• Published 2nd Sep 2015
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Malum Prohibitum: Ace Equestrian Attorney - Paradox Theory

The continuing adventures of defense attorney Malum Prohibitum.

  • ...

Case 1 Day 3: Trial

April 9, 10:00 AM
Canterlot Courthouse
Defendant's Lobby No. 2

"This is it." Malum sighed, "If I can reveal Amos's true identity and pin him to the scene of the crime, I can clear your name."

"I have faith in you." Velum smiled.

"Where is Heart?" Vivid wondered.

"She sent me a message in the form of our favorite Detective. She is still at the Criminal Affairs Dept. Something about Amos's namesake." I explained.

"The Defense and it's Co-counsel are to make their way to the courtroom." A guard announced.

"We're running out of time. Velum, did you do any business with a loan company?" I asked as I made my way to the door.

"No, why?" Velum asked.

"You'll see. I promise." I told Velum before entering the courtroom.

April 9, 10:15 Am
Canterlot Courthouse
Courtroom No. 3

The judge smacked his gavel to quiet the courtroom.

"We are gathered here to continue the case of Velum. Defense, are you ready?" The Judge asked.

"Yes, your honor." Malum replied.

The Judge nodded before asking, "Prosecution, are you ready?"

"Yes." Circa answered simply.

"Then you may give your opening statement." The Judge answered.

'Yesterday, the Defense hastily accused Mr. Money of being the murderer. I intend to prove them wrong." Circa explained.

The Judge nodded again, "Then please call your first witness."

"Obviously, I call Money to the stand." Circa announced.

"Hello again. Ready to falsely accuse me again?" He sneered at Malum.

"Mr. Money, please tell the court why you are not Amos." The Judge stated.

"If I have to." Money replied.


--I'm Not Amos--

It's rather simple, I'm not Amos.

Why? Because, I already send letters of rent to every resident. Bearing my own name.

Now, I think that's all I need to say.

The Judge nodded. "I think that covers everything."

"Your Honor, let me cross examine him!" Malum pleaded.

"I will, and I don't need to remind you of what will happen if this testimony still stands." The Judge said.

"I understand, Your Honor." Malum answered.

"Then begin the cross examination."


--I'm Not Amos--

It's rather simple, I'm not Amos.

"Can you prove it?" Malum challenged.

"Let him finish his testimony, you oaf." Circa hissed.

Malum gulped loudly, "Right."


Why? Because, I already send letters of rent to every resident. Bearing my own name.

"That contradicts what you testified to yesterday!" Malum protested.

"How?" Money asked.

"Yesterday, you said you were collecting rent." Malum explained.

"And? I was, I handle certain cases in person." Money answered.

Malum shook his head, "No, I'm afraid that won't work. You just said: 'To every resident'. That would include Starry."

Money flinched, his mustache giving a little bounce.

"If you're so cocky, then tell me: What was Money doing that day?" Circa asked.

Malum gave a big smile, "Why, visiting the victim of course!" With that, the court burst into chaos.

"Has he lost his mind?" "What does he think he's getting at?" "Muffin?"

"ORDER!" The Judge hollered. "Malum, please tell us why you think that."

"You see, I found a very interesting letter in Money's office. Namely, a letter of debt." Malum answered before showing the letter.

"Are you saying that he owed Amos as well?" The Judge asked with big eyes.

"If the Prosecution would kindly read it for us?" Malum asked with a large smile.

Circa grumbled before reading the letter aloud.

"So. . .where does that leave us?" The Judge wondered.

"It leaves us with the same question: Why was Money in the victim's room?" Circa asked.

Malum smiled, "Because, he worked out a deal with Amos."

"Oh? Did he now?" Circa asked, "Money, please tell the court what happened."

"Al-alright." Money stammered, wiping the sweat from his brow.



--My debt--

Alright, I admit, I owed Amos.

I needed some extra money to renovate some of the more broken down apartments.

So yes, I met with him on the day of the crime.

He told me to pay up. In a most frightening tone!

I asked what I could do to erase the debt.

