• Published 4th Jun 2015
  • 9,615 Views, 418 Comments

Monkey Business - FrostTheWolf

The plan was to dress up as a Faunus from RWBY. Specifically Sun Wukong. But plans don't always go the way we hoped. I just hope that my newfound abilities and skills don't get myself in Major trouble. [Displaced][RWBY/MLP Crossover]

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Tail 12- Monkeying around in Manehattan

Monkey Business- Monkeying around in Manehattan


It was the morning after Sun had encountered Team RWBY and now, he still was having flashbacks. Not just to meeting the girls, but of what Raven had told him about Ruby and Yang. The thoughts of that conversation continued to linger around, even into the next morning when he was walking to Twilight’s Castle. The reason why they wanted him to come was something else. The Princess of Friendship was wanting to make sure that he had been comfortable over the duration of his stay in Ponyville and from the looks of things, the Faunus had been enjoying himself. Twilight was even surprised to see that he was wearing a set of clothes that Rarity made for him as he walked in, seeing both of them. He had a heavy black jacket and cargo shorts to go with a pair of black sneakers and some fingerless gloves of the same color.

For her, having to complete that task in itself was a TALL order. Especially since most of her customers were mares and stallions. But Rarity did have a mannequin she made of Spikes claws when she tailored a suit for him and used that as a base for the gloves. The rest of the clothes were based off of the Faunus’ own measurements that she had taken when visiting him earlier in the week. Now… She was showing him off to everypony inside the castle. Originally, she had a choker that would go around Sun’s neck, but he decided to take a rain check so that way he didn’t suffocate on it.

“Okay Sun, you seem to be doing very well recently-.”


Twilight and Rarity looked down towards the floor and what the White Unicorn saw caused her to look at her Alicorn friend in confusion. “Um, Twilight? Who’s dog is that?” She asked, just as it was rubbing its side against her leg before plopping on the floor, lazily.

“I think Griff likes you, Rarity.” Sun chuckled, kneeling to the floor to give the pup a belly rub. “For being a pup, he’s quite friendly around other ponies.”

“Wait a second… This… is your dog?”

“More likely a wolf pup I’ve taken into my care. Last night, an animal care facility was attacked by Grimm the other night and I found Grif here in the wreckage.” The monkey faunus explained as he tickled Griff with his tail. “Fluttershy is helping me take care of him back at the cottage, but I think he followed me to the castle because he was lonely.” The pup then moaned a little as he scratched his head. “Good boy. Now, go back to Fluttershy okay?”

The pup yipped at the command, soon speeding off and out of the castle and through Spike’s legs as he was carrying a series of bags. “Okay, Twilight. I got what we need for the trip to Canterlot.”

That, caused Sun and Rarity to look at Twilight, partially confused. “You’re going to Canterlot?”

“Of course. I’ve just realized that I have some friends that I haven’t been in touch with since I left Celestia’s school for gifted Unicorns and came to Ponyville, so I’m going to go and see how my friends at the academy are doing.”

“Well, I wish you the best of luck, darling,” Rarity complimented as she and the dragon began to trot/walk out to the train station. “Which reminds me… Sun, can you please come with me on my trip to Manehattan?”

The Faunus raised an eyebrow, looking at the Unicorn. “What’s Manehattan? Is it like a city?”

“Oh darling, I don’t even know where to BEGIN…” The Fashionista told him. It would take her hours to try and explain every great nook and cranny about the city, so she just gave him a simple explanation. “But we can worry about that later. My friend Coco Pommel wants some help with something after she was impressed with some of the clothes I made for you. I was going to show her what I made, but then I thought that it would be better to have you tag along so she can see how it looks when somepony is wearing them.”

“I’m curious to meet this friend of yours. She sounds really nice.” The Faunus commented. “Plus, I got a lot of time on my hands. I don’t really have anything going on today.”

