• Published 2nd Sep 2015
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Malum Prohibitum: Ace Equestrian Attorney - Paradox Theory

The continuing adventures of defense attorney Malum Prohibitum.

  • ...

Case 3: Turnabout Retribution. Trial part one.

October 30th, 8:45 AM
Canterlot Courthouse
Defendant Lobby No. 1

"Durum." Malum said, breaking the silence, "I'm still unprepared for this. Is there anything else I should know?"

"No." Durum answered curtly, "There's nothing else."

"Pal!" Silver wing exclaimed, barging into the defendant lobby, "Boy am I glad to see you!"

"What is it Silver? What are you here for?" Malum asked.

"The bottle you had me investigate, I got the results back. It seems that the entire bottle had been poisoned." Silver explained.

"So, where does that leave us?" Malum asked, taking the bottle from Silver.

"I'm not sure pal, it's not looking good. . ." Silver sighed.

"Our main problem. . ." Princess Heart hummed, "Is how we're going to place a third pony on the scene?"

Malum gulped. "I wish I knew. . ."

"Will the defense make their way to the courtroom?" The bailiff asked.

"Well, here goes." Malum sighed.

October 30th, 9:00 AM
Canterlot Courthouse
Courtroom Number One.

Everypony falls quiet as the judge slammed his gavel.

"Court is now in session for the case of. . .Durum Circa?" He gasped. "H-how?"

"Don't worry your honor. This case will be simple." Malum answered.

The Judge shook his head. "No, I mean. . .how is it possible for him to be involved in a third murder?!"

"W-what?" Mora Circa exclaimed, wrapping her forehooves around herself. "What other two murder cases?!"

Malum showed her a dated newspaper. "These two. Your mom is a victim."

The court burst into angry rambling.

"Why is he defending a murderer?"

"Durum has been hiding this for years!"

"Mommy, is the guy in the vest a bad pony?"

Malum shook it off quickly. "The Defense is ready, your Honor."

Mora recovered as well, "The Prosecution stands ready."

"Then will the prosecution give their opening statement?" The Judge asked.

"On the night of the 28th, Durum Circa and Quartz Wine were dining when she dropped dead. The cause of death was poisoning." Mora explained. "As it stands, I have all the evidence I need to prove my father guilty."

The Judge spluttered and dropped his gavel. "Wh-what?!"

Malum slammed his hooves on his desk. "So how do you plan to prove it?"

"First, the autopsy report. Death was instantaneous. She died at 10:30 in the morning." Mora explained. "And I'd like to call a witness as well."

"Who is this witness?" The Judge asked.

Mora smiled, "I will call the Detective to testify of his findings."

A few minutes later found Silver Wings at the stand. "Hey all."

"Witness, name and occupation." Mora demanded.

"Slver Wings, head detective." Silver answered.

"Detective, is it true that Durum was there when his wife was poisoned?" The judge asked.

"Yes." Silver answered shortly.

"Then testify to the court what happened that day." The Judge asked.


"On the day in question, Durum was dining with his new fiance."

"After he poured her her wine, she dropped dead."

"Then, Mora Circa showed up at her father's home."

"That's all we could figure out."

"Well. . . I don't see any other way it could've happened. Defense, I'm not sure why you thought you could win this one." The Judge spoke after a pause.

Malum gave an exasperated grin. "Well, if I could cross examine this testimony, I might be able to provide something for my case."

"Hmm. . .all right. . ." The Judge conceded.


"On the day in question, Durum was dining with his new fiance."

"How did you know that? Was there any food out?" Malum asked.

"Why. . .No there wasn't!" Silver Wings exclaimed.

Mora grinned. "Can you prove that they hadn't cleaned up before the time of death?"

"N-no. . ." Malum gulped.

"Carry on with your testimony." Mora said to Silver.

"Y-yes ma'am." Silver sighed.

"After he poured her her wine, she dropped dead."

"How long did it take for the poison to kill her?" Malum wondered.

"Death was instantaneous." Silver replied.

Malum gaped. This isn't making it easier for me.

