• Published 23rd Aug 2015
  • 4,842 Views, 105 Comments

Tale of Loki 2: Into the Void - Mega NewWays97

Loki is back. Now with two voices his head and a infinite void, can he find his way back home? Also how can he adopt to being the god of balance? The Answer is.....

  • ...

Loki is back. The world without a moon.

Author's Note:

Here it is, the Sequel to Chaos is Displaced!

This chapter was edited by m2pt5/emtu

Also any Question's? Ask in Comments.

"Look I said I was sorry." A magic blast went right past the cloaked being.

"Loki, it's kinda pointless, everyone is evil in this universe," Discord, in astral form, said as he appeared next to him.

"I mean seriously you can sense the magic of this universe." Next was an Anthro version of Twilight also in astral form.

"Yeah well excuse me!" Loki said as he dodged another blast from the evil Celestia as she attempted to blast him.

"Sorry sonny, but I don't have time for this." As the blast came Loki grabbed it in his talons and with a flick sent it back at her.

The blast struck the evil Celestia and she crumpled to the ground. "Why did you even bother coming to this universe?" the anthro Twilight projection asked.

"Because I was in the mood for some conversation other than the two of you," Loki answered as he dodged a blast from the evil Luna.

"Yes, and how is that working for us?" the projection of Discord asked.

"I get it, I goofed up on coming here. So what's the ETA on us leaving?" Loki asked.

"Oh, we've been ready for about five seconds now." Loki's expression went blank for a second as he snapped his talons and flashed out of existence just as the evil Rainbow Dash went in for a flying tackle. Back in the void Loki was glaring at the two projections floating in front of him.

"Come on Loki, where's that smile?" Discord asked.

Loki glared harder. "I told you both to tell me the moment I could leave, what part of that did you... screw it," Loki said waving his talons at them both.

He looked out and started to float away. "Oh come on, you'll find your way home... eventually," the anthro Twilight projection said.

Loki grabbed his chest again. "Not again." Ever since he had became a Void Dweller his chest had hurt and his powers had been flaring up.

"Everyone hang on..." Discord said as Loki's powers flared up again and he was sent flying through the void at random passing a few dwellers. Finally he felt himself smash into something. Sand. Lots of sand.

"Where are we? Please don't tell me I'm at the beach," Loki groaned.

"No it seems to be a desert... and the sun is out... and not moving," Discord said. Loki got up and went to try to sense. He could feel that this was Equestria.

"Great... the sun is up on one side of the planet and the moon... where is the moon?" Loki tried to sense the presence of the moon with his magic but couldn't seem to find anything. "Uhh guys, I can't seem to find the moon," Loki stated nervously.

"What do you think that means?" the Twilight projection asked.

"It could mean a number of things," Discord answered. "Our magic could be on the fritz after that flare. Or, there is no moon on this Equestria, for one reason or another."

"Well, that's certainly awful. Do you think we should find somebody to tell us about this world and help out this Equestria?"

"What's the point?" the Twilight projection asked.

"If these ponies were stupid enough to blow up their moon I don't see why we should even try to help them. Don't you want to get back to your home quickly?"

"Well, I don't see why we can't help," Discord chimed in. "We do have a literal eternity to get back to our original Equestria after all."

Loki decided to figure out why the moon was gone. "Discord has a point, we technically do have all the time we need, besides I want to know why." Loki said. He summoned up what magic he could to locate the nearest settlement. Turns out it was under his feet, Literally. "Great they are underground, wouldn't blame them," Loki said. He attempted to teleport but his magic flared again and he found he couldn't. 'Okay that's just...' He smashed the ground in frustration. The impact caused the sand under him to be compressed like it was hit with a mountain. As you could guess it soon sank into the area under him. "Oh just my fu..." He was consumed by the sand itself into a long winding tunnel network.

After about a few hours, or days Loki started to hear voices. "Do you think the sun tyrant caused this?" A mare asked as Loki felt himself being dug out.

"I don't know, the priest said that a strange power entered the world."

After a few more minutes the ponies managed to free Loki's face and regarded him with a strange expression. "Who, or rather what, are you?" the mare, who turned out to be this reality's Lyra, asked.

Loki shook his head looked at the two ponies and attempted to wiggle free. "My name is Loki and I'm... a keeper of balance of sorts."

"Why didn't you call yourself a god?" anthro Twilight asked in his head.

'Because I'd rather avoid any potential worship... or attempted burning at the stake as a heretic. They did mention something about a priest after all.'

"What do you mean by a keeper of balance?" the stallion, who was this world's Soarin, asked.

"Well. I travel around and settle disputes and things like that using my various skills," Loki answered before looking down at his still trapped body. "Now, would you kindly dig up the rest of my body? My nose itches and I can't scratch it while I'm like this."

Once dug out Loki scratched his nose and went with the two to the unground home. What they saw was many of the world's species, ponies, diamond dogs, changelings, and even a dragon or two. The strange appearance of Loki with the two ponies caused some to look with suspicion and some with awe at the strange being. "So mind me asking, why are you all underground? Matter of fact why do you not have a moon?" Loki asked.

The two looked at him with raised eyebrows. "Why are you asking? Shouldn't you know about the Solar ruin?" Lyra asked.

"Loki, quick make up a excuse, one that's actually possible!" Discord screamed back.

Loki thought for a moment. "I have been... on my own my whole life, so I have no idea."

Lyra and Soarin exchanged a look for a moment then shrugged. "Long before any of us were born this used to be a land of peace and harmony. There were two princesses that controlled the sun and the moon," Soarin started.

"The country they ran was called Equestria and the two seemed to get along very well," Lyra continued.

"But, it wasn't meant to last. The princess that controlled the sun fought the other and eventually the princess of the moon was killed."

"After killing the lunar princess, the solar princess, now known as the solar tyrant, destroyed the moon and created eternal day. This drove everyone in the world underground to escape the heat. At least, those of our ancestors that survived," Soarin finished as he stared at the ground.

'Wow, this is even worse than I thought.'

"And it looks like we have to deal with an evil Celestia again," Discord stated.

Loki sighed at this. 'I hate you too Irony,' Loki said to himself. "So do any of you know where the Solar Tyrant is?" Loki asked.

The two looked at each other then Loki. "Only the priests know, they say that to go there is suicide," Lyra said. Loki however rolled his eyes and looked for Celestia's magic signature. As he did, he found her. Her magic was around the level of Discord.

'How could she be that powerful? Unless she ate her sister's magic...' Loki thought. He checked to see how badly his powers were in flux. It wasn't so bad, they would at around the same level.

"Well then, I can say we could take her out," Discord commented.

'True, but do you think we could keep her talking long enough for our magic to get back to normal?' Loki asked.

"I doubt it, what are the chances you could keep a powerful dictator distracted with a long winded speech?" anthro Twilight asked.

If it were possible Loki and Discord would've exchanged a deadpan look. 'Yeah, I guess you make a good point,' Loki thought sarcastically as he rolled his eyes before looking toward Lyra and Soarin. "Well, it was nice meeting you crazy kids. Good luck with everything and thanks for digging me up and all that. But, I just realized that I have some important business to attend to."

"What are you..." Before Lyra could finish the question Loki snapped his talons and was gone in a flash of light.

Loki reappeared over the wasteland and smirked as he planned on how to get evil Celestia to come to him. 'Hey Discord, wanna see me get Celestia's attention instantly?'

Discord chuckled at that. "Go for it."

Loki snapped his talons and a ridiculously sized megaphone appeared in his talon and paw. He then switched it on and placed his mouth near it and shouted, "THE SUN TYRANT CELESTIA HAS THE FATTEST, SAGGIEST FLANKS ON THE PLANET!"

Loki waited for a few moments Discord decided to make a bet. "Twenty bits she comes in a hour," Discord said to them both.

"Sixty, two hours," anthro Twilight countered.

"One hundred right now." Loki offered with a smile. As soon as he said that a streak of fire had landed next to them. It was the sun tyrant herself, her mane literally on fire and the ground burning under her hooves.

"Crap... give us some time to get the bits," Discord begged. Loki rolled his eyes as he basically did that for fun.

'Discord, you're both technically me so I was betting myself,' Loki answered.

"Very true. Still, she looks mad," Discord stated.

"Can you blame her after what Loki just said?" anthro Twilight asked.

'Quiet you two,' Loki said to shush them. 'I think Sunbutt is about to go on a tirade.'

"Who dares to insult the very ruler of the sun itself?!" she screeched as her mane flared up slightly.

"I have no idea," Loki replied with a grin as he threw his large megaphone over his shoulder, said megaphone exploding into glitter and confetti once it hit the ground. "Someone would have to be an idiot or have a death wish to say something about your oversized tush."

Evil Celestia's face twitched as she attempted to bore holes into Loki through sheer anger and hatred. "And just what in the world are you supposed to be? Oh wait, I know," she said as she lit up her horn. "A pile of ash."

"No I'm Loki and..." The blast of flames soon covered the area that Loki was standing. When it settled nothing was there but glass. However, before Celestia could go, water was splashed all over her. Loki was floating with a bucket in his hands. "No, bad insanely evil alicorn, you do not attack someone when they tell you their name!" Loki said, as though addressing a bad dog.

Celestia glared in anger asher eyes twitch. "You're a Draconequus, aren't you?"

Loki removed his hood, revealing his head and face. "Why yes, I'm Loki, god of Balance."

The evil Celestia smirked and chuckled darkly at that. "A god you say? Well what brings a deity to my kingdom?"

"Well, I heard some stories from a few locals, and I must say I didn't like what I heard. So, I'm here to end your corrupt reign and bring balance to this world." The evil Celestia let out a long, maniacal laugh at those words.

"Well aren't you just full of bravado. But I should tell you, everything burns once they approach the sun," she said with a dark smile as she lit up her horn once more.

"Yeah, about that." Loki readied his magic - on his talons the power of Chaos and in his paw the rainbow of Harmony. "Better ponies then you have tried, and one of them literally wasn't a pony." Celestia let out a burst of heat from the sun and Loki let out a blast of balanced Chaos/Harmony magic causing the two to meet in a standoff. However Loki could feel his magic swinging between that of a normal alicorn and his dweller level of magic. This caused his beam to push and get pulled back by his magic. 'Crap, why now! This isn't fun you know!' Loki screamed in his mind. The blast he let out then stopped as his magic went zero for a split second. 'Motherfu-' Loki was blasted with a literal Solar Flare.

The evil Celestia smirked as she looked over the glassed over area of the wasteland where Loki seemed to be burnt to a crisp. "Hmm, it seems all your bravado and blustering about ending my reign was all a bluff. A pity really, crushing the pockets of resistance in this world is some of the most fun I have."

Loki's talon then shot out and was pointed straight at her heart. "You're going to have to get your entertainment somewhere else after this," Loki growled as he shot her with as much magic as he could muster at the moment.

At that moment his magic flared up to the level he had during his fight at the end of his universe. The blast caused a massive explosion to befall the continent. However the sun up above soon was torn apart, as the connection it had with Celestia caused the massive amounts of magic to flow through it, turning it to dust. When Loki looked up, the sun was gone. "Oh just fucking great!" He power finally stabilized back to its normal levels. "I have to replace it now," he said, Celestia was dead, that much he knew, so using his powers he looked out and found a star with no planets and teleported it to replace the missing sun, he also pulled out a new moon, though it was smaller it would do.

Loki looked over his handiwork and let out a little sigh. 'Well, as far as first official acts as a dimension hopping god of balance go, I think we can file this under the success section.'

"Okay, so what happens now?" anthro Twilight asked.

"Well, with a proper day and night cycle restored the climate should start to balance out within a few generations, hopefully," Discord answered.

'Yeah, we should head back to that settlement and tell them about the sun tyrant's death. And we should tell them to repair the environment and all that jazz.'

"How do you think they'll take the news about Celestia's death?" Discord asked.

'I dunno, but as long as our magic doesn't act up I'm sure we'll be fine if things go south.'

The inhabitants came back out slowly to see the light of a yellow moon. Many fell down in praise at the return of the night. As for Loki, he opened up a portal to the void and went back out to flying though it. However the pain soon flared up. His magic wasn't going completely haywire but the pain wouldn't stop. 'Twilight? Discord are you there?' Loki thought. A new voice was heard with the three.

"Set. Me. Free!" This voice caused the three to hold their heads in great pain.

"What's going on!?" Loki demanded!

With a tug he flew right through and into a universe, one where life didn't exist. Loki started to glow. "What's going on.... Ahhhh!" With that his magic flared out exploding all around him. The stars, the atoms, and even this whole universe he was in cried out as the cloak glowed along with him, his energy ripping the forces of this reality into pieces and back. Finally in the void a flash of a universe dying was seen as a slowly cooling figure was seen being tossed from the dead corpse. Loki went flying out into another reality. 'I feel weak...' Indeed whatever happened had drained him completely.

"What in the name of chaos just happened?" Discord asked.

'I have no idea, but it seemed like it was more than just a magic flare,' Loki replied.

"I think you may be right," anthro Twilight agreed.

'Are we able to return to the void yet?" Loki snapped his talons only for a pitiful fizz of magic to appear.

'No, looks like we might have to catch our breath until our magic settles again. It really is a good thing we have eternity to get home otherwise I'd be really pissed about all these setbacks.'

"Same here," Discord agreed.

However in the corpse of the dead universe something was there, something alive. in the protection of a cloak like Loki's and the one that displaced him a body was being formed. At last an eye opened up and a single phrase was heard. "I am Imbalance."