• Published 2nd Sep 2015
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Malum Prohibitum: Ace Equestrian Attorney - Paradox Theory

The continuing adventures of defense attorney Malum Prohibitum.

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Case 1: Allies and Traitors. Day one: Investigation.

April 7, 12:30 PM
Canterlot Apartment Complex
Room 2107, Velum's

"I still can't believe that we are helping the thing that killed my sister." Vivid muttered under her breath.

"You are free to leave, I don't need ponies making baseless claims."I looked around the apartment.

It was rather small. The living room and kitchen were connected together. On the far side of the living room was a door, probably to the bedroom and bathroom.

"I'll start in the kitchen. Vivid, go check the bedroom." I instructed as I entered the kitchen. It didn't take me long to search the cupboards. I searched the countertop, and found a list.

Things to do. . .
1. Groceries.
2. Clean room.
3. Meet Skyfire123 at apartment 2033

"Who is this Skyfire?" I wondered to myself as I stuck the list into my pocket.

Deciding that there was nothing else to see in this room, I moved to the living room. It was rather neat and tidy. Only a few letters were on the coffee table. Most of them were from our mysterious Skyfire. One was from the complex owner, asking for rent. And the last one was instructions to Princess Heart's office. I grabbed a few of Skyfire's letters along with the instructions for Princess Heart.

A few moments later, Vivid appeared.

"Well, did you find anything?" I asked her.

"Just some stuff from somepony called 'Skyfire'." Vivid answered.

"Really?" I said, "And just what were these things?"

Vivid's purple face turned green, "Love poems."

". . . " I paused. "Do you have them?"

"YOU ARE SICK!" She shouted at me.

". . . " I looked at her for another moment.

". . ." She paused. "Yes. . . I do. . " With that she gave me the poems.

"Alright, seeing as we have no clue where the crime scene is, let's go visit this Princess Heart." I told Vivid.

"Yay. More changelings." She sighed.

April 7, 2:30 PM
Canterlot Palace
Ambassador's Offices, Office No. 1

Posh was the first word that came to mind when I saw Heart's office. It was tidy, cushy, and it even had a butler in the background.

"Miss Heart will be with you shortly." He informed us in a bored monotone.

I gave him my thanks and went to examine the room. Besides a painting and a list of names, nothing else was worth noting.

The painting, which sat behind Heart's desk, portrayed a changeling using magic to create some sort of glow around a pony who looked like a liar of some sort. I pondered what it could mean, but after a few minutes I turned to the list of names. Amongst the names, Velum's name was listed. "Canterlot District" was scribbled next to his name. I decided to see which changeling was in ponyville with Rarity. I found the name "Sweetie Drops" next to the word "Ponyvile", after that, the word "Rogue" was written.

Sadly, the list only had one bit of importance, and that was proof that Velum worked for Princess Heart.

"Can I help you?" Asked a young feminine voice. I turned to find myself face to face with a changeling.

"Princess Heart?" I asked quickly.

"That's me." Heart replied, "I assume that you're here about the 'horrible monster of your's that killed the innocent pony'?"

I noted the tired tone in her voice. "I suppose that's oe way to put it, I'm a defense attorney. Malum Prohibitum."

"An attorney?" Heart whispered, "One that's willing to help?"

"Yes, I need to know more about this case." I confirmed.

"Well then, what to say?" Heart wondered, "The victim, Starry Skies, was killed in her apartment yesterday."

"And the cause?" I wondered.

"She was stabbed. By a horn." Heart explained.

I paused in confusion, "Wouldn't a spell be easier to do then a stabbing?"

"Trust me, that confuses me as much as it does you." Heart agreed.

"All right then, all I need now is the apartment number so I can investigate." I told her.

"I think that it would be easier if I take you, the cops won't let anypony in." Heart explained.

"I just have one question." Vivid spoke up, "Did he really not know my sister?"

"I'm sorry, who?" Heart asked in a confused tone.

"Velum, did he really not know who my sister was?" Vivid clarified.

"As far as I know, Velum never met with Starry Skies." Heart answered her.

"Then why is she gone?" Vivid asked nopony in particular.

Both Heart and I just stared back in silence. Then, I put a hoof on Vivid's shoulder.

"I promise I will find the truth." I told her.

"I suggest getting to the crime scene then." Heart told me.

"Malum?" Vivid spoke timidly, "You go with heart. I need to lay down."

I nodded, "Go to my office. I have some comfy couches there."

Vivid gave a smal smile before leaving. I turned to Heart. "Lead the way."

April 7, 3:10 PM
Canterlot Apartment Complex
Room ???, Starry Skies's room.

The crime scene was abuzz with police, and a detective I recognized from my last case.

"HEY PAL!" Silver Wings, Canterlot's main detective, shouted at me, "What do you think you're doing here?"

"Easy detective, he's with me." Heart replied.

"Oh, you." He huffed, "Bout time you showed up."

"So Detective," I said hesitantly, "What exactly happened?"

"Are you serious? Like I'm going to tell you." Silver replied with a glare.

I flinched before asking my next question, "It was a stabbing, right?"

"Yep. And the Cangeling did it." Silver confirmed.

"Do you have proof he did it?" I asked him.

"We in fact have two pieces of evidence!" Silver boasted, "But I'm not going to tell you."

I sighed, What are you, 9?, "Okay, but was there a motive?"

"As far as I know, he was asked by Chrysalis to do this." Silver explained.

"Did you forget that I took over for my mother? Her words and whishes no longer hold power over my subjects." Heart told him sternly.