"Then, Mora Circa showed up at her father's home."

". . ." Malum paused.

"If you are wondering, she was dead by the time I got there." Mora explained.

"Oh. . .alright. . ." Malum gulped.

"That's all we could figure out."

"Are you sure?" Malum asked.

"Absolutely." Silver replied. "Nothing else happened."

"Then I'm afraid you need to do better." Malum smiled. "Because something else did happen!"

"W-what? What happened?!" Silver spluttered.

"Durum was updating his will." Malum explained, presenting the will. "And if your Honor will read the will, you'll see my client has no motive."

"Hmm. . . he's right! A good portion of Durum's belongings were going to the victim!" The Judge exclaimed. "He had no motive!"

Mora threw her hooves over her head in a fit of rage.

"But, where does that leave us?" The Judge asked.

Malum smiled wider. "Glad you asked, I have another will here." He then presented an older will.

"Who's. . .Bronze Goblet?" The Judge asked.

"I don't know." Malum admitted. "I believe he's a friend of the family."

"Hmm. . " The Judge hummed. "Prosecution, is Malum right about this claim. Is Bronze Goblet a friend of family?"

"Yes, yes he is. . ." Mora muttered.

"So. . . what does this mean?" The Judge wondered.

"It means. . .well it means. ." Malum sighed. "It just means that Durum was updating his will."

"Exactly!" Mora exclaimed, "Nothing has changed."

"Malum?" Princess Heart asked. "How do we get a third pony on the crime scene?"

"We. . . we can't. . ." Malum slammed his head down on his desk.

"That was. . .the shortest trial I've ever witnessed." The judge admitted. "I think I can hand down a verdict. I find the defendant. . ."

"Your Honor." Mora smiled. "Before we get a verdict, I'd like to hear my father testify."

"You want him to confess?" The judge asked, baffled.

"Yes." Mora smiled.

"Then may the defense take the stand?" The Judge asked Durum, who moved to the witness stand.

"Witness, name and occupation." Mora asked her father, acting professional as always.

"I am Durum Circa. I am a Prosecuting Attorney." Durum answered.

"Mr. Circa, could you tell us about the day from your point of view?" The Judge asked.

"Alright." Durum sighed.

"And, if you will, please state it as testimony." The Judge added.

Durum nodded as he prepared to bear his testimony to the court.


"It was a day I had been planning for for a long time."

"As we were working out the will, we decided to have some wine."

"I opened the bottle and poured my fiance a glass."

"I had to use the restroom, and when I came back, she was dead."

Malum was sweating bullets as the Judge hummed in thought. "That all seems pretty straightforward." He answered.

"May I cross examine him, your honor?" Malum asked.

"I don't see why not. . . we're sort of ahead of schedule anyways." The Judge answered.


"It was a day I had been planning for for a long time."

"Why didn't you do it sooner?" Malum asked. "Surely you could've done it earlier."

"We. . had conflicting schedules." Durum admitted.

The Judge nodded. "I understand completely. I usually have plans for lunch but end up missing it for trials."

Why is he glaring at me? Malum thought to himself.

"As we were working out the will, we decided to have some wine."

"So, did you have anything to eat before hand?" Malum asked.

"That's irrelevant." Mora huffed.

"She's right. Defense, please keep your questions relevant." The Judge agreed.

Malum gulped. "Y-yes your honor."

"Tell us what happened next?" The Judge asked Durum.

"I opened the bottle and poured my fiance a glass."

"Was that the first time you opened the bottle that day?"

"Yes. Yes it was. That was the first time I had opened the bottle since I bought it." Durum answered.

"Your Honor," Malum asked, "Could I have that last statement added to the testimony?"

"Durum, do you mind appending your testimony?" The Judge asked.

"No sir." Durum answered.

The Judge nodded, "Then please add it."

"It was the first time I had opened the bottle since I had bought it."

"Finally." Malum smiled, "Finally we can begin to see what really happened."

"What are you talking about?" Mora hissed.

"See this bottle?" Malum asked, showing the court the wine bottle, still filled with wine. "Tests reveal that the entire bottle was poisoned."