“Fantastic!!” The Unicorn exclaimed. Shortly after the two of them stopped by Sugarcube corner to pick up Rarity’s bags and get Sun’s ticket at the train station, the two of them were off on their trip to Manehattan. Along the way, Rarity was talking to Sun about all of the sights and sounds of the metropolis that made it stand out. But during the conversation, she happened to notice that Sun wasn’t quite as focused as he normally would be. Being the lady that she was, Rarity thought it would be best to try and ease Sun’s mind.

“Are you alright, darling?”

Sun, upon realizing that the Fashionista was trying to talk to him, turned towards him. “Yeah, I’ve just been having a lot on my mind recently.”

The Element of Generosity knew firsthand what she was talking about. A couple of days ago, Sun had introduced her to Amaterasu and Chibiterasu and later explained to her about them being “Displaced”. This included the other Sweetie Belle that she weaved a scarf for as well. “Do you want to talk about it?” She asked him, offering a chance for him to speak. The Faunus took a few moments to weigh his options. He then sighed, deciding that talking about it might be the right thing to do. It would be good if more than one pony knew about what exactly was going on than just keep them in the dark.

“Yeah… Last night, I had an… interesting encounter to say the least.” Sun said to the mare. “Discord woke me up and told me that he felt some strange presences in Canterlot. When I got there, I found four girls. Each one of them were Displaced here like I was two months ago, but for them, they were brought here together collectively. Seeing them though makes me think about something though and it’s not about them.”

“Really? What is it?”

“Before I was Displaced, I was suppose to be meeting with a few friends of mine. I’m just hoping that they somehow didn’t get themselves caught up in this mess and if they did, I hope they’re okay.” The Faunus explained. “Other than that, there’s one other thing that’s going on inside my head and I’m not quite sure if you would be fond of the topic.”

“Would you happen to be talking about the Changelings? Fluttershy and Twilight explained everything to us the other day.” The statement caught Sun by surprise. He honestly didn’t think that the two of them would disclose this kind of information to the rest of their friends. Especially with Rainbow Dash being headstrong, Applejack being stubborn and Pinkie being… well Pinkie. But what was Rarity’s opinion on the matter? The Faunus was curious to find out.

“What do you think about it then?” He asked.

“Even though I’m not one to speak about them or their way of diplomacy, I do feel bad for both of the children that their bodyguard is taking care of. I offered them some simple clothes like sweaters and scarfs to help them when it gets cooler during the day. We’re starting to get into the spring, but it still feels like winter.” She replied back, shaking a little to prove her point of the weather being a bit cooler than normal. The unicorn also used her levitation to wrap her scarf around her neck for good measure.

“I take it that you met Kreed, Reson and Honeydew?”

“Yes. They introduced themselves to us when we gathered at Fluttershy’s cottage to talk about what was going on. We even met Raven as well. Who I believe is a “Displaced” as well, right?” Sun nodded his head, answering her question. “I see. She is pretty nice, but she can be quite… serious at times.”

“That’s normal for her,” The Faunus sighed. “She’s been through quite a lot and didn’t have a lot of time to spend with her family. Now, she’s trying her best to make it up to Fluttershy and help me for if the Changelings try to go after Kreed and the younglings. But there’s more to it than that. After telling her about the girls I encountered last night, she thinks that two of the girls that I encountered last night are her daughters from before she came to Equestria. However, she can’t tell for certain unless if she actually sees them.” The Monkey Faunus took a couple of moments to process everything that he was talking about. All before he focused the conversation on something different, but similar in nature. “People would do anything if family is somehow involved.”

That last comment left the white unicorn a little puzzled. Still trying to be nice, she asked Sun another question. “Before you came here Sun, what was your family like?”

“Nothing much to say really,” The Faunus shrugged. “It’s not really a topic that I’m comfortable with talking about. But for one thing, my cousin Lance is also a Displaced and he’s going to get married soon.”

The Element of Generosity, who was trying to drink a glass of water at the time, almost choked on her drink when she heard that. “Your cousin is a Displaced? Why didn’t you say that sooner?”

