• Published 23rd Aug 2015
  • 4,841 Views, 105 Comments

Tale of Loki 2: Into the Void - Mega NewWays97

Loki is back. Now with two voices his head and a infinite void, can he find his way back home? Also how can he adopt to being the god of balance? The Answer is.....

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Loki vs Eris Round 2

Eris picked up a statue with for roman legionaries and moved it right in front of a a model city with axe wielding vikings. Below her a actually legion walked to a city manned by Vikings. “I attack you city.” Eris rolled a dice as the siege begun down below her, “Twelve.” Eris handed out the dice, “Given my legions states you will need at least a nineteen to win.” Midnight took the dice and gave it a toss. Eris looked at the roll, “thirty?” Below them Midnight’s Vikings not only replied the siege they slaughtered the legion down to the last man, “Well congrats on your victory.”

The two of them were playing a game Eris had invited. She had done so for reasons only she really knew but Midnight wasn’t really complaining. So far she was actually winning. As for the legionaries and Vikings below them? Eris just made them real to add into the fun of the game. “At this rate I might win within fifty turns.” Midnight whispered to herself with a smile while her Vikings song praises to their Goddess for the victory.

Eris was about to pick up her ships to move them into attacking Midnight’s port town before she stopped having sensed something in a nearby reality. She gave her senses a double check before a smile creeped over her face. ‘So you left the Multiverse as well? Oh Imbalance this must be my luckiest day.’ Eris stood up from her floating throne and with a snap paused the game.

Midnight was disgruntle at this as this meant time below them stood still, “Hey what’s going?” I was just about to win!” Midnight looked as Eris didn’t immediately replied to her and seemed to just float there in thought.

Eris finally turned her head to Midnight after making sure that it was him she was sensing, “Sorry about this but I sense someone of great importance to us.” Eris apologized to her apprentice about her suddenly actions.

“Oh ok then,” Midnight then tilted her head in confusion afterwards, “If you don’t mind me asking who is of great Importance to us?” In all her time with her Eris seemed to be flicked to say the least. Given that she was literally a physical representation of the conflict between Chaos and Order this was to be expected. Sometimes she would help other times she would harm and a few times she did both. In fact all the while she didn’t seem interested in anyone save her, almost showing uninterested in potentials followers or even worshipers.

Midnight wonder about who could catch Eris attention was soon answered as the being of imbalance turned to her with a smile on her face, “Why my counterpart of course.” Eris’s expression soon became one of seriousness, “Come on we’ll finish this game later.”

Midnight looked back at the game for a moment to memorize everything just encase then back to Eris. She would be lying if she didn’t say she was at least wondering just who Eris counterpart was. In a snap Eris teleport both of them away from this dimension and to the one where Loki was current residing.

Loki and Sunset appeared out of there portal into a lifeless dimension. Loki turned to Sunset as she was still getting a bit of the water out of her hair from their last escapade.”Still can’t believe you actually managed to burn water.” Loki had a chuckle at this. However Loki was still wondering himself what that meant. As Sunset was an Alicorn she should have a dominion.

“Yeah that’s still surprising to me.” Sunset wanted to change the subject about the impossibility of her causing fire underwater. Well Loki could do it but he was a reality warper so the laws of physics were usually rejected by him as guidelines.

“Hey Loki do you feel like something is amiss like something is watching us?” Astral Discord asked as he appeared next to Loki. Loki did feel something was off like someone was watching him.

Evilight appeared in front of him and pointed behind before screaming, “Look out!”

“What?” Loki turned to see a energy blast coming at him and Sunset. Time seemed to slow for him before he quickly put of a barrier as the energy blast slammed into it.

When it was done Loki was looking at who had fired the blast in shock before he spoke in a low menacing tone, “Eris!”

Eris had a smile on her face as she looked at her counterpart in the eyes, “Long time no see Loki how have you been?” Eris asked in a concerned tone. Anyone who heard it would be easily fooled by it. In fact Loki was Almost fooled by it. Almost but he knew that she was lying.

