• Published 23rd Aug 2015
  • 4,842 Views, 105 Comments

Tale of Loki 2: Into the Void - Mega NewWays97

Loki is back. Now with two voices his head and a infinite void, can he find his way back home? Also how can he adopt to being the god of balance? The Answer is.....

  • ...

In a Wastleland...

Author's Note:

Edited by m2pt5/Emtu

Loki flew down and soon crashed right into a moon, the cloak covering him as he landed. He picked himself up off the moon and attempted to summon his magic. It was weak. Right now he didn't think he could do much. "Great I'm stuck in this universe now." Catching sight of the planet below, he blinked, wide eyed. Equestria and the planet looked almost like a desert. "What in the world..." Loki sensed something then had a realization. "Do you both feel that..."

Discord appeared next to him. "Yes, it feels like we are standing on Luna," Discord answered.

Anthro Twilight’s astral form tapped on moon. "Because it is. Luna’s powers and essence are infused in this moon."

'So we could be in an Equestria that still has Luna sealed as Nightmare Moon. Or this could be yet another Equestria with an evil Celestia, which would probably mean I have the worst luck of all time.'

"Considering you've died twice while being a god, I would've thought that would be a given," Anthro Twilight snarked.

'You make a good point,' Loki thought with a sigh. 'So, should I even bother to check out what's down there, or should I just wait until I get my magic back and move on?'

"Well, maybe you could leave it up to chance, for old time's sake?" Discord suggested.

Loki summoned up a coin. "Heads I go to the planet, Tails I stay and wait." Loki flipped the coin into the air, caught it with his talons, and smacked it on his paw. "Heads, looks like we're going down there." Loki floated up as he flew to the planet. As he started to enter the atmosphere, a strange feeling tingled at the back of his mind. "Does anyone else feel like something is decaying in the atmosphere?" Loki asked.

Discord soon commented. "Yes, I think this is like the waste of uranium... oh my, Loki I think this Equestria suffered... what was it... nuclear fallout, in some way." As he flew over he saw craters where bombs had landed, and some of the life seemed to have been mutated, another sign of nuclear fallout. Loki landed in what was once the middle of the Everfree Forest. The trees were dead and burned and mostly desert was all around.

'What the hell happened here?' Loki asked as looked around at the devastation.

"It's hard to say," Discord stated. "If we had all of our magic then we'd be able to roll back time to when this all happened."

'Yeah, do you think we'll run into anyone that can explain all this?'

"Who knows, this place looks dead but there might be someone somewhere." Loki set off and attempted to find anything that even remotely looked like intelligent life. As they floated around, taking in the sights, he frowned a little. 'Hmm, something seems a little off here.'

"What are you talking about?" Anthro Twilight asked.

'I dunno, something about this just seems vaguely familiar that's all. I can't put my claw on it though.' A shot soon zipped by Loki's head. "What the hell!" Loki demanded. Another shot flew by. "Ok enough!" Loki formed a shield around himself, blocking the shots. Standing out there wearing a power armor suit was a human.

'A humanized Equestria?' Discord commented.

"Men, kill the abomination now!" Appearing with him was a team of other humans, all shooting at the barrier.

"Abomination? Well excuse me!" Loki used his magic to levitate the guns out their hands.

"It has magic!"

"Hold up there fellas, no one's gonna kill anybody," Loki said with a bit of a frown as he used his magic to level all of their guns back at them. "I just want some answers. Also, do you know how rude it is to call someone you just met an abomination?"

"What kind of questions do you want us to answer?" the man that seemed to be the leader asked.

"Let's start with some basic history. Like, why is this place a nuked out hellhole?"

The one who had the shotgun stepped up. "According to history there was a great war between The Equestrian Kingdoms, The Zebra Empire, and The Centaur Alliance, it lasted about 34 minutes, and this was the result."

Loki then remembered why this looked so familiar to him. 'Fallout? This whole planet is basically Fallout games forced into Equestria,' Loki said to himself.

"So what happened to Celestia and Luna?" Discord asked. The soldiers looked confused at the transparent entity right next to Loki.

"You mean the things in the sky?" one of them asked.

"The things in the sky? Sounds like if Celestia and Luna were actual people in this world then they've been gone for quite some time," Discord said.

'Yeah, and this world is gonna need a lot of work if it's ever going to be on the road to being in balance.'

"So I'm guessing that the three sides destroyed each other in this war. Am I right?" Loki asked.

"Yes, but how do you not know all this, stranger? Even children know this story."

"Let's just say I'm not from around here and leave it at that."

"Like what? Are you from another dimension? Like those things?" the smaller one asked. Loki decided to just nod under his cloak.

"That about sums it up. I take it some things slipped through into this dimension soon afterwards?" Loki asked.

"Yes, mostly blob like things. The shining bombs are said to have ripped open into three dimensions sending some back, most died in our world over not so much." Loki tossed them back their guns.

"Where the closest settlement?" Loki asked.

"New Canterlot is up north."

"Well, lead the way then," Loki said as he gestured with his paw. The group of humans checked their weapons and took a formation before leading the way. 'So you two, what do you think we should do to try and restore balance?’

"I really don't care," Anthro Twilight said. "I still find our work to be pointless in the long run."

'Okay Miss Nihilist, I won't ask you anymore. So, Discord, any ideas?'

"Hmm... well, the first thing we'll have to do is to deal with all of the radioactivity."

‘I was thinking the same thing, but should we just snap our talons and be done with it, or find a wacky over-the-top way to do it?'

