• Published 4th Jun 2015
  • 9,626 Views, 418 Comments

Monkey Business - FrostTheWolf

The plan was to dress up as a Faunus from RWBY. Specifically Sun Wukong. But plans don't always go the way we hoped. I just hope that my newfound abilities and skills don't get myself in Major trouble. [Displaced][RWBY/MLP Crossover]

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Tail 4- Party Animal

Monkey Business- Party Animal

Fluttershy’s Cottage (Next day)

The conversation at the Castle of Friendship took a LOT longer than what Sun originally expected. Mostly because the Faunus needed a simple crash course on all the species here and the dangers in different places such as the Everfree forest, the Badlands and the Arkham Asylum of Equestria, Tartarus. It got to the point where Sun had to crash at Fluttershy’s place because the explanation from Twilight (AKA, Bookworm) went all the way into the late hours of the evening and through dinner. Through all of yesterday, he had been making mental nicknames for some of the ponies he already met. Rainbow Dash was Skittles, Rarity was Drama Queen (After overreacting to when he said that he sleeps in the clothes he was wearing), Celestia was Sunshine, and Pinkie Pie was what he called the “Party Pony”. He was originally going to call her party animal inside his head, but then he thought that it would sound like discrimination if he called these ponies animals.

Note to self: Do NOT sing Maroon 5 around Fluttershy or the others.

Anyways, it was currently about half an hour or so after the Sun first rose and the Faunus was with Fluttershy downstairs, having breakfast. He was having a Banana and lending a helping hand- er hoof to the yellow pegasus and helping give Angel and the others their food.

“There you go, all of you now have your breakfast-.” A rumbling sound moaned a little in the room as Fluttershy turned to Sun, who was then looking at her in embarrassment.


“Oh my! I forgot to make you breakfast!! I’m so sorry, Sun!”

“It’s okay. Really.”

“No it isn’t. You didn’t each much of last night’s dinner and all you had this morning is some fruit. There has to be something that can feed you.” Fluttershy said, looking through the cupboards. She then paused for a moment, looking back at the Faunus. “Umm…… What exactly do you eat?”

“Well… Please don’t get scared when I tell you this okay?” Sun said. Fluttershy nodded as the Faunus sighed. “I’m an Omnivore. I eat both meat and vegetables. But trust me… I don’t eat ponies.”

“Oh, so you’re like Henry.” She said, causing Sun to raise an eyebrow as she went into the fridge for a second. He wondered why would she compare him to the bear. “Bears like him are carnivores, so every once in a while, I go to the market and purchase some fish so that way he can have the nutrients he needs to grow big and strong.” She finished her sentence by flying softly over to the bears head and hugging him softly. That’s when her eyes widened a little.

“Oh no… I forgot that I used the last of the fish today for Henry’s meal! I’m sorry Sun, but until I get back from the Market, you’re going to have to wait a little on breakfast.”

“That’s okay. Would you like me to come with you?” He offered, causing Fluttershy to blush a little.

“N-no no, it’s okay. Just keep an eye on e-everyone while I’m gone okay?” Fluttershy didn’t even get the chance to hear Sun say yes as she slammed the door behind her. The Faunus himself looked over at Angel and the other animals, who were looking at him a little… Mischievously.

“Hey? What’s with all the funny looks?” Sun asked, confused by the rabbit’s expression of him tapping his foot with folded arms and a raised eyebrow. It sighed, looking back at Henry who was writing on a pad of paper with a marker like he did before the other day. Around now was when Discord was floating from downstairs in a morning robe with a D sewn in gold on his Pink Robe.

He yawned a little as he glanced around the room, seeing Sun, but no Fluttershy.

“Hey, where’s Flutters this morning?”

“At the market. Ran out of fish for Henry and went to go get some. However, she was acting a bit… weird on the way out.”

“What kind of weird?” The spirit of chaos asked.

“The kind of weird where she rushes out the door when I offer to help her at the market.” Sun said. This got Discord curious. So, he snapped a talon, having his robe turn into a business suit and he was holding a clipboard. “What was she like…?”

