• Published 23rd Aug 2015
  • 4,841 Views, 105 Comments

Tale of Loki 2: Into the Void - Mega NewWays97

Loki is back. Now with two voices his head and a infinite void, can he find his way back home? Also how can he adopt to being the god of balance? The Answer is.....

  • ...

Equal is not Balance

"Sorry Twilight I win full house!" Discord said as he placed out his Astral cards.

Twilight showed her's. "Straight flush."

Discord tossed the Astral cards away. "How do you keep doing that... the winning!" Discord demanded.

Twilight had a smirk. "Because you're just that unlucky." She said.

Loki sighed as he flew through the void passing by universe after universe. "You both shouldn't be playing cards, you should be warning me incase Eris is following us." Loki stated, as he passed by what looked like universes orbiting some kinda void tree.

"Loki I don't think she can find you, your cloak blends in perfectly with the Void after all." Discord asked.

Loki was about to respond with he stopped feeling his spine wiggle under his skin. "I sense a disturbance in the force." Loki looked at the universe he stopped at. With a snap he entered it. He appeared inside ponyville with everyone having the same cutie mark.... that mark of the unicorn from season five.

"Okay, this is freaky," Loki said as he made himself invisible.

"It seems that Starlight Glimmer managed to take over in this universe," Discord said.

"Well, if everyone's equal then we're not needed to bring balance," anthro-Twilight dismissed.

"That's where you're wrong," Loki said as he flew over to Twilight’s Castle. "Starlight's spell to remove cutie marks throws the natural flow of magic in the world into imbalance. We need to find her and stop her before she does anything else to this place."

"That shouldn't be too..." anthro-Twilight started.

"Don't even finish that sentence," Loki interrupted. "You're still new to all this so let me explain some things for you. Never say a few key phrases: what could possibly go wrong and basic iterations of this'll be a cinch." Loki phased into the crystal castle looking for any clues. He came to the map of equestria. The sign of the spell was on most of Equestria. Using his senses he could sense Luna and Celestia where leading a hopeless rebellion as the map always gave them away, the crystal empire had destroyed the tracks and was using Shining barrier to block out the advance. Finally he found Discord.... he was trapped under the castle chained in both anti-magic and with the spell on him. His natural chaos was fighting the mark to a stalemate even while under the anti-magic. 'Makes sense to keep the biggest threat locked up.... wait he has the mark....' Loki then went for not just the ponies... he then paled. Dragons, Griffins, Minotaurs... even a few Changelings were all under the mark.

"This is insane," Loki said as he double-checked the map. "Starlight in this universe is way stronger than the one I dealt with. She's able to affect species that don't even have cutie marks."

"Can you tell where Starlight currently is?" Discord asked. Loki looked over the map and pointed at Canterlot.

"She should be there. The first thing we should do though is free the Discord of this universe. Then, we should see if we can find any Changeling queens and have them help Celestia and Luna's rebellion. After that, we should send a projection to go and taunt Starlight Glimmer and get a feeling for her general abilities. Does anybody have any additional input?"

"No, go do whatever you want," anthro-Twilight shrugged.

"Discord, your thoughts?"

"Yes, where are the mane six?" Discord asked.

Loki thought for a moment. If Starlight was like this and the castle was out. Loki's eyes widened. "They fallen...." he said in a low voice.

In the castle dungeon Discord of this reality shrugged once again. All his magical strength remaining was going to fighting this accursed mark. 'If I was free of these bonds I would purge this thing out of me...' He thought. Suddenly his bids where ripped right off him. As he feel on the ground he felt his full power return. The cursed mark was soon erased out of his system by the full force of his magic.

"You ok? No mental brainwashing?" Loki said still invisible.

"Who's there?" This universe's Discord asked as he whipped his head towards the source of Loki's voice. Loki appeared to him. "A reality bending multiversal god of Balance that happens to look a lot like you," Loki explained at breakneck speeds.

"That makes sense," this universe's Discord replied with a nod. "So why did you set me free?"

"Easy, so you could help me deal with Starlight Glimmer."

"Oh, I like the sound of that," Discord said with a manic grin. "I've got quite the score to settle with her."

"Glad to hear that you're on board. How's about you and I help kickstart a revolutionary army?"

This universe's Discord nodded and in a flash he was in an 18th century French outfit. "Count me in, viva la révolution!"

Chrysalis was getting tired. The hive mind they all shared as a race was their greatest strength what one Changeling knew they all did, but now that cursed mark was turning it against them. She was able too with her magic tone it out, the effects on the hive mind but it was taxing on her and there wasn't enough love in the stores to keep it up. 'This is hopeless....' She was afraid, the whole of the changelings were. Suddenly a wave of energy shot through the hive mind. When it was over the sounds of the taint within them was silenced.

