• Published 2nd Sep 2015
  • 673 Views, 32 Comments

Malum Prohibitum: Ace Equestrian Attorney - Paradox Theory

The continuing adventures of defense attorney Malum Prohibitum.

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Case 2 Turnabout Thievery Day One: Investigation

September 15th, 8:15 AM
Canterlot Detention Center
Visitor's Room No. 1

"Well. . . I was asked to steal something, and when I got to the item's location, a pony was laying dead!" Sleuth told me.

"So, you're saying that you found the crime scene?" I asked quietly.

"Yes, exactly!" Sleuth answered enthusiastically.

"And was there anypony else on the crime scene?" I asked him.

"No. Just me and the victim." Sleuth verified.

"Alright. . .now, what exactly do you mean when you said you were a 'thief'?" I wondered.

". . ." Sleuth paused, "I suppose it's because I am raised in a family of them. My dad was one, and so was his parents."

"You mean, your ancestors were all great thieves?" I verified.

"Well, thieves for hire. We were paid to steal things." Sleuth answered, "Actually, now that I think of it, you look familiar. . "

"Hmm, well, in any case, I'll be going to the crime scene." I told him, not completely sure he was innocent.



September 15th 8:30 AM
Canterlot Statue Gardens
East Side

The crime scene was crawling with police. The body was already gone, moved to be examined for the autopsy. And heading the case was none other then Silver Wings.

"Well, if it isn't Malum." Silver huffed, "Here to defend a crook?"

"I'm here to find the truth," I replied, "And I don't figure you will help either."

Silver shook his head, "Nope. I won't."

"Fine then, may I still look around?" I asked, knowing it'll most likely go nowhere.

"Well, my boys ain't done yet, come back in an hour or so." Silver chortled.

I gave a short glare to him before an idea struck. "That's fine, I can examine the west side first then."

Silver chuckled again, "Knock yourself out."

I nodded to him before heading to the west side of the gardens. I pulled out the complimentary map I was given and began to analyze the scene.

The garden was separated into four parts, and they all met at a fountain in the center, which you had to pass to get to the other parts of the garden. Only two exits were labeled, on the east and west sides. I frowned, the east side exit went directly into the palace, which means the killer, victim, and suspect had to approach from the west side.

One good thing about the west side and east side of the gardens is that they are mirrors of each other, so I won't have much problems seeing what's out of place.

As far as the west side was concerned, there were three sets of hoofprints. Two going east, one west. So, naturally, I jotted that down.

Next came the statues, there were about five on this side. Three were ponies of the past, one was of a wendigo, and the last was a large pony that I didn't recognize.

Knowing that something was hidden in the gardens, I began searching the statues to see if I could find a hollowed out one.

The large pony happened to be hollow, and inside was three things: An old picture of two young mares and Sleuth. A letter, and a contract. Making sure the police couldn't see, I stuffed these into my pockets.

I gave the west side one more look around, but I didn't see anything else that could be a clue. Nodding to myself, I made my way east.


Luckily for me, the east side was now empty of police, aside from the one guarding the palace entrance.

Like the west side, five statues sat in the same order. The large pony had a second statue here, and it had the victim's blood on it. I looked inside the hollowed out statue to find only a key, an old rusted key. Nothing else. I stuffed the key in my pocket.

I examined the hoofprints of the scene, which was considerably hard thanks to the police. But, luckily, I was able to find at least one set separated from the rest. Only, it was heading north from the hollowed out statue.

I jotted down a quick note about the prints then pulled the picture out again.

I now had several questions for Sleuth.


September 15th 9:00 AM
Canterlot Detention Center
Visitor's Room

Slueth was whistling a tune when I entered.

"Having fun?" I asked him as I pulled out the letter from the hollowed out statue.

"Oh, yes. I found out who you are. I do believe I am in good hooves." He said with a laugh. "I'm as good as free!"

"Only if you tell me the truth." I sighed, now unfolding the letter. "We'll start with this letter. . "

Dear Sleuth,

You won't believe who hired us for this heist. A member of the Canterlot Council!

But, I have some very sad news, about what they wanted us to steal. It's too big a piece of evidence, and letting them have it would have us caught for treason against the crown.

Me and Feather must hide, live normal lives. I don't know when you'll get this, but I can never speak to you again. . .

I paused for a moment as the writing changed, it was more rushed, and less faded then the first bit.


I'm getting worried, I received word from Feather. An agent of that council member found her, and is forcing her to show him the hiding place. . . I can't let him know.

There's an even bigger problem now, I have a son, and Feather has a daughter. They must never know who we really are, or what we've done.

I have one last request for you, before I go to Canterlot. Go to the Canterlot Statue Gardens and retrieve the key that hides there.

I love you, brother.

Shrouded Blade.

The visitor's room fell silent after I had finished the letter.

"Now you know. Why I was there." Sleuth finally whispered, breaking the silence.

"You came back to the gardens to see if your sister left you anything?" I surmised.

"I knew about the heist." Sleuth admitted. "There were a many great things we would've scored. But Blade, she learned about the corruption of that Council Member."

"And she made her and her sister targets." I finished.

"And now, I have to find that hiding place." Sleuth muttered darkly. "I have to avenge her, to remove that politician from power."

"And that's why another thief was there, to stop you and find this evidence before you could." I guessed.

Sleuth nodded. "And if I'm found guilty, that safe will remain locked forever."

Vivid, who had been silent the entire time, suddenly spoke up "Should we, defend him? Could something worse happen if we don't?"

I looked back at Sleuth. I knew in my gut that he didn't kill anypony. But I had one last piece of evidence to check.

I pulled out the paper labeled "contract" and read it.

Contract of The Great Thieves

I, the Black Bandit, having been assigned by an unnamed client, do solemnly swear to retrieve the items listed below from the Canterlot Gardens.

And by swearing this Contract, I must see it through, or die trying.

The list of items was rather short, just a key and the letter to Sleuth.

I looked to Vivid, "I know who the victim is now."

"The Black Bandit." Slueth stated, "He and I have had our run ins. But if it is truly him, them I am concerned."

"Why?" I wondered.

"He has never been caught while carrying out a contract. And now a third party wants the letter too." Sleuth explained, "I feel as though the trial will be very informative."

I nodded, "Consider me your lawyer now."

Sleuth smiled. "Great!"

Author's Note:

Court Record:

Malum Prohibitum: Me, I'm a defense attorney, what more can I say?
Vivid Dream: My friend and assistant.
Sleuth: The suspect of the crime. Claims to be a thief.
Silver Wings: The Detective in charge of this case. Smells like instant noodles.

Attorney's Badge: Proof of my profession.
Royal slip: Gives me free reign to search the castle should one of the Princesses be accused.
Crime Scene: At least four sets of hoof prints were located on the scene. Two going East, one West, and one North.
Shrouded Blade's letter: A letter to Slueth from his sister. Details a plot to hide incriminating evidence from a member of the Canterlot Council.
Contract: A Contract signed by the Black Bandit. The purpose is to retrieve certain items from the gardens.
Key: An old key found in a hollowed out statue. It is unknown what lock it fits into.
Picture: A picture of Sleuth and his sisters.

Wow. I Got a lot of stuff unloaded on this one. Could probably pull off only one or two chapters for the trial and just end this case.

Oh well, enjoy.