“Discord, I don’t think this is the right time for Twenty questions.” Sun said. “All I remember was her stuttering and hurrying out the door.”

“Hmm…” The Draconequus scratched his chin. “Maybe I’ll look into it when I have time in my schedule.”

“Wait… You have a schedule?”

“Of course! All masters of chaos have a schedule. And on today’s agenda, I’m meeting with the Princesses for an early morning brunch. Which reminds me, Toodles!!!” Before the Faunus was able to say anything, Discord disappeared in a puff of pink smoke. Sun sighed, facepalming himself.

Looking at Angel, the Faunus then asked something. “Does this happen often?” The nod of the bunny’s head answered his question as he looked at the rest of the animals. He began to wonder what else was possible as he looked around him. Then, he felt something in his pocket as he pulled it out of his pocket. It was a note.

Come to the castle today after 1 o’clock. There will be a surprise for you. Hehe…
-Anonymous Pony

Sun smiled. “Well, I’m game. I just need to stop by Rarity’s first.” He told himself as he got out a Small notebook, writing a few things down on his personal To Do list. He also noticed a small bag with a few gold coins inside and a little tag attached to it. He recognized Discord’s writing. It seemed like the Draconequus left behind a little gift for the Faunus. Around two-hundred bits. It wasn’t much for the Faunus, but it was shown as a gift of appreciation. Why? Well, Discord was appreciating the fact that without Sun, life would be somewhat boring for him and he wouldn’t have another friend to talk too.

Before he left, Fluttershy had returned with the fish she bought from the market. Just as he was about to head out the door no less. “Oh uh, Hey!”

“Oh my! You seem to be in a hurry! Where are you going?”

“Rarity’s place. I was thinking about what she said the other night and realized that I might need some extra clothes. Plus, Discord left behind a little something before he left earlier today to go see the Princesses.” Sun said, showing her the small sack of bits. “I’ll be back soon.”

With that, the Faunus left. Leaving Fluttershy to wonder… did Pinkie Pie ever give him an invitation for the surprise party she was going to throw for him later today?

Carousel Boutique

Sweetie Belle was bored. Her sister was taking her sweet time in the shower and all she had to keep her company from her boredom was her pet cat Opalescence (or Opal for short). Her friends were probably still doing her chores and right now, she had already finished hers and was waiting on her sister so she could tell her. The last few times that the filly tried to tell her when Rarity was in the shower, Sweetie Belle told that the act was completely rude and unladylike.

That was when the Bell at the door shook a little, causing the ears of the filly to perk up. Was it a customer? Oh no… what if they were looking for Rarity?! Think Sweetie Belle, think!! Then, the idea came to her. She would try to act as her sister’s assistant and distract the customer for the time that they were here. With a plan in her mind, the filly trotted over to the front of the room happily with a spring in her hoofstep.

“Welcome to the Carousel Boutique. How can I-?”

She stopped moments after opening her eyes and seeing the individual that had entered. The bipedal figure that looked a lot like a Hairless ape. It even had the tail of one!! She felt like she was going to panic and felt the need to do so when she heard it talk.

“Excuse me… Is Ms. Rarity here?”

Sweetie Belle squeaked a little for a little, mostly in fear. But also out of being nervous. Was this individual a monster?...... Wait… if he was, then she could catch him!! Hay, maybe get a monster catching cutie mark for it! For a moment, she zipped over to the back room, causing Sun to look over the desk and see if he accidently scared the little filly. However, what he got instead was a fishing net knocking him over the desk and onto the floor. The motion caused the paperweights and tape dispenser on the desk to fall over and a papers to fall down as well.

“I gotcha!!”

“What in the name of Celestia is-?!” The cry from Rarity echoed as she rushed out of the bathroom, her mane still wet as she saw the chaos that was happening.

“Rarity! Look!! I caught a monster that was looking for you!!”

“Monster?” Rarity sighed, facehoofing herself as she used a towel that was being held in her telekinetic magic to dry her mane. “Sweetie, Sun isn’t a monster. He’s a friend of Fluttershy’s that I met last night. He’s a gentlecolt despite the fact that he has a lack of attire.”