Loki decided to reply in kind, “Oh yeah, I’ve been cleaning up some of your messes but I digress.” Loki and Eris walked up to each other without a hint of hostilities on there faces. Then when they were in arms length of each other they throw a punch right at the other. The moment their fists meet the ground below them shock and creaked as a shock wave send a gile forced win all around them.

The two shoot each other a glare as the air around them started to get heavy under the weight of their presence. Before anyone could blink they disappeared in a flash and another shock wave was heard as they reappeared with a another punch connecting. Sunset was forced to fly into the air at this and even then it seemed to be worse than dealing with the shock waves. She was stopped as she bumped into someone else right as the shock waves. Picking herself up she turned to see Midnight Sparkle rubbing her head from a stray rock, “Twilight!.” Sunset exclaimed.

Midnight turned to see Sunset Shimmer. “Wait how did you get here?” Midnight aid startled, “Wait the same cloak as me and Eriis and Loki, oh you must have been picked up by Loki then?” Sunset didn’t have much time to answer her her as the star that this planet was orbiting started to change colors very suddenly and then exploded sending the sun’s mass heading right for them.

“Oh Loki/Eris!” They both exclaimed just knowing who to blame for this. As the blast wave of solar material come crashing at the two of them they both summoned up a barrier at the same time causing the two of them to merge as the planet below them was torn into space dust.

Meanwhile in space two flying lights seemed to clash at each other sending shock waves across reality tearing apart the whole galaxy causing stars to blow up and planets to be torn apart. Finally the two of them clashed one last time as a blast wave torn the galaxy apart. At the center of this both Loki and Eris wrestled for dominance. “Well seems that galaxy is nothing but rubble.” Astral Discord said as he and Astral Evilight looked at the destruction.

In a pulse of energy the two combatants floated there sizing each other up in a vacuum of space. “Well I say that does it for a warm up won’t you agree?” Eris asked giving her counterpart a smile.

“I guess so.” Loki replied.

The astral projections disappeared into him, “Give the signal and we’ll go all Super Mode on her ass.” Discord said as he cracked his imagery knuckles.

“Sorry Dis but not today.” The sound of crashing furniture and silverware was heard as Discord faked fainted within his mind from the shock.

“Wait are we seriously not going to curb stomp her with our super powerful form?” Discord was in disbelieve at this.

“Well… maybe but we’ll save that for last.” Loki and Eris floated waiting for who will make the first move. In a instant Eris teleported right behind him and fired a blast orderic energy engulfing Loki’s form. Eris then turned around forming a blade of Chaos to counter a slash from a blade formed by Loki. In a flash the two of them teleported out as a string of explosions were seen coming from the other galaxies.

Floating around where Midnight and Sunset bouncing off the barrier they had formed to protect themselves from the exploding star. After the shock wave from the final strike hit them they’ve been flying uncontrollably through the vacuum of space.Sunset growled in annoyance and in a flash screamed, “Enough!” and with that the two of them stopped flying in space and smashed into a moon.

“Maybe a bit of a head up next time?” Midnight groaned as they picked themselves up. However at that moment something crashed right into the moon hard knocking the two of them into the air as small fragments of the moon floated around the moon before crashing right back down.

Loki picked himself up. His body was cut brushed and bleed what looked like liquid chaos and order. With a groan he reached up to his head and pulled out the knife from his right eye. In a few moments his eye regenerated as his wounds closed. Eris floated down her right arm finishing regenerating. “Have enough?” Eris asked.

“Funny I was just about to say the samething to you.” Loki grabbed a floating rock before taking a bite out of it like a apple.

Eris floated down before she gave him a slasher smile, “Oh I get it you still have some kinda trump card?”

