• Published 25th Oct 2015
  • 13,923 Views, 509 Comments

Shinigami In Equestria - Urimas Ebonheart

An average but nerdy young man goes to an anime convention dressed as Ichigo from Bleach. He was missing only one thing from his costume, where a mysterious merchant sells him just the item he needed. Only to be sent somewhere he doesn't know.

  • ...

Chapter 11: Life as a Soul Reaper

Chapter 11: Life as a Soul Reaper

I stop in front of Fluttershy's cottage and let out a sigh. "Phew, that was a close one, I think we got away," I say and chuckle.

"Erm, that's great and all... but could you put me down please?" Orihime asks me with a large blush on her face.

It takes me a couple of seconds to realise her face was just inches from mine. "Oh! Sorry," I quickly reply and let her down with a blush of my own.

She straightens her skirt and looks down adorably. "It's fine... Erm... Thank you for bringing me back here," she tells me.

"Y-Yeah... No problem," I reply and rub the back of my neck. 'Great... I feel like a kid all over again.'

She then looks up at me with a smile. "Would you like to come in and have some tea with Fluttershy and me?" she asks.

I return the smile. "Sure, I could use a drink after that little scuffle," I reply and she knocks on the door.

"Coming!" I hear Fluttershy say. The door opens and the timid pegasus smiles at us. "Ichigo, Orihime. What happened?" she asks us.

"Oh, not much. Meeting other humans, getting into a misunderstanding, tumble down a tree... Just average stuff," I reply.

"I see... So what do you have planned for today?" Fluttershy asks.

"Dunno, I did my farm work for today... I'll just do my other job and hunt down hollows and perform some soul burials," I reply.

"Okay," Fluttershy says and looks at Orihime. "Would you like to join Rarity and me at the Spa today?" she asks her.

"I'd love to, sounds like fun," Orihime replies.

One Week Later

Over the last week, I've been hounded by Twilight with questions about the magic she felt at the orchard, and each time I've managed to distract her with information about zanpakutos and hollows so I could slip away... Like she could catch me anyway.

I've also been training in my spare time to use my Bankai for longer and slaying a few hollows that show up near Ponyville and Canterlot while performing three soul burials on some pony ghosts.

Orihime has been practising with her powers where Fluttershy has been letting her heal any badly hurt animals that would take months to heal. It's working out well so far, just a bit more and I think she'll have that Hospital job in no time.

Orihime and I both got pony made phones and have the Princesses' numbers as well as our new friends. Apparently, my soul pager doesn't work with pony phones.

I've been paid a nice sum of bits for my work on the farm, AJ and Mac said they've never been this far ahead of schedule, they have more free time to spend with friends and family now. Applejack has even been practising with her zanpakuto in her free time, getting to know him better.

I also get some bits from the Princesses for slaying hollows and protecting the ponies from them, I got enough to rent a small house near the market. It only has a kitchen, two bedrooms, a bathroom and a living room, but It's enough for me. I offered Orihime the spare room, but she decided to stay with Fluttershy for now.

The others beside Pinkie and Applejack still haven't spoken to their zanpakutos yet, but I think it won't be long now until one of them does.

I went to Canterlot a few times to train Celestia and Luna in how to use their zanpakutos. Celestia is close to meeting hers but just not there yet, Luna has been doing well with hers though, she's learnt her zanpakuto's released attack called Gengetsu Zangeki, or Crescent Moon Slash, it launches a spinning crescent shaped blade of ice when she swings her sword that can freeze her target on impact.

I got a call from the Soul Society yesterday saying that they'll be sending over a Shinigami to be my 'Partner' in the Ponyville and Canterlot area... Oh joy. I just hope they're normal, and nothing like Kenpachi or some other weirdo.

I yawn as I wake up and rub my eyes, today's the day that Shinigami arrives. I use my new bathroom and wash up, after that, I head down to the kitchen and have a small breakfast since Applejack has invited me and Orihime for dinner today.