“Actually, I was here in order to talk to you about that.” Sun said as Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow. “But it’s a little hard to move when you have yourself tangled in a fishing net.”

“Sweetie Belle. Please get the net off of Sun. Afterwards, you can go outside and play with your friends.”

“Thanks sis!!” The little unicorn replied, listening to Rarity as she ran out the door seconds later. Sun smiled a little as he tried to straighten himself up. “Cute filly. She’s your little sister?”

“Why yes. She can be quite a hoof-ful at times, but I still love her nonetheless.” Rarity soon paused for a minute, gasping a bit as she looked back at the Faunus. “Oh, my apologies!! I forgot to ask if you would like anything! Can I get you a drink? Tea? Coffee?”

“Actually, I was going to ask if you help with my…… clothing issue.”

That stopped Rarity immediately in her tracks. “Y-you want me to… make you some clothes?”

“Just a few things to get me by. Like a couple of collared shirts and maybe a tie to go with one for formal occasions. I can pay you if that helps-.” Sun offered, taking out the Bit sack from his pocket. That was, until Rarity cut him off.

“There wouldn’t be a need to pay Darling. You’re a friend of Fluttershy and any friend of hers is a friend of mine. However, I will need some… measurements from you.”

Sun wasn’t able to ask anything else the moment her levitation spell was on the measuring tape. Rarity wanted to make sure that she got everything right from the neck size to the sleeves and even the waist and the legs. The Unicorn even went to the extend of measuring the ankles so the pants were long enough and comfortable for the Faunus. After what felt like almost an hour, Sun was relieved that Rarity had all the numbers she needed. Around then was also when Rainbow Dash entered the room from the window.

“Hey Rares? What’s up?” The Pegasus asked, now noticing the Faunus flat out on the floor. “Why is Sun here?”

“D-don’t…… ask……” Sun panted, almost completely exhausted as Rarity was humming to herself and using her magic with the sewing machine and fabric. Around now was when she noticed Rainbow, floating above Sun while poking him in the head with a hoof.

“Oh my… Rainbow, how many times have I asked you to please use the front door instead of barging in through the Window?”

“All the time?” She replied as Sun slowly got up to a seated position on the floor.

“And why do you keep on doing it?”

“Because it’s easier to go through a window then zip through a door and knock it off it’s hinges?”

“She’s got a point.” Sun added on, supporting Rainbow’s logic. “Besides, I don’t think you want another mess after what happened earlier.”

“What happened earlier?” Rainbow then asked.

“Sweetie Belle thought I was a monster and used a fishing net to try and catch me, causing me to be pulled over the front desk and onto my face.” This caused the pegasus to burst into laughter in the room as Rarity almost messed up with the stitching.

“Maybe I should come back tomorrow. Does that work with you?”

“Sure thing-.” Before the Unicorn could finish, Rainbow Dash flew out the window in a burst of Speed with Sun following suit. “- and for goddesses sake, USE THE DOOR!!!”

“SORRY!!!” was the only thing she heard from Sun before she sighed again. She met many ponies over the years. But to her, Sun… was something else.

Castle of Friendship

For the most part, Sun was having a good time relaxing and running along the rooftops of Ponyville. But soon, the time was slowly ticking closer to 1 o’clock and Sun knew that he couldn’t make anypony wait on him. Despite the reckless personality of his, the Faunus still had his priorities.

He began to wonder what exactly was going on. For one thing, there was barely anypony in the streets and inside the stores as he came closer to the castle. Another thing was that the windows looked to be closed along with the curtains. Either the palace was boarded up for some reason or somepony just enlisted in Witness Protection. He decided to take this approach like how Rainbow Dash would. Seeing that there was a window left ajar on the top right balcony, he would allow himself to not let any opportunities go to waste.

As soon as he got into the window, he was in pitch black darkness. But to the Faunus, this wasn’t a problem. He can see a little more clearly in the dark than other beings. In fact. He can make out the railing and staircase that was too his right and a single spot in the center where there was nothing there that he could possibly break. Leaping over the rails, he slowly fell down and landed in the middle of the room. Then, after looking around a little more, Sun said something.