Astral Discord appeared next to Loki with a smug look, “Yeah that’s right we have a new Super form and we are going to kick your ass with it!.” At that Astral Evilight appeared and slapped the back of his head.

“Damn it Discord.” Loki groaned at his voice of Chaos.

Eris gave a laugh at this. “Thank you Discord for telling me that.” Eris had a smile on her face, “So I see that you also have one of those as well?” Eris words caught the three of them be surprise, “Well seeing how we’ve both been secretly holding back how about we go all out for real this time?”

“Fine by me.” At that both of his Astral projects disappeared back into him.

When Sunset and Midnight finally got back up the felt the moon rumble as two clomes of light appeared signaling the fight taking it’s next level. Loki floated up in his D Balance form the aura of energy pulsing from him. Eris column of light disappeared as floating there was a twisted mirror of his form with red, purple and green to his gold silver and bronze, her scales where ridged her fur pointed like knifes her horns cursed around her head and her wings were reshaped into razors. Her teeth were now shaped into little fangs. All around her instead of a aura of energy, red colored light jumped all around her.

Well this wasn’t how I pictured showing you this but eh, we can’t all have what we want.” Sunset’s ears ached as she tried to block out Eris’s voice. It was as if three people were talking, the first was a fusion of both a feminine sultry tone and the screeching of a banshee. The second was masculine and was a fusion of a charming British gentleman and the tone deaf screaming of a metal band. The last one was unidentifiable yet whatever it was it only made the other two even worse. Sunset had to cast a silencing spell on herself just so she could keep from tearing her ears off.

Do you even hear your voice?” Loki mocked her, “Cause that’s the first thing I’m removing from you.

Oh jealous much?” Eris joked. In a moment nothing happened and in a flash the two of them meet and throw a punch colliding and causing a shockwave. The moon shock under the force as it creaked apart under the force of the punch but the true force was still traveling out into the universe.

As it moved the barriers on reality started to weaken and with it sml lights could be seen appearing seemingly out of nowhere as small tears started to open up and a whisper could be heard, “Must… feed…

At ground zero of the shockwaves the lighting around Eris body struck into the aura of Loki as the two of them tried to force their punches. They each throw another punch sending a second shockwave out into space destroying more of the universe as it moved out and the barriers fell even more. The creaked opened up as creatures started to flow through.

As the two deities wrestled each other grabbing over who was stronger both Sunset and Midnight noticed the tears opening up and the demonic creatures flying out, “Loki/Eris!” they both screamed catching their attention as they both looked at there companions.

What is it can’t you see we’re/What is it can’t you see we’re… They both stopped as the creatures were seen flying out. Loki reconed them instantly as the creations of that thing.

Oh you have got to be kidding us.” Loki deadpanned as a tear opened up right in front of them.

MUST FEED!” A voice was heard as long tendrils of chaos and order reached out to them. Loki and Eris easily dodged this while Midnight and Sunset flew around from it as demonic creatures started to pour out. “MUST FEED!”

Loki blasted his way through the demons as he grabbed Sunset. He turned to see that Eris had grabbed Midnight as the tear started to glow. “MUST FEED!” The voice said as really started to glow. In the last moments both deities and their companions teleported away from the doomed universe. When it was soon just like before nothing was left but tears in the void and the decaying space-time of a drained universe.

Loki grounded as he awoke to the sound of a waterfall. Both he and Sunset and smashed into another reality as Loki turned to his normal stated as Sunset moaned from the disruption of the emergency teleportation. “What was that?” Sunset asked. Loki groaned and stood up.

“That was the thing ‘The Hunger’.” Loki explained as he slashed some water on his face.

“The Hunger?” Sunset asked.

“Yeah Loki got the name from the comments, it fits doesn’t it?” Discord asked as he appeared next to her. Sunset looked confused for a moment as Evilight appeared next to her.

“Trust me you don’t want to know.”

Author's Note:

Here we go everyone the latest chapter.

Hope you all liked it.