“The topic of Family didn’t come up until just a few moments ago.” Sun deadpanned, offering some napkins. Rarity kindly thanked him, using her levitation spell to clean up the unladylike mess that had occurred.

“You make a good point. Still though, isn’t it a little odd to hear about your cousin, who you haven’t seen in such a long time, get married?”

“Actually, I met him only a few weeks ago and yesterday, I had the… priviledge to meet the fiance’ Max,” The Faunus explained, pulling out the picture that came with the wedding invitation and letting the mare see for herself. “The one with the blond hair is Lance, the girl on the right is Max and the foals there are their children. And yes, Rainbow Dash is a filly in Max’s universe.”

“Oh my stars, those fillies look so cute!” Rarity gasped, her eyes lighting up upon seeing them. “Your cousin is so lucky to be with her and take care of those adorable children…”

‘In more ways than one.’ Sun thought to himself, snickering a little.

“Hold on… Why were you over there anyways?”

“Well, Lance did ask me to be the best man at his wedding… or I think the phrase in your terms is “Best Stallion”. His Rarity even helped me with preparing an outfit for the occasion along with giving me some advice.”

“Well congratulations,” The Fashionista told him. “Though, I find it odd to have a mare give you advice for a wedding-.”

“No, it’s not that kind of advice,” Sun interjected. “I was asking for advice in regards to… showing somepony how much I care for them. I asked her this because I told her that I thought that Fluttershy has feelings for me because I’ve seen her blush at times and act very nervous around me. So I asked about if she had any recommendations for how to proceed. And she told me to help her with taking care of the animals and trying to take things slow with her.”

“Oh I see. Yeah, I see myself saying the same thing if I was in the same position,” Rarity responded, trying to think about if she was put in the same scenario and what she would exactly say given those circumstances. “Then again, relationships aren’t really a topic I find myself indulging in really. The past few times I’ve tried, it just seems to fall apart at the seams.”

“Same thing,” Sun replied. “The subject in it’s own way is incredibly complicated.”

“Indeed it is.” The mare answered. “I know a few friends in Canterlot that were able to successfully pull it off, but it takes a lot of work. Too much for me since I have to balance running the boutique, being with my friends and being there for Sweetie Belle. Not to mention that my parents are living overseas in order to help try to provide for Sweetie and I.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“It’s alright, really.” Rarity told him, assuring to Sun that it wasn’t that much of a big deal. But the Faunus could tell otherwise. He could see it through her emotions. It looked like she was trying to hide something. But, out of courtesy, he decided to not bother her about it.

Soon though, the train that they were on had an announcement on the intercom as they listened to the Mare that was speaking. ‘Greetings passengers. We will be arriving in Manehattan in twenty minutes, shortly after our arrival in Hollow Shades. Thank you and have a good day here on the Friendship Express.’

“Well, that was subtle.” Sun said.

“Very,” Rarity replied. “I believe it’ll be a little easier if they were more… enthusiastic when speaking.”

“Well, radio frequencies can distort your voice to make it sound like one thing, but come out as another. Let’s not worry about it though.”

Rarity nodded at that statement. They were close to arriving at their destination. She needed to be ready for when she saw Coco again. Same went for Sun. Despite his looks, he wanted to make sure that he didn’t embarrass Rarity while they were here today. It wouldn’t just look bad on her, but on him as well.

Soon, the train came to a halt and the announcer spoke again, saying about their arrival at Hollow Shades before the train continued to Manehattan. From what the Faunus was told by Rarity, Hollow Shades was known as a town in the woods and considered a Haven by Bat-Ponies. He had never thought that Bat-ponies were actually real, until he heard about them being enlisted as Luna’s personal guard. He was really surprised though when he heard about Fluttershy herself turning into a bat-pony one time and the thought of what she would look like partially creeped him out. But that wasn’t exactly the only thing he didn’t expect.