"And. . .what does that mean exactly?" The Judge asked.

"It means. . ." Malum smiled. "Durum could not have poisoned her!"

"He obviously poisoned the bottle before they drank it!" Mora protested.

"He didn't have time. He was busy working on his will. Quartz Wine would have seen the poisoning happen." Malum explained.

"T-then he poisoned the bottle afterwards to make it look like somepony else did it!" Mora countered.

"He couldn't have, because at that time YOU showed up! He didn't have time to do it afterwords!" Malum smiled, finally getting some momentum in the case.

Mora screeched, and slammed her head on her desk. The court burst into an uproar, only for the Judge to silence them.

"W-well. . . that certainly changed pace." The Judge commented. "But if the defendant couldn't have poisoned the victim, then who could?"

Mora smiled. "Yes, I'd like to hear the defense explain it. After all, there was only two ponies there, and I doubt the victim intended to poison herself."

Malum smiled. "That's because there was a third pony there."

"Oh? Do tell. . .who poisoned the bottle?" Mora hissed.

"Simple, the third pony was. . .Bronze Goblet!" Malum exclaimed, causing Durum to to break out in a sweat.

"How is this pony connected?!" Mora shouted. "Tell us why he'd be involved!"

"Simple." Malum smiled, "It's because of the older will. You remember. . ." He then showed Mora the will. "The one where he gets your mother's safe!"

Mora screeched again as The Judge slammed his gavel.

"I think. . .I think I'd like to talk to this Bronze Goblet." The Judge said, breaking the silence that had fallen on the court.

"I'll. . .I'll go locate him." Mora huffed.

The Judge nodded. "In the meantime, Court will adjourn for an hour recess." He smacked his gavel, and everypony left the courtroom.

October 30th, 11:00 AM
Canterlot Courthouse,
Defendant's Lobby No. 1

"What are you thinking?!" Durum raged as soon as the doors close. "You can't take on Bronze Goblet, you just can't!"

"What else would you have me do? Forfeit?" Malum asked. "I know for a fact you aren't the killer, and I'll aim to prove it."

Durum sighed in defeat. "Just like your father. He never backed down from a challenge. . ."

"Wait. . .how do you know my dad?" Malum wondered.

"He was once the world's finest Defense Attorney. In his last case, he went against me. It was my first case." Durum paused. "And a magic bomb ended it all too soon."

"So. . .that's how he died?" Malum sighed.

"Yes. His body was never recovered." Durum spoke softly.

"Then I guess I'll figure that out tomorrow. Today, I'm ending this trial with a not guilty verdict!" Malum exclaimed, making Durum jump.

Heart then spoke up, "Malum. Please, be careful."

"I will Princess." Malum answered. "You have my word."

"Will the defense and the defendant make their way to the court room?" The Bailiff asked.

With that, Malum and Durum walked through the doors of the courtroom.

October 30th, 12:00 PM
Canterlot Courthouse
Courtroom No. 1

The Judge smacked his gavel. "Court is now back in session for the trial of Durum Circa."

"The Defense is ready, your honor." Malum spoke.

"The Prosecution, would like to warn the defense." Mora hissed, "Bronze Goblet is a very influential pony. If you insult or waste his time, it will be very bad for you."

The Judge nodded. "Thank you Prosecution. You may now call your witness."

"We call the friend of the Circa family. The same the Defense has accused." Mora answered,

A pegasus with a golden coat and a red-streaked silver mane took the stand. "Hello everypony."

"Witness, state your name and occupation." Mora answered.

"I am Bronze Goblet, friend of Durum Circa and family." Bronze answered, talking slowly and calmly, as if he wasn't phased.

"Do you know why you are here?" Mora asked.

"Because the defense seems to believe I was on the scene of the crime." Bronze answered, simply smiling at the court.

"Mr. Goblet, could you tell us what exactly you were doing on the day of the murder?" The Judge asked.

"Of course." Bronze smiled.


"The day started like all the others."

"About midday, I received a letter from Durum."

"It asked me to come, alone, to my friend's house."

