• Published 23rd Aug 2015
  • 4,841 Views, 105 Comments

Tale of Loki 2: Into the Void - Mega NewWays97

Loki is back. Now with two voices his head and a infinite void, can he find his way back home? Also how can he adopt to being the god of balance? The Answer is.....

  • ...

Eris in Et Bellum Dei Steel

Author's Note:

Yeah so I have a few crossovers I should post and this does take place Never Speak of this so why not?

This is a crossover with Fallout Equestria Templar of the Brotherhood

A swirling multi-colored vortex opened open in the room as out floated a mix match creature, wearing a full body cloak who looked at him blankly with a emotionless gaze, “Seriously? Kinda cliche don’t you think?” She spoke before the token floated over to her, “Well congrats seeing how you’re the first one to find this let me introduce myself, I am Eris, Alternative self of Loki, Dweller of the Void, Imbalance between the forces of Chaos and Order… and you have no idea what I am do you?” She questioned with a raised eyebrow.

“Not in the slightest.” John replied.

“You know Discord?” Eris questioned before she rolled her eyes, “Who am I kidding… Fallout Equestria Reality you either don’t know Discord exists or he has long deported, Well I’ll explain I am a Draconequus, an Ascended Draconequus to be technically seeing how I’m a Void Dweller, I’m the last and currently only Alt of Loki, a displaced who went as Discord from MLP of all things and now here I am.” Eris tossed back the tooth to him, “Just to sum up my powers, whatever you think up… I can make a reality.”

“Ok. I think I get it, but what’s MLP?”

“Non-Brony?” Eris voice was a bit surprised, “Well that’s a rarity… well rare from a statistical standpoint, well let’s just ignore it so how about you talk who are you, what’s going on and what do you want?”

“I am John Alexander Quinton. I am the leader of the Templars of Steel, we protect the Wastelands with the help of God.”

“Well word of advise, don’t find tokens relating to, or if you do… don’t make any deals with anyone who looks like they are edgy, demonic, or if there are not right in the head… trust me on this as I’ve been across the space between space… there are things… that make the devil look nice.” Eris finished, “By coincidence I’m one such being but you caught me at a bit of a off day, I’m in a loathes mood as it feels soon I will have to… “Help” my hated rival and normally I would just rip apart your atoms and firing them across the galaxy but seeing how you are the first find the token and I made it my word to help that person well… you lucked out.”


Then that alarms started blaring and Steel’s voice came through the comms. “All Knights, Crusaders and Paladins, get to your posts! The Steel Rangers are approaching in full force! Protect the town!” the comms said.

Then Iron barged through the door and said, “John, we have to help th- WHO THE HELL IS THAT?!” Iron shouted pointing at Eris.

Eris snapped her fingers at this and where Iron stood only dust was left. With another snap the dust rematerialized into Iron who seemed weirded out at what just happened, “Yep you died and was brought back congrats, names Eris don’t do that again or… well how do you like it to be permanent?”

“No no. Please don’t. I’m sorry.” Iron said shivering a bit.

“Good now then it seems you about to fight a battle do you want me to either upgrade your weapons… or just drop the attackers into the sun?” Eris asked as she materialized a drink, “Personally I would go with the upgrade… you haven’t seen fire power until you get a bottomless nuke bullets.”

“Alright. I’ll go for the upgrade, but I already have unlimited mini nukes in my Pip-Boy.” John said.

“Hmm then how about,” Eris seemed to reach into the pip-boy pulling out a mini-gun and then ripping it apart before shoving a vial of glowing blue liquid into it, “Acrano-technology now you don’t have to worry about missing… or walls… or armor really.”

“Cool.” John said.

He pressed some buttons on his Pip-Boy and his armor materialized onto his body with the mini-gun in his hands.

“Eris, do you think you can protect the town while we go to the frontlines and try to fend them off?” John asked.

“Sure why not…” Eris shrugged sitting on a chair with a book which its title read ‘The Love Story of The Void’ “Warning though they are going to try to flank you from both sides, I suggest you place mines around your position.”

“Thank you Eris.” John said as he and Iron ran out of the room and they ran into Steel Apple in his power armor.

“Star Paladin. The enemy is flanking from both sides. I suggest we place mines around the town in case any of them get through.” John said.

“Very well. Paladin Silver Fleet!” Steel said into his comms.

“Yes sir?” Silver replied.

“I need you to take some men and place mines around the town. They’re flanking from both sides.”

“Yes sir!”

“John. I need you to fend them off from the frontlines. While I take a team to the walls to the turrets. Can I trust you?” Steel said.

“Yes sir!” John replied.

Steel left calling to a few more Rangers while John and Iron went out to the front gate. The moment they saw the oncoming enemies, they were shocked. There were almost a hundred Steel Rangers charging at them. There were only a handful of Applejack’s Rangers at the base. This was going to be a very hard battle.

