• Published 2nd Sep 2015
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Malum Prohibitum: Ace Equestrian Attorney - Paradox Theory

The continuing adventures of defense attorney Malum Prohibitum.

  • ...

Case 1 Day 3: Trial part 2.

April 9, 1:00 PM
Canterlot Courthouse
Defendant's Lobby No. 3

"Heart, thank you." I told Princess Heart as we sat in the Defendant's lobby.

"Don't thank me yet. We still have to go through this trial." Heart informed me.

"But at least we have one more chance." Vivid reminded her.


"So, do we know who Amos really is?" I wondered.

"About that, what Silver and I found out was rather interesting." Heart said, "But I think I'd rather wait until we get back to the courtroom to tell you what it was."

"Alright." I sighed. "I almost failed, but now it's all or nothing."

"Let's show the world that Changelings aren't all bad!" Vivid cheered.

"The Defense and it's Co-Council are to make it's way to the Courtroom." A guard announced.


April 9, 1:15 PM
Canterlot Courthouse
Courtroom No. 3

"Court is back in session for the case of Velum." The Judge announced. "Now, may Princess Hear please tell us what exactly she found out about Amos?"

"Yes." Princess Heart answered. "You see, when I started running the name through the police records, a very interesting case was pulled up."

"What was it?" Malum wondered.

"Undetermined Suicide or Murder." Heart answered. "He was found dead nearly three years ago."

"WHAT?!" The Judge yelled.

"NO!" Circa shouted.

"I don't understand!" The Judge exclaimed, "How do we deal with a case that has letters from a dead pony?"

Malum smiled, "Simple. We find the pony who was using his namesake."

"Then it sounds like you are fixing to accuse another pony. Think hard before pointing that hoof." Circa hissed.

"The pony I'd like to accuse is Eros Barcarolle." Malum stated.

"Under what circumstances?" Circa asked.

"Under what was written in the framing letter." Malum explained, "It said that the changeling was one of Amos's clients. Yet the defendant never signed up for a loan."

"I see the defense's point." The Judge spoke up, "I will allow questioning of Eros."

"Thank you, your Honor." Malum sighed.

"On one condition." The Judge continued, "If nothing new comes from the next cross examination, I will pass my verdict."

"I believe that's fair." Circa nodded.

Malum slammed his hooves down. "I'll do it."

The Judge nodded. "Bring in Eros."


Malum looked at the pink vested pony, Malum knew it had to be him.

"Eros," The Judge spoke, "Do you know why you are here?"

"Mais non, Your Honor!" Eros replied.

"Malum is accusing you of masquerading as Amos and committing a murder while doing so." The Judge explained.

"Oh my! How terrible!" Eros exclaimed.

The Judge nodded, "Isn't it though?"

Your Honor, please stop taking his side. Malum thought while sighing.

"If you will please state your name and occupation, we may start." Circa asked Eros.

"I am Eros Barcarolle! Owner of Love Letters Inc. and a très magnifique dresser!" Eros stated.

"Eros, may you please testify to the court about Amos Voluntas?" The Judge asked.

"Oui! I will!" Eros exclaimed, "It will be my pleasure!"




You wish to know about my big brother, non?

He and I ran a grand business together!

Many companies rolled together, all workable through the post office.

It is true that he sadly passed.

I run the loaning company for 'im, but I am afraid I never leave the offices much.

Oui, life is lonely there.



"B-brother?" Malum gulped.

"Oui, he was the only family I 'ad." Eros sighed.

"I'm sorry for your loss." The Judge wimpered.

"Merci, Your Honor." Eros said.

"But I don't think anything changed." The Judge spoke, "I believe it's time to hand down my verdict."

"WHAT?!" Malum exclaimed.

"It seems even with the truth, you still failed." Circa chuckled, "The Prosecution rests."

The Judge nodded, "I find the defendant, Velum. . . "

"Not so fast, Your Honor!" Vivid yelled.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Circa exclaimed.

"There's one thing all of you overlooked!" Vivid explained, "If we compare the writing of the letter of debt to the list of names we can determine whether or not he really left!"

"Wait, which one?" Malum asked her.

"Money's!" Vivid answered.

"What would this prove?!" Circa growled.

"It would prove if Eros really did leave the office on the day of the murder!" Malum explained.

Eros flinched at Malum's voice.

"Hmm. . . Bailiff! Have these letters examined. Let's see if the defense is right." The Judge finally declared.

"At once!"


Fifteen minutes later found everypony waiting for the Bailiff to give an answer.

"The writing matches!" The Bailiff exclaimed.

The courtroom burst into chaos, and the Judge kept trying to grab every pony's attention.

"ORDER!" The Judge yelled. "I think I'd like to know what Eros was up to on that day."

"As would I." Malum explained.

"Eros. Please tell us what you were doing on the day of the murder." The Judge demanded.



--The Day of the Murder--

So, it seems that I was careless.

It is true, I was indeed with Mr. Money.

And we did go to a renters place.

But, alas, without proof, you know not whom we visited.



"So. . . you really did leave and speak with Mr. Money?" The Judge asked.

"Oui, it is correct." Eros answered.