"Don't worry they're not dead, I simply put up a psychic barrier keeping them out." She looked up to see 'Discord'.

"Discord? How did you escape?" She asked.

Loki rolled his eyes. "I set him free, hello I'm a reality bending Multiversal god of balance."

"And why do just so happen to look like Discord?" Chrysalis asked pointing a hoof at Loki.

"That's a long story so I'll just simplify it to, 'magic,'" Loki shrugged off.

"That's as good of an answer as I'm going to get, isn't it?" Chrysalis sighed.

"Yup, now let's get back down to business," Loki said with a clap. "Now, I'm going to give you a big boost of love energy so you can fight off Starlight's magic, and in return you're going to help me and join Celestia and Luna's revolutionary army."

"And why should I help them!?" Chrysalis shrieked. "They and their subjects nearly killed my hive!"

Loki rolled his eyes at that response. "Well ask yourself this. What's more important, your grudge with ponies, or your hive's safety?"

Chrysalis gritted her teeth for a moment before letting out an indignant huff. "Fine, I will do as you say and help those two pony princesses."

Celestia and Luna gave sigh. Everything just got more and more hopeless. Somehow these forces keep getting abused and converted. With Discord captured and Twilight and her friends missing there was no way they could turn back the tide. A Pegasus Stallion came flying in. "Princess Celestia, Princess Luna I bring word from Las Pegasus." The sister expected it to be more of the same news.

"How many did we lose?" Luna asked. The Pegasus was confused for a moment.

"No one in fact we won." This was surprising news.

"What but how?" Celestia asked.

"Simple Tia." Appearing was Discord wearing a strange mask. "After all what's good a mark that makes you same if you can't be special."

"And I'm always the most special person in the room," the masked Discord continued, pausing for a moment. "Wait a second, that came out wrong."

"Discord, how did you get free?" Celestia asked.

"Simple, I had a little help from our friend here," The Discord of this universe said as Loki appeared in a flash. "Two Discords, what is the meaning of this?" Luna asked, looking between the two figures.

"The long and short of it is that I'm from another universe and I just happen to look like Discord."

"And what are you doing here?" Celestia asked.

"I'm here to bring balance back to the world. And possibly give Starlight the witch trial treatment again. All depends on how this all goes down."

"Wait, you're here to bring balance to our world?" Celestia asked as it looked like her mind came to a halt. "I never thought I'd here anypony that looks like Discord say that."

Loki gave a laugh at this. "Sorry it's just somepony said the same thing to me once before." Loki answered. "Before I forgot, The Changeling's and the Yaks are going to help so don't attack, I'm going to see miss "I'm going to ruin the world because I can" and have a chat." Loki said perfectly imitating Starlight's voice.

He closed his eyes and sent a Astral projection out to Canterlot. "Now where is she?" Astral Loki asked. Astral Discord and Anthro Twilight where right next to him Loki turned to them both. "Split up and find her, Twilight will search the rooms, I will search the halls and Discord the basement and break!" The three of them searched the castle.

After both Loki and Twilight turned up empty they meet in the courtyard. "Where is Discord?"

Astral Discord came flying too to the fast. “She knows about Void Loki, I think she planning to becoming a Void Dweller!”

"What!?" Loki boomed as he whipped his head around, looking for the mare. "I knew she was stronger than the Starlight I dealt with, but I wasn't expecting that strong. Where is she now?"

"I think she's following me. I didn't stay long enough to find out for sure."

"There you are," A voice called out. "I was hoping I could find out a little bit more about where you're from." The owner of the voice then stepped into the courtyard to reveal Starlight Glimmer. Only she looked drastically different than what he remembered. This Starlight's horn seemed to be longer and she seemed to be taller too.

"And what's this, two Discords? This is certainly quite the development. So tell me, are both of you from different universes, or are you twins?"

"So you know about the multiverse and Displaced huh?" Loki said with a glare. "So let me guess, you plan on spreading your sameness mark all across the multiverse, don't you?"

"That's about it yes." Starlight answered back. "Now then who might you three be anyway?" She asked.

"Loki, we are Loki." Loki answered.

"We? Don't you mean you?" Starlight asked a bit confused. "No he's right we are Loki, me and Twilight exist within him." Astral Discord said pointing to Twilight and Loki.

"Oh then who or what are you then?" Starlight asked.

"Short answer a drifter, long answer, The God of Balance and his inner voices." Loki answered. A blast was seen coming from the city walls. "Oh and one more thing I'm the one that will stop you!" In a flash Loki's body appeared over the Astral Projection. Soon afterwards this realities Discord came riding in on a missile waving a cowboy hat.

"What the...!" Starlight screamed as she erected a barrier over herself just in the knick of time as Discord crashed right on top of her in a massive explosion. Loki floated down and cracked his knuckles as he watched the smoke settle and an angry Starlight was revealed. "I should've expected a sneak attack from the likes of you," she hissed.

"I prefer the term surprise attack because who doesn't like surprises?" Loki joked as he prepared a spell.

"I hate surprises," Starlight deadpanned.

"Well too bad 'cause I'm full of 'em. You ready to go, Discord?" Loki asked as Discord phased through the ground.

"Of course I am," he said with a massive grin. "Remember, I get the last shot. I owe her for everything she's done to me after all."

"You got it," Loki said as he gave Discord a nod. The two then charged at Starlight.

She waved her horn and fired out a massive blast of magic Loki and Discord dodged it. "Whoa..." Loki said. "Carefull you just tore a hole in the wall." Loki said pointing to the wall. Outside Celestia, Luna the Yak Prince, and Chrysalis were fighting though the marked victims with their forces. The explosion from Discord and the blast from Starlight caught their attentions for a moment.

"Look's like there fighting the little tyrant herself." Luna said blasting a Dragon down. "Indead." Celestia answered. Loki formed a ball of magic passing it to Discord who in a tennis outfit served it behind Starlight. "You missed!" She taunted. Loki hit it with a golf club right into her head.

"Damn it!" Loki cried as he bent the club over his knee. "I'm still slicing it!"

Starlight picked herself up and let out a roar of indignation as she let out another blast at Loki. He caught it while dressed as a magician, waved his paw and talons and the magic blast turned into a bouquet of fake looking flowers. Discord clapped at the performance and Loki gave a bow. "Can either of you take things seriously, I'm trying to kill you!"

Discord and Loki exchanged a look and quirked their eyebrows at her. "You need to lighten up, Starlight," Discord told her.

"Yeah, stop and smell the roses every once in awhile," Loki said as he tossed her the bouquet. Starlight caught the flowers without thinking and paused as she heard a ticking sound. She looked through the flowers and discovered a small bundle of dynamite, just as the timer on it reached zero.

"I hate you two," Starlight deadpanned as she was caught in a massive explosion.

Starlight got up from the rubble. Her eyes twitched as her horn glow with magic. "You know what no magic for you!" Loki screamed as he tossed a bat shaped boomerangs at her horn her magic was cut off as she was reading a transmute spell. The effect... was shocking. "Well we can't call you Starlight Glimmer now... or have a witch trial." Loki said as he laughed.

"What do you ...." She passed looking at a piece of glass. She was now a stallion. Discord was laughing this.

"Oh my Chaos this is rich."

Loki took a picture on his smartphone he just made and hit send. "Well now I hope everyone on the planet enjoys what you look like now." Loki said with a smile.

"You bastard!" "Starlight" boomed in his/her new voice. "Do you really think this is enough to stop me?"

"Nah, but it is funny, and really, that's the important thing," Loki said with a sagely nod. "Now, let's finish this!" Loki cried as a strange belt appeared on his waist. "Henshin a go-go baby!" He cried as he appeared in his Chaos Rainbow form, only he was wearing a mask on top of his head. "Come, Discord Saber!" Masked Loki called out as this universe's Discord transformed into a sword. "Final Attack: Balance Slash," A strange voice called out as Loki sent out a rainbow-colored wave with his sword directly at Starlight. She/he didn't have a chance to react as she was consumed by the attack. Starlight screamed and then exploded.

“Victory is ours!” Loki screamed striking a pose.

A few minutes later the spell's effects slowly was being undone as the cutie marks either faded away or returned to normal. Loki turned to the inhabitants of this world. Discord, Celestia, Luna, Chrysalis all turned to him. "Well it seems everything is getting back to normal." Loki started, "Though I hope you would put your differences aside after what had just happened." Loki said.

Discord shook his head as he tried to get his bearings back after the forced transformation. "Give a guy a warning before you do something like that."

"Sorry, I'll be sure to keep that in mind the next time I do something like that," Loki said with a chuckle. "Are you really leaving now?" Luna asked.

"Yeah, there's a lot of work out there for me and I've got a couple someponies out there in the multiverse waiting for me," he answered with a small smile. "Later everyone," he finished as he snapped his talons and disappeared into the Void once more.

"So, where should we check now?" Discord asked as they floated along.

"I dunno, there's a lot of places to check."

"An infinite amount actually," anthro-Twilight chimed in with a matter-of-fact tone.

"Thank you," Loki groaned, "didn't need to be reminded of that."

Author's Note:

Here is the Chapter not yet Edited