The other thing that he didn’t expect was that when he went to open his window, Sun saw a shadow of a cat like faunus against a set of rocks. For a moment, he thought he was seeing things. Then, he thought that Blake and her team might get herself in the trouble. Probably because of Ruby.

“Something bothering you Sun?” Rarity asked.

“Nah, I just having a case of Deja’ Vu.” Sun said as the train began to slow down. Due to it being abrupt, a loud screeching noise came from the top of the train instead of the brakes. Looking up, he saw the roof was torn open. Looking up, he saw the blade edge of Crescent Rose sticking through the ceiling.

“Yep, definitely Deja’ Vu.”

“Oh my!!” Rarity gasped, seeing the tear in the ceiling. “What could cause an atrocity such as that?”

“One word… Ruby.”

“What?” The unicorn asked, puzzled.

“You’ll see.” The Monkey Faunus told her as they got off the train and pointed towards the top of the train. “Remember those four girls I mentioned? Well… That’s them. That’s Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and lastly… Yang.” When looking at them, the only thing that the two of them could see is Ruby singing, not aware of the damage she caused with Crescent Rose.

“Captured, No sanity, Helpless, Body aching, Ultimate, Control your Dreadful Fate. Powerless, Invisible, Lifeless, Real enemy, No breath, Ruin your mind, Falling down deep down.”

Sun, who was still with Rarity, pulled out an apple that was in his pocket and placed a sticky note on it, writing something with a sharpie pen from his pocket. “Once this hits her, run.” He told Rarity, who was lost in translation. Soon, the Faunus let it rip, throwing the apple like a fastball as it knocked Ruby square in the face. Seconds later, the Faunus and Unicorn began running. With only one sound being heard from the noise of the crowd and the screeching of Sun’s shoes against the pavement.


“Who hit me with an apple?!” Ruby demanded, unaware of the note that was left behind by Sun.

Welcome to Manehattan. See you around! Oh and when we run into one another, I need to talk to Ruby and Yang. There’s something they need to know.

-Your friendly neighborhood monkey, Sun

“Figures he would do something like this.” She said as she called her dog companion to her side. “Now this sayian. I will punch you in the face for hitting me with an apple.”

“Ruby… You’re forgetting something.” Yang told her, pointing at the roof of the train.

As Sun and Rarity turned another street corner, the Faunus was trying to look behind him every few moments. He had a feeling that Ruby might be onto him, but his companion soon told him that the two of them were getting close to Coco’s apartment. As they entered the main lobby, a lot of ponies were giving him odd looks. Looks that he saw as unsettling.

After a few moments, both of them stepped into the elevator as the doors opened. Rarity herself used her hoof to press the button for the floor that her friend was on. Given the presentation of the entire city, the complex was quite modern despite Sun’s doubts and only had ten floors. Coco herself was on the eighth floor of the complex as previously stated in a letter that Rarity was reading so she could remember the room number to her friends apartment.

“I can’t believe the way that they have these hallways all structured. It’s so confusing!!” Rarity stressed. Sun himself could tell why. The room number was in normal numbers on the letter, but in the hallway; the numbers were represented by whatever this world called roman numerals.

“Hang on, let me help.” Sun said, looking at the page. Turns out, Coco was in Room 14. Which in numerals was XIV. It didn’t take long for him to find it. Rooms 1-20 were on the left end of the hall while rooms 21-40 were to the right. Moving to the left, the Faunus soon found the room. “Here we are. The rooms seem to be portrayed by numeric symbols.”

“Oh I get it. Romane Numerals. Thanks Sunny.” Rarity smiled. Sun just raised an eyebrow at his new nickname that the mare had for him. He was quite surprised by it honestly. The fashionista soon trotted up to the door and knocked on it using her hoof. From the inside, the door’s deadbolt could be heard shifting as it opened. Coco was standing there, honestly surprised not just to see her friend, but also Sun as well.

“Oh I’m so glad you came!” She exclaimed. “I didn’t give you any trouble with trying to find my room now, did I?”

