• Published 2nd Sep 2015
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Malum Prohibitum: Ace Equestrian Attorney - Paradox Theory

The continuing adventures of defense attorney Malum Prohibitum.

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Turnabout Thievery: Day 2 Trial part 3.

September 16, 10:00 AM
Canterlot Courthouse
Court Room No. 2

Malum sat at the defense bench as the onlookers filed in. Durum had his hooves crossed, his head down, and his eyes closed. Malum smirked at the sight.

This is my last chance to prove Sleuth innocent. And as long as Durum is upset, I'll have an easier time doing so. Malum thought to himself.


Everypony fell silent at the sound of the Judge's Gavel. "Court is now back in session for the trial of Sleuth."

"The Defense is ready, your honor." Malum said at once.

"The Prosecution. . " Durum started slowly, "Is ready."

The Judge nodded, "Then Prosecution, do you have an opening statement?"

Durum nodded back to the judge. "Yesterday, the Defense cast their suspicion on the Guard on duty the night of the murder. I will provide evidence that will shut down this claim."

The Judge stared at Durum, "And your evidence?"

Durum smiled, "I call the guard to testify."

"The bring him in." The Judge replied.

Soon after, a rusty colored pegasus took the stand. His mane was a steely silver-grey. He also wore a vest with a golden pin stuck on the lapel.

"Witness, name and occupation." Durum spoke carefully.

"I'm Rusty Hinge. A palace guard." Rusty stated, a bored look on his face.

"You were assigned to the Garden Entrance on the night of the murder, correct?" Durum asked.

"Correct." Rusty confirmed.

"Witness," The Judge spoke up, "Could you please testify about what happened that night?"

"Alright." Rusty answered with a shrug.

--What Happened--

I got to my post just before sunset.

Then, I stood where I was assigned, all night.

There was only one point at night that I didn't look.

It was because I had sneezed.

Nothing else happened.


The Judge closed his eyes in thought. "Hmm." He hummed, "That seems pretty solid."

Malum slammed his hooves on his desk, "I still reserve the right to cross examine him."

The Judge nodded, "Then get to it."

--What Happened--

I got to my post just before sunset.

"So, that means you worked the night shift then?" Malum guessed.

"It's pretty obvious." Rusty answered.

"Malum, please stick to the case at hand." The Judge stated with a glare.

"Yes, your honor!" Malum gulped.


Then, I stood where I was assigned, all night.

"So, you didn't leave even once?" Malum pressed.

"Not once." Rusty confirmed.

"I believe we can agree he didn't leave his post." The Judge stated.


There was only one point at night that I didn't look.

"Why was that?" Malum asked.

"If you let him finish, maybe we'll know why." Durum growled.

"Malum, if you continue to deviate like this, I just might find you in contempt." The Judge warned.

"Of course, your honor." Malum gulped.


It was because I had sneezed.

"Y-you sneezed?" Malum grimaced.

"I have pretty big sneezes." Rusty confirmed.

"It's not uncommon that some ponies have big sneezes." Durum stated.

"Continue witness." Malum sighed.


Nothing else happened.

"I beg to differ." Malum grinned.

"The Victim had to have come from the castle!" Malum explained, but to his surprise, the guard didn't even flinch.

"How do you know?" He asked in a monotone voice.

"I. . uhh. . ." Malum sighed.

"He's right. There's no solid evidence that says the victim came from the palace at all!" The Judge exclaimed.

Durum gave an over the top bow. "And there you have it. Without the evidence to prove my witness guilty, we can concede that only the defendant could have committed the crime."

The Judge nodded in agreement. "Then I guess It's time to hand down my verdict."

As the court burst into excited chatter, Malum slammed his head onto his desk.

"Malum!" Vivid cried, "Do something!"

Malum didn't move, he had given up.

Meanwhile, the stone cold guard finally smiled.

"You see? You can't touch me." He chuckled, "I never entered the garden last night."

"I hereby find the defendant, Sleuth. . " The Judge called out.

The whole court fell silent as Malum pointed his hoof at the guard. "I object to your last statement!"

"W-what?!" The guard shouted.

"Malum!" The Judge roared, "What's the meaning of this?"

Malum looked to the Judge, "The witness just said 'I never entered the garden.' That changes his testimony!"

"Oh my, you're right!" The Judge exclaimed.

"Not only that, but I can prove he went in there!!!" Malum finished.

"Then show us!" Durum hissed, "Show us the proof that he went into the gardens!"

"The proof? The proof is-"

"This feather!" Malum exclaimed, "Not only did I find it on the crime scene, but it has a very familiar color."

Rusty yelled as Durum clutched his heart.

*SMACK* Went the judge's gavel. "Hmm. Malum proves a point. Witness, what do you have to say?"

"I went into the gardens." Rusty stated. "That much is true."

"W-why didn't y-you tell me?" Durum heaved.

"You didn't ask about that." Rusty smirked. "And you, defense attorney."

"Yes?" Malum wondered.

"You are starting to amuse me." Rusty chuckled, "Your Honor, let me testify as to what I was doing in the gardens."

"O-ok." The Judge said, startled.

--The Gardens--

Okay, you got me, I was in the gardens.

I heard sounds coming from the gardens.

So i left my post to investigate them.

That's when, I saw the murder happen. Right in front of me!

I was gonna pursue the killer, but he teleported away.



"Hmm." The Judge hummed, "I wish you could've told us about this earlier."

"I'm sorry your honor. I was afraid that I would be convicted of a crime I didn't commit." Rusty explained.

"Well, I suppose I can't blame you." The Judge said while giving Malum a stink eye.

Why is it always me? Malum sighed to himself. "Can I do my Cross Examination?"

The Judge nodded. "I suppose so."

--The Gardens--

Okay, you got me, I was in the gardens.

"And you didn't tell us because?" Malum pressed.

"Because I was afraid you'd find me guilty." Rusty answered.

". . ." Malum paused in uncomfortable silence. "Continue please."


I heard sounds coming from the gardens.

"So, what exactly did you hear?" Malum pressed.

"I heard what sounded like teleportation." Rusty explained.

Okay, so he was still inside when Sleuth showed up. Malum guessed.


So i left my post to investigate them.

"How long did it take?" Malum pressed.

"How long did what take?" Rusty asked.

"From your post to the sounds in the gardens, how long did it take?" Malum asked.

"Only a few seconds." Rusty said.

Okay, Sleuth said he was only there for a few seconds. Malum thought to himself.


That's when, I saw the murder happen. Right in front of me!

"Can you explain about this moment in more detail?" Malum wondered.

"Okay, I'll do that." Rusty chuckled. "I saw the murderer sneak up behind him and strike him with the knife. It was too quick for me to do anything. After that, the murderer teleported away and left me alone with the victim and the gardener."

"Can you add that to your testimony?" The Judge asked.

"No problem." Rusty said.


I saw the murderer sneak up behind him and strike him with the knife. It was too quick for me to do anything. After that, the murderer teleported away and left me alone with the victim and the gardener.

"I think we all know what's wrong about that statement." Malum said.

"Oh, and what would that be?" Rusty asked.

"The Gardener never mentioned you!" Malum stated triumphantly.

Rusty yelled as his wings fluttered frantically.

"So, how did you know the gardener was there?" Malum pressed.

"Because he had an illumination spell, that's why." Rusty growled.

"Can you try telling the truth?" Malum tssked. "The Gardener didn't mention any illumination spells."

"T-then the gardener was lying to you!" Rusty hissed.

Malum shook his head, "No, I don't think so. I think the gardener never saw you."

"Then, how do we explain this contradiction?" The Judge wondered.

"It's simple, your honor." Durum chuckled. "Rusty left shortly after the murder happened to get back-up. That's how he knew the gardener was there."

"Oh, I see." The Judge said. "I don't think there's anything else that we need to go over. The defendant did it, clear as day."

"And so the cards fall, Malum." Rusty chuckled, "Looks like your voice will be the last voice he hears."

Malum let his head fall to his desk in defeat.

"If there are no more contradictions. Then I shall hand down my verdict." The Judge announced, "The Defendant, Sleuth, is. . ."

"Looks like your voice will be the last voice he hears." Echoed in Malum's head.


"I heard a voice"

"W-wait!" Malum shouted.

"What now Malum?" The Judge all but growled.

"Something the witness said just now reminded me of Sadet's testimony yesterday." Malum said, "Sadet heard a voice, and I'd like to question him about it."

"Hmm." The Judge hummed, "And what exactly do you hope to accomplish by this?"

"I want to see if Sadet can help us find the voice's owner." Malum explained.

"As do I." Durum spoke up, "As you should know Malum, I go over all the evidence."

Malum nodded, "Then bring Sadet in."

A few minutes later, Sadet took the witness stand.

"Um, why am I back here?" Sadet asked.

Malum slammed his desk with his hooves. "You're here to talk about that voice you mentioned yesterday.

"Ok." Sadet said.

"Witness, testify to us about this voice." The Judge asked.

--The Voice--

So, as I said yesterday, I had followed the pony into the gardens.

Then I heard that voice.

It said something along the lines of, "your silence".

After that, all I heard was silence.



"Hmm." The Judge hummed, "What exactly did that change?"

"Nothing, your honor." Durum answered deftly.

"Wait, Sadet," Malum asked. "If you heard the voice again, could you recognize it?"

"Yeah, I guess I could." Sadet answered.

"Then I'd like Rusty to say the line Sadet told us earlier." Malum suggested.

Rusty started chuckling, "I don't know what good it would do you, but, if only for your silence."

Sadet's eyes grew wide. "It was you?!"

The courtroom burst into chaos.

"ORDER!" The Judge hollered, "Malum! Please explain what this means!"

"Of course, your honor." Malum said, "You see, Rusty lied about what happened. He talked to the victim for a time before the victim died!"

"Malum, why would he talk to the pony he was going to kill?" Durum asked, "That makes no sense, and it gives him even less of a motive, if any."

Malum fell silent. What was the motive here?

Rusty chuckled, "And for all you know, the defendant could have mimicked my voice."

Malum continued to think in silence as the prosecutor and witness continued talking.

"Hold on a second Durum!" Malum exclaimed.

"What is it now?" Durum asked.

"I. . .I forgot what I was gonna say." Malum sighed.

Durum gave Malum a blank stare. "Your Honor, the verdict."

"Of course." The Judge said, "I find the defendant. . . "

I can't believe it, all of that. . .and I have nothing. Malum thought to himself before he slammed his head onto his desk in defeat.

"Malum, there's gotta be something, something we missed." Vivid urged.

Malum didn't move. It was over, he lost.

Then the sound faded away, and Malum looked up at the same pony from before, Shrouded Blade.

"Not his intended target." She whispered, "He didn't know . . .what anything was about."

Suddenly, she was gone and Malum found himself in real time.

"H-hold on your honor!" Malum squeaked.

"What now?!" The Judge sighed.

"Your Honor, I know why Rusty spoke in the gardens that night." Malum said.

"Oh really now?" Rusty chuckled, "Then tell us, why?"

Malum smiled, "Because you thought you were talking to your intended victim."

"I don't understand. . ." The Judge sighed.

"Your Honor, I believe that the Black Bandit's death was a mistake." Malum explained.

"T-then who was the killer after?" The Judge asked.

"My client, Sleuth!" Malum exclaimed.

"Hahahahaha," Rusty chuckled, "And why is that?"

"Because, Sleuth knew a lot, too much even." Malum said, "And he learned it from this letter."

The Judge had the bailiff read the letter to the court, much to the dismay of Rusty.

"What is this joke?" Rusty asked, his mane now a mess and his eyes now wild.

"According to the letter, Sleuth's sisters found some pretty incriminating evidence against a member of the Canterlot Council." Malum explained. "And because the contents of the statue belonged to Sleuth, Sleuth was in the way."

"In the way of what?" Durum wondered.

"In the way of that Council member." Malum explained.

"Okay, say that's all true." Rusty spoke, "Then why was another thief there?"

"Because he was hired. He had his contract on him when he died, and it was hastily stashed back into the statue." Malum explained.

"And what does that prove?" Durum hissed.

"Well, take a look at the seal on the contract, and at the badge the witness is wearing." Malum grinned.

"My word! They are the same!" The Judge exclaimed.

"Exactly," Malum nodded, "Rusty hired the Bandit to steal all the info Sleuth had hidden."

"So why would I kill the pony I had hired?" Rusty asked.

"Because you didn't know it was him you were talking too." Malum explained, "You thought it was Sleuth, who came to gather his things."

Rusty began to growl. It started low, then slowly grew higher and higher in pitch.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Rusty broke down, "Very good Attorney!"

"W-what?!" Durum exclaimed.

"You figured it out!" Rusty continued to chuckle, "But, sadly, this is the only victory you can get against my boss! I almost had that letter, and that key!"

"ORDER! ORDER!!!" The Judge yelled. "So, you admit to the murder?!"

"Yes, I admit, old stallion." Rusty chuckled before fainting.

A few minutes later when the Judge calmed the court down, Sleuth took the stand.

The Judge turned towards Durum, "Where's the witness now?"

Durum, who didn't look too happy, sighed, "He was taken away for questioning."

"Oh, then I guess that's it." The Judge sighed, "I guess there's only one thing left to do."

"The Defense rests, your honor." Malum stated.

"Prosecution?" The Judge asked, but decided to just move on after seeing Durum's glare. "I find the defendant. . .


The court burst into cheers as the trial was finally over.


September 16, 3:00 PM
Canterlot Courthouse
Defendant's Lobby No. 2

"Thank you Malum." Sleuth told me as we left the court room.

"No problem." I replied, "I'm just glad that that is all over."

"Over? Didn't you hear him? It's not over." Sleuth sighed, "But I'm beginning to see why my sister made a family."

"Why?" I asked, still wondering about the two times I saw Shrouded Blade.

"Because, her son is a very smart stallion who's made it his goal to find the truth about his mother." Sleuth explained.

"W-wait, you mean?" I stuttered, still unable to grasp what he said.

"I do believe we're relatives Malum. You are as smart as my sister, and I've already told you that you look like her." Sleuth explained with a smile on his face. "Avenge my sister, and find the truth."

With that, Sleuth teleported away and I went back to my office. To prepare for the next case.

Little did I know what the next case would hold in store. . .

. . . . To be concluded on

Turnabout Retribution!

Author's Note:

So, that was that case.

And this final chapter was hard to get through, but I did it.

Now, onto my next fic.