• Published 2nd Sep 2015
  • 672 Views, 32 Comments

Malum Prohibitum: Ace Equestrian Attorney - Paradox Theory

The continuing adventures of defense attorney Malum Prohibitum.

  • ...

Case 1 Day 2: Investigation.

April 8, 3:00 PM
Canterlot Detention Center
Visitor's Room No.1

Money gave me an even stare.

"I know you're lying about something. I'll find out what it was." I told him.

"I doubt you'll find anything. I'm innocent." Money replied.

"Then, answer me this: Why didn't you mention seeing the changeling twice at the start?" I asked.

"I was nervous! I had assumed that you only needed one instance!" Money exclaimed.

"Fine. Then I have one last question." I told him, "Were you really with a renter?"

"Oh, look at that!" Money gasped, "It's closing time. I'll see you in court tomorrow."

Then Fast Money left the visitor's room.

I sighed, then stood up. Though I had an idea of what happened, I needed more info. I needed to search Money's office.

April 8, 3:10 PM
Canterlot Apartment Complex
Fast Money's Office

I stepped into Money's office. It was cozy. It had cushy couches on one side, and a beautiful wood desk on the other side. One wall held some fliers for things like plays and charity. I noted that there was a window behind the desk, but ruled it out as it wasn't bothered.

What took my notice next was the papers on Money's desk. Most of them were "Rent is Due" letters. I thought about what Money had said yesterday.

"A renter? You were collecting rent, I assume?" Malum wondered.

"What else would I be doing?" Money sighed

So, was he really lying? He has to be!

I quickly picked up a couple of the "Rent is Due" letters and stuffed them into my vest pocket.

Then I saw another letter. A letter of Debt.

Dear Money,
Your debt of 100,000 bits is due, I will be coming to collect payment on April 6.
Yours truly,

My eyes widened as I read the name on the letter. Amos had control of Money too? Thinking it pertinent, I stuffed the letter into my pocket.

I gave the office another look, but decided that there was nothing else I could use.

I then left for my office. I had to talk to Vivid.

April 8, 3:30 PM
Prohibitum and Co. Law Offices
Main Lobby

I stepped inside the lobby, sighing as I walked to a chair.

"Malum?" A feminine voice called from down the hall.

"I'm here Vivid." I answered

"How'd the trial go?" Vivid asked quietly, sitting in a chair across from me.

"Well. . . I don't know." I admitted.

"What do you mean?" She asked with a cocked head.

"I mean, I hardly had any evidence to prove anything. We had a witness who is obviously lying. AND we have only until tomorrow morning to find out if he was actually there." I explained to her.

"That. . . sounds bad." Vivid agreed.

"Tell me about it." I sighed.

"So if you need evidence, why are you here?" Vivid wondered.

"Because I need to know more about Starry, and currently, you are the only pony who was close enough to her to know some things that others might not know." I said.

"So, you're here to interrogate me?" Vivid sighed.

I gave her a smile, "That's a strong word. I just need to know if you want her true killer found."

"Okay, fine. Ask me anything." Vivid sighed in defeat.

"First, did Starry have many financial problems?" I asked.

"As far as I knew, she didn't have any debts, aside from the one letter in her room." Vivid answered.

"Besides the secret dating thing, did she subscribe to anything else?" I wondered.

"Hmm. . . you know, I think she actually said the dating thing was part of the package. . ." Vivid mused.

I arched an eye-brow, "Okay then, one last question: Do you know where the headquarters for the dating thing is?"

"Um. . . yes, why?" Vivid wondered.

"I'm going to find this "Amos". Mark my words."

April 8, 4:20 PM
Love Letters Anonymous Inc.
Main Lobby

"Well hello there!" Said a cheerful light green pony in a pink vest, an over-the-top smile plastered on his face. His two tone brown and yellow mane slicked back in the same style as my own.

"He's like the happy version of you." Vivid whispered to me.

I slowly turned to glare at her, then turned back to the pony in question. "Hello yourself, I'm Malum. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions?"

"Wonderful!" The pony squeed. "You two must be looking for some relationship advice!"

Vivid and I quickly looked at each other before looking back at the pony.

"Her?! I'm not dating her!" I protested. "Him? I'm not with him!" Vivid shouted at the same time.

"B-but, then w-w-what other questions c-could you have?" The pony stammered in surprise.

"I'm a defense attorney. And one of your subscribers was murdered." I told the pony.

"Oh my! Did I make a mistake? Oh mon Dieu!" The pony exclaimed.

"Was that Prench?" Vivid mumbled.

"Ah, so you recognize the language of love?" He asked while batting his eyes.

I took a deep breath to calm myself. "May I ask your name?"

"Of course!" The pony exclaimed. "I am Sir Eros Barcarolle. Owner and proprietor of Love Letters Inc.!"

". . ." I paused at the name, "Is it alright if I just call you Eros?"

"But of course! We are all friends, non?" He replied, slipping into a Prench accent.

". . . right." I agreed, "I had heard a rumor that a subscription to this place was part of a 'package', I'd like to know more about that, please."

"Oui! Of course!" Eros squeed again. "You see Sir, this place is but one of beaucoup. Several."

"Really?" I exclaimed sarcastically, only to egg him on.

"Oui, they are all part of a social services, so to speak." Frail continued, "There are a many grand services. My dating service, for example."

"Is there any services that deal with money?" I asked him.

"Hmm. . . wait! Oui! There is un! One!" Eros nodded, "Yes, a 'loan shark' company, as many call it."

"Is it nearby?" Vivid wondered.

"In this very same building!" Eros exclaimed, "It sits on la top floor!"

"Thank you." I told him.

"Mais non, thank you monsieur!" Eros answered, "Thank you for showing an interest!"

Vivid and I turned to find the elevators when Eros shouted out, "Good luck with your relationship!"

I sure hoped that Vivid couldn't see my face.

April 8, 5:00 PM
Canterlot Lending Agencies
Main Lobby

"It's empty?" I wondered aloud.

"I guess so." Vivid sighed.

"Now what?" I asked Vivid.

"Well, we could always search around for a bit. . " She chuckled sinisterly.

"Alright. . ." I sighed in defeat.

I made my way to the desk as Vivid went through a door nearby. On top of the desk were more of the letters of debt. It also held a trophy and a log book. On the wall above the desk a frame of some sort was hung. But whatever the frame held was gone.

I looked at the trophy, it was shaped like a knife. I looked back at the desk but nothing really seemed to help my case.

Sometime later, Vivid came back with a bunch of lottery tickets.

"Why do you have those?" I asked her.

"I found them in a locker labeled: 'Starry Skies'. I'm guessing these belonged to my sister." Vivid explained.

I arched an eyebrow, "So why are they here?"

"Because, they were hidden." Vivid explained, showing me a few with blood splattered on them.

"Now I'm lost, why hide some lotto tickets?" I wondered aloud.

"Maybe one was the winning ticket?" Vivid guessed.

"If that were so, there wouldn't be a motive for killing her." I told her.

"Welllll. . . I also found this," Vivid continued, "It's a letter about hiring Amos's services to frame a changeling."

"WHAT?!" I shouted.

"Oh! Bonjour! I didn't know zat you two were still here!" Eros suddenly exclaimed.

"Yeah, but no one is here." I told him.

"Hmm. . . zat is rather odd. Perhaps you could come tomorrow, no?" Eros wondered.

"Unfortunately, I'll be busy tomorrow." I sighed.

"Ah, tis sad, but I see you again soon, no?" Eros asked.

"I suppose that depends." I admitted.

"Well, I hope to see you again." Eros nodded, "Farewell."

With that, Vivid and I took off for my office so we could further investigate the note.

April 8, 6:00 PM
Prohibitum and Co. Law Offices
Main Lobby

Vivid unfolded the letter so we could read.

Dear Amos,
I assume that you are aware of your clients secret?
I want to expose and frame him.
I don't care how you do it, just that you do.
I know you'll want in, seeing as he's a changeling and all.
Then, ponies won't want Princess Heart to stay.
Your reward will be 10 times your weight in bits.
Yours truly,

I stopped reading as the note was ripped at that point.

"But, how are we supposed to save Velum if we don't know who ordered it?" Vivid wondered.

I shook my head, "That doesn't matter."

"What do you mean?" Vivid asked.

"I mean, all I need to do is reveal Amos's true form." I explained to her, "He is the one who committed the murder."

"But how?" Vivid wondered.

"That's tomorrow's problem. But this note will help." I explained.

"So now what?" Vivid asked.

"Now, we face our final foe, Amos." I stated.

Author's Note:

Court Record:
Malum Prohibitum: Me. A defense attorney. What else can I say?
Vivid Dream: Sister of the victim.
Starry Skies: The victim in this case. Was found in her apartment.
Velum: A changeling who was accused of murdering Starry.
Princess Heart: The new ruler of the changelings. Can detect lies.
Silver Wings: The noodle loving detective.
Durum Circa: A prosecutor, had a perfect win streak until Rarity and I came along.
Fast Money: The owner of the apartment complex.
(new)Eros Barcarolle: Owner of the dating service both Velum and Starry subscribed to.

Defense Attorney's badge: Proof that I am an attorney.
Royal Slip: This can be used to search high security areas in the castle should a princess be accused.
Love Notes: Notes from both the victim and suspect to each other.
Letter of Debt: A letter to the victim, claiming a debt of 100,000 bits is due.
List of names: A list of changelings that work under Princess Heart.
Hoof-print: Velum's hoof-print found outside the crime scene.
List of names(2): A list of codenames, has both "Starfire" and "Masked Lover".
Autopsy Report: The Victim, Starry Skies, died from one stab wound and bled to death at 8:30
(new)Rent is Due letters: Letters to the Tenants that asked them to hand in rent.
(new)Letter of Debt(2): A letter claiming that Fast Money owed Amos a large sum of bits.
(new)Lotto tickets: Tickets with blood splattered on them. Found in a locker with Starry's name on it.
(new)Framing Letter: A letter that requests Amos to frame a changeling. Supposedly Velum.

UGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH I messed up this case from the beginning. . . how is it holding up?

Also, Eros Barcarolle was named by Wish I Was There.