“Okay, Pinkie. I can clearly see you and a lot of ponies all over the room, so mind telling me what’s-.”

That’s when the light instantly shined into the room and the sound of party cannons going off caused him to skid backward, flinching a little as the light affected his vision.

“Silly Sunny! How did you know about everypony being here for your ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ surprise party!? Did somepony spoil the Surprise!!?!”

“No, I’ve never seen this guy before!!”

“Is he safe?”

“We can trust him! He’s a friend of the Princess!”

A few more murmurs echoed throughout the room before Sun was able to catch everyone’s attention. “Guys, I’m okay. It’s just that I can see in the dark a lot better that normal ponies. So despite everything being pitch black, I can still see the outlines of everything and everypony in the room. Oh, and before I forget, thank you for this party Pinkie. I really appreciate it!!”

“Yippee!!!” Pinkie pie Squealed in delight, belly flopping herself into the crowd as the blue haired DJ by the speakers started the music. For quite some time, everypony was enjoying the celebration thrown for Sun. Even Fluttershy and the rest of her friends were here too. Sun even saw Pinkie try to dance something that reminded him of the Cuban shuffle.

However, outside was a different story. Two mares had just returned from the city of Coltcago and were returning home to the sounds of loud music and a lot of cheering.

“Hey, was there a party that Pinkie Pie was throwing that we didn’t know about?”

“I don’t know Lyra. Maybe we should ask somepony.”

Soon, the two mares found the pony to ask. She was the roommate of the DJ who was playing inside the castle and informed them that the party being hosted was for a “Faunus” called Sun Wukong. However, upon describing the being, only one thought came into the minds of one of the mares. A mint green unicorn named Lyra Heartstrings.

“I found myself a human.”

For Sun, everything was going fine. He was surprised by a random party by Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and him were now on even ground and the Pegasus wasn’t trying to beat the pulp out of him and he was even able to meet face to face with the DJ, whose name was Vinyl Scratch. Twilight herself was having a lot of fun and so was everypony else.

However, all the fun soon came to a screeching halt when onepony bucked the door to the castle down, sending Spike flying into Applejack and knocking over the chocolate fountain that was set up. Everypony, including Sun in the back of the room turned to see what the commotion was all about. Soon though, Rainbow Dash was grabbing his head and pulling him underneath a table.

“Dude, you need to go. Like NOW!!”

“What the hell has gotten into you? You were having a lot of fun five minutes ago-.”

“Things have changed-.”

Soon, the two of them heard a loud scream that came from what sounded like a mare. “WHERE IS IT!?! WHERE IS THE HUMAN!!!?”

“ …… Okay, what?”

“It’s Lyra. She’s one of the townsfolk that’s like super OBSESSED with humans. Normally, they’re seen as a common ponytail. But She believes in their existence and given her, she might see you as one.” Rainbow told her as she looked back up to see her back turned. She also happened to see an open window that was being held open by a potted plant. “Okay, you see that window?”

“Yeah, what about it?”

“Sneak out through there and afterwards, HIDE!!” She whispered. “Lyra won’t stop until she finds you.”

Taking her advice, Sun crawled underneath the refreshment tables and then used his reflexes to reach the windowsill. However, as he was going to exit, the pot that was previously there fell to the ground, causing it to shatter and the noise to attract Lyra’s attention.

“Oh F*** me.”


“Sun, RUN!!!”

The Faunus didn’t have to be told twice as he bursted forth the moment his feet touched the ground. He was extremely fast for running on two legs, but soon realized that trying to outrun a determined Unicorn on a mission was freaking impossible. He didn’t want to use his weapons since he rather not try to harm anypony, but needed something that can be used to distract Lyra.

He found that distraction once he slipped into an alleyway and ran into a familiar face.


“Shhh……” Sun told the young filly named Sweetie Belle that he encountered earlier at the Carousel Boutique. “Sweetie Belle right? I need your help. Do you see that unicorn named Lyra that’s running all over town?”

“You mean Loco Lyra? What about her?”

“I need somepony in order to distract her. She thinks I’m a human.”

“Aren’t you one though?”

