• Published 23rd Aug 2015
  • 4,850 Views, 105 Comments

Tale of Loki 2: Into the Void - Mega NewWays97

Loki is back. Now with two voices his head and a infinite void, can he find his way back home? Also how can he adopt to being the god of balance? The Answer is.....

  • ...

Fight of Void Dwellers

In a flash Loki and Sunset appeared within the universe were the Dweller ran off into. The two of them found themselves on a strange rain forests. Loki took a smell of the air. It was breathable for humans and ponies, yet it there was a different mix of gases. Loki looked up and saw two suns one orange the other red. Expanding his senses he could detect a spaceship entering the system. It was a first generation ftl drive and he could detect the familiar signatures of humanized ponies. "Sunset, I think this Equestria is just started to explore space."

As they flew over to the colony Loki looked around. A mist started to roll over the planet. Loki stopped Sunset. Appearing in the shadows the eyes of the rouge Dweller. "So you followed me? Predictable." The voice was distorted but Loki made it out as Tirek's voice. The dweller rose up with black flames.

"You will die here god of balance!" It let out a blast which Loki countered with a blast of Chaos and order.

"Yeah well I've died two other times so that's not much of a threat buddy!" Loki snapped back with a satisfied smirk.

"You know, that didn't sound all that impressive," Evilight told him with a blank stare.

"Quite sad really," Discord agreed.

'Shut up you two, we're about to get into an epic fight here,' Loki admonished, putting his serious face on. "Sunset, I need you to go down to the colony and get them to evacuate. Something tells me there's going to be some property damage from this fight."

"Got it," Sunset nodded and flew down towards the colony.

"Are you sure you want to send your pet off?" The dweller laughed. "You could use her as a shield to prolong the inevitable."

"You mean the inevitable of you eating your own teeth?" Loki asked, looking at his talons dismissively. "Because that's what's going to happen."

"Now that was a pretty good comeback," Discord complimented.

"Certainly better than the last one," Evilight shrugged.

The dweller decided to shut him up and rushed him. The fist colliding with him sent Loki flying through four mountains. In the fifth mountain Loki got up and cracked his neck. "Ok that hurt." He cracked his jaw. Loki reacted by teleporting and when he reappeared delivered a blast of energy sending him far into orbit. Loki followed creating a sonic boom as he appeared in high orbit looking around. The dweller stuck him in the back grabbing his tail he smashed Loki into the bigger of the planet's moons.

'Hey guys, mind tell me... how powerful is he?' Loki asked as he got slammed again.

"I'm guessing... at least a bit more powerful than you why?" Discord asked.

'Oh nothing how about warning me!'

"Would it have stopped you from fighting him?" Discord and Evilight asked simultaneously.

'I guess not,' Loki sighed internally. 'Looks like I'm going to need to play this one carefully.' Loki snapped his talons, his form wavering as he went invisible. This seemed to confuse the Void Dweller. Loki drifted around the dweller silently for a few moments. He snapped his talons and several clones appeared around the dweller. Loki and the clones then charged at the dweller. The dweller started to laugh and latched onto the invisible Loki's neck with a large hand. Loki let out a small gurgle as his clones popped out of existence.

"Did you really think a simple parlor trick like that would work on me? Your magic is like a beacon to me. No matter what you do, I will be able to find you." The dweller then threw Loki as hard as he could. Loki ended up bouncing off the nearby asteroid belt like a living pinball.

Loki stop on one of the space rocks. 'Ok need ideas here to lower the power gap.' Loki said hoping for either of his voices to have a good idea.

"Well you could take away energy from your bodies regeneration." Evilight said.

"But that would also weaken your body, pretty sure being a glass cannon is not what you want." Discord added.

"Or you could try to overcharge the element matrix that powers you." Loki took the last idea into consideration. However the rock broke up as the dweller grabbed him though the rock and tossed him into the gas giant forming a blast of energy he let it loose. The gas giant burned alive as the gases burned. Loki shot up and slammed his fists together his magic flared up as he tried to overcharge his power.