Then bullets started to fly…

Mini-guns and grenade machine guns from both sides started firing at each other. John started firing his mini-gun as well. The bullets he fired gave off a blue trail as they shot towards the enemies. Instant death met them. Their bodies dropped like flies the moment the bullets made contact and explosions from the other side of town signalled that the other group of Steel Rangers have activated the mines. But when the explosions stopped, screams from the townsponies filled the air.
Location: New Appleloosa; Realm: Equestria 40; Time: 11:30; Day: July 22; Month: July; Year: 1240

Eris walked out finding a few of the Steel Rangers who slipped right though. She cracked her neck. She wasn’t in a good mood but now she might have something to finally take her rage out on. “Hello suicidal idiots, you have one chance drop your weapons beg forgiveness from the townspeople, well townponies but all the same, and walk away… don’t and well your lives are forfeit and my playthings so what do you say?” Eris asked calmly, while she walked up to them.

“Kill that thing!” the CO of the squad shouted as they started firing at Eris.

Eris sighed as the bullets hit her bouncing off. They paused in shock as Eris rolled her eyes their guns melting into past in their hands, “Please… shooting a Superman? Well in this case a Superwoman?” Eris walked up to the closest one before forcing her arm through his chest, “Oh don’t worry… you're not dying until I say so!” Her voice suddenly turned dark as she pulled back her arm… and ripped the guy's spine out on the way back with him still screaming in pain. Eris crushed it in her hands as she picked up the screaming limp and still alive body to his comrades. Speaking with a sweet tone she gave them a caring smile saying, “You're all next.”

They all ran away screaming right into a dead end.

“Crusader Marble Cake to base! We managed to infiltrate the town, but we encountered someth- urk!” said the Crusader as he floated up and Eris pulled him to her giving him a scolding look, “Oh I said you only get one chance I meant it your lives are mine now,” Eris looked as the others, “I guess I should tell you what you are fighting… A reality warper.” with that the r
Ranger’s body twisted and turned into a monstrous mass of bones, scales, arms, spikes, and eyes with only the vaguest appearance of what it once was, “Here how about I make you all play together?” Her tail feather ripped open a portal sucking in the rangers, the abomination and the living corpse into it.

Their screams of pain could be heard as they fell through and the portal closed leaving nothing behind of the Steel Rangers.
Location:, Steel Rangers Contingent, Whitetail Woods; Realm: Equestria 40; Time: 11:20; Day: July 22; Month: July; Year: 1240

“Elder Raspberry Tart, we lost contact with the group that we sent to flank them and enter the town, but we managed to receive a short message before they went dark.” a Paladin said to an elderly red mare with a greying blonde mane.

“Play the transmission.” she ordered.

The Paladin took the radio and played the message.

“ Crusader Marble Cake to base! We managed to infiltrate the town, but we encountered someth- urk!” the radio played, then a woman’s voice played, “Oh I said you only get one chance I meant it your lives are mine now. I guess I should tell you what you are fighting… A reality warper.” then a scream and squelching sound was heard before a roar filled the room, “Here how about I make you all play together?” then the screams of the Rangers started to fade seemingly getting farther and farther.

The sound of laughter soon spoke though the radio, “I see you heard that… don’t worry they’re alive… well you wouldn’t call being ripped apart and forced to still be so alive.” The voice spoke with a laugh, “What’s the matter? I can hear you over the radio.. Well not really I don’t have one you know I’m speaking though this little primitive device.”

“Who is this and what have you done with my men?!” Raspberry shouted

“Who? Why I’m a reality warper who can, with the snap of my talons toss you into the same void I tossed your little cannon folder… if you want I can give you their remains.” Eris taunted with a laugh, “Or I could bring you to them your call.”

“You bastard!” Raspberry yelled, “If I ever see you, I will rip your heart out!”

A flash of light appeared in front of them as Eris gave her a smile handing her a handgun, “Then do it, shoot me.”

Raspberry grabbed the handgun and shot Eris multiple times in the chest. “Fuck you bastard!” she yelled.

The bullets bounced off the ground as Eris just looked at her unharmed, “If your brain hasn’t grasped the level of power you're dealing with.” With a snap the two of them appeared on the sun which should have killed her from numerous factors, but her she was in a ball of plasma, no air and no protection from the radition… and she was perfectly fine, “No this isn’t an illusion you are in the sun itself by all rights your body should be gone turned into dust and tossed by the solar wind but you know why you're alive and well?” Eris had a smile, “Because of me with a simple thought the laws of reality will return and you will die.” With another snap the two of them returned, “So your move… mortal.”

“I-I... We… surrender.” Raspberry said slumping to the floor

“But Elder-” the Paladin said before being cut off by Eris.

Eris waved her hands, “Stop your groveling, I’m just here to show you something and by the end of the chapter I’ll be gone going back into the void between universes so you can continue your war with the angel.”

“What do you mean by the end of the chapter?”

“The fourth wall does not exist duh!” That only confused Raspberry even more, “Fine seeing how you can’t understand medium awareness I’ll make it simple, at the end of the day I’m heading for a place that does not exist yet does.”

“...” Raspberry just sat in silence to Eris’ reply.

“Now, I must go my non-existent planet needs me!” with that Eris flew right through the roof.

“Forget what I said earlier. Continue the assault. I don’t care what that thing says. Nobody defies us.” Raspberry said standing back up.

“Yes Elder.” the Paladin replied.
Location: New Appleloosa Battlefield; Realm: Equestria 40; Time: 1:14; Day: July 22; Month: July; Year: 1240

The battle had been going on for hours. The Applejack’s Rangers managing to hold out against a force this large was a big accomplishment for them. They had sustained a few casualties, but overall they were still good.John and Iron were behind a rock taking cover from the storm of bullets flying overhead.

“We need to end this battle now! We can’t take any more of this punishment! I think we shou-” Iron said before being cut off as a bullet hit him in the head causing him to fall over.

“Iron!” John shouted.

Then suddenly his eyes started to glow with power and a voice called out in his mind, “Take the sword and shield. End this battle now.”

A glowing sword and shield appeared in his hands and a pair of wings sprouted from his back tearing through his armor. He rose up and started speaking in Latin, “Resurget et qui ceciderunt gladio cadent inimici.” he raised his sword hand upon the Applejack’s Rangers and the fallen ones came back to life ready to fight again, even Iron.

After that, John swooped down towards the Steel Rangers and started slashing at them, severing limbs and weapons from their bodies. He blocked a stream of bullets from a Ranger using his minigun and stabbed him in the chest. The more he fought, the brighter the aura around him radiated. Some Rangers were starting to fall back, while the others kept fighting, but John wasn’t giving up. He would fight till the very last. He sliced the foreleg off a ranger charging at him while firing a stream of bullets and then the rest started to retreat back towards Ponyville. John raised his sword in triumph and transformed back to normal and fell to the ground before hearing the shouting of the Applejacks’s Rangers and passing out.

Location: New Appleloosa; Realm: Equestria 40; Time: 7:30; Day: July 22; Month: July; Year: 1240

A splash of something cold and wet woke John from his unconscious state as Eris stood over him with a bucket in hand, “Grape soda wakes them every time.” She tossed it into the air and it turned into a weird lizard bird thing, “Congrats you won and I might have scared their leader with a display of reality breaking, well reality breaking.”

“What happened?” John asked Eris.

“With me or you? With me I simply appeared and had a had a chat within the sun,” Eris started to chuckle, “Fool tried to surrender.., I mean if I wanted to I would have just let her burn in solar plasma but eh she’s your problem so yeah I might have scared her, oh with you congrats you won.”

“How did we win? All I remember was voice talk to me then I blacked out.”

“Maybe it was me…” She then laughed at the thought, “nah it wasn’t me but perhaps your angel self is alive.” Eris was playing with two figurines of him now and him as an angel, “Or maybe the strain of a wasteland has gotten to you?” Eris crushed the two figurines, “You pick.”

“Well, at least we won. How many casualties were there on both sides?”

“None for you… and the enemy.. Well I kinda burned alive any stragglers.” Eris pointed out.

“Why? Why did you kill the survivors? They didn’t deserve that, even if they attacked us. If they ran, you should’ve let them.” John said clenching his fists.

“Why not?” Eris asked casually, “I mean why let them live at all, actually when you're as powerful as me death isn’t the end I mean with a snap of my talons I can bring them back to life kill them again and repeat until I’m bored.” Eris laughed as she looked at John’s face, “I told you there are beings like me, didn’t I? Heartless, cruel and powerful enough that few could stop, plus let’s be honest if you tried to fight me… well it would be classified as Suicide on your part.”

“I don’t want to fight you Eris, but I need you to leave.”

“Arrivederci.” With that Eris disappeared into a multi-colored portal leading to the void and out of John’s reality.

Comments ( 15 )

Hurray who doesn't love reality warping, fourth wall breaking void dwellers:pinkiehappy:

Really? He still does crossovers? Cool

Again, cool. I was under the impression that you wouldn't do that anymore now he's a Void Dweller

This Fanfic has been very interesting. Will you do more Crossover chapters in the foreseeable future?

Comment posted by TheUltimateBrony-Class-S deleted Jan 18th, 2018

...I'm gonna try something random real quick and see if it works...

Het Loki, what if you summon a minecraft map? I mean I'm no expert on minecraft, but if I am not mistaken, it shows your current location compared to to the last bed you slept in, and if I recall correctly, you haven't slept in your bed since you were in your Equestria, yes?

*makes a copy of comment and throws the comment into the void and hopes it makes it to Loki*

...well we shall see how well that will go...


When is the next chapter?

Rest in Peace Loki... I guess is too much work to put the cancelled tag?

is this story dead or has the author forgotten about it?

i think the answer is... yes

Good story, would like to know if or when it gets finished though.

great story so far

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