• Published 2nd Sep 2015
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Malum Prohibitum: Ace Equestrian Attorney - Paradox Theory

The continuing adventures of defense attorney Malum Prohibitum.

  • ...

Turnabout Thievery: Trial Day one.

September 15th, 10:00 AM
Canterlot Court House
Defendant's Lobby

"Well, here we are again." I told Vivid as we waited for the Trial to start.

"So, I'm your third client, right?" Sleuth clarified.

"Well, Second. Unless you count the time I was an assistant to Rarity." I admitted.

Sleuth's face started to turn green. "Suddenly, I feel less confidant."

"Don't worry." I assured him. "I know I have enough evidence here to at least give us another day."

"Oh, good." Sleuth sighed.

"The Defense and it's Co-Counsel are to make it's way to the court room." The Bailiff announced.

"Show time." I sighed, making my way through the doors to the court room.

September 15th, 10:30 AM
Canterlot Courthouse
Courtroom No 1

The Judge slammed his gavel down to calm the chattering jury. "Court is now in session for the case of . . . Sleuth?"

"Yes sir, your Honor, sir." Sleuth answered.

"Hmm, odd name. Anyway, Defense, are you ready?" The Judge asked Malum.

"The Defense is ready, Your Honor!" Malum answered proudly.

"Good, and Prosecution?" The Judge continued.

"Ready, as always." Durum Circa answered.

The Judge nodded, "Then please give your opening statement."

"At 1:00 PM last night, The suspect, Sleuth and the Victim, The Black Bandit met in the Canterlot Statue Gardens." Durum began, "It was at this time the defendant killed the victim."

"How did the victim die?" Malum asked.

"Yes, I would like to know as well." The Judge agreed.

"I was getting to that." Durum answered. "The victim was killed by poison, and had suffered a severe blow. Delt with this knife."

Oh my, that poor pony. Malum thought to himself.

"I present the autopsy report and the knife as evidence." Durum announced.

"The Court accept these as evidence." The Judge answered.

"Now, if I may, I'd like the Detective to illustrate more of what happened last night." Durum asked.

"By all means then, bring the Detective up!" The Judge exclaimed.

A few moments later found Silver Wings at the stand. "Hey there, pal."

"Witness, state your name and occupation." Durum asked.

Durum seems confidant today. Malum noted as Silver Wings did as he was instructed.

"My name is Silver Wings, I'm a Detective with the Equestrian Police Force." The Detective stated cheerfully.

"Detective, please tell us in detail what happened last night." Durum instructed.

"No problemo!" Silver stated before pulling out a paper. "I'd like everyone to look at these blueprints for the garden. ."

The picture was a blueprint of the gardens. it showed four sections, the four sections ended at a circle in the middle.

"As you can see, there's only two ways into the gardens, the palace in the east, and the public entrance in the west." Silver explained, "In order to move from one section to the next, you need to cross through this circle in the center, which is a fountain area."

"I see, and where was the victim found?" The Judge asked.

"Here." Silver answered, "In the East side."

"So he was by the palace, then?" The Judge wondered.

"Exactly." Silver answered.

"Detective!" Durum exclaimed suddenly, "Testify as to how the murder went down."

"All right, you're the boss." Silver replied blankly.

--How it went Down--

So, the victim entered the crime scene from the west.

Then, he is followed by the killer.

All of a sudden, the killer corners him at the large statue!

After words, the killer leaves the way he came, and was spotted at the entrance by our witness.


"Well, there you have it, your honor. The events of last night." Durum said, folding his hooves. "I do not believe there is much room for doubt."

"Hmm, it would seem that way." The Judge agreed.

Malum slammed his hooves on his desk, "I'll start my cross examination now."

"Of course." The Judge nodded, "Get to it."


--How it went down--

So, the victim entered the crime scene from the west.

"So, he used the public exit?" Malum asked.

"Well, either that or the palace entrance, but there's no way he could come from there." Silver explained.

"Why not?" Malum wondered, "He was a thief, after all."

"What he was before he died does not matter, as the palace entrance was guarded." Durum snapped.

"Then why wasn't the alarm sounded? Wouldn't a guard have witness the murder in that case?" Malum wondered, "Unless you have a guard as a witness today?"

"Malum has a fair point, why haven't we talked to one of the guards on duty?" The Judge asked Durum.

"Tsk tsk tsk." Durum chuckled, "The answer is obvious, the one and only guard on duty was inside the building all day. There's no way he could've witnessed it."