Once I finish my breakfast, I wash the dishes. I hum a tune as I wash the last cup and smile, besides from the few hollow attacks, it's been rather calm and quiet.

A knock on the front door then sounds out, so I head towards the front door and open it, only to see a pony with powder blue fur and a black mane and tail. 'Wait a minute... I recognise that hair style.' "Rukia?" I ask with a surprised expression.

"Oh, did they tell you I was coming?" she asks me with a confused expression.

"They told me a Shinigami was coming to be my partner, but not that it would be you... Why are you in a pony gigai and not a human one?" I ask her.

"Oh it was to blend in with the population," she tells me.

I just deadpan stare at her. "You do know that Orihime and I walk around the town everyday, the ponies know about us already and what we are, you don't need to be in a pony gigai here," I tell her.

She looks at me for a few seconds before she frowns. "Those morons did this on purpose!" she yells and storms into my house, mumbling about getting back at Renji.

I blink a few times and close the front door, she walks into another room and closes the door with a slam. After a few minutes, she comes back out in human form and wearing her Shihakushō and zanpakuto.

"Much better, not that I have anything against the ponies, but walking around on four legs is a nightmare," she tells me. "By the way, I was told you stole my soul pager by one of the squad four medics... but I had it on me at the time, what did she mean by that?" she asks me.

I open my bumbag and pull out my soul pager. "It's a replica of yours I bought which sent me here," I reply.

She walks over and examines it. "It does look like mine," she says and looks through it. "But it's missing my contacts and music," she says and hands it back.

"Well then, what is the reason you're here exactly? I've been managing the area by myself just fine... Not that I don't want you here, it's an honour to meet you, I'm just curious," I ask her.

She sighs and sits down on my couch. "We've been detecting more and more hollow activity here and it's getting the Head-Captain worried. So they sent me as back up for you while other Shinigami have been sent to other areas as well, but they seem to be popping up here more then anywhere else," she replies.

I place my zanpakuto next to the front door and sit on the chair across from her. "I have noticed more and more hollow showing up lately. Zangetsu seems to think it's because of me and the Princesses reiatsu being so high..." I tell her.

"That is a possibility, but that doesn't explain why six menos just appeared so suddenly," she says with a hand on her chin as she looks down in thought.

"Erm... Oh, Zangetsu thinks someone might have lured them here," I tell her, remembering what Zangetsu told me when they appeared.

"That is also possible, we'll just have to keep an eye out for now," she replies.

I frown as a thought occurs to me. "Where are you staying?" I ask her, I remember she stayed in Ichigo's closet... Yeah not happening here.

"I will be staying with you during my time here," she tells me.

"Fine, you can have the spare room, but you'll need to find a job to help pay for rent and food... I ain't having you freeloading here," I tell her sternly, I remember how Renji was with Urahara.

"Job?" she asks confused.

"Yeah, you know, part time work or something while there's no hollows around. I work for AJ on her farm for a few bits, Princess Celestia also pays me to help keep Ponyville and Canterlot safe from hollows," I reply.

"I see, and where do I get a job here?" she asks with uncertainty.

I smile a little. "There's a billboard just inside the town hall with job offers, you could find something on there tomorrow, but for now you can just settle in and get comfy. Speaking of jobs, I need to head over to the farm and do mine, don't break anything while I'm gone," I tell her and get up.

I get the spare house key and give it to her. "This is the spare key to the house, don't lose it and make sure you lock the door if you leave," I inform her and then place my zanpakuto on my back.

"Okay... How long will you be gone?" she asks.

"Twenty to forty minutes, I work fast thanks to my shunpo," I reply and leave the house.

Thirty-Four Minutes Later

With another two carts filled with apples and my work done for the day, I head back into town and my Soul Pager goes off.

A hollow is heading towards the town from the Everfree Forest and I use my shunpo to cut it off before it gets here. I draw my zanpakuto and wait for it.

A large serpent like hollow as thick as a tree trunk with a snake shaped mask slithers out and heads right for me. I leap up and land on its back, making it thrash in an attempt to shake me off. I thrust my sword down into the snake and pin it to the ground, I then pull my sword and cut through its body and split its head in half.

