• Published 2nd Sep 2015
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Malum Prohibitum: Ace Equestrian Attorney - Paradox Theory

The continuing adventures of defense attorney Malum Prohibitum.

  • ...

Case 1 Day 2: Trial

April 8, 10:00 AM
Canterlot Court House
Defendan'ts lobby No. 1

"Where's Vivid?" Princess Heart asked me as she entered the defendant's lobby.

"She stayed behind at my office." I replied between nervous breaths.

"This is one of the many reasons I am trying to bring the changelings and equestrians together." Heart sighed.

"Well, hopefully that'll be a nice bonus should I win the case." I offered.

"Hopefully." Heart agreed.

"The Defense will ake it's way to the courtroom." A gaurd spoke.

I took a deep breath, "Here goes."

April 8, 12:30 PM
Canterlot Courthouse
Courtroom No. 1

The Judge slammmed his gavel down and began speaking. "We are here for the case of Velum. Defense, are you ready?"

"The Defense is. . . .*gulp* ready." Malum said.

"And the prosecution?" The Judge asked.

". . . " Durum Circa paused, his eyes closed.

"Prosecution?" The Judge asked.

"I would not be standing here if I wasn't ready." Circa hissed.

"Oh, right." The Judge stammered. "You may give the opening statement as soon as you feel ready."

"On the 6th of April, a young mare was stabbed in her apatment. We have decisive witnesses and decisive evidence. This case is open and shut." Circa explained.

"We'll see just how open and shut it will be." Malum told Circa.

Circa opened his eyes for the first time, "Are you ready?"

"I. . .don't understand. . . " Malum said.

"I ask because of your client, a changeling. Clearly I don't need evidence against such a creature." Circa chuckled.

The courtroom erupted into an uproar. "The nerve! Helping a disgusting creature like that!" "Mommy, is that pony bad for helping the changeling?" "Don't even look at him!"

Malum was sweating bullets.

"And now you know why all the other attorneys didn't offer." Heart sighed.

"Yeah well. . ." Malum sighed.

"Order! ORDER!" The Judge hollored. "Circa, may you please call your first witnesss?"

"I call the detective in charge of this case." Circa announced.

"Hello sir!" Silver said with a salute to the Judge.

"Ah, hello." The Judge replied.

"Witness, Name and Occupation." Circa barked while slamming his desk.

"Sorry." Silver murmured, "Silver Wings, Homicide Detective."

"I understand that you have decisive evidence?" The Judge asked.

"That's right! In fact, we have TWO pieces of evidence!" Silver boasted.

"WHAT?!" Malum shouted, while Circa chuckled.

"Can you please testify to the court about this evidence?" The Judge requested.

"Right away sir!" Silver replied.


--Decisive Evidence--

"The first thing you have to realize, is that we have two pieces of evidence:"

"The first is a list of names."

"And I'll give ya one guess as to who the only changeling on the list is."

"The second is a hoof print, found right outside the door."

"Again, one guess as to who it belonged to."


"That seems pretty straightforward, the court excepts this evidence." The Judge announced, "But, if I may, how does this prove he was the one?"

"Well. . . . he was the only one we've tied to the crime scene so far." Silver explained.

"Hmm. . . . Defense, what do you think?" The Judge asked Malum.

That testimony is useless. Malum thought to himself, "I'd like to hear more about the investigation."

"Ah, yes, a good idea!" The Judge agreed, "Witness, please testify about your investigation."

"Right away sir!" Silver saluted.


--The Investigation--

"We were called at 11:30 PM on the 6th."

"I believe the caller was a resident of a nearby apartment."

"When we got there, only the open window was off."

"The blood had pooled around the body, from a stab wound."

"The victim showed signs of struggle, but was overpowered."

"In the end, we arrested the changeling based on the print and a witness's testimony."


"You say a pony saw it?!" The Judge asked in surprise.

"Yes sir!" Silver answered proudly.

Malum closed his eyes in thought about the last testimony.

"Malum, did you see any contradictions?" Heart asked hopefully.

"I. . . I don't know, I have a few questions but. . . I can't see anything wrong right now. . " Malum answered.

"How about a lack of evidence. . " Heart muttered.

Malum's eyes lit up at that, and he slammed his desk. "Detective, did you ever get an estimated time of death?"

"Yes, it's right here in the autopsy report." Silver answered, presenting the report.

"The court accepts this evidence." The Judge remarked.

Malum gave it a quick read.

Autopsy report for: Starry Skies.
Was stabbed on the 6th of April. Estimated time of death: 8:30 PM.

"Well Malum? What now?" Heart asked.

"I'd like to start my cross examination." Malum stated.

"Of course." The Judge said.


--The Investigation--

"We were called at 11:30 PM on the 6th."

"W-what now?!" Silver stammered.

"According to the autopsy report, the victim had died at 8:30. So why was the caller THREE HOURS LATE?!" Malum shouted.

Circa chuckled, "Why not let the caller explain it?"

Malum grimaced as the Judge nodded, "I do believe that is pertinent."