“No, I’m a Faunus.” Sun told her. “I’m sorry, but I don’t have time to explain.” The Faunus reached into his pocket, taking out the sack of bits he had and handing it to the young filly. “If you can gather your friends and distract her for me, then you can split this between your friends. It’s around two hundred bits.”

The Unicorn filly didn’t need to be told twice. After all, she was one for any opportunity for extra pocket money. “Deal!”

Lyra continued to race through the streets of Ponyville, looking for the bipedal being she believed to be a human. She had told BonBon numerous times before that humans were real and now, that yellow maned boy named “Sun” was the only way that she can prove that she was not crazy. For a second, she thought that she saw something go around sugarcube corner and gave chase. But, when she arrived, the Unicorn was greeted instead by a few fillies that she recognized from Ms. Cheerlie’s class.

“Excuse me Ma’am. But could you please stay where you are and have fun with us? We are a distraction and we are completely distracting you!”

The Unicorn for a moment became utterly confused, but soon decide to go around the three of them. Only for them to appear a few moments later.

Soon though, Lyra gave in. “Oh my faust, I am being completely distracted!!”

From the roof of the town hall, Sun was chuckling to himself. He honestly can’t believe that actually worked. It seemed like Fillies would do anything for a few extra bits. He was in the clear for right now. But on the way to Fluttershy’s cottage, something else was waiting for them.

“Oh come on, not you guys again.” Sun groaned. Waiting for him at the cottage was two Puma like Grimm with Bone claws and Skulls for helms. He personally wanted to call them Sabertooth’s because of their giant fangs, but did not have the time to do that once they lunged for his head.

Thinking quickly, the Faunus pulled out Ruyi Bang and fired once the first Grimm was close enough to where Sun could blow it’s head off. For the second one, he had his weapons take form into the Bo Staff of his and used it to deflect the incoming claw attacks. Next, he leaped up into the air, landing on the grimms back like he was riding a pogo stick and fired again. The Grimm must’ve been attracted to him because of Lyra’s determination and Pride in order to catch him. Either that or something else. For right now though, he needed to get inside the cottage and stay low until Lyra had calmed down… A LOT.

The Hive (Barracks)


Sounds of weapons echoed through the caves of the hive and the sounds of bodies crashing into one another caused the walls of the hive’s Barracks to shake as the drones inside were being tested one by one. Tested by the queen's newest warrior. He had been fighting all of them for hours, trying to make them hardened warriors instead of the fragile beings that they were. As he swung his sword a few more times and kicked another drone in the chest, he sheathed his blade and offered a hand to the henchmen that was on the floor.

“Why did you hesitate?” The Swordsman asked the drone.

“I was lead to believe that this was only a training exercise, sir.” The Changeling replied, standing upright on its hooves as it looked at the seasoned warrior. In an instant, it drew its sword and stuck its blade by the drones neck.

“Let this be a lesson for you. Any moment you hesitate is another moment that your foe could use to kill you. Do not hesitate to finish the job that you started.” The Red maned warrior returned to his standing upright position as he heard the sound of hooves. Chrysalis had just walked in along with Queen Mordred.

“Adam, I assume that our drones are capable in combat as much as you are?” She asked.

“Pfft, it’ll do for now.” Adam replied. “These maggots have a long way to go before I can consider them as soldiers. But with tonight’s “event” going on, maybe they’ll prove me wrong.”

“Wait a second, what do you mean by that?” One of the drones dared to speak out of turn, leading to Adam to reach for the grip of his weapon.

“Adam, this one is just confused. They possibly all are.” the queen smiled. “Listen up, all of you!! Tonight, we’re taking the first step into reforming the changeling hive. Mordred’s Kin and ours will be preparing a surprise for our fellow queens. It is time that we take control of our own Destiny and not let the other queens decide what we can and can’t do. And if they resist…… Well, if they resist, there’s one thing that you can do.”

Kill them all.

Within minutes, cries of battle could be heard throughout the caves of the Hive… The sounds of a declaration of war.

The Siege had begun.

End Tail 4

Author's Note:

And with that, Tail #4 is in the books. Thanks for everyone who has given me support on this and helped motivate me with writing the adventures of Sun.

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