“It was a piece of cake,” Sun replied, smiling. “Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Sun. I’m a friend of Rarity’s.”

“Nice to meet you Sun,” The earth pony replied as he shook her hoof and she shook his hand. “You have a very stunning outfit.”

“Why thank you. Rarity tailored it for me.” Sun replied. Before they continued, the three of them soon heard the noise of a shower running in the background as it came to a stop. Rarity, who was concerned for her friend, just looked a Coco with a raised eyebrow.

“Umm… Coco? Is anypony else staying with you?”


“Hey Coco. Do you happen to know where the Shampoo is-?”

Out from the background, another human figure with dark skin, yellow eyes and green hair came out with a towel around his neck and only wearing a pair of pants from the waist down. Sun stared in shock. He knew this person.


“Holy sh*t!!” was the human’s only reply. “Dude, you’ve… changed.”

“So have you.” The Faunus smirked.

“You know this person Sage?” Coco asked, looking at him as he dried his hair. He nodded his head, tossing the towel into the dirty clothes hamper by the washing machine in the back room.

“Heck yeah I do. He’s a good friend of mine! Man, I told the guys that you would show up somehow!”

“Guys?” Sun asked. “Wait… You don’t mean-?”

“Yup. Nathan and Santana, or as they are known as now; Neptune and Scarlet were here with me. But after they saw you in the paper and heard about you living in Ponyville or whatever the town’s name is, they decided to go travel to the town on foot in hopes of finding you.” Sage replied back, holding a newspaper with Sun being chased by Lyra on the front page. “I decided to stay behind so I could help Coco. Not only that, but I had a hunch that you would be showing up at our doorstep.”

Sage, or as Sun knew back home as Samuel, is what the Faunus considered as brains and brawn. His design was based off of Aesop and from knowing him over the past few years, Sun had known that Sage was the smartest out of all four of them. Plus, on occasion, he had some kind of weird “sixth sense” thing to where he could accurately predict something before it happened. Hence, his hunch involving Sun.

To put it in layman's terms, he’s a very smart cookie. It only took him five minutes to be able to catch Sun up to speed on what happened while he was with Coco. Soon though, he noticed that he had been speaking too much and then looked back at Sun. “So, how have things been in your neck of the woods?”

“Very… complicated.” Sun sighed as he saw Rarity and Coco move into another room to leave the two of them alone. “Turns out, you and I aren’t the only people who ended up here. A group of girls ended up here as Team RWBY, one woman came here as Raven and lives in the same cottage I’m staying at because her daughter is there and someone as Adam Taurus is here and responsible for a huge genocidal massacre of the changeling population. Not to mention that I’m a Displaced.”

“A what?” Sage asked. “I’m sorry, but I got confused once you mentioned yourself being… Misplaced?”

Displaced. It’s short for Dimensionally Misplaced,” Sun explained. “You familiar with the theory on multiple universes?”

“Yeah, I heard about it multiple times. Remember watching Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods and Beerus talked about there being 12 other universes?” Sage asked. Sun did remember, he just didn’t want to think about it because he hated it when he was mistaken for a Saiyan by Ruby.

“Yeah I do. Take that though and times it by infinity,” The Faunus replied back. “As a Displaced, I have a token that allows other Displaced in other Equestrias in order to summon me. However, not all of them are exactly good people. Trust me, I learned first hand through meeting Herobrine. Or as he called himself, the king of the nether.”

“Ouch. Something tells me that didn’t go well?”

“I shot his face at point blank range. What does that tell you?” That comment was met with just one thing. Silence. “My thoughts exactly.”

“So what other Displaced did you meet?” Sage asked out of curiosity.

“You know my cousin Lance? The one that lived in Los Angeles?”

“Yeah, what about him?”

“He got Displaced as Gunvolt. Not only that, but he’s getting married.” Sun replied. “The bride's name is Max Caulfield-.”