"When I got there, Quartz was already dead, and the police were swarming the place."

"That's all that happened."

"Hmm, that sounds pretty solid." The Judge conceded. "But I still have to ask the defense if they would cross examine you."

Malum slammed his hooves on his desk. "Of course we will."

"So, this is the great Malum Prohibitum?" Bronze spoke slowly, looking at Malum. "The son of Scelus Prohibitum?"

"I am." Malum answered.

"Interesting." Bronze chuckled. "Do your worst."


"The day started like all the others."

"And how was that exactly?" Malum wondered.

"I got up, took a shower, ate breakfast. The works." Bronze smiled.

"Malum. I think we should ask questions relevant to the case." Heart told Malum.

The Judge nodded. "It would be wise to listen to your co-council."

"About midday, I received a letter from Durum."

"Do you still have the letter?" Malum wondered.

"It's right here." Bronze answered, showing the court the letter.

The Judge read the letter, then spoke. "It seems. . . he's telling the truth."

"You could even do hoofwriting analysis on it. Durum wrote it." Bronze added.

"The court accepts this letter as evidence." The Judge answered.

Malum glanced over the letter, and noticed that it said to show up about 9 in the morning.

"You may continue witness." The Judge said.

"When I got there, Quartz was already dead, and the police were swarming the place."

"Are you absolutely sure that you got there when the letter said?" Malum asked.

"Absolutely. I followed it to the letter." Bronze answered.

"Then I'm afraid that you got there before Quartz wine was dead." Malum pointed out.

"What?!" Mora hissed.

"You see, the letter said to come at nine, an HOUR AND A HALF before she died from the poisoning." Malum smiled.

". . .Good job, Prohibitum." Bronze chuckled. "Now tell me, how do you intend to prove that I was the one that committed the crime?"

"I. . .I don't know yet." Malum admitted.

"Witness." The Judge spoke up, "You knowingly lied to the court?"

"Yes, your honor." Bronze smiled. "It was just a small test for the defense."

"I want you to testify about the moments leading up to the murder, and no lying." The Judge explained.

"Of course, right away." Bronze answered.


"As the defense said, I arrived at 9."

"We sat down at the dining table and did not eat."

"After a few minutes, Quartz wanted a drink, and I was asked to fetch some wine."

"That must have been when Durum laced the glass."

"When I got back, he poured her glass and she dropped dead after one sip."

"Before either of us could act, Mora knocked at the door."

"That is all that had happened."

"Hmm. . ." The Judge hummed. "That makes sense."

"Malum, that testimony has a hole in it." Heart said. "I know it."

Malum said nothing as his gaze never left Bronze.


"As the defense said, I arrived at 9."

"Did anything happen upon your arrival?" Malum wondered.

"Nope. Nothing at all." Bronze answered.

"You're going to have to do better then that." Mora sneered.

"We sat down at the dining table and did not eat."

"Why not? From what it sounds like, Durum and Quartz should have at least been eating." Malum pointed out.

"We all ate rather early. After all, it was an eventful day." Bronze smiled.

This guy doesn't seem to crack in anyway. Malum thought to himself.

"After a few minutes, Quartz wanted a drink, and I was asked to fetch some wine."

"How long were you away?" Malum asked.

"Well, Durum has an expansive wine cellar, and several different options. I took at least fifteen minutes to pick one." Bronze explained.

"I understand that struggle all to well. I too, get overwhelmed when I have a few choices." The Judge spoke. "Like the other day when I went to get coffee."

Malum cringed at the thought.

"That must have been when Durum laced the glass."

"I'm afraid that's impossible." Malum smiled.

"How so?" The Judge asked.

"Well, first we have the victim. There's no way she would have missed her fiance lacing an empty glass." Malum explained, "and the second thing is that the poison was elsewhere."

"Where else could the poison be?" Mora asked.

"Why, inside the wine bottle itself!" Malum exclaimed, showing the court the wine bottle. "It was laced with the same poison that killed Quartz."

Bronze chuckled. "Tell me lawyer, can you prove when that bottle was laced with poison?"