"In that case, Detective, continue your testimony." The Judge asked.

If there was no witness, then why was Sleuth accused? Malum wondered to himself.


Then, he is followed by the killer.

"So, both the killer and victim used a public entrance? Even though they were both thieves?" Malum questioned.

"Well, pal, the killer was a Unicorn, and unless he knows teleportation, he'd have to walk." Silver explained.

"What about the victim? What race was he?" Malum pressed.

"The victim? He was also a unicorn." Silver answered, "I doubt that a couple of thieves know how to teleport."

The Judge nodded, "That logic seems sound, therefore, I'm going to ask the defense to move on."

Fine, I guess there's nothing else I can get from that. Malum sighed in defeat.


All of a sudden, the killer corners him at the large statue!

"Why was it by the larger statue?" Malum asked.

"Heck if I know," Silver grunted, "That's just where we found the body."

". . . " Malum paused.

"Is something wrong, Malum?" The judge wondered.

"No, nothing." Malum admitted.

The judge nodded, "Carry on then."


After words, the killer leaves the way he came, and was spotted at the entrance by our witness.

"W-wait a minute, what about the moment of the murder?" Malum exclaimed.

"Urp!" Silver gulped, looking down at his hooves. "Guess I forgot to add it. . ."

"Detective, could you please amend you testimony to include the moment of death?" The Judge asked.

"While you do so, you can think about your salary evaluation." Durum sighed.

Silver sighed before continuing.


The killer attacked the victim with the knife, killing him instantly.

"I'm sorry, detective, but I believe the cause of death was poison?" Malum pointed out.

"Gah!" Silver gasped.

"It is unclear when the poison entered the victim's bloodstream. But I do believe I can clear it up." Durum explained.

"Please Durum, tell us how this works." The judge asked.

"It's simple, the knife was coated in the poison that killed the victim. If the poison was fast acting, then death would have been instant." Durum finished his explanation.

"Ah, I see, this makes sense." The judge exclaimed. "Ahem, Detective, please finish your testimony."


After words, the killer leaves the way he came, and was spotted at the entrance by our witness.

Alright, Malum, this is your last chance to help build your case. . . Malum thought to himself.

"So, he walked out the public exit, and another pony happened to be there at one in the morning?" Malum clarified.

"That's pretty much it." Silver agreed.

"But don't you find that a little odd?" Malum asked, "A random pony just happened to be waiting outside at the time of the murder?"

"If you are insinuating that the witness is the killer, I'm afraid you'll need proof." Durum stated.

"I- I don't have any yet. . ." Malum admitted.

"Then I'm afraid I'll have to end this line of questioning." The Judge announced. "It seems this case is pretty solid, I could hand down a verdict right now!"

Durum shook his head, "I'd like to have my witness testify first."

"Oh, by all means then, call him up."


A minute later, a timid blue coated unicorn took the stand.

"Witness, your name and occupation." Durum asked quietly.

"M-my name is Sadet. I'm the Canterlot Gardens caretaker." The witness answered.

"Sadet, was it true you were at the public entrance to the gardens when you spotted both the victim and the killer?" Durum asked.

"Yes, yes it is." Sadet replied almost instantly.

"Hmm. . . Sadet was it?" The Judge spoke up, "I'd like to know exactly what you were doing there that late to begin with. Can you please testify for us?"

"I'll try my best." Sadet answered.

--Last night--

Well, I was doing my job last night.

While I was trimming the outer hedges, I made my way towards the western entrance.

If last night had been a normal night, I would've cleaned the statues next.

But I swear on my life, I never entered the gardens last night.



"So, you were trimming hedges?" The Judge asked.

"Yes, they take a long time, so I always do them at night when the gardens are empty." Sadet answered eagerly.

"As you can see, your honor." Durum spoke confidently, "He has an alibi. Any of the guards in the palace can confirm his routine."

"Then I don't really see a point in a cross examination of this testimony." The Judge concluded.

"There is no need, his routines aren't involved with this case." Durum agreed, "I think you'd like to hear what he saw though."

"Hmm." The judge hummed in thought.

Now's my chance! If I can convince the judge to let me cross examine, I know I can find something new! Malum thought to himself. He then slammed his hooves on his desk.

"Your Honor! It's my right as a defense attorney to cross examine every testimony!" Malum exclaimed, "Even the smallest bit of overlooked testimony could change everything!"