"Over-the-top, definitely," Discord answered.

"OK then." Loki answered back.

As the group walked along the path a few shots could be heard. "Tribals! Everyone get down!" Mutant-like beings were soon seen above them, shooting with guns and magic. Loki could feel the magic coming off them, and it wasn't right in any sense of the word. It was almost as if their magic was pulled inside out.

"Everyone move, I got this," Loki announced as he raised up his talon and paw, firing miniature rainbow blasts of harmonic energy at them. The Tribals mostly dodged, but the few that got hit turned to stone slowly before the stone broke revealing unmutated versions of themselves. 'What? Did that seriously just happen?' Loki asked. The Tribals started to run with a strange sense of fear for what Loki had done.

"Loki, I don't like this," Discord warned. "Something about this doesn't seem natural, even taking into account all of the radiation."

'Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Something has been bothering me ever since that last flare.'

"Then we'd best be on guard until our magic is fully back," Anthro Twilight added. "But first we should examine those things we just used our magic on to see if we can figure out anything." Loki nodded at that and walked up to the unmutated Tribals and waved a glowing paw over them.

The results caused Loki to go wide eyed. It was Chaos magic. However this Chaos magic was wrong in many ways. 'Discord, do you think the radiation is some kind of decayed Chaos magic?' Loki asked.

Discord appeared next to him. "It might just be. Actually, try to sense my counterpart on the planet." Loki closed his eyes and looked for the current universe's Discord's life signature. Loki's eyes widened. Discord, the Discord of this universe.... was everywhere! The radiation was him!

"Oh good god... How could this even happen?" Loki asked himself.

Anthro Twilight appeared next to him. "Let's see, perhaps instead of keeping Discord as a statue the princesses smashed it, unaware of the effects, and years later his stone body was turned into the world-ending bombs.... the effect causing dimensions to temporarily rip open and banishing the princesses to their respective celestial objects."

'Okay, this is crazy,' Loki thought with a grimace.

"Not to mention it'll make dealing with the problems here just a bit more difficult," Anthro Twilight said.

"Very true," Discord said. "Still, destroying my statue, I can't imagine what I did in this universe to cause Celestia and Luna to take such drastic measures to ensure I didn't return."

'Who knows, but we don't have time to... time. Maybe we should just go back in time and warn Celestia and Luna about destroying the statue and prevent all this?'

"Wouldn't that cause some unimaginable consequences on the timeline of this universe?" Anthro Twilight pointed out.

'Eh, as long as it brings balance to this universe it's best not to overthink the potential moral problems with preventing and causing certain births. As powerful as we are now, we aren't omniscient.'

"Loki, we have arrived at New Canterlot," the leader of the armored group said.

Once they got there Loki could see it was built below the city of old Canterlot. As Loki was about to enter, a few guards came up. "Stop right there! Mind telling me who this cloaked figure is?" Loki decided to pull down the hood, revealing his otherworldly (by this universe's standards) face.

"I am Loki, I'm a traveler from another dimension. A spirit of balance. I've been wondering about this planet, as I was under the impression it wasn't, well, fallout," Loki said calmly.

The guard was tense but wasn't shooting him. "So you're from another dimension, eh? It's quite a surprise for something from another dimension to not be a blob."

"Well, I'm certainly glad that I'm not a blob," Loki replied with a smile.

"Hmm, just be sure to hand over any of your weapons while we keep you under watch," the guard at the gate requested with an outstretched hand.

"Eh, sorry but I don't have any weapons on me. At least not any that you could take from me," Loki admitted with a weak chuckle.

"We'll be sure to keep an even closer eye on you then." The guard turned around and pounded out a pattern on the gate which caused it to slowly creak open.

"All this talk about blobs is making me miss my old friend Smooze," Discord said with a sigh.

'Wait, you actually had a friend!?' Loki asked.

"Well, I have a hard time remembering, and The Smooze wasn't your traditional kind of friend," Discord started. Loki shrugged it off as they walked into the city. Loki looked around and heard a conversation.

"I couldn't find any food this run," a lady was saying to an armed man.

"Well, we'll have to extend the rations a bit more."

Loki however stepped up. "I don't think that will be a issue." With a snap Loki used his magic to summon up a few pink clouds, and with a hit they started raining food from apples and vegetables and even a bit of candy and chocolate. Loki summoned up a few refrigerators and they quickly got filled up. When it was done, Loki had a straw hat on and a piece of wheat in his mouth.

"Well that's that," Loki said with a smile. The people looked surprised.

One of the guards came up to him. "How did you do that? Was that magic? I seen magic users of great power but you... Are you a god?" he asked, thinking that was the only reason for Loki doing what he did.

"Uhh, I suppose it all depends on who you ask," Loki said as he absentmindedly scratched his cheek.

"Is creating food the only thing you can do? We have quite a few sick people that need to be healed," the guard asked, pointing toward one of the larger buildings.

"Umm, I might be able to do something. I can't make any real promises though. Traveling between universes causes my powers to fluctuate for a while."

"We only ask that you try," the guard said as he started to lead him to what Loki presumed to be the infirmary.

Loki craned his neck to see all the sights of New Canterlot and frowned a little at what he was seeing. Much like the Fallout games, the buildings were piecemeal creations made out of metal that was a breeding ground for tetanus. What wasn't thrown together was just a broken down remnant of a long dead society. The people's clothing were much like the buildings themselves. All in all, Loki couldn't wait until his powers were back so that he could fix this depressing world.