". . . Well. . ." Malum paused.

"How about I tell you all when it was laced?" Bronze asked.

"Y. . .You knew about this?" The Judge asked.

"I'm sorry I didn't bring it up sooner, your honor." Bronze answered. "But, if it will help, the bottle was laced before the murder."

"But that's impossible!" Malum protested. "Durum hadn't left his fiance's side the entire day!"

"Not only that," Heart spoke up, "But how would you know that?"

Bronze didn't seemed to be fazed. "That's your job, defense. To answer those questions."

Malum closed his eyes in thought. "Poisoning it after the murder would be stupid. . . and Durum didn't have the time. . ."

Bronze gave a crooked smile as the defense fell silent in thought.

"Defense," The Judge spoke up. "Can you tell us how the bottle got poisoned?"

Malum looked up at Bronze. "You said you were gone fifteen minutes. I wonder if you had been working with poison during that time."

"So what you are insinuating is that I poisoned the bottle before bringing it back to Durum?" Bronze summarized.

"Exactly!" Malum smiled.

Bronze chuckled. "Then I have only one problem. My motive, what was it?"

Malum presented the old will, "You wanted the safe mentioned in this will. Or, whatever is inside of it."

". . . But that would mean that my target would have been Durum." Bronze answered.

"No, it WAS Durum." Malum stated, "But the fiance drank first."

Bronze smiled. "Well done Attorney. Well done."

"What. . what's going on?" The Judge asked, now lost.

"I did it. I poisoned Quartz Wine in an attempt to kill Durum Circa." Bronze Goblet confessed, he then looked at Durum. "Take me away, and I'll tell you everything."

The bailiff took Bronze away as the Judge smacked his gavel to quiet the courtroom.

"Malum, that was too easy." Heart spoke up.

Malum looked over at Durum. "I have a bad feeling about this."

"In light of the confession we heard, I'd like to pass Judgement." The Judge spoke up. "The Court finds Durum Circa. . ."

The whole court held their breath as Durum spoke up. "I'm not innocent!" He yelled. "I did it! I killed those two mares all those years ago!"

With that, the court burst into a roar of confusion and anger.

"Order! Order in the court!" The Judge sighed. "And here I thought this would be easy."

Mora slammed her hooves. "The prosecution asks for a day to investigate this claim."

"The Defense asks the same." Malum answered.

The Judge hummed. "Alright then. Court will adjourn for the day, and tomorrow, we will hear Durum's confession."

The Judge then smacked his gavel, and the courtroom emptied. Every pair of eyes in the court was on only one pony. Durum Circa.

To be continued. . .

Author's Note:

Court Record:

Malum Prohibitum. Me, what else can I say?
Princess Heart: A changeling Princess in charge of Changeling Immigration and such. Has the power to show the auras of those who lie.
Durum Circa: A renowned Prosecutor who happens to be accused of murdering his fiance.
Quartz Wine: A Canterlot noble. Was to marry Durum before her death.
Silver Wings: The Detective in charge of this case.
Mora Circa: Heiress of the Circa fortune and the only daughter of Durum.
Bronze Goblet: All I know of him is that he was a friend of the Circa family.
Sleuth: A known thief and apparently my uncle.
Shrouded Blade: My mother, a notorious thief who went missing many years ago.

Attorney Badge: With this, I am allowed to defend in court.
Newspaper clip #1: Recent paper with speculation about Durum's retirment.
Newspaper clip #2: Dated paper about two other murders in Circa Manor.
Dated Photo: Photo Showing the victim of the first murder in Circa Manor. Shows her and Durum's daughter, Mora.
Wine Glass: The victim drank from this glass before death. The liquid contains a poison.
Durum's Will #1: A dated will that had things assigned to Bronze Goblet and Mora Circa.
Durum's Will #2: A recent will that assigns things to Mora and Quartz, but wrote Bronze out all together.
Autopsy Report(new): The victim died immediately from poisoning at 10:30 AM.
Wine Bottle(new): After examination, was found to be laced with the same poison that killed the victim.