• Published 23rd Aug 2015
  • 4,842 Views, 105 Comments

Tale of Loki 2: Into the Void - Mega NewWays97

Loki is back. Now with two voices his head and a infinite void, can he find his way back home? Also how can he adopt to being the god of balance? The Answer is.....

  • ...

Sunset over the Void

Author's Note:

Warning: Not yet edited

Where this Chapter starts the first major Arch in this Story enjoy.

A portal through the void opened up as a rocket torn apart was tossed into a asteroid. Floating down was Eris glaring at the destroyed space rock. With a flash a beam of magic shot out from her eyes deatomizing the rock. 'Now then where did that idiot get me lost?' Eris looked all around. She was in space that much was known, forcing her senses far into the vacuum of space. 'Oh my earth... no it's just a equestria girls one.... what's this?' A Astral projection of Eris was looking at what she was seeing. 'Games? Sunset is there with the Equestria girls Twilight... oh my seems this was that third movie.' The Twilight was being pressured to release her stolen magic.

Eris had a devious smile as she teleported off to the planet. As Sunset and Midnight flew up at each other a voice rang out. "Oh how this will be so boring, the hero wins because magic while the villain is redeemed.” Above them Eris looked down. "Perhaps I should step in?"

Eris giggled to herself as she formulated a plan to herself. She then floated down between the two girls. "Now look at all this. An epic clash between one who had lost their way before and one whose overzealous love of knowledge has led them astray now. It's enough to bring a tear to your eye," Eris said as she wiped a fake tear from her eye.

Said tear exploded once it hit the ground. "W-who are you, Discord?" Sunset asked as she came to a halt in the air.

Eris laughed at that question. "No, I'm not that old fool. You can call me, Eris."

"What are you doing here?" Midnight asked as she looked Eris over.

"I was bored and decided I wanted to create some unrest here. So, let's have some fun!" Eris cried as she lit up her paw and talon, grabbing Sunset and Midnight in a magical grasp.

With a spin they both went flying into the school building. Eris dodged an attack from Sunset by ripping her body in half then merging back. "So close." Midnight fired her own blast, Eris held out her hand creating a barrier around her. "Please Twilight... no Midnight, I'm far more skilled the you with magic case and point." With a snap the ground shock as reality broke under them whole buildings flying up. "Though I could teach you if your interested." Eris said appearing behind her. "After all you'll better than them you're supposed to succeed."

Midnight paused stopping her attack. "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that I will teach you everything you could ever want about magic, and more." Eris said as she created a crystal ball in her paw and tossed it to Midnight. She caught the ball and her eyes widened as several different versions of Equestria played across its surface. "Come with me and I'll take you across the Multiverse. And all you have to do, is take Sunset's magic. Simple, right?" Eris finished with a devious smirk.

Sunset glared at this. "Twilight don't listen to her!" she screamed.

However in a flash Eris appeared and grabbed her by the wists. "Oh really? You think I'm lieing is that it?" With a rip her talons tore open several tears in space-time. Each one a window to another world. Dozens of Equestria's some athro so normal ponies, some human and each completely different. "I am a being who as transcended the chains of a single reality the void is open to me and from it infinity itself!" Eris proclaimed. She heold Sunset in chains and brought her to Midnight. "What do you say? You listen to Sunset and be locked in this world, or come with me and see infinity?"

Midnight looked between the bound Sunset and the smirking Eris. "I-if I do this, how much could I learn?"

"Ev-er-y-thing," Eris said, making sure to draw out every syllable.

"Twilight don't do this!" Sunset called out, struggling against her chains. "This Eris is just trying to use you! Once she's done with you who knows what she'll do!"

Midnight continued to think for a while but then she lit up her hands and reached towards Sunset. She cried out as she felt her magic being forcibly ripped from her. Eris cackled as Midnight continued to steal Sunset's magic. "You have chosen... wisely," She said with a nod and a smile.

When Sunset was drained Eris simply let Sunset fall. She landed on a bounce house below them. Eris cloaked reached out and apart of it covered Midnight. "There that should help your body get use to the Void now then let's get going." With that in a flash they were gone.

A few moments later a portal to the Void open up as a cloaked Discord appeared. "What the? Why did my magic force us here!" Loki screamed. He saw the warped landscape, as did astral Discord and Twilight who appeared next to him.