He had me follow him to an apartment. There, we collected the rent from a renter who hadn't turned it in.

He agreed to forgetting my debt as long as half the rent went to him.


"So what you are saying is that Amos bribed you to rob your tenants?" The Judge simplified.

"Yes. That's what I am saying." He replied.

"When did this occur?" Malum asked.

"8:00. Same time as the murder." Money replied.

"Then that would mean that Amos and Money were both unable to commit the crime!" The Judge exclaimed.

Circa gave an over exaggerated bow. "I believe that there is no more we need to discuss. Your Honor, that verdict please."

The Judge nodded, "I do believe that I've heard enough. I find the defendant, Velum. . ."

"Your Honor! There's still one more thing I'd like to bring up!" Malum protested.

"Unfortunately, there's nothing more to see." Circa countered.

"But this will change the case! I swear it!" Malum protested further.

"Hmm. . if you can prove the Amos was indeed tied to the murder, then I will withhold my verdict." The Judge explained.

"Thank you, Your Honor." Malum sighed.

"So, this evidence that proves Amos was involved?" Circa asked.

"Another letter?" Circa sighed.

Malum nodded, "Yes. Another letter. This one asks Amos to frame a changeling. One of his clients."

"You think it's Velum?" The Judge asked.

"I'm not sure yet, but I'd like to ask Amos himself." Malum replied.

"Well, you are in luck. He's here." Circa sneered.

"WHAT?!" Malum exclaimed.

"I can go fetch him, if Your Honor wishes it?" Circa asked.

"Hmm. . .yes, I'd like to hear from him as well." The Judge answered. "Prosecution, please go and get him."

"At once." Circa replied.


After a short break, the court gathered to finally see the face of Amos. As they calmed, a pony took the stand.

"Witness, your name and occupation." Circa demanded.

"Amos. Amos Voluntas. I'm the owner of a loan company, see?" A red coated pony snarled.

"Amos, please testify to the court your whereabouts on the day of the murder." The Judge asked.

"Youse talkin to me?" Amos snarled.

"I-I am Mr. Amos. Please, just tell us and you can go." The Judge whimpered.

Oh grow a spine! Malum thought to himself.

"Fine. But I'd better be outa here soon, capiche?" Amos snarled again.

"Of course!" The Judge exclaimed.



--Where I Was--

So I was with a client, see?

I had pity on him when he couldn't pay, so I cut him a deal, see?

Only us two were there. See?

Then I was at my office since then.


"So. . . no murder occurred?" The Judge wondered.

"None at all." Amos replied.

"Is that enough for you Prohibitum?" Circa asked.

Malum slammed his desk with his hooves. "I'd still like to cross-examine him, please?"

"Of course." The Judge agreed.



--Where I Was--

So I was with a client, see?

"I assume you are referring to Mr. Money?" Malum asked.

"Who else would I be talkin about?" Amos growled.

"Just making sure." Malum clarified.


I had pity on him when he couldn't pay, so I cut him a deal, see?

"And that deal was where you got half of the money he earned?" Malum wondered.

"Is you stupid? Of course that's what it was!" Amos exclaimed.

"Mr. Money did verify it." The Judge reminded Malum.

Oh, Your Honor, if only you could see what I was up to. Malum thought glumly.

Only us two were there. See?

"You must really not care about your clients." Malum stated.

"Whatdya mean?" Amos growled.

"Well, if you wanted to save both of your skins, you would've mentioned the third pony like your client Money had." Malum explained.

"W-what third pony?!" Amos exclaimed. "I didn't see no pony!"

"Then I think it's obvious." Malum gave a smile, "You can't be Amos."

"Oh yeah? Try me." Amos snarled, "Show me somethin from my office!"

Malum smiled, "Okay."

"L-lotto tickets?" Amos asked in a baffled tone. "I'm loaning money. Why would I need those?"

"So you don't recognize them?" Malum asked.

"Nu-Uh." Amos stated.

"Pity, because these were in a locker labeled: Starry Skies. And this locker," Malum paused, "WAS IN YOUR OFFICE!"

Amos threw his head back and yelled.

"Not so fast Prohibitum!" Circa shouted, "Somepony else could've planted them!"

"I don't think so! I think that these were hidden so that Amos could make a little more money!" Malum shouted back.

Circa's eyes grew incredibly furious as he tried to find an argument.

"So, you tink youse a great detective now?" Amos chuckled, "Let's say those were planted without my knowledge. What else would you have shown me?"

Malum smiled, "Alright."

"What da heck is this? Some letter?" Amos growled.

"It's a letter that details a pony's want to frame a changeling." Malum explained.

"Oh yeah? And how do I know it isn't forged?" Amos asked, sweat dripping down his brow.

"Because, you said that you've been in your office since the murder." Malum answered. "And this was sitting, ON YOUR DESK!"

Amos threw his head back again and howled.

"ORDER!" The Judge howled. "I can plainly see that the defense believes this pony is not Amos."

"Exactly, your honor!" Malum agreed.

"But without concrete proof that this pony is not who he says he is, I cannot let the defense continue this course of action." The Judge continued.

"WHAT?!" Malum hollered.

"If there are no more interruptions, I will now pass my verdict." The Judge announced.

"Looks like you just couldn't get it this time." Circa laughed.

Malum covered his eyes and sighed.

"Malum! Please, don't give up!" Vivid pleaded.

Malum didn't budge, Circa continued to chuckle and the Judge cleared his throat.

"If there are no more objections, I find Velum. . . "

The whole court held their breath as the Judge readied his gavel.

Malum looked up to see the most beautiful thing he ever saw. Princess Heart and Silver Wings burst through the court doors.

"Your Honor! Please! We have information about Amos!" Heart pleaded.

"W-WHAT?!" The Judge exclaimed.

"I-impossible!" Circa hissed.

Malum slammed his hooves down. "Your honor! We must hear this new piece of evidence!"

"Why?" Circa challenged.

"Because! We have to examine every detail! Every piece of evidence! It can't end like this!" Malum explained.

"Hmm. . . " The Judge hummed. "I will hear this evidence. But if it doesn't change my mind, I will pass my verdict."

"Your Honor, may I request a 30 minute recess to prepare this evidence?" Malum asked.

"I will allow fifteen minutes. No more." The Judge said.

Malum nodded, "Thank you."

. . . To Be Continued

Author's Note:

Court Record:
Malum Prohibitum: Me. A defense attorney. What else can I say?
Vivid Dream: Sister of the victim.
Starry Skies: The victim in this case. Was found in her apartment.
Velum: A changeling who was accused of murdering Starry.
Princess Heart: The new ruler of the changelings. Can detect lies.
Silver Wings: The noodle loving detective.
Durum Circa: A prosecutor, had a perfect win streak until Rarity and I came along.
Fast Money: The owner of the apartment complex.
Eros Barcarolle: Owner of the dating service both Velum and Starry subscribed to.
Amos Voluntas(?): A red coated pony who claims to be Amos.

Defense Attorney's badge: Proof that I am an attorney.
Royal Slip: This can be used to search high security areas in the castle should a princess be accused.
Love Notes: Notes from both the victim and suspect to each other.
Letter of Debt: A letter to the victim, claiming a debt of 100,000 bits is due.
List of names: A list of changelings that work under Princess Heart.
Hoof-print: Velum's hoof-print found outside the crime scene.
List of names(2): A list of codenames, has both "Starfire" and "Masked Lover".
Autopsy Report: The Victim, Starry Skies, died from one stab wound and bled to death at 8:30
Rent is Due letters: Letters to the Tenants that asked them to hand in rent.
Letter of Debt(2): A letter claiming that Fast Money owed Amos a large sum of bits.
Lotto tickets: Tickets with blood splattered on them. Found in a locker with Starry's name on it.
Framing Letter: A letter that requests Amos to frame a changeling. Supposedly Velum.

So, one chapter left and we can continue on to the next case.

But one question remains. . .

Who is the real Amos?