"Hmm. . . " The Judge hummed some more. "Prosecution, what do you think?"

"If he wants to cross examine the testimony, let him." Durum answered, "But, if it proves to be a waste of time, I think he should be penalized."

The Judge nodded, "I agree. Defense?"

"Yes, Your Honor?"

"Do you agree to the prosecution's terms?" The Judge asked.

Malum slammed his hooves down again, "Absolutely!"

"The you may begin your cross examination!" The Judge stated.


--Last night--

Well, I was doing my job last night.

"Could you tell us more about your job?" Malum asked.

"Certianly! My job is to keep the gardens clean and healthy!" Sadet explained with glee. "It includes trimming the hedges, cleaning the statues, and weeding the flower beds."

"And did you d-"

"This has no bearing on the case at hand." Durum hissed.

The Judge nodded, "I have to agree, please stick to details relating to the case."

No problem, just another day for Malum Prohibitum, Ace Attorney. Malum Prohibitum glumly thought to himself.


While I was trimming the outer hedges, I made my way towards the western entrance.

"So why did you start with the outer hedges?" Malum asked.

"I already said they take the longest!" Sadet frantically spoke.

"We've already been over this, it's his routine." Durum agreed.

I feel like there's more here, should I keep pressing, or move on? Malum wondered before slamming his hooves down, again. "Did you finish the hedges?"

"Yes." Sadet replied.

"Malum, please stop asking non relative questions." The Judge asked, "I'm afraid I'll have to penalize you."

"Urp!" Malum choked. Blast, I'm gonna have to be more careful.


If last night had been a normal night, I would've cleaned the statues next.

"How did you know last night wasn't normal?" Malum pressed.

"Well, I saw a strange pony enter the gardens." Sadet answered.

"What happened after that?" Malum continued pressing.

"Well, he ran back out, I suppose." Sadet answered.

"I'm sorry, but that can't be right." Malum stated with a smile, "There were at least two ponies who entered the gardens. You should've seen the second one!"

"No!" Sadet shouted.

"So, I have two ideas of what happened, either you followed him in, or you left your post after that." Malum explained.

Sadet began to sweat. "I-I swear, I didn't leave my post!"

"Then you had to have entered the gardens!" Malum exclaimed.

"Then we're back to square one, how did the victim enter?" Durum explained.

". . ." Malum paused, "He was a unicorn, he could've teleported."

"Do you have proof of that?" Durum asked.

"N-no." Malum sighed.

"Then allow me to illustrate what happened." Durum replied, "The pony the witness saw was in fact the killer, not the victim."

"Oh, so where did the victim enter from?" The judge wondered.

"Simple, he's a thief, he snuck his way through the palace." Durum explained. "This is why the witness didn't see him."

"Oh my, that makes so much sense!" The judge exclaimed.

But that was my argument, your honor! Malum screamed internally. Wait, what Durum just said, it contradicts a piece of evidence. . .

"I'm afraid your explanation didn't cover everything!" Malum accused Durum, "Take a look at these notes from the crime scene!"

"There were TWO sets of hoofprints going east on the night of the murder?!" The judge exclaimed.

"Exactly, your honor!" Malum stated, "That means a THIRD pony entered the gardens!"

Durum shouted in fury before slamming his head on his desk, the court burst into chaos for a few seconds while the Judge tried to calm everypony down.

"So, that brings me back to our witness here." Malum continued, "DID YOU ENTER THE GARDENS?!"

Sadet was silent for awhile, but finally answered.


The judge slammed his gavel down a few times to quiet the court. "Witness! You have a lot of explaining to do. I want you to testify about what exactly happened last night."

"Yes, your honor." Sadet said in defeat.


--What happened--

As you've figured out, I went into the gardens.

I followed that one pony in. I was wondering why he was there so late.

He was out of sight for a time, he had already made it to the east side.

Then, just before I found the body, I heard a voice.

But when I got there, there was only the body.

I ran inside, and sounded the alarm and when I came back. . .

I saw that pony in the defendant's chair.



". . . " The Judge paused in surprised, "So. . that's what really happened?"

"Yes, Your Honor." Durum answered.

"Your Honor." Malum spoke up, "I'd like to begin my cross examination."

"Then please, do so." The Judge answered.

--What happened--

As you've figured out, I went into the gardens.

"Why not just tell us from the start?" Malum wondered.

"If I had, I was afraid you would think I did it." Sadet replied, fear easily visible on his face.