Sage almost choked when he heard the name. “Wait a second. Isn’t that the girl from Life is Strange?”

“Well, whatever it is, they’re getting married and I got to meet the bride myself. She’s quite nice once you get past her kinks and everything.” Sun sighed, showing Sage the photograph that came with the wedding invitation that he was given. “Not only that, but Lance and her are raising four kids. Two were born, and another two were adopted. There’s a fifth on the way.”

“Fifth on the-? Holy Sh*t, Lance did it with her? That sly dog!”

“Actually, Max told me that she was hitting on him, but didn’t get any of her signals. Same thing happened with me.” Now was when Sage was really confused. “They have an open relationship.”

“You have yourself a lucky cousin there, Sun. Wait you’re called “Uncle Sun”.” His friend snickered. Sun chuckled alongside him, thinking the nickname as a joke on “Uncle Sam”. Only to hear him ask something else that caught his attention. “Wait a second. How do you know about their relationship?”

“She told me when I met her in person.”

“Not that you idiot,” Sage facepalmed. “How do you know about their sexual relationship?”

Now the Faunus was beginning to sweat a few bullets as he looked back at his friend. “Remember when I said that Max had a few kinks? And that they had an open relationship?”

“Your point?”

“Do I really need to be blunt about this?” Sun told him. “Their open relationship also includes who they sleep with. She had me stay over with her.” That threw Sage off guard as he looked back at the Monkey Faunus. He honestly could not believe what he was hearing.

“So you slept with her… Isn’t that crossing some sort of moral boundary?”

“Nope. I even asked and she said the same thing.”

“God damn, you’re a lucky man.” Sage snickered. “I can’t happen to say this, but I’m actually quite jealous. None of us have a girlfriend and now you're telling me this?”

“It was only one time. But besides that, I think you might like her.” Sun sighed. “Anyways, Rarity and I will be heading back to Ponyville later this afternoon. You coming along for the ride?”

“Do you really need to ask?”

“ …… Good point.” Sun replied. “What about Coco? Should you tell her though-.”

“She already knows. I told her that I would come with you once I find you.” Sage told him.

“Okay, well that settles that… Oh and remember those girls that were team RWBY?”

“Yeah, what about them?”

“I threw an apple at Ruby’s face.”

All Sage could do was facepalm at the thought of how angry that girl would be if she saw the two of them right now.


As Rarity said goodbye to her friend, Sage and Sun were walking alongside her as they slowly began to walk through the streets of Manehattan. Rarity had informed them that the train back to Ponyville was expected to arrive in about twenty minutes, so it gave both the human and faunus an opportunity to explore a little bit. They didn’t get the chance to stay around long or purchase anything as the Friendship Express soon arrived on the platform. Ahead of schedule and with something that caught Sun’s attention.

Multiple Unicorns were loading heavy crates onto the back end of the train while they also had a few guards set up position near the third to last cabin where the guards were assigned. Whatever this shipment was, it was important and it seemed to involve the stop at Canterlot that was going to be made shortly before heading to Ponyville.

“Are you two ready to go?” Rarity asked as she walked up the steps to get on board the train. Both Sun and Sage nodded as they joined her back in the first class seating that they were in. As Sun looked back outside though, he saw the last thing that he expected. “I’ll be right back.” Excusing himself, he soon walked through the cars that lead to the back of the train. Where he saw the last thing he expected.


“Oh buck me sideways…” The Faunus groaned. “More craziness.”

Just arriving on the back of the flatbed train car was none other than the same four girls that were hitch hiking earlier that afternoon. And Ruby was not to happy about an Apple being thrown at her face.

“You’re gonna pay for throwing that apple at me, and running off like a coward!”

“For your information, I didn’t run off. I had other matters to attend to elsewhere in the city. I just thought that since you ignore everything outside because of your music that it would be the only way to catch your attention.” The Faunus tried to reason with them. But reason was not a world in Ruby or Yang’s vocabulary.