Malum slammed his hooves down. "Your honor! Permission to do one last Cross Examination?"

"I will grant it." The Judge answered, "But, if you deviate from the case at hand, I will end this trial here and now."

"I understand." Malum answered.



--The Day of the Murder--

So, it seems that I was careless.

"I'm going to cut straight to the point." Malum stated, "You want proof that you visited the victim? Here it is!"

"A. . letter?" Eros wondered.

"This is a letter of debt for the victim, Starry Skies." Malum explained, "It said that you were to come collect on the same day as the murder."

Eros flinched, "Oui, and? What if I visited her first and then Money killed her?"

Malum shook his head, "Unfortunately, Money has no real motive. That, and you were asked to do it."

"What do you mean?" Eros demanded.

"I mean,"

"This framing letter wanted 'Amos' to frame his client. But Velum never signed up for a loan." Malum explained, "Which means that the author of this letter knew that Amos was long dead."

Eros flinched again. "So? What if I decided not to? What if I chose to spare the changeling?"

"If you had, we wouldn't be here." Malum answered. "You did indeed visit the victim, right before she was murdered."

Eros growled. "Prove I was there."

Malum smiled, "Alright."

"L-lottery tickets?" Eros exclaimed.

"Found it Starry's locker. And covered in blood." Malum smiled. "I wonder who that blood belongs to?"

"Guh-" Eros gasped.

"So, is that enough for you?" Malum chuckled.

"Bravo, little lawyer. You've mastered the art of snooping and stealing. But there's one more thing, where is the murder weapon?" Eros snarled, his kind voice and appearance gone.

"T-the murder weapon?" Malum gulped.

"It wasn't found." Circa explained, "And a knife was ruled out because of the wound's shape."

"So, little lawyer, what was the murder weapon?" Eros asked.

Malum looked down at his hooves in thought. He thought of every pony involved in this case, and which would have been able to leave a strange wound.

Malum slammed his hooves down. "You want the murder weapon?"

"That's what we've been waiting for." Eros answered.

"It's a horn." Malum answered.

"Excuse me?" Circa exclaimed.

"A unicorn's horn, to be exact." Malum continued.

Eros chuckled, "Ah, but I'm an only an earth pony."

Malum shook his head. "But you had one thing, you had a contract."

"Please lawyer, spit it out." Eros hissed.

"You used your contract over Money to blackmail him into killing Starry for you so that you could frame the poor changeling that happened by three hours later." Malum explained, one hoof pointed towards Eros.

The whole courtroom sat in silence for a few minutes before Eros made a sound.

"ha. . hahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Eros laughed madly. "BRAVO! Well done lawyer! BRAVO! You found it!"

"W-why are you laughing?" Malum wondered.

"If only you knew what was coming next." Eros continued to chuckle before passing out.


"Circa, where is Eros?" The Judge asked.

"He has been arrested and taken away for further questioning." Circa answered.

"Well then, judging by the events that transpired, I think I can finally give my verdict." The Judge declared.

"The Defense rests, Your Honor." Malum stated.

"If there are no further objections, I find Velum. . "


"Court is adjourned!" The Judge announced before slamming down his gavel.

April 9, 3:45 PM
Canterlot Courthouse
Defendant's Lobby No. 3

"We did it Malum! We won!" Heart exclaimed, giving me a big hug.

"I can finally breathe again." Velum sighed. "I can't thank you enough, Malum."

I shook my head, "I'm afraid I'm not the one you should thank."

"Princess Heart?" Velum guessed.

"Well, she deserves thanks too, but I was thinking of someone else." I said.

"He means me." Vivid spoke up.

"If it wasn't for Vivid's idea, I would have never been able to pin down Eros."

"Thank you Vivid. I know it must've been hard for you to defend me." Velum turned to Vivid as he spoke. "But I'm glad you did. And your sister would have been proud."

Vivid gave Velum a large hug, "Yeah, I know."

"Malum." Heart spoke up, "I want you to know that you are officially a friend of changelings everywhere, and you are welcome in my office at any time."

"Thank you, Princess." I smiled. "Well Velum, have a good one. I'm gonna head back to the office."

"But, your payment?" Velum asked.

"Whenever you're ready." I answered.

Velum smiled, "You are something."

"Yep." I smiled back.

"Uh, Malum?" Vivid asked.

"Yes?" I turned to her.

"I was wondering if. . . If I stayed with you and helped for awhile?" Vivid blushed, "I mean, as thanks, for helping find my sister's killer?"

I smiled, "I don't think there's anything wrong with that."

"I just hope we don't have to deal with anymore death for awhile." Vivid sighed.

I chuckled in agreement as we left the courthouse, but what I didn't realize was that one of the hardest trials of my life was still ahead. . .


Next time, on Malum Prohibitum. . . .

"I have heard enough evidence for this trial. I find the defendant, Princess Celestia. . . "

Malum Prohibitum: Ace Equestrian Attorney:
Case 2: The Royal Turnabout.

Author's Note:

So, one case down, two more to go.

And yes, our defendant is Princess Celestia herself.

This will tie up the arc introduced in 'Turnabout Time'.

I thank you all for reading, and will see you all in November!