Malum gave him a smile, "Well if you didn't do it, then you have nothing to be afraid of."


I followed that one pony in. I was wondering why he was there so late.

"Are the gardens closed at night?" Malum asked.

"Well, no, they aren't. . . " Sadet admitted, "But ponies usually don't go in at that time of night regardless."

That makes sense, considering what Sleuth told me. . . Malum thought to himself. "Did you get a good look at the pony?"

Sadet hummed for a second before answering. "It was too dark to tell."

"So you can't tell us if he was a unicorn or not?" Malum grimaced.

Sadet shook his head, "I can't. Sorry."

No! I can't let this happen! I need a contradiction! Malum screamed internally.


Out of nowhere the judge slammed his gavel. "It seems the testimony is solid."

Durum nodded, "Yes, it looks like we can end this case. And in record time to!"

The Judge nodded back to Durum, "So, if there isn't any objections, I will hand down my verdict."

They're right, this testimony is solid. How am I going to get out of this one? Malum thought to himself.

"Come on Malum, I know we can do this!" Vivid tried to cheer him on.

"Can we? Durum is right, this testimony is solid as a rock." Malum questioned. I might as well quit now. I'm sorry I couldn't find the truth for you, mother.

"The court finds the defendant. . ." The Judge began.

Then, all noise faded away, and Malum thought he could see a mare standing in front of him. Although her kind face didn't seem to move, he heard her voice.

"Wasn't the victim. . . wasn't the defendant. . ."

The whole court fell silent as Malum pointed a hoof at Sadet.

"What's going on here?" The Judge stammered.

"And here I thought the defense finally knew when to quit." Durum sighed.

"Your Honor! I can prove that the pony Sadet saw wasn't the victim!" Malum stated.

Durum chuckled, "Didn't we already establish that?"

Malum smirked at Durum, "I can also prove it wasn't the defendant."

With this, the court went into a frenzy.

"ORDER! ORDER IN THE COURT!" The judge hollered.

"Y-you what?" Durum hissed.

"Did you lose your mind?" Vivid asked in utter confusion.

Malum shook his head, "No, I haven't. I want to call. . .the defendant himself to the stand!"

Durum was now completely frazzled, he took heavy breaths as he spoke. "No! I won't. . allow. . it!"

The Judge nodded, "How will we know if he's telling the truth?"

Malum slammed his hooves on his desk, "If I cross examine him, and he is lying, then I'll take the ultimate penalty!"

"Hmmm," The Judge pondered the offer. "Prosecution, do you accept these terms?"

Durum, still frazzled, nodded, "He won't prove a thing!"

At that time, Sleuth took the stand.

"Defendant, I would like you to testify about what you did on the night of the murder!" The Judge demanded with a smack of his gavel.

"I'll do my best." Sleuth answered.

Please Sleuth, you are my last chance, don't lie. Malum pleaded.

"Before we have the testimony, I'd like to take a 30 minute recess." The judge announced before smacking his gavel once more, "Court is adjourned for recess."

. . . To be continued!

Author's Note:

Court Record:

Malum Prohibitum: Me, I'm a defense attorney, what more can I say?
Vivid Dream: My friend and assistant.
Sleuth: The suspect of the crime. Claims to be a thief.
Silver Wings: The Detective in charge of this case. Smells like instant noodles.
(new)Durum Circa: The prosecutor in charge of this case and my rival.
(new)The Black Bandit: True identity unknown, is the victim for this case. Was hired to steal from the defendant.
(new)Sadet: The gardener for the Canterlot Gardens.
The Judge: Just. . .the judge. I don't know what he does in his spare time.

Attorney's Badge: Proof of my profession.
Royal slip: Gives me free reign to search the castle should one of the Princesses be accused.
Crime Scene: At least four sets of hoof prints were located on the scene. Two going East, one West, and one North.
Shrouded Blade's letter: A letter to Slueth from his sister. Details a plot to hide incriminating evidence from a member of the Canterlot Council.
Contract: A Contract signed by the Black Bandit. The purpose is to retrieve certain items from the gardens.
Key: An old key found in a hollowed out statue. It is unknown what lock it fits into.
Picture: A picture of Sleuth and his sisters.
(new)Autopsy Report: The victim died of poisoning, or a stab wound. No one knows which happened first.
(new) Knife: The knife used to stab the victim.

And that was something. Sorry for ending on a cliff hanger.

Also, who was the pony Malum saw?