail 6- The Raven

Author's Note:

Crossover with Bluemoon865 and his story You Know My Name. This chapter was mostly inspired by the minecraft animation called "Gods Don't Bleed"

Other then that, time to work on Lance as he meets a very special ruler and gets himself in an awkward situation xD

Monkey Business- The Raven

Fluttershy’s Cottage (Outside)

Sun needed to take the chance to catch his breath. Within the past thirty minutes, many things have happened. For one thing, He had saved three changelings that had just lost everything in a coup against the queen that they served and now, they say that someone else that resembled Adam Taurus was responsible for the devastation that was brought upon their home. The Faunus had many thoughts that were popping up inside his head. But one of them was a really important question.

How can someone like him stand up against a monster?

Around the moment he was thinking this, a familiar pulling motion was tugging at the back of his loose shirt. A Displaced was calling on him. Well, he can’t keep them waiting.

“Fluttershy, I’m going to go on a walk. I’ll be back in a little while!!”

And with that, he was off. Into the unknown world of whoever was calling him.

Open Fields (Realm of the Nether King)

I awoke to something impacting me on the head and clattering to the tiled floor. Opening my eyes, I looked down to find a gold medallion with a monkey insignia on it. I stared at it for a moment before picking it up and inspecting it. In appearance, it seemed to be a simple gold medallion, but I could feel a certain magical signature radiating off of it. Then, a voice spoke from seemingly nowhere. “What's up? I'm Sun Wukong, The Stray Faunus. Just simply shoot the coin to call upon me for anything you might need help with.”

Sun Wukong, eh? So it's a RWBY lover. Well, I could use something to do. And this boy might just be able to entertain me. With that in mind, I flicked the medallion and waited as the token did its work. I turned myself invisible and watched as a golden portal opened up just in front of my throne and spat out a tall, well-toned boy with blonde hair, a monkey tail, blue jeans, a pendant, and a white short sleeve jacket. He landed on his feet and brushed himself off. Watching as he looked around, I noted that he seemed impressed with the gothic architecture I had chosen.

Lava fountains lay on either side of the room behind stone pillars, lighting up the room with their glow. Stained glass windows with my face on them lined the upper portions of the room, a large one behind my throne had eyes that glowed red in the dim light of the room.

He stopped and stared at where I was sitting upon my throne, almost as if he could see me.

"Hello?" he called.

Remaining silent, I watched as he looked around once more before shrugging and turning to walk out of the room. I silently stood up and floated over to him, following him out the dark, simple, double iron doors.


For Sun Wukong, entering the world of this next Displaced was a bit… intriguing. The kind of room he found himself in reminded himself of seeing Bowser’s castle in Mario Kart with the Throne Room and lava pillars. For a moment, he looked at the throne, thinking that he saw someone move. He could make out a shape, but can’t tell who or what it was.

Like in RWBY, Sun possessed good visual perception. He could see things others would simply ignore. But it did not always mean that what he saw was actually real. So, to test the theory, he simply spoke a single word, hoping they would pick up on it.


A few moments of silence though caused him to shrug off his previous suspicions and to walk out the double iron barricades that represented themselves as the front doors. What he found when he opened the door though was another sight. One that wasn’t as pretty as before.

It was a dull, dark hallway filled with pictures and portraits of a man with glowing white eyes. A simple purple carpet traveled down the hall. Human Skeletons were currently dusting the portraits off and polishing the tiled floors. Stone pillars lined the left side of the hall, with sconces on them. Despite there being a multitude of torches, it was still relatively dark. On the right side were windows that allowed a glimpse into the dark, lava filled chasm outside the castle. At the end of the hall was another set of simple, thick iron doors.

‘Seems like they are all just minding their own business,’ Sun thought to himself. ‘I wonder what things look outside.’ With that, the Faunus continued to walk to the next set of doors and used both of his hands to push them open. However, they didn’t exactly open at first. So, instead, he had to push on them with a little more strength. When the doors finally gave way, what he found outside the castle was… disturbing.

Outside the castle was what could only be described as a massacre. The Everfree Forest that the cavern lead out to was ablaze, the trees like torches blazed with light. On some of those trees were ponies, impaled upon the branches and burning with the trees. The scent of blood and burning flesh was heavily present in the air, and it made the Faunus scrunch up his nose in disgust. Skeletons, Zombie Pigmen, and Wither Skeletons were throwing torches onto trees and impaling ponies upon branches and pikes. There were even piles of bodies on the paths, burning away in the eternal night. The screams and wails of the innocent filled the air, and even more could be heard further down the bloodied dirt path. Thanks to the carbon dioxide produced by the flames, the moon was blue, mirroring the tears that would be shed.