"Oh right, sorry." Silver sighed.

"Do you know about what time this happened?" I asked Silver.

"It happened yesterday night, about nine PM." Silver answered, he then turned as another pony yelled something to him.

"Listen pal, I have to go back to the precinct. You can feel free to explore the crime scene. We already got what we wanted." With that, Silver left.

"All right, let's make haste." I told Heart. Heart nodded and went to the bedroom. I turned and entered the kitchen.

Inside, I found a few papers. One was a love letter from "Masked Lover", another was a flyer for some sort of pen pal dating service thing. I thought it would be helpful, so I grabbed them. I then walked into the living room. There, a window was opened and there was tape marking the body's posistion. Near the wall, a crumpled peice of paper had been tossed aside.

I picked it up in my magic and read its message.

To: Skyfire
You still owe my buisness 100,000 bits. If you do not pay up on my visit on April 6th, I'm afraid I must take matters into my own hooves.
Amos Voluntas

My eyes widened in surprise as I made a connection. Just then, Princess Heart walked out of the bedroom.

"I couldn't find anything. Jus some poems" Heart sighed, "This looks hopeless."

"Princess, the number for this room, it wasn't on the door." I stated, "Do you know what it was?"

"I believe it was 2033" Heart replied, "Why?"

"Because I have a question for Velum." I told her as I left the apartment.

April 7, 4:00 PM
Canterlot Detention Center
Visitor's room No. 1

"So, did you find anything good?" Velum asked as Heart and I entered the room.

"You could say that, but, I think I should ask a question first." I told him.

"Shoot." Velum answered.

"Have you ever, in any way, contacted or met Starry Skies?" I asked him.

"Uh. . . . well. . . . I have to say. . . no." Velum said hesitantly. As soon as he said 'no', a red glow appeared around him.

"What is that?!" I asked in shock.

"It's a lie detector spell of mine, red means he's lying." Heart explained.

"So?" Velum snapped, "Unless you have proof I talked to her, or anyone one for that matter, I'm afraid the answer is still no."

I shook my head, "Let me think about it."

Heart and I turned away from him to discuss how we should proceed.

"Alright, all you have to do is ask again, then present evidence to break apart the lie. The deeper the red, the deeper the lie. Once you start, the aura will change colors until it reaches green." Heart explained.

"Alright, let's break apart the lie." I said, turning to Velum, "Velum, have you ever, in any way, contacted or met Starry Skies?"

"No." Velum answered curtly.

"I think you're lying, and I might have the proof to back my claim." I told Velum.

"Oh yeah, well where is this proof that I ws talking to her, or anypony for that matter?" Velum asked me.

"The proof you were talking to a pony is. . " I said before presenting the evidence.

"Love poems from a 'Starfire123'." I exclaimed. Velum flinched and the aura turned to a orange color.

"So you found poems, how do you know that I didn't write them?" Velum asked.

"Because, you were going to meet her, and here's the proof!"

"My to do list?" Velum said uncertaintly.

"Specifically, the third thing on the list: 'Meet Strfire in room 2033'." I explained. Velum flinched again as the aura changed to a yellow orange.

"But you have nothing that can link Starry and Starfire together!" Velum protested.

"Oh really? I think I do, and it's with these!"

"More love letters?" Velum deadpanned.

"Indeed, letters adressed to 'Masked Lover'." I explained, "And I think that name fits a changeling really well."

"But how do these prove the connection?" Velum protested.

"Because of where I found them." I answered, "In the victim's apartment. Which is also room 2033."

"Gah!" Velum gasped, his aura turned green. Velum hung his head, "You got me, I actually knew her. I talked to her through those letters."

"Speaking of which, what is with the code names?" I wondered.

"I was with a program that would send my letters for me. Anonymously." Velum explained.

"And Starry was with them too?" I guessed.

"Yeah, it's a dating service." Velum confirmed, "We actually didn't know who the other could have been until one of us mentioned where we lived."

"So it was luck that you two got each other's letter?" I asked.

"Yes. But I was happy, she was a beautiful mare." Velum sighed whimsically.

"Is there anything you can tell me about the dating service?" I asked.

"Let's see. . . they are free of charge. They deliver messages fast. And they use a special spell to bring ponies together." Velum listed.

"Hmm. . ." I hummed, my mind now on the bill. Who is the pony that Starry owed?

"I guess we should leave and get ready for the trial tomorrow." Heart said.

"I suppose so, but I'll get rid of some evidence first." I said. Heart left the detention center while I put a few things in a nearby garbage can.

I paused as I looked at Velum's to-do list. Then I turned to him. "Velum, one question, did you enter the victim's apartment on the day of the murder?"

Velum sat quietly for a moment before answering, "No." And a red aura sprang around him.

. . . . To be continued.

Author's Note:

Court Record:
Malum Prohibitum: Me. A defense attorney. Wha else can I say?
Vivid Dream: Sister of the victim.
Starry Skies: The victim in this case. Was found in her apartment.
Velum: A changeling who was accused of murdering Starry.
Princess Heart: The new ruler of the changelings. Can detect lies.
Silver Wings: The noodle loving detective.

Defense Attorney's badge: Proof that I am an attorney.
Royal Slip: This can be used to search high security areas in the castle should a princess be accused.
Love Notes: Notes from both the victim and suspect to each other.
Letter of Debt: A letter to the victim, claiming a debt of 100,000 bits is due.
List of names: A list of changelings that work under Princess Heart.

Welp, how did you guys like the aura thing?:applejackunsure: