• Published 23rd Aug 2015
  • 4,842 Views, 105 Comments

Tale of Loki 2: Into the Void - Mega NewWays97

Loki is back. Now with two voices his head and a infinite void, can he find his way back home? Also how can he adopt to being the god of balance? The Answer is.....

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Interlude: The Return of...

Author's Note:

Here is a bit of a breather. A interlude instead of a full Chapter.


With a groan Loki smashed right into another planet as the debris was kicked far into the space. He groaned as he tried to get his barrings. How was he supposed to know the grove was the favorite resting place for a god of strength? He had almost been eaten by The Hunger for balance sake, ‘How long have we been ragdolled by him?’ Loki asked having lost his barring on time from the constant beating.

“I don’t know I blacked out from the pain.” Discord groaned as he finally awoke from some kinda strange unconsciousness.

“About five hours.” Evilight answered as Discord looked at her surprised within Loki’s mind scap, “Pain is an illusion of your emotions.”

“Shut up please I need to concentrate on getting us out of here!” Loki screamed at the two of them as he sensed the other god coming in. He hesitantly throw up a spell hoping to hide himself as the other deity come in. Right as he was about to make constant Loki hasty escape was complete as he teleported away. The planet however ceased to be anything but atomic dust.

With a thud Loki landed in the surface of a planet. He got up and spat out the dirt in his mouth. “Great I’m on a carbon planet.” Around him he saw pufs from volcanoes as little diamonds rained from there clouds. The planet’s atmosphere wasn’t a good place for humans ponies or most organic lifeforms.

Loki reached into his cloak and pulled out Sunset from his pocket dimension. Sunset blinked for a moment as she tried to get her bearings, “What happened? Where are we?” Sunset asked as she took a whiff of the air.

“Oh we kinda had a pissed off God of Strength coming at us, so I stored you in my pocket dimension while I took a five hour beatimng and teleported us here on a carbon planet.” Sunset held her hand out as Diamonds feel in her hands.

“I can get that diamonds are feeling… but why is there a block of ice over there?” Sunset asked pointing behind him.

“Ice? What are you talking about?” Loki turned to see a slowly melting pillar of ice behind him, “That's… impossible.” Loki walked to it as he placed his hand on it. He could feel something familiar about the ice, “Familiar… Familiar!” Loki exclaimed as he turned to Sunset.

“Ah Loki are you ok?” Sunset asked as Loki had a mad grin on his face.

“Oh I’m perfectly fine but…” Loki paused for a moment as he picked up the trail, “Come on there is someone I want to show you.” Loki had a smile as he teleported the two of them away to another dimension.

The first stop they found a space ship imprisoned in a block of ice. Loki freed it and revived the crew disappearing before they knew who or what had saved them. The next dimension was a spider-web like structure where gravity seemed to made no sense. Bridges of ice were seen connecting each branch. The next stop was a water would that was frozen over all the way down to the planet’s core.

Finally in a flash the two of them appeared in a pocket universe as a unnatural blizzard raged. Sunset covered her eyes with the cloak as ice crystals started to form all on it. She couldn’t feel her wings as her feathers were all but frozen over. Sunset cursed at this but was thankful that her magic was keeping her warm, “Loki! Do you even know what we are looking for!” Sunset screamed over the sound of the wind. “Loki!?” She didn’t realize it but Loki was gone.

‘Oh you have got to be kidding me!’ She screamed in her mind. She should have guessed that Loki would ignore the cold and and wind. Either that or… ‘Wait… did I wander off?’ She groaned at this. “Well I can’t make anything out in this storm.” She held her hands out and gathered her powers forming a ball of energy. Focusing on it for a few moments she strengthened the magic before tossing it up into the air where it exploded and for a few moments it worked the storm had dissipated.

“Finally now I can…” A growl came right behind had as a puff of cold air came over her from behind. She turned around and looking right at her was a massive almost transparent dragon looking at her. ‘That’s not a dragon…’ Her mind clinked, “A… a Wendigo!” She screamed as she blasted it with fire. The hate spirit screamed a bit more in annoyance then in pain before he gave a roar at her. Sunset didn’t waste time and started running and then flying as the Wendigo spread it’s transparent wings and took off after her.

‘How in the name of Loki is a Wendigo a Equestrian Wendigo doing all the way out here!’ Sunset screamed at herself as a blast of cold came over her forming ice on both her legs and her wings as she was forced back down on the ground with a thud.

Meanwhile miles away Loki still walked through the blizzard, “Ok this is getting us nowhere… Hey Sunset you still there?!” Loki asked as he turned around looking for her. “Sunset?” Loki asked as he couldn’t see her anywhere. For a moment a small wave of alicorn magic passed by him.

“Seems Sunny got lost in the blizzard,” Astral Discord started the obvious.

“Yeah maybe next time I should put up a barrier around the two of us…” Suddenly something buzzed in the back of his head.

‘How in the name of Loki is a Wendigo, a Equestrian Wendigo doing all the way out here!’ He heard Sunset voice in the back of his head for a moment causing him to blink. He was sure he wasn’t using his telepathy on her so how could he hear her cry for help?

“You can figure it out letter you got to save Sunset now.” Astral Evilight told him as both of his voices disappeared. Not commenting Loki disappeared in a flash of light.

Sunset groaned as she tried to picket herself up as the Wendigo slowly walked to her. She had long thought Wendigo’s where a myth some kinda stand in for a threat that forced the three tribes to unite against to stop. Loki however told her otherwise and now. Now she was staring at the face of one. Sunset closed her eyes as it was about to launch itself at her, “Frieza stop!” Loki’s voice was heard as Sunset opened her eyes. The Wendigo stopped just short of biting her and turned around as Loki stood there his talons raised.

The Wendigo moved to him slowly it’s grow not leaving it’s face. Loki walked closer to the hate spirit before speaking in a calm tone, “It’s me, it’s me…” He placed his talons on the spirits sound as the rage within its eyes seemed to lessen, “It’s Loki.”

The Wendigo then gave Loki a cold lick with it’s tongue causing Loki to laugh as the ice that formed on him melted off, “Good to see you too pal.” Loki gave the Wendigo a hug. He turned to Sunset and with a snap she was free from the ice, “Oh right Sunset Shimmer this Frieza the Wendigo.”

“Frieza? As in the “Wendigo I gave to my adopted Alicorn Filly daughter to have as a cool pet Wendigo” Frieza?” Sunset asked as she stood up.

“Yeah seems when I ascended to Dwellerhood Frieza ascended by proxy.” Loki turned to the Wendigo, “Hey you know the way home?” Loki asked hopeful that he could finally return home. Frieza however had a look of sadness at this, “You can’t find it either can you?”

Loki Sunset and Frieza stood together in silence at this, “So what do we do now?” Sunset asked.

Loki gave her a smile, “Well how would you feel about riding a Dragon Wendigo?” Loki asked with a thrill seeking smile on his face.

Eris blasted another wave of The Hunger’s demons. It seemed that the thing was following her now and she wasn’t having any of it. “I so blame Loki for this.” She growled as she grabbed one of them by the neck and with a snap killed it.More of them fell from the sky as Eris annoyance at the thing started to turn into hate.

“Enough!” Eris screamed as she took on her second form and in a mast of energy ripped the universe she was in apart.

Eris glared as she looked around the universe was nothing but a corpse that fell back into the void, ‘Screw this it just keeps following my changes if only there was some place where I could dump this thing.’ Eris stopped as she had a sadistic smile on her face.

“I know just the place.”