"Silver, you may go, and if things go swimmingly, you can look forward to your paycheck." Circa instructed Silver Wings.

Silver's eyes lit up as he left the stand.

"I will now call the witness who called to the stand." Circa announced.

A rather grey pony with grey-blue hair took the stand.

"Witness! Name and Occupation!" Circa demanded.

"Now. . . please, be patient." The pony spoke quietly, "After all, you are keeping me from my work."

"And the court is sorry for that sir, but the quicker you answer questions, the quicker you can return to work." The Judge replied.

"Ah, a pony with manners. How delightful." The grey pony smiled, "I am Mr. F. Money."

"'F.?'" Malum wondered.

"Fast." Money replied.

"Mr. Money, were you the one who called the police?" The Judge asked.

"Of course." Money answered, "It is my apartment complex. I make it my duty to check on everything."

"Then can you testify to the court of what happened to cause your call?" The Judge asked.

Money nodded.


--The Day of the Incident--

"I was on my way back from a renters room when I noticed it."

"A changeling! Standing right outside the door to another apartment."

"I waited until he left before peeking inside and seeing what he had done."

"When I had seen the crime, I immediately called the police!"


"Hmm. . . " The Judge hummed. "He was just standing there?"

"Yes." Money confirmed, "As if he was hesitant."

"Hmm. . .Defense, you may start your examination." The Judge instructed.


--The Day of the Incident--

"I was on my way back from a renters room when I noticed it."

"A renter? You were collecting rent, I assume?" Malum wondered.

"What else would I be doing?" Money sighed.

"Hmm. . .that's funny. .. " Heart murmured.

"What?" Malum asked.

"It's almost like he's lying." Heart explained.

"If the defense is done chatting, let's continue this cross examination." Circa grinned.

"A changeling! Standing right outside the door to another apartment."

"And is that unusual?" Malum asked.

"Sir! Were you even here for the invasion?" Money exclaimed.

"Yeah! He should be fired for this!" "He doesn't deserve his badge!" "My kids aren't safe with this buffoon defending!"

Malum winced while sweating bullets. Circa was giving a wicked smile.

"My mistake," Malum gulped, "Please, continue."

"I waited until he left before peeking inside and seeing what he had done."

Malum slammed his hooves into his desk. "Did you see him enter?"

"Yes." Money responded.

"Are you absolutely certain?" Malum asked.

"Absolutely." Money replied.

Circa gave a barking laugh, "I believe that's all we need to hear. Your Honor, the verdict."

"Of course. I do believe that's all I need to hear." The Judge agreed.

"Finally, a perfect case!" Circa boasted, "And in record time too!"

"I find the defendant, Velum. . . . "

"Your Honor!" Malum exclaimed.

"What is it?!" The Judge shouted.

"I want to ask one last question," Malum explained, "One that will turn this case around."

"What is this question?" The Judge wondered.

"Money," Malum said, "When did you see this?"

"11:00." Money replied.


"MALUM!" The Judge shouted, "Explain yourself!"

"It's simple, your honor," Malum stated, "The murder happened at Eight, my client was there three hours later."

"But, he went inside!" Money argued.

"And he saw what you saw Money," Malum explained, "The victim's corpse."

The court turned to Circa as he clapped slowly.

"Stubborn to the end." Circa sighed, "But, as always, there's something you over looked."

Malum was silent in confusion. Circa smiled at him.

"If he wasn't there to kill her, why was he there?" Circa asked the court.

"I'd like to know myself." The Judge stated.

Malum smiled, "Is that all?"

Circa's smile turned into a frown, "What?!"

"I have evidence telling me why he was there!" Malum explained, "He was there because. . ."

"He was in love with her." Malum stated, showing the court one of the love poems.

At this, the entire courtroom burst into thunderous arguments.

"A changeling? In love? Ridiculous!" "Those things aren't capable!" "This lawyer must really suck to grasp at straws!"

"Mr. Prohibitum, I'll need stronger evidence to support this. Is there any proof that this changeling really did love the victim?" The Judge asked.

"I have it, in these love poems!" Malum exclaimed.

"But, these say "Masked Lover" and "Starfire". . " The Judge deadpanned.

"That's because they were both part of an anonymous dating service." Malum explained.

"And how do you intend to prove that?" Circa asked.

Malum smiled. "Can you read the list that Silver presented?"

Circa picked up the list and read off the names, after a minute, they widened.

"Now do you understand?" Malum asked Circa, "He had no motive, he loved her."

Circa grit his teeth and gave Malum a death glare.

"One thing I'm not understanding is why the room wasn't checked earlier." The Judge furrowed his brow in concentration.

"Why don't we ask Mr. Money here?" Malum asked.

"Ah, yes, I think that would be best." The Judge agreed, "Mr. Money, please testify to the court about why the room wasn't checked earlier."


--The Time Difference--

"Oh. . . that poor mare had been dead for three hours? It was hard to tell. . ."