I jump off and sigh. 'That wasn't much of a challenge...' I think to myself as it dissolves.

'I'd have to agree, it seems only lame ass hollow are showing up after those menos showed their ugly faces. I was expecting more like that minotaur one we fought in the Forest over a week ago,' Bob replies.

'True, I don't even have to use my mask for most of these hollows,' I say in my mind.

'Yes, this is troublesome. Someone was responsible for the menos' arrival, but they haven't made a move since,' Zangetsu says with a worried tone.

"Ichigo!" I hear Rukia call out to me as she runs over from the town. "I take it you dealt with the Hollow?" she asks me.

"Yeah, it wasn't even that tough, didn't even need my mask for this one," I reply and put my zanpakuto on my back.

"Mask?" she asks me.

"Oh, right, you weren't there when I met Yamamoto. I have a hollow within me and I can call forth his power through a mask," I tell her and conjure said mask.

She just stares at me with wide eyes. "You have a hollow in you?" she asks surprised.

"Yes, and here's the kicker, I consider him a friend," I say and remove the mask.

'Ain't you just a ray of sunshine,' Bob says sarcastically.

I roll my eyes and ignore him.

"That's never been heard of before... Are you sure he's not a danger?" she asks sceptically.

"I'm sure, he's an ass, but after eight-hundred years together, he grows on ya," I reply and roll my shoulders to loosen them up.

We head back to my house and I sit down and read a book about pony history I got from the Library for a couple of hours, during that time Rukia added her number to my soul pager and mine to hers so we can call each other if we need to. Rukia has gone out to explore the town for a bit while I stay inside with my book.

A frantic knocking on my door gets my attention and I sigh, I place a bookmark in the book and get up. I open the door to see Rainbow grinning from ear to ear.

"Look! I figured out my zanpakuto's name!" she says as she spreads her wings. Two long katana style blades are strapped to the front of her wings, looks like she can slash at her target as she flies by.

"And what is its name?" I ask her.

"Hiun, which she said means Flying Cloud. She's pretty cool, she looks like a pegasus pony made of clouds," she tells me.

"And how did you manage to speak to her?" I ask intrigued.

"I was over in Cloudsdale when one of those hollow things attacked, a filly was about to be eaten and I wouldn't have been able to draw my sword in time, that's when she spoke to me, told me her name and these sweet blades appeared on me, so I dashed at the monster and kicked its flank," she says with a wide grin.

"Awesome, now you just need to figure out what your zanpakuto's ability is," I tell her.

"Yeah, but I'm sure I'll find out soon, I'm awesome like that," she says and poses dramatically.

I chuckle and look up towards Canterlot. That reminds me, I still have to visit Urahara's store. "Listen, Rainbow. I need to head out to Canterlot for a bit, I'll see ya around, let me know when you find out your ability," I tell her.

"Sure, I need to get back to work, I'm kinda behind since I went to Cloudsdale. See ya later big guy!" she says and flies off.

I place my zanpakuto on my back and exit the house and lock the door. I stretch my limbs and pop a few joints, once limber enough, I use my shunpo to 'fly' to Canterlot.

Ten Minutes Later

I land on the edge of the city and take a breather, this is certainly a good workout. I look around and walk over to one of the ponies in the street.

"Excuse me? Where can I find the Urahara Store?" I ask the mare.

"Erm... I've heard of that place before, it's a candy store just down the street and down the third left. You can't miss it, it's a strange looking building," she tells me.

"Thank you," I reply and jump up to the rooftops and hop across and follow her directions. I drop down in front of the same store Urahara has on the anime.

I slide open the door and look inside. "Hello?" I call out.

"Huh?" A colt with short red hair swept back with tan fur looks up at me with a straw broom held in his forelegs. "Who are you?" he asks.

"Erm, I'm Ichigo Kurosaki, I called Urahaha like a week ago and he said to come visit when I had time. So here I am," I reply and fully open the door.

"Oh, you a customer then? Don't get many Shinigami anymore," he says. "I'm Jinta Hanakari, the owner is in the back, I'll go get him for ya," he tells me and trots into the back.

I look around on the shelves at all the different candy and even some herbal medicines and teas on the shelves. I then hear the sound of wood on wood and turn to see a unicorn version of Urahara, same hat and clothes as well.

"Oh? Been awhile since a Soul Reaper stopped by, what can I do for you?" he asks as a paper fan floats in his magic with his zanpakuto on his back.

"Urahara? It's me, Ichigo Kurosaki, I called you a week ago," I reply.

"Hmm? Oh yes, I remember, so what can I do for you Mr. Kurosaki? Or are you just looking around?" he asks.

"Yeah, not sure if there's anything I might find useful here or not. I have no need for a gigai or soul candies, what else do you have?" I reply and ask him.

He folds up his fan and chuckles. "We have many fine products. Zanpakuto cleaning kits, reiatsu restoration pills and..." he says and lists off a bunch of other mostly useless products.

"I see, do you have that massive training ground underground?" I ask him.

He just looks surprised and drops his fan. "How'd you know that?" he asks stunned.

"Oh... erm, a good guess?" I say and grin sheepishly.

"Hmmm," he hums in thought and levitates his fan back up. "Well, since you know about it, why do you want to know if it's there?" he asks.

"I can only control my Bankai for two, maybe three minutes. I was wondering if you would let me use or rent it to train myself," I tell him.

He stares at me for a few minutes making me feel uncomfortable. "I don't see the harm in it, ten bits an hour seems reasonable to me don't you think?" he replies.

"Oh, erm. Sure, yeah," I say and smile.

"But first, I want to see this Bankai of yours," he tells me and turns around. "Follow me and I'll show you where it is."

I follow him where Tessai Tsukabishi also in a pony body also follows us into the shop and to a hatch with a set of stairs leading down to a large rocky terrain with its own sky.

We walk in for a bit and he stops and turns around to face me. "Right then," he says and folds his fan back up. "Show me this Bankai," he tells me.

I walk over to an open area and hold my zanpakuto in front of me with my left hand on my right bicep. "BANKAI!" I yell and my reiatsu spikes.

Once the reishi clears, I'm standing in my Bankai form.

"I see, a physical based Bankai... Your zanpakuto is smaller now, more for speed yet still retaining its force," Urahara says circling me. "How fast can you move?" he asks me.

I start running all around him like Ichigo did when he fought Byakuya in his Bankai, leaving multiple after images behind me. I notice his eyes barely keeping up with me.

"Pretty good, you're just as fast as Yoruichi," he says. "You can stop now," he tells me and I stand in front of him.

The pressure in my chest is starting to build up again and I cancel my Bankai.

He hums in thought and pokes me with his fan in a few places as the pressure starts to fade. "I see where your problem is, it's as if you've trained for centuries but your body is still unfit," he says.

"Close, I was turned to stone for a millennia and trained with my zanpakuto and hollow half inside my head. I just got out over a week ago, so my body is still like it was when I was first stoned," I explain to him.

"Ah, that explains it. So you'd like me to train you physically so your body can handle the pressure?.. Wait, what do you mean hollow half?" he replies and then asks in confusion.

This is getting repetitive. "Yes, I'd like you to train me to get stronger. As for my hollow half," I say and form my mask. "he possessed me which got me turned to stone by the Princesses, during that time I trained and defeated him, meaning I can now use his power to boost mine," I reply.

He narrows his eyes, then smiles widely. "Alright then, it intrigues me on how a hollow got into you in the first place, but we'll start your training in three days. That will give me enough time to set up everything we'll need," he says and we head back up.

I stand by the front entrance and smile at Urahara. "Thank you for helping me, Urahara," I say and then remember something important. "Just wondering, did you put the Hogyoku in Rukia?" I ask him. Please say no.

He drops his fan yet again while his hat tilts slightly to the side on its own. He's silent for a good three minutes before his horn glows and the place is locked tight.

"How did you know that? I told no one of where I hid it as it is too dangerous in the wrong hands and couldn't be destroyed," he tells me as he draws his zanpakuto, oh crap.

"Whoa whoa whoa, take it easy. Believe it or not, there was an anime where I came from about the character I dressed as along with you, Soul Society, the Shinigami and hollows and a plot involving the Hogyoku," I quickly explain.

The serious look on his face is gone for complete confusion. "What?" he says dumbly.

I sigh and slowly sit down. "Get comfortable, this may take awhile," I say and tell him everything I remember about the anime.

After a couple of hours, the others are sitting behind Urahara while he takes in this information. "So you're saying Aizen will use the Sokyoku to remove the Hogyoku from Rukia and use it to make himself stronger? And he's the one behind putting hollows into Shinigami as well as killing all of Central forty-six later?" he asks sceptically.

"Yes, it's how I know who you are, who the squad Captains are, Yoruichi, the Hogyoku, even the stronger versions of hollow called Arrancars in Hueco Mundo," I reply. "but whether or not this world will follow or stay near the anime, I don't know. For one, you weren't a pony. Two, I didn't get my Soul Reaper powers from Rukia, and three, I'm on Equestria, not Earth," I tell him.

"That is true, the world is vastly different then what you told me. Though this is still cause for concern, if what you say is true, I will train you very hard so you may protect Rukia. The Hogyoku must remain hidden," he tells me. "For now keep a close eye on her, and bring her here with you if you can, I wish to see if it is still there," he says.

"Alright, so when should I arrive? I get off of work at around seven or eight in the morning," I tell him.

"Good heavens, no need to be that early, I do like sleeping in," he says with a chuckle. "Around eleven should do just fine."

"Alright, oh before I go can I buy some of those candies? They look like a good joke for Rainbow Dash," I say looking at a pack of gummy sweets named Rainbow Drops.

"Oh sure, they're four for three bits," he tells me.

Once I get the sweets, I say goodbye and head back to Ponyville. So the Hogyoku is inside Rukia, I'll have to keep an eye out for Aizen or anything else suspicious.

Three Days Later

I killed a few more hollows and performed another soul burial. I also gave Rainbow the sweets while trying to hold back my laughter which she gave me a glare, though it didn't do much because of the slight smirk she was trying to hold back. She thanked me for the candy and took off to practice with her zanpakuto.

Orihime has gotten better with her powers and I believe in about a week's time, she'll be able to get a job at the Hospital. Though I was told Tsubaki was giving her lip and trying to get her to use him to slay hollows.

None of the others have spoken to their zanpakutos yet but Celestia is very close, she says she can see a large blurred image and hear a muffled voice, but that's it. She also can feel her hollow starting to rise again, we'll have to get her to speak with her zanpakuto soon or it could take over again.

I've finished my work for today and head back home to get ready for my training at Urahara's Store. I've asked Rukia if she would like to join me for training as well. It took awhile, but I convinced her.

We make our way up to Canterlot and to the store, I open the door and call out to anyone. "Hello? Urahara? I'm here!" I say.

"Yeah yeah yeah, keep your voice down," Jinta tells me. "I'll go get him, wait here," he says and walks off.

"How do you know Urahara?" Rukia asks me. I tell her of the contact on my soul pager and our meeting three days ago, minus the whole thing about the Hogyoku. "I see, and you want him to train you to get stronger? Why not train at the Soul Society?" she asks me.

"I ain't going there unless I need to, Kenpachi wants to fight me and Mayuri wants to dissect me," I reply.

"Oh..." she says as Urahara enter the room.

"Rukia! How are you doing, been awhile since you last visited," he says to her.

"Yes, well, I have been busy with Kido training and slaying hollows in the human world," she replies.

"I see, well we can catch up later over tea, are you here to join Mr. Kurosaki for his training?" he asks her.

"I don't see why not, it would give me a good look at what he's capable of," she says.

"Good, then let's go. I have everything already set up," he says and we head down the stairs.