“Don’t care we’re gonna get payback for what you did to Ruby, I mean what kind of a gentleman does that to a woman?” Asked Yang.

“You’re talking about the girl who lost control and almost hurt hundred of lives if I didn’t step in and stopped you two. Plus, you might not want to try anything. I know some things you don’t.” He sighed, jumping onto the flatbed car that they were on. Weiss herself folded her arms, unimpressed by Sun’s choice of words.

“For a so called hero, he’s not very good when it come to saying words of apology.”

“.........Indeed.” Said Blake as she followed Sun along with the rest of her teammates.

“Look, I’m sorry for my actions. I just needed to get your attention on something I needed to tell Ruby and Yang.” Sun spoke seriously.

“What can be so important-?”

“Your mother, Raven, is alive.” He told them, softly, but with enough tone to let them know that he was serious. Ruby, on the hand, wasn’t so receptive to this news though.

“............... No.”

“I’m not lying. She is here. I have been helping her the past few days.”

“........... I have nothing to say to…..her.” Ruby said as she put on her headphones. “Nothing at all.”

Sun was going to say something, but he knew that Ruby could not hear him whenever she placed on her headphones. Turning towards her sister, he then asked her something. “What’s wrong? Was it something I said?”

“Long story short before we became displaced, she never been there for her…...at all.”

“Did you know that it was because she was Displaced?” Sun asked, curiously.

“This was before she was displaced. You know how when you mother want you to do this, but you end up doing things you like more than what she wants?”

Sun nodded, “That’s strange… She wasn’t like that when I met her. In fact, she was… the opposite. Don’t get me started on your father though. Raven told me that what happened to him may shock you.”

“If he’s dead then it comes to no surprise.”

“No. He’s here. As Adam Taurus. And he’s responsible for multiple massacres on different species across Equestria.” Sun told her, “Back at the cottage where I’m at with Raven, we’re trying to help three survivors of a bloody coup that killed thousands of changelings in the badlands.”

“......... Don’t take this the wrong way Yang, but your family is…… what’s the word for it.” Said Weiss trying to think of a word.

“Hey, if you don’t have anything positive to say, zip it.” Sun snapped at Weiss. “I don’t see you doing anything to try and help the two of them. And you’re suppose to be her teammate.”

“Look just because we’re friends doesn’t mean I’ll saying nice sometimes, unlike you we know how her family is before we came to this technicolor world, so up yours-.”

The second the train came out of the forest that was Hollow Shades, Sun looked up to notice a glint of some sort get in his eyes. It was then that he noticed that it came from a steel blade as one figure landed on the cargo hold behind the four girls along with a small force of changeling brood behind him. And their first target was one of the girls.

“Yang, move-!”

Before Yang was able to fully turned around, the red haired faunus that was Adam slashed vertically upwards across the chest, delivering a big gash across her body and knocking her back into the train. As the others suddenly reacted to what just happened, Adam turned his head to the side while looking at the changelings with him.

“Go for the objective. I’ll handle them myself.”

The changelings nodded, using their magic to teleport themselves to the roof of the train car. Sun himself was still trying to figure out what the actual hell was going on while trying to evaluate the extent of Yang’s injuries. But to Ruby, seeing her sister getting thrashed like that… was her breaking point.

“........... YOU’RE DEAD!!!” Ruby yelled as she pulled out Crescent Rose, and launched herself at Adam ready to kill him. All the swordsman did was step to his left as he watched the angry scythe wielder miss him by a long shot.

“You have purpose, but lack focus.”

“Up yours jerkface!” She said as she tried to hit him again, only for her to miss by a few hairs. Adam though saw an opening and tried to strike at Ruby’s shoulders, but unknowingly, a boulder soon blindsided him from the right hand side. As he looked up, he noticed that one other individual had entered this fight.

“You seem to get yourself caught up in all sorts of problems, Sun.” Sage sighed, the markings on his arm glowing.

“Um…… Who are you?” Asked Blake.

“Name’s Sage. One of Sun’s teammates and also the one that’s trying to save your friends life.” He said, using his nature based dust abilities to try and heal Yang. “However, you should be focused on what’s going on. Changelings are trying to steal weapons of war from the Guard and then set the train to explode. If those bombs go off, hundreds of ponies could be killed. Including us.”

“Great, can things get any worse?”

“Let me help your friend. Blake and Weiss should stop those changelings in the armory car. It’s the third car down from here,” Sage instructed, pointing at the door for them to go through. “Sun, something tells me that your friend Ruby is going to get hurt if she keeps on fighting like that.”

“Already on it,” Sun replied, leaping onto the same platform that Ruby was on, using his tail to yank her backwards. Giving the chance for the Faunus to try and shoot Adam in the face. The gunshots didn’t do much damage, but they did cause his visor to slowly crack under pressure. Ruby though, was unimpressed by the Faunus trying to save her life.

“I didn’t need your help, Saiyan.”

“Do you even know who you’re fighting?” Sun questioned, having both of his Gunchaku’ form into his Bo Staff.

“Does it really matter?”

“It does,” Adam crackled up, looking straight at Ruby as he charged in. Blade drawn “Doesn’t it, Olivia?”

“How did you know my real name?”

“How else do you think I know?” He asked, taking off his visor briefly so she could see his face. “Your mother has really made you and your sister soft, you know that?”

“She’s not my mother, you should know that if you really do know who I am.”

“I’ve always known you are… She is your real mother… Like I am your father.”

“HA! Yeah right. If you’re really my father, then what’s my favorite food and drink?” Ruby’s question was interrupted when Adam dashed at her and used his outstretched hand to grab her face and head.

“Fried Rice, Fruit Punch.” He said, shortly followed up by an actual punch to her face, throwing her backwards.

“N-No, y-you can’t be him.” Ruby said as she tries to back away in fear. “He would never attack his own daughters like that.”

“That was then. This is now… The old me is dead and gone.” He snarled, energy gathering through him as he tried to charge one last time at him. “It died once I stepped foot in this world and realized what I was capable of. Being able to express how I truly feel not by words, but by actions. It’s a shame really… Your mother cared for you, yet I took the credit every time. Now, I’ll take her daughters from her before she even gets to see you again!!”

Sun, realizing how Ruby was paralyzed with fear, put himself in between the raging faunus and the scared girl. Using his staff, he spun it around to act as a protective barrier to block his attacks before using his weapon to push him back to the far end of the flat car. Sun, picking up Ruby, then used his weapon to shoot the locking mechanism that connected the flat car with the end of the train as it began to pick up speed. Using his other arm, Sun opened fire on Adam, trying to create some distance between them as the express disappeared into a tunnel and the flatbed car rolled to a stop.

Sun then looked at Ruby, who was frozen in shock and fear upon what she had seen. Even waving a hand in front of her didn’t snap her out of that trance as she later passed out. The Faunus sighed, picking her up carefully as he brought her inside.

Raven’s daughters were safe. That’s all that currently mattered. The reunion part he would have to worry about once the train had reached Ponyville.

End Tail 12

Author's Note:

Now wasn't this chapter such a roller coaster ride. Big thanks to ElementBrigade, who helped me with the Dialogue for all four of the girls. So in conclusion, Sun gets a new teammate, but now both Ruby and Yang are injured. Not only that, but things are sure to escalate once in Ponyville and also, Neptune and Scarlet are in god knows where right now. (For those wanting to know when this takes place, it occurs during the season 5 episode "Amending Fences")

On another note, I had to come up with on my own the idea of what Sage is capable of. Since he is based off of Aesop, and Sage's are ones with nature, I thought that Sage could be able to have control over the gifts of nature and the wrath of nature. He's like a druid, but won't be turning into animals anytime soon.

Sun's Outfit for this chapter (Just without the cut on the chin or the choker):

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