"Ok my turn!" Loki shot out grabbing the dweller though the nearby planet and into the red star.

Loki's eyes narrowed at the dweller, trying to be careful of what he'd do next. The dweller picked himself up, glaring at Loki. The dweller let out a roar of frustration and charged at Loki. He punched the god of balance in the face. Loki let out a grunt and wrapped his tail around the dweller's leg and pulled him to the ground. He held him down and raised his talon and paw into the air. A sphere of magic appeared between his mismatched limbs. "Bigger!" he growled, the sphere shooting up in size. "Bigger!" Loki threw his arms down sending the ball of magic down on top of the dweller. The dweller cried out as the orb sent him crashing into the planet's core.

Loki floated away as the planet started to go critical. Sunset looked up as she saw a flash of energy in the skies as the ships started to leave. "What was that?" Sunset asked. On a system map a planet was seen blowing up. Loki looked at the wreckage.

"You think that did it?" Discord asked. The answer was Loki getting a tentacle covered in a strange energy to strike through two planets and a few moons. Loki got up on his crater only to feel his magic burning out from contact with the entities strange power. Loki landed on his knees gasping as his body shock. The dweller floated down injured with dozens of scares.

"Seems that little stunt burned you out and what a sham to."

Loki glared as he summoned up energy around him to restart his powers and burn out whatever that was that weakened him. "Yeah I'm still standing." Loki countered.

"Not for long." His hands glowed and with a punch phased into Loki.

Loki looked in fear as the elements were pulled out.

"Opps." He crushed the twelve elements and Loki gave a scream. Collapsing in pain as his magic left him. Right in front of the dweller where three beings. Discord, Evilight, and Loki former form all laying on the ground. "Pathic." He said tossing the broken gems.

He flew away as the three beaten beings slowly started to fade away. 'So this is how it ends?' They thought. Just as they could feel death taking them they all have a single thought. "We had our differences, but in the end... we are Loki." The dweller stopped. 'What was that?' Sunset looked out with a bit of tears. Loki had lost and now he would never return to his family. 'What's this?' On the planet a burst of energy shot up into space. The pieces of the elements floated up slowly they combined and before the dweller the elements were fixed. 'Wait there was twelve of them not six.' In a another flash a wind of Magic gave way the light faded away floated there was Loki . His fur had changed having a golden coloration, his red scales turned bronze and his feathers became a rich silver. His body was double it's length. His cloak became a cape a aura of golden energy covered him finally he opened his eyes, his right eye glowed with order and his left eye glowed with Chaos.

"What is this power?" The dweller wondered aloud. "I destroyed the source of your magic. How are you doing this?"

"It's magic, I don't have to explain it," Loki answered in a resounding voice. "Now, I think it's time that you return what you stole from me. Do that and I may let you leave here alive."

"You think I will yield because you've narrowly escaped death!" The dweller boomed. "I will not relinquish the mirror! I need it for my machinations."

"Have it your way then." Loki then bolted towards the dweller, driving a fist with Chaos and Order magic swirling around it into the dweller's chest. The dweller gritted his teeth and brought both of his hands down in a hammer-fist right into the middle of Loki's back. Loki was sent flying downwards a bit before righting himself.

Loki teleported up with a blast of magic energy struck as the dweller formed up a shield the blast expanded soon on contact pushing the dweller back and then breaking the shield. Loki came for a dropkick as the heat turned up because of the sun. The dweller grabbed Loki and tossed him into it at the last minute. However Loki teleported right behind him. "Sup." Loki gave a punch the teleporting gave a kick and another teleport grabbing him tossing him into Loki fist.

Loki kept this up for a while before he drew his hands back as the dweller came flying towards him. Two ethereal blades appeared in his hands. One glowing with Chaos, the other with Order. When the dweller was within reach, Loki scissored the two blades across the dweller's chest, leaving deep gashes on his body. He then rushed forward, stabbing into the dweller and pulling the blades in opposite directions. The dweller cried out in pain just as his life came to an end. His body exploded in an array of light leaving nothing behind but the stolen magic mirror. Loki let out a sigh of relief, his form reverting to normal as he reached out and grabbed the mirror. "It looks like it's over," he said to himself.

As soon as Loki touched the mirror it broke apart in a burst of magic it's pieces disappearing into portals. Loki then saw a vision. It was him collecting the mirror shards and then at this moment the mirror breaks then he finds it again in a endless cycle. "So this is a time loop? A very complex one." Loki said to himself in a flash he was gone appearing right in front of Sunset.

"Loki? You're alive!" She said giving him a hug.

"Well yeah, that wasn't going to stop me." Loki said.

"You were this close to dieing you know." Discord said.

'I almost thought you both were gone didn't feel you when I went all golden.' Discord and Evilight gave a laugh. "We actually feel the same with you, seems your new form merges our minds into one." Discord said with a smile

'So our minds merge completely when we use that. Does that include memories?' Loki asked, blanching slightly.

"I'm afraid so," Evilight huffed. "I did not want to see all of the things that you did to my counterpart."

'Yeah, can you do me a favor and forget all that?' Loki thought with a chuckle.

"I'm already working on it," Evilight replied dryly.

"Been there, done that," Discord chimed in.

"Umm Loki, where's the mirror?" Sunset asked, looking Loki over. Loki snapped out of his conversation with the voices in his head and looked at Sunset with a weak smile.

"Well, I've got good news and bad news there. The good news is that I survived and was able to get the mirror back."

"And the bad news?" Sunset inquired with a gulp.

"The bad news is, the mirror was sent back in time to be picked up by our past selves." Loki answered. "How is that bad?" Sunset asked eyebrows raised. "Well that means that this whole fight and my third death is all in a stable time loop."

Loki waited for something else to happen. 'Hey if my powers increase shouldn't Eris have felt that?"' Loki asked.

"Yes that is strange." Discord and Evilight where in thought with Loki on this for a moment.

"I got it! She couldn't sense you because she outside this multiverse making her too far from us to sense the event." Discord answered.

"Discord... you might be right." Evilight said blinking at the logic behind it.

"So let me get this strait Eris has left the Multiverse for another multiverse?" Sunset said as Loki explained what he and his voices come to about his counterpart, "So we have no idea where she is or how to find her," Sunset summed up.

"That's the long and short of it," Loki nodded.

"So, what should we do now?" Sunset asked.

"Well, I guess we should try to find Eris and Midnight," Loki sighed, "If not to stop Eris then to get Midnight away from her."

"I have to agree with you there," Sunset replied as she gazed into the distance. "I'm worried about what'll happen to her if she stays with Eris."

"Don't worry, Sunset," Loki told her with a pat on the shoulder. "We're going to set things right, I promise."

"I trust you, Loki."

"Good, now if we're going to go up against those two then I think we should get you adjusted to your alicorn magic."

"What's so different about my magic now?"

"Aside from the fact that it's stronger now, you might have an attribute like the other princesses. Celestia with the Sun, Luna with the Moon, Cadance with love, and Twilight with friendship."

"That actually makes a lot of sense," Sunset agreed. "So. when do we start?"

"How about we start when we go to the next Multiverse?"

"Alright then." With a flash the two reappeared in the void. Loki grab her arm and flew them out though the void. Finally Loki came to a halt.

"Here we are the edge of the multiverse." Loki stated, "Beyond this point Sunset, you will be one of only a few to travel to other multiverses besides the dwellers ourselves are you ready?" Loki asked. Sunset looked out. She had learned that the Void was as she perceived it. What she saw was stars of different colors. Green blue, red, blue, all of the colors where different multiverses.

"I am." With that they were gone flying to another multiverse.

Author's Note:

Here it is Loki is now going beyond the Equestrian Multiverse to find his counterpart! Time to go to other Multiverses face new foes!

Also that new form is called "Divine Balance!" boosts Loki's power massively!

Also before you ask The fight was destined not to destroy that universe otherwise well there wouldn't be one....