“Good god, what a nightmare.” Sun said to himself. That was when he noticed a few of the skeletons chasing after a small filly that was running for it’s life. The Faunus knew that he needed to do something and grabbed both of his weapons from under his shirt, letting them take form into his Bo Staff as he leaped forth and put himself in between the child and the monsters.

“Run!” He told the frightened youngster. It didn’t need to think twice as it dashed off into the darkness and Sun prepped his gunchaku. Four Skeletons were seen with Swords and shields as they came at him. The Faunus used his agility to blast the head off of the first one and then throw it at the others, taking out the second one as they turned to dust. Two more shots killed the other two monsters, but the noise attracted more attention than the Faunus had wanted.

The sounds of his guns had the Zombie Pigmen redirect their attention towards him as they soon lunged for him. Sun’s first move and primary strategy was shoot to kill and that plan so far has had these creeps turn into what looked like expired bacon. But something else lingered nearby and was waiting for the moment for himself to intervene.


I watched intently as the boy dispatched more and more of my men. Finally, he stopped, having finished off all in the area. I smirked, now seemed like a good time to reveal myself. I turned off my invisibility and tapped him on the shoulder. He reacted violently with a swift kick that would have hit my face, had I not caught his foot.

"What a rude way to treat your host. You're almost worse than the last boy."

I smirked as he quickly lowered his foot and jumped back to get some distance. His eyes were wide and bulging.

He spoke up, "Holy sh*t, you're Herobrine!"

"It seems you know my name, but I have yet to know yours." I responded.

"To you, it's Sun Wukong. I'm guessing all this is your handiwork?" he said, gesturing to the lovely massacre around us.

"Not exactly. My armies did this, not me. I simply allowed it. Although I will admit, this is quite nice."

“Bloodshed is nice to you!?” The Faunus shouted back at me. “You are just sick!!”

"Why thank you, I take pride in it." I replied.

The only thing I honestly did not expect though was what the Faunus did next. With quick reflexes, he flip-cocked one of his shotguns like Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator 2 and tried to blast my face with two of his gunshots. Reacting quickly, even quicker than his bullets, I dodged in slow motion like it was a scene from The Matrix and caught both bullets. The Faunus looked shocked, but I ignored him in favor of the interesting bullets in my hands. They were tipped with some kind of crystals, which I assumed was Dust, even though I couldn’t really tell if it was or not. Then, I returned them to their owner with a flick and they embedded themselves in his arm. Next, I got behind him thanks to my ever so handy teleportation abilities and swung at him with the Diamond Sword I now had in my hands. However, this little monkey was full of surprises as the figure in front of me detonated, sending me back a few feet.

Looks like I was fighting a decoy for the past few seconds. Still, decoy or not, he was giving me a good workout. Now… Where did that little primate run off to? Meh, I’ll let him wander around a little while longer and if he tries to do anything, I’ll send him back to where he came from.


‘That was too close…’ Sun told himself as he looked at his opponent from a few feet away. Out of all the Displaced in the world that he thought that he was going to meet, Herobrine was nowhere on that list. He knew about the figure because of a few friends who told him about it and also from seeing the Minecraft Animation called “Gods Don’t Bleed”. Now, he felt like he was up against that said god. But, as soon as he realized that, it made him think about what he was thinking about earlier. Wondering if he could stand up against a monster…

If he could survive against Herobrine, then he can do the same against Adam. After all, Herobrine, despite what he was capable of, was not a god. Just a monster that needed to be slain.

For this to work though, he needed to take care of a few things. One was to patch up his arms. Despite his decoy taking most of the hit from the shots that Herobrine sent back at him, Sun still got some backlash from the attack since shotgun rounds go outward in wide bursts unlike standard ammunition. So he still received most of the backlash from the attack.

Now though, he should focus his attention on other things and be aware of his surroundings before trying anything reckless. Maybe save a few more civilians so he can learn a bit about the adversary he was up against. Of course though, there was the thought that Herobrine was actually the one who summoned him and he could just as easily sent him back if he felt like it.

For now though, he should just focus on trying to do whatever he can to help the ponies still being hunted by this madman. The first thing to do was look for a two and judging from how the smoke was in the air, it seemed like the nearest fire was coming from a village nearby that had a sign saying “Our Town” across the top. It might have been a weird name for a town, but it wasn’t on the top of Sun’s priorities since he saw more skeletons and Zombie Pigmen trying to catch a fleeing pegasus. Her fur was a dark blue and her mane was a lightish white almost. Still, no matter her appearance, Sun had to help her. It was the least she could do. After all, her wings looked to be tiring out on her and her pursuers were gaining on her.

Charging in, the Faunus put himself in between the pony and the mobs as he used his Staff like a golf club and sent the pigs flying into the air. Another couple of kicks and a shotgun blast caused the rest of the minions to turn into piles of Dust and Ash as he turned around to look at the pegasus he saved. However, she still looked afraid. Turning back around, Sun could tell why.

Herobrine was back again. Well, now was not the best time as any to forget that he was able to teleport. “Now really? I give you one chance to walk away from the situation, get a chance to roam around a little and now look what happens? You start causing sh*t and think that you can save any ponies from the fate of being slaughtered. How childish…”

“Give me one good reason why you think this is nice to you. Do you have a grudge against ponies or something!?”

“Oh… Where do I even begin?” He sarcastically said. “I gave those two a warning. A warning that they solemnly ignored. Now, they and their kind have to pay the price for it.”

“What do you think you are, a god?”

All he did was laugh before warping in front of me and closes his eyes. “I’m more than that. I am the king of the Nether and void itself…”

He continued to boast on and on about how strong he was. But right now, Sun had enough of his blabbering nonsense. Because there was one thing he did know.


Gods don’t Bleed.


Herobrine screamed in pain as the force of the shotgun blast to the shoulder pushed him back a few feet. He was angry. Matter of fact, pissed off. He had it with this Displaced. If he were to continue any further, he would mess up everything that he had worked for.

“Well now, Stray. It seems like I don’t need you here anymore.” He said, holding Sun’s token as the Faunus was slowly beginning to be covered in light. “Our contract is complete. I'll remember this boy! Your world is next!"

“Over my dead body it will be-!!”

The light grew increasingly bright, covering the Faunus entirely. Within seconds, the Faunus was gone and the light had dissipated. A warm liquid ran down Herobrine's shoulder and arm as he stood there. When he touched it, his finger came back coated in blood. That night, Herobrine promised himself that that boys world would burn if it was the last thing he would do.

But to the pegasus named Night Glider, who saw the supposed immortal King of the Nether bleed, she saw hope as she flew away. The king can be slain. She just needed to find the right ponies to help her do it.

Fluttershy’s cottage (Night)

When Sun returned to Fluttershy’s cottage, it was the dead of night and everything around him was barely visible to the naked eye if it wasn’t for Luna’s moon shining over the home. Ignoring this though, Sun noticed movement coming from inside the cottage. Movement that wasn’t a pony, grimm, draconequus, or changeling. It almost looked… human.

He saw the woman like figure set down what looked like a sword with a rotating barrel behind her as she slowly and quietly opened up the closet. Sun couldn’t believe it. Whoever it was, she was going after the set of Dust crystals that were in the closet. Thinking that she was here to steal them, the Faunus quickly entered the room; using his tail to grab her weapon and pointed one of his own at her.

“Don’t move.”

The swordswoman tried to reach for her blade, but was quite surprise to see it now be where she had originally set it down and now in the clutches of Sun’s tail. “A Faunus? Is that how you were able to know where I was?”

“Night vision is just an added bonus.”

“Right,” The woman said sarcastically. “Who are you and what are you doing in Silver Wind’s cottage?”

“Wait… Silver Wind?”

“Yes, He’s my husband.” The woman said again, using a spare match she had on hand in order to light the wood in the fireplace.

The newfound light allowed Sun in order to be able to see who this woman looked like for the first time. She had light skin, Black hair and red eyes with a darkened set of clothes. She was Raven Branwen. A character that was introduced late into season 2 of RWBY. Still though, Sun believed that she needed to be known a few things. “Well, from what I remember ma’am, Fluttershy is the one who owns this cottage. Not the husband that you speak of-.” Looking back at the woman though, the mentioning of Fluttershy’s name caused her eyes to widen. Like she had been caught off guard by something.

However, the real thing that surprised the two of them was when they heard a set of hooves come down the steps from upstairs as Fluttershy heard them talk. When she saw Raven though, the pegasus could only say one thing.


End Tail 6

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