"Eris was here it seems." astral-Twilight commented.

"Dear god, what did she do?" Loki asked himself as he slowly floated down. "This whole place feels off."

"Loki, I think this is that mirror version of Equestria that we've already visited." astral-Discord commented.

"Then I'd better change so the girls will recognize me," Loki said as he snapped his talons. He then dropped down to the barely conscious Sunset and helped her up. "Sunset, what happened here?"

"L-Loki, what are you doing here?"

"Let's just say I got a new job and I got called here for it," Loki answered dismissively. "Now, what happened here?"

"Someone called Eris showed up while I was trying to stop this world's Twilight from being corrupted. Eris told her she would take her across the multiverse if she stole my magic."

Loki balled up his fists as he looked up at the sky. "Dammit Eris," he growled.

"I take it you know of Eris?" Sunset asked.

Loki gave a sigh. "Oh course I do, she basically the opposite of me..." Loki looked at the mirror. He couldn't feel no magic coming from it. There was no way for him to simply pass through it and return home. 'Danm it!' Loki screamed. He punched the stone statue causing cracks in it to be seen. "Ok who started all this?" He asked.

The students of Crystal prop didn't get to finish. "Yeah I already know who, read your minds." She glared at the principal. "Ok let me sum up what you just did, you caused a student to become recruited by a reality warping Multiversal entity whose sole existence is to undo the balance of Chaos and Order across the whole Multiverse... oh and you indirectly removed the biggest chance I had at returning home.”

Loki was now mad. "DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO FIND ONE UNIVERSE IN A SEA OF INFINITY!" The ground shook at his voice.

"Loki, what are you saying?" Sunset asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I guess you could say I'm lost in the Void between universes. I'm not just trying to bring balance to the multiverse, I'm also trying to find my home."

Sunset's eyes widened at that piece of news. "I'm so sorry to hear that. But I'm sure you'll get back home to your Twilight," she offered with a weak smile.

"Heh, I hope you're right. Now, I think it's time for me to do my job here." Loki then floated up and cracked his knuckles. He then pointed his fingers at the warped landscape and used his magic to put it back to normal. Eventually, he made everything as close to normal as he could.

"There we go." Loki said as he touched down. He turned to sunset his eyes widening. Her magic was still there and it had changed. "Sunset... your aura has changed."

With a flash the anthro-Twilight appeared. "Seems she a Alicorn if she would to return to Equestria." The appearance of Evilight stunned Sunset.

"What the?"

Loki waved his hand. "Yeah I kinda absorbed her... not my attention." Loki answered. Sunset then realized.

"Wait Alicorn?" She asked.

"Yes your Aura have one of ascension." Twilight answered.

"How did that happen?" Sunset asked, stunned by the realization.

"I couldn't tell you for sure," Loki said with a shrug. "But if I had to guess, I'd say it has something to do with the power of friendship. These things usually do."

"I-I don't even know what to say about this," Sunset said as she looked herself over.

"Well then, let me say something, congratulations. After everything you've been through, you deserve some good news," Loki replied with a grin as she patted her on the back. "Well, I've got to go," He said as he floated up into the air. "Can't keep Twilight waiting too long. There's a point where her angry face stops being sexy and just becomes scary. Hope to see you again soon Sunset, who knows, you might find a way back to Equestria too." He said as he opened a portal.

"Wait Loki." Loki turned to look at Sunset. "Could I tag along? If the mirror busted I can't return unless it's fixed, and I have to to get Twilight away from Eris."

Loki thought it over. "A companion to travel across time and space while you help people? Loki all you need it's a screwdriver and a phone booth." Discord committed in his mind.

"Sure why not, It gets lonely and I have no one to talk too but the voices in my head." Loki said. Like with Eris Loki's cloaked spread out onto Sunset then broke off . 'Wow.... hey do you think my cloak alive?' Loki asked.

"Yes Loki we thought you knew." anthro-Twilight answered.

'And now I want to make a Spawn reference, but I can't think of one that's appropriate,' Loki thought as he helped Sunset through the portal he opened.

"Do you always have to make references that only you will understand?" Anthro-Twilight asked with a huff.

'Yes, yes I do,' Loki thought back with a nod. 'It's one of the ways I remind myself of where I came from.'

Sunset was in awe of the sights in front of her. "Whoa, this place is amazing. I can't believe I'm here."

Loki was drawn out of his inner thoughts and floated up to Sunset. "Yup, welcome to the space between Space, the Void. Now, stay close to me. We aren't the only dwellers here, and some of them aren't that friendly."

"Got it, so where should we go first?" Sunset asked, looking around with barely contained excitement.

"How about this, since you're new to all this, I'll let you pick where we go," Loki said with a grin.

"Well how about that one." Sunset said pointing to the nearest universe to the right. With a snap Loki opened up a portal to it and they flew though.

The two appeared in a hall with the stained glass windows just like in Canterlot. However on them where images of the Flim Flam bros, Trixie, Chrysalis. Loki recognized the universe once he saw humble under Trixie. 'The comic's mirror world.' Loki form had returned to his drancoquess and Sunset was in her new alicorn form with the cloak on. "What kinda universe is this?" She asked.

"A reverse world, image that everyone who was good excluding reformation was evil, and every evil doer was now good. This is this kind of universe." Loki looked passed the glass.

Wow, but wait if this is a mirror evil universe, shouldn't everypony have goatees?" Sunset joked. Loki quirked an eyebrow at that.

"How do you know that reference?" Sunset blushed a bit at that.

"Umm, this is a bit embarrassing but I got a bit into Star Trot while I was trying to find a way to take over Canterlot High."

'Heh, Star Trot,' Loki thought. 'These pony puns are killing me inside.

"Anyway, what are we supposed to do here?" Sunset asked, desperate to change the topic. "Well first, I have to scan the magic of this world and see what the problems are, then I come up with the best plan I can and proceed to solve the problem in as wacky of a way I can think of."

"And where do I fit in all of this?"

"Well, you're here to be a confidante of sorts. Plus, I'll bounce ideas off of you and you'll help keep me in check. Make sure I don't go too far or something."

Loki sent out his senses to feel the magical energies. 'Seems the energies are in balance... what's this?' Loki felt a fragment of something just outside the city. "I found something." Loki said and in a snap they appeared outside. Loki moved the snow and dirt away and found a fragment of a mirror. Loki picked it up and images shot through his mind. He saw something big and powerful. He saw the 12 elements and they broke apart. Loki was shot back by the mirror as he was tossed back.

"Loki are you alright?" Sunset asked Loki was gasping.

"That mirror piece it came from some point in my future."

Loki picked it up. "I saw... the elements my elements destroyed..."

"What does that mean?" Sunset asked.

"I'm not entirely sure, but I think we might find more mirror shards during our travels. I might be able to find a way to track them down using this."

"Are you going to track them using it's magical signature?" Sunset asked, perking up.

"Maybe, but the other magic mirrors might have an identical or near identical so we might just have to keep going to other universes until we get lucky," Loki clarified as he began an attempt to locate another shard using the one he held magical signature.

Loki could feel the signature of the mirror in the universe. It was off from the shard enough so Loki could identify it. As he forced his senses far into the universe he came up empty. "Well this appears to be the only one in this universe." Loki said.

Sunset decided to ask him. "How do you think the elements even got destroyed... they are inside you right?' Sunset asked.

Loki thought back to the vision.. "It may seems impossible but Tirek and, whatever that thing made of anti-magic was has proven to me it might be possible to remove my magic but my elements..."

Astral Discord appeared to add in his two cents, 'Not to mention if something could do that me and Twilight would be removed as well."

"What could do that to you?" Sunset asked, trembling slightly.

"I don't know for sure, but I'd guess a Void Dweller. There are dwellers with some insane abilities."

"Have you done anything to get another Void Dweller angry at you?"

"I don't think so, then again it might not be a Void Dweller at all. I was just throwing out a hypothesis."

"Okay, so since this universe is already in balance, what should we do?"

"Well, I guess we should go back to the Void and let you pick another universe for us to fix," Loki said as he opened another portal.

"Okay," Sunset said as she stepped through the portal. Once the two were back into the Void. Sunset began looking around, thinking about which universe to choose. "How about this one?" She asked as she pointed to a nearby universe.