"Yet, now that I think about it, I'm sure I saw the changeling three hours before that. . . "

"Yes! Right before my meeting! I saw the changeling there at 8:00!"

"That must have been just before the murder!"

"I swear that's all that I saw!"


Malum grimaced as the testimony settled on the court.

"So. . . you're saying you saw him twice?" The Judge asked.

"Yes!" Money replied.

"So why are we just hearing this?" Circa hissed.

"B-because . . . he was in disguise!" Money exclaimed.

"In. . . disguise. . . " Malum repeated.

"Yes." Money reaffirmed.

"Do you forget, Mr. Money, that there are rules and laws prohibiting changelings taking disguise?" Heart shouted.

"There are?!" The Judge exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Yes. There are. . ." Circa sighed, "So I ask the witness to reiterate himself. WHY did you not mention it earlier?!"

"I guess I was just in a rush the first time I saw him. . ." Money sighed.

"Thank you." Circa hissed.

"Does the defense still wish to cross examine the witness?" The Judge asked Malum.

"Of course." Malum answered, slamming his hooves into his desk.


--The Time Difference--

"Oh. . . that poor mare had been dead for three hours? It was hard to tell. . ."

"What exactly do you mean by that?!" Malum demanded.

"Exactly what I said, it was hard to tell." Money reaffirmed.

"W-what?" Malum stammered.

"What else do you want me to say? That the blood was dry?" Money asked.

". . . well. . . was it?" Malum murmured/

"No! It was still fresh." Money answered.

"She had been dead for three hours! How could her blood be wet?!" Malum shouted.

"Um. . .well. . . you see. . . " Money stammered.

"The Defense would like to cast suspicion on Mr. Money!" Malum stated.

"What?! Accuse an innocent pony?!" "This Lawyer is so lame!" "HE SHOULD JUST SHUT UP!"

"ORRRRRDER!" The Judge yelled. "Malum! This is a serious accusation! Do you have any proof that Money could be the true killer?"

"How about this!" Malum shouted.

"A. . . letter?" The Judge deadpanned.

"A letter of debt. It seems our victim owed a sum of bits." Malum explained.

"Then answer me this: Who is this Amos?" Circa hissed.

"We don't know, but my guess is it's Mr. Money." Malum answered.

"Yet you don't have proof." Circa chided.

"And neither do you." Malum protested.

"May I state my opinion?" The Judge asked. When only silence came back, he continued, "I think that Mr. Money's testimony was rather suspicious. And this letter of debt would give him a motive. . . "

"The defense requests a day to further investigate the complex owner and find out where this letter of debt came from." Malum stated.

"Granted." The Judge answered, "The court will adjourn for the day, and reconvene tomorrow. I expect both sides to investigate this."

"I will, your honor." Malum said.

"As will I." Circa growled.

"Then court is dismissed" The Judge exclaimed before slamming his gavel.

April 8, 2:30 PM
Canterlot Courthouse
Defendant's lobby No. 1

"Well. . .what now?" Heart asked, a frown etched on her face.

"Now, we search his office, we find out who 'Amos' is. And we figure out who really killed Starry." I explained to her.

"Do you really think that you can find everything you need?" Velum wondered.

"Well, usually if I miss something, the prosecution has fun bringing it up and bashing me with it until I can make sense of it." I answered, a frown on my face now.

"Then I suggest we get started. We only have until tomorrow morning to gather our evidence." Heart stated.

"Right. Heart, please go to the criminal affairs department and start running the name Amos through their database." I told her.

"And you?" Heart asked me.

"I'm going to go back to my office and talk to Vivid. I need to know more about her sister." I said.

"Then, let's get to it." Heart stated with a nod before leaving.

"And you," I turned to Velum, "You are going to tell me why you entered in the first place. . ."

. . . . . .To be continued.

Author's Note:

Court Record:
Malum Prohibitum: Me. A defense attorney. What else can I say?
Vivid Dream: Sister of the victim.
Starry Skies: The victim in this case. Was found in her apartment.
Velum: A changeling who was accused of murdering Starry.
Princess Heart: The new ruler of the changelings. Can detect lies.
Silver Wings: The noodle loving detective.
(new)Durum Circa: A prosecutor, had a perfect win streak until Rarity and ! came along.
(new)Fast Money: The owner of the apartment complex.

Defense Attorney's badge: Proof that I am an attorney.
Royal Slip: This can be used to search high security areas in the castle should a princess be accused.
Love Notes: Notes from both the victim and suspect to each other.
Letter of Debt: A letter to the victim, claiming a debt of 100,000 bits is due.
List of names: A list of changelings that work under Princess Heart.
(new)Hoof-print: Velum's hoof-print found outside the crime scene.
(new)List of names(2): A list of codenames, has both "Starfire" and "Masked Lover".
(new)Autopsy Report: The Victim, Starry Skies, died from one stab wound and bled to death at 8:30.

Okay, so, I know I said CMO would be updated next. . . but my co-author is currently unable to help, so have more Malum instead.:derpytongue2: