• Published 23rd Aug 2015
  • 4,842 Views, 105 Comments

Tale of Loki 2: Into the Void - Mega NewWays97

Loki is back. Now with two voices his head and a infinite void, can he find his way back home? Also how can he adopt to being the god of balance? The Answer is.....

  • ...

Meanwhile with Eris

Standing on a cosmic string within a universe two Eris looked down at the galaxy before them. This Equestria was a space faring empire of harmony. Yet there were other forces fighting them, the Changelings in the fridges, the Umbrum world ships and finally a huge tear in the galaxy of madness ruled over by this reality's version of Discord. "You see, Midnight, this is one of the extremes a radically different universe can be from the common baseline." Eris hand her talons up. at this galaxy. "Now then come." With that the two of them appeared next to a star system which was smaller than them.

"This is amazing," Midnight said as she ran her hand along stardust. "I never thought that I'd be up close and personal with the stars." Eris smirked and chuckled at the young woman's reaction.

"This is just the beginning of what I can show you. The multiverse holds so many possibilities, some that you can't even begin to imagine." Midnight's expression brightened at the prospect.

"So what should we do first? What's your plan?"

"Hmm," Eris thought, tapping her chin with a talon. "Right now, Discord, the Umbrum and the Changelings are disparate groups. I'm thinking that we should get them to forge an alliance and send them against the Equestrians. Once they crush Equestria we sow discord amongst their alliance and watch them tear each other's throats out. Think of it as your first lesson in modern warfare."

Midnight was hesitant for a second but nodded. However before they could Eris felt something. She could feel a change in the force of magic as if a whole planet was losing it. "On second thought something else has come up." Eris created a viewing screen for them. On one of the planets they could see magical energy being drained into a dark cloud.

"What is it?" Midnight asked. Eris eyes glared. She could still feel the pain of being destroyed down to the atom by him. Of course that was her 'other self" memories.

"That is Tirek, or at least this universe's Tirek." She spoke with venom at his name. "Perhaps there something else we could do." She stated as they watched as the "tirek" was being shot at by everyone.

"What are you thinking?" Midnight asked, staring intently at the magic screen. "And who is Tirek?"

"Tirek is a magic stealing... hmm, I can't think of a word other than demon to use so I'll just use that." Eris then chuckled a bit and looked up at the screen. "Of course, here he seems to be more like a genderless eldritch abomination. Anyway," Eris started, getting back on track, "my plan is to help those mortals down there help destroy that thing," she explained with a disturbing grin.

"Why?" Midnight asked, confused. "How will that create imbalance?"

"It won't really. I just technically have some personal history with Tirek and the sight of that thing is pissing me off. So, I want it gone and you're going to help me do that. Are we clear?" Eris asked, getting into Midnight's face.

"Ok." Midnight said nervously.

Eris the had a smile. "Oh and if you want When we are done you can get to study it."

Midnight thought about that. ‘Studying an Eldritch Abomination that can take magic? 'There is dozens of questions I could ask about this.' Midnight had a smile. "Alright but how do we do it does Tirek have any weaknesses?" She asked.

Eris thought back to it. "He can absorb the raw power of the magic but not its abilities, for example if he absorbed Discord's power he wouldn't have reality warping abilities, he also has trouble absorbing beings of vast power or if they are not injured or are strong willed, finally he gains the possible weakness of the magic he absorbs." Eris stated.

Midnight looked around. "So we need to get the most powerful beings in this galaxy at him."

"Yes but given this galaxy we need to show them that Tirek is a threat so how do we do that?" Eris asked, she had already thought of that but wanted to hear what Midnight had to say.

Midnight studied the abomination on the screen for a moment while tapping her chin in thought. "Hmm, maybe we should have some crew from one of the major superpowers here come around here and Tirek will steal any magic that the crew has. Or, we could cause a skirmish to happen between all the superpowers in the galaxy. Their forces would be drained of all magic and their leaders would be forced to act. Or we could start up a video feed, use your magic to link it to the superpowers and drop a giant magic based bomb onto Tirek. That'll show them what Tirek is capable of absorbing." Midnight listed off.

"That last one is a good idea, of course what's better then the leaders themselves seeing this with there own eyes?" Eris pointed out.

Midnight nodded. "That would be best."

On a barren world Celestia and Luna the Enteral rulers of the Equestrian Empire appeared. Soon Sombra the son of the Umbrum Queen appeared in his shadowy form, Chrysalis the ancient Changeling High Queen, and finally Discord the great enemy and leader of Chaos. "What why are we here!" Celestia asked glaring at everyone.

"Why hello there " Eris said, she floated down having taken her own Equestria girls form, which was a gothic look with a top that had written “Down with Balance” on it. "I was the one who called you all here," Eris gave a bow. "My assistant and I have brought you all together to put on a little demonstration for you."

"And what could you possibly show us?" Chrysalis asked with a huff.

"Please hold all questions until the end of the demonstration," Eris said in a sing songy tone, "or I'll atomize you where you stand," she finished with a glare. "Anywho, below us you will see a planet in the midst of a deadly struggle. Now, the planet itself and the beings on it aren't important. What is important is the thing they're fighting. It is a strange being that can absorb massive amounts of magic at a time. Allow me to demonstrate," Eris then snapped her fingers and a large magic nuke appeared next to her. "I'm sure each of you can feel the magic in this bad boy." Each leader's eyes widened when they felt the amount of energy Eris just conjured up. "Now, I'm going to drop this puppy right on Tirek's nonexistent head."

Eris tossed the magic nuke into the dark cloud. The explosions blinded everyone for a moment as the force of a mini star was unleashed on him. "Well that thing most likely dead..." Discord started but was shut up as the magic was seen being devoured by Tirek.

"What in the name of Harmony is that thing?" Celestia asked.

"Oh that is Tirek, if left unchecked he will devour all your magics until there is nothing left." Midnight said.

"That's basically the long and short of it," Eris explained with a laugh. "If left unchecked, Tirek will eventually consume all magic in the galaxy. Oh, and you might want to be quick when it comes to dealing with the thing. I may have accidentally just made it stronger due to my little stunt. Welp, have fun!" Eris cheered as she snapped her fingers causing her and Midnight to disappear in a flash. When they reappeared Eris was in her standard form and looking at a magic screen with Midnight next to her.

"Why did you do that? Aren't we going to help them?" Midnight asked.

"Oh, we'll. I just wanna see them struggle for a little bit. Gods have to get their entertainment somehow, after all," Eris said with a giggle. "Besides if worse comes to worse I'll step in." Eris looked as the leaders and several dozen fleets attacked Tirek. The Eldritch Abomination was proving hard to injure but the massive amount of bombardment keep it pinned down. Of course apart of every blast was absorbed by Tirek. Eventually Tirek started to force his way though the attacks. The closest ships where first as there magic was being drained and soon the whole fleet. "Well I have seen enough." With a snap a barrier stopped the drain. Eris appeared in her Equestria girls form and floated up to the cloud. "You think you're what inviable? The fact you can feed on magic?" Tirek attempted to drain Eris but the gap between them was extremely wide. "No, you will." Her voice turned echoey and filled with power. "DIE!"

Eris eyes had lighting of Chaos and Order coming out as she let out a blast of energy at Tirek. Cries of pain could be heard has Tirek was burned in the magic. Eventually Tirek started to drain it growing in power. However Eris had a smile. Tirek started to shack. Lights could be seen. "Your a fool, you're just a force of nature, if you were actually intelligent you would have sensed it." She stopped and gave a laugh. "I have Anti-magic flowing through my vines!" With that Tirek exploded.

“Ahh, that was very therapeutic," Eris said, slumping over with a grin. "Okay Midnight, you can study the remains now. If there are any."

Midnight nodded nervously and floated down to the surface of the planet to see what she could find. Eris looked down at her would-be apprentice and sighed. "You know things would go a lot faster if you just used your magic to scan for any remains!" she called down.

"How am I supposed to do that?!" Midnight called back over her shoulder. "I still haven't learned how to control my magic very well yet." Eris groaned, dragging a hand down her face and a finger on her other lighting up with magic. The magic formed into a little ball which she flicked down at Midnight, hitting the girl between the eyes.

"There you go, instant knowledge on how to scan for anomalies. Knock yourself out, looks like the grown ups are about to talk." Eris then turned her head to see the leaders of the factions coming towards her.

"How did you do that?" Discord asked. "Eh, you don't have to worry about that," Eris shrugged. "It's a long story anyway."

"Why didn't you offer your aid at the beginning of the battle?" Luna asked, glaring at the god.

"I thought you all could handle it. What, do you expect a random stranger to solve all of your problems for you?"

Midnight pulled out a few fragments from the ground and stored them for later study. ‘Strange there should be more fragments.’ She thought to herself. Eris came floating down and with a nod from her they were off. “So where are we going next?” Midnight asked. “How about we go somewhere beyond this multiverse?” Eris asked as they entered into the void.

Floating in space fragments of Tirek crashed into something. For a moment nothing happened until it pulsed like a heart.

In another universe Loki pulled out from a volcano another mirror fragment. "This is the culprit." He said. Suddenly his whole body shock. "Sunset... I just felt that something unholy was given life."

"Are you serious?" Sunset asked. "How'd you do that?"

"The specifics are iffy, but it's related to the Void. If I had to guess, this is related to a Void Dweller."

"What do you think it means?"

"Nothing good," Loki replied looking up at the sky. "Sunset, we should be on the lookout from now on. I've got a bad feeling about all this."

"Do you think we're going to have to deal with... whatever this is?"

Loki chuckled and smiled at her. "Now you've got the hang of the insanity that is my life. Yeah, we'll probably deal with this. Not that I'm worried about it, I'm a god and I've got you to help me."

Sunset nodded at him. "Yeah, I'll help you, no matter what this turns out to be.”

"Alright," Loki said, holding up his paw in a thumbs up. "So, what kind of universe do you think we should hit up next? Ooh, I've got an idea!" Loki cheered excitedly. "Just throw out a random idea for a universe and we'll see if we can find one that matches your description! It'll be great!"

"How about one with a Displaced already within it?" Sunset asked. Loki blinked at this. He knew about thousands of worlds.

"Sunset I know of thousands of those kinds of worlds, anything to narrow it down?" Loki asked.

"Ok so like what?" Sunset asked. Loki started to pull out dozens of cards.

"Well do you want one I visited? Maybe one I haven't visited? Is it Anthro, normal, or maybe a bit more extoic?" The cards all showed random images. "Is it one where the Princesses are vastly powerful or not? Finally Is it science , magic or both?" Loki was then finished. "Either way there are millions of these worlds out there." Loki shuffled a deck of cards. He showed the whole deck, they were all blink. "Pick one up and it will tell which you want to visit."

Sunset tapped her chin in thought and looked over the cards. "Will these really show what I think, or did you just put a spell on them that'll reveal an image that was already there?"

Loki grinned and chuckled at her skepticism. "That's a fair question, either way you've gotta pick one."

Sunset sighed and reached out to pick a card. "You love messing with me sometimes, don't you?"

"Heh, yeah, but I'm like that with everyone. Including my wife." She just rolled her eyes and pulled out a card. The card was surrounded by a flash and just like Loki said, an image appeared. Sunset quirked an eyebrow and showed Loki the card.

"I think you'll like this one. He looks like a goofball." Loki chuckled when he saw a blonde man in a red duster happily munching on donuts.

"Do you know who he is?" Sunset asked. Loki put the cards away. "No but I know who he is displaced as, some Displaced are known to act the opposite of who they are." Loki answered.

"Like you?" Evilight said in his head.

"Why yes." Loki closed his eyes as he looked far into the ether of the void to look for the world. He opened his eyes. "Ok I found it here Sunset you do the honors." Discord handed her scissors. "Just use these to cut into somewhere and we are there."

Sunset shrugged and took the scissors in her magic. She used the scissors and cut into the air itself. "Why do you have these when you can just do it without them?"

"Because it's more fun to do it this way," Loki replied with a shrug. Sunset shrugged as well and stepped in the portal that she had made. Loki followed right after her.

Author's Note:

New Chapter up in two days :yay: