• Published 25th Oct 2015
  • 13,923 Views, 509 Comments

Shinigami In Equestria - Urimas Ebonheart

An average but nerdy young man goes to an anime convention dressed as Ichigo from Bleach. He was missing only one thing from his costume, where a mysterious merchant sells him just the item he needed. Only to be sent somewhere he doesn't know.

  • ...

Chapter 13: The Quincy of Imagination Part 1 [Crossover]

Author's Note:

Crossover with
Master of Imagination

Unfortunately it seems the account or story no longer exists.

Chapter 13: The Quincy of Imagination

“So Rukia… Any idea on how to fight this thing?” I ask her as we both evade the hollow’s attack.

The hollowfied hydra stares at us both as we discuss a way to defeat it.

“I don’t know! I’ve never seen a hydra before!” she yells back at me.

“Well, from what Fluttershy told me of the Everfree creatures, the hydra’s heads will grow back if cut off… but their vulnerable in the belly area,” I tell her, but after looking at said belly which is covered by some kind of thick armour like bone, that idea went out the window.

“Well it looks like we’ll need to think of something else, whoa!” Rukia replies and barely dodges one of the heads.

I look all over the hollow for a weakness, but something in the fourth head’s mouth gets my attention. ‘What is that?’ I think to myself.

“Rukia, there’s something in the fourth heads mouth… I’m going to cut it off and I want you to try and get it!” I tell her.

“Alright!” she replies and swings her zanpakuto at the second head that lunges at her.

I place my left hand over my face and form my hollow mask. Once on, I lift my sword to my right side and gather my reiatsu into it. “Getsuga… TENSHOU!” I yell with a distorted tone and swing my sword at the hydra.

The beam of black reishi carves off all five heads which falls to the ground all around the body, but instead of dissolving, the body thrashes and swings its tail wildly about.

Rukia quickly uses her shunpo to dash in and grab the object in the fourth head’s jaw.

“What is this thing?” she asks and wipes off the hydra’s saliva only to see a brain inside a glass jar.

“Aaahh!” she yelps as she drops the jar.

I quickly catch it with my left hand and look at it. "I am Gremmy leader of the Vandenreich Sternritter. You need my help I'll come to your aid when needed," a voice said in my mind.

I think this is another one of those tokens Nicko told me about… Wait a minute… Gremmy? Isn’t that the one he warned me about?’ I think to myself, but the hydra’s roar gets my attention, I deflect the hydra’s tail with my sword and jump back, the hydra has two of its five heads back now.

I look to the jar in my hand and frown… ‘Well, friend or foe, I could use some help right now.’ I think to myself and hold the jar out.

“Gremmy! I call for your help!” I yell out. ‘God that was more embarrassing to say than I thought.

Bob is just laughing at me within my mind.

Seconds later a portal in shape of a Quincy’s symbol appears a few inches next to me and Rukia as three people walk out of it.

“I still can’t believe that Liltotto couldn’t come with us this time, and here I thought we could do something together other than eating,” a human girl with long black hair and a tiny little hat on the right side of her head says as she hops off of an anthropomorphic pony’s back.

“Worry not, Giselle,” the tall Human man who looks like a cheap ripoff of Thor says as he slaps the anthro pony on the back causing him to trip forward a bit. “No matter what happens we’ll be victorious!”

“Just don’t go overboard this time, Gerard. We don’t want a repeat of what happened in Canter-.” This Gremmy guy was unable to finish his sentence as one of the hydra’s head appears from behind, and eats him.

“Gah! Gremmy!” Giselle yelps in shock.

“Villonius monster!” Gerard says as he unsheathes his sword. “You’ll pay for sneaking up from behind us!”

“Wow! It’s a good thing I decided to hitch a ride on Giselle then Gremmy,” a tiny little anthro pony with fairy wings and antennae on her head says as she appears from Giselle’s pocket. She turns around towards us and goes wide eyed. “....Hey, Giselle... why are there two humans wearing pajamas standing behind us?” she asks the human girl.

“What do you mean by-.” Giselle’s skin turns pale as she eyes the both of us, mainly me. “Oh no.”

“You okay, Giselle?”

“No no no no no no no no,” she keeps repeating and then runs behind Gerard.

“...Okay... Hey you two, what the hell are you supposed to be?” Lotus asks glaring at the two of us.

I just blink at the tiny bipedal looking Pony. “Erm… I’m a substitue Soul Reaper… and she’s my partner for this area,” I reply with a confused expression.

“The hell’s a Soul Reaper?” the tiny pony asks as she orders Gerard to come over to her. “Hey muscle dude, you know what a Soul Reaper is?”

“......Sadly yes,” Gerard says as he looks at me and Rukia. “They should be willing to explain what a Soul Reaper is, and they should keep you safe.... They’re not that strong to be considered a threat.”

My right eye twitches and I frown. “I’m getting sick of people constantly calling me weak… First Byakuya, then Nicko, and now this guy, it’s starting to piss me off,” I say in my hollowfied tone. “Wait a second… DID YOU JUST CALL MY SHIHAKUSHO PAJAMAS!” I yell at the little fairy pony.

“Um… Yeah… I mean look at you two, you look like you just got out bed and those were the only thing you could find to wear at the moment,” the fairy says as she tries not to laugh.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. ‘Ignore the midget pony, she just doesn’t appreciate the good things in life.’ I open my eyes and glare at the fairy pony. “This is standard Shinigami attire I’ll have you know… Getting tired of people calling it that,” I say and grumble at the end.

All of us turn our attention back to the hydra who now has all five heads back and roars at us.

“Has anyone seen, Gremmy?” Giselle asked.

“He got eaten by that hydra… Man I almost forgot about that… You think Gremmy’s gonna be pissed that we forgot about him?” the fairy asks only for her question to be answered as this Gremmy guy busts out of the Hydra’s throat.

“... Okay next meeting we have, we’re gonna talk about you guy’s habit of forgetting that I’m still here!” says the blonde maned Gremmy as he brushes off the hydra’s blood. “I really hate it when monsters do that.”

Rukia and I just stare at the group, We were just fighting a dangerous hollow and next it devolves into a comedy act with these guys here. The bipedal pony dressed the same as the two humans floats down to them. “Okay, I’m so confused right now… Which one of you does this token belong to?” I ask them while holding out the jar.

“That would be me of course,” Gremmy says pointing to himself. “Are you the one that summoned me?”

“Yeah, I found your token in that hollow’s mouth,” I reply. “FUCK!” I yelp and use my shunpo to avoid getting eaten myself as the hollowfied hydra tried to bite me.

“A hollowfied hydra, been a while since I seen a hollow before,” Gremmy says as he cracks his neck. “Hey Ichigo, where are we?”

“Erm… We’re just west of Ponyville about a mile out, I was practising my kido when that hollow showed up,” I reply as Rukia swings her zanpakuto at one of the hydra’s heads which lunges at her.

“Perfect, then I don’t need to worry about other ponies getting caught up in the crossfire.” the anthro pony guy says as he summons a clone of himself. “Seeing how cutting at it won’t do us any good.”

“Then how about we just kill it with something that it can’t regenerate from,” the clone says.

“Hm….Meteor,” the original replies.

“I was thinking the same thing.” Both him and his clone smile as a huge portal appeared above them. “Meteor Crash!” they say together as a meteor the size of the hydra itself began to fall from the sky.

“We might want to run,” Giselle says as she, the fairy and Gerard start to run away from the hollowfied hydra. “If you don’t want to get caught in the explosion, I suggest you run!”

Four of the hydra’s heads look up while the fifth looks at the fleeing humans, it then spits out a yellowish green chunky looking fluid which hits Giselle in the back and pins her to the ground.

“EW! GROSS! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS STUFF!?” she yells as she tries to break free of the strange sticky substance.

I see this and curse under my breath. ‘I hope I don’t regret this.’ I lift my zanpakuto in front of myself and the cloth on the grip wraps around my right arm, I place my left hand on my right biceps. “BAN-KAI!” I yell and my reiatsu gets stronger.

A second later I’m standing in my Bankai form and quickly dash forward and cut Giselle out of the chunky fluid and carry her in my arms towards the others.

“W-What the hell do you think you’re doing? I can save myself Soul Reaper,” Giselle tells me as she pulls on my cheeks.

“OW! I was just helping you little brat!” I yelp in pain and drop the girl onto the ground.

“You jerk! What kind of a man drops a woman like that!” she says angrily.

“The kind who doesn't get respect or gratitude for helping the women he saved!” I reply right in her face as my Bankai is cancelled.

“Oh I am so tempted on making you into a zombie for doing that you jerk!” she threatens me.

“Save the fighting for later,” Gerard says as he grabs me, Rukia and Giselle. “Right now we should find a safe place to run to.”

“The Valkyrie man is right,” the fairy pony agrees as she lands on Rukia's head. “Onwards to someplace other than here,” she orders as Gerard bolts away.

I just grumble in irritation at being held under Gerard’s arm like a sack of potatoes as we make it to a safe place to avoid the meteor. The meteor lands onto the hollowfied hydra, causing a mushroom cloud to appear in the sky, normally there would've been a shock wave heading towards us like anything that would cause an explosion like that, but the strangest thing about it was…. It didn't happen.

“Well… That was anti-climatic,” the fairy says in disappointment.

“The fuck just happened?” I ask. “And can you please put me down now?” I ask this Gerard.

“Sure,” Gerard drops me onto the ground face first. “Oops, sorry about that.”

I groan as I stand back up and shake my head to shake off the dirt in my hair. “I swear… If every time I use these damn tokens I get hurt in someway by the things that come through, I don’t think I should bloody bother with them anymore…” I complain with a frown and crack my neck and back.

“You’ll get used to it,” Gremmy says as he appears. “Also I would advise you about not summoning others. Being alone can lead to... Certain problems in the later future.”

I dust off my clothes and give Gremmy a deadpan stare. “I’ve been trapped in stone for about a thousand years with no one to talk to but my zanpakuto and my hollow half,” I tell the guy.

“At least you’re not hunted down by a Changeling Queen that’s wants you to be her pet,” Gremmy replies as he shivers. “God I couldn’t think straight for the past few years.”

“That and you kinda made a mess back home when your mind was messed up,” the fairy says off handedly.

“Hey I’m working on it,” Gremmy replies as he turns his attention back to me. “I’m Gremmy V Thoumeaux by the way.”

“Well, I can’t remember my name before coming here so just call me Ichigo Kurosaki,” I reply.

“You should’ve written your name on a piece a paper like Gremmy did,” the midget pony says as she pulls out a piece a scrap paper. “It helps Gremmy when he forgets his name.”

“The annoying little parasite is named Lotus. My faithful companion for the past one thousand years wandering Equestria,” Gremmy tells us.

“Hey! I’m a breezie not a parasite,” Lotus says and gets right in Gremmy’s face.

“Yeah because you’re such a helpful little breezie,” he replies sarcastically.

“Well that’s all good, but my memories were taken from me before I arrived here, same with another person who arrived here as well a week or two ago,” I tell them. “Speak of the devil and he arrives, here she comes now,” I say looking towards Ponyville.

Orihime runs over to me with a worried expression. “Ichigo! Are you alright? You’re not hurt are you?” Orihime asks me.

“Na I’m good, had a little help from some new friends,” I reply and point a thumb towards the newcomers.

“Hello,” Lotus says as she and Gremmy wave along with Gerard and Giselle.

“Erm, hello,” Orihime replies, but she then spotted Rukia and smiled. “Rukia!” she says and hugs the Soul Reaper with a smile of her face.

“Hello, Orihime. How have you been?” Rukia asks the redheaded girl.

“Oh just wonderful, my work at the Hospital has helped me control my powers better and I’ve made a lot of friends with the staff there,” she replies. Orihime then just noticed the little Breezie on Gremmy’s head.

“Oh my gosh! She’s adorable!” she yells and ran over and plucks the little breezie off Gremmy’s head and hugs her to her chest.

“Gah! What the!? Hey!” Lotus says as she tries to break free from Orihime’s death hug. “Gremmy help!”

“I could…. but I won’t,” he replies

“You bitch! When I break free, you are so dead!” Lotus threatens him.

While Lotus is being smothered by Orihime, I walk over to Gremmy. “I’ve been wondering, I was told to be careful of you because you’re a Quincy, but the only Quincy I know of are Ishida, his dad and his Grandad… I don’t think I saw you or them from the anime.” I ask him while pointing to the other two humans.

“I take it you haven’t been updated on the manga of Bleach huh?” he asks me.

“I’m more of an anime guy then a manga guy,” I reply.

“You should read the manga more, because they’re pretty much in the Quincy war saga of the series.”

“So… What happened during this Quincy war? Does Ichigo get any new powers or abilities?” I ask him.

“I’ll say this much, he does have new powers and abilities. Not to mention that you’ll be able to wield two zanpakutos, Oh and the dude that lives inside you his sword is actually a piece of the Emperor’s reishi… I think… It’s been a while since I read the manga, but he does have something to do with the Emperor. Also be prepared, if you meet this world’s Vandenreich Sternritter they will attack Soul Society first, and kill the captain of the first squad.”

I just stare at him with wide eyes. “They fucking kill old man Yamamoto? Well… Maybe I’ll be able to warn him about this… Could change the outcome,” I reply with a hand on my chin.

“Um… That might be a problem seeing how they’re able to steal the captains of the thirteen court guard Bankais… Including Yamamoto’s.”

I look at him horrified. “Jesus… They can’t take mine right?” I ask with worry.

“Thank god they can’t due to your hollowfication.”

I then grin as an Idea comes to mind. “What if the other Captains go through the hollowfication process? I can guide them through it and they should be strong enough to overcome them since they’re stronger than I was when I went through it.”

“That can work, but I doubt they’re willing to do that. You know what with their pride as a captain and stuff,” he tells me.

“That might not be a problem… I showed them my hollow mask and the old man was intrigued by it. If I tell them why, they might listen,” I say while pacing back and forth.

“I might as well come with you when that day comes. Mostly because I have visual proof of it,” he says.

“How so?” I ask.

With a snap of a finger, a stack of manga books appears next to him. “Like that.”

I pick up one and flip through it. “Whoa… Wait, that’s what my Bankai will look like?” I ask pointing to an image with Ichigo wielding two Zanpakutos.

“Who said that was your Bankai? That’s what your new sword looks like once you get your ass handed to you by the Emperor, and he breaks your sword. Oh spoilers, you get to go to the people that protect the Soul King.”

I stare at the manga and frown. “Really? I kinda like my zanpakuto as it is…”

“Sorry pal, but you pretty much get the twin swords after you break free from your prison and fight the Emperor. Oh and Rukia get’s her Bankai as well.”

“I what!?” Rukia yells and gets right in Gremmy’s face.

“You get your own Bankai. I will say this much,” Gremmy said as he made the stacks of manga disappear. “You win a fight with the Quincy that stole your brothers Bankai.”

I speak up before Rukia could. “But if I get the Captains to go through with the hollowfication, won’t that change that?” I ask the Quincy.

“Possibly, then things will change for them then what happens in the manga… If shit hits the fan, summon me, because I’ll be able to inform you about the Quincy’s and their abilities.”

“Alright… Hang on a second,” I say and concentrate my reiatsu into my right hand, a copy of my token forms in my hand and I hold it out to the Quincy. “This is my token, you can use it to call me or I you, it also acts as a radar to whatever you consider an enemy, but the distance is pretty short.”

“I always wanted one of these, just never had the money to buy the toy version of it,” Gremmy says as he places the phone in his pocket. “Well seeing how I got some time to kill at the moment, why not give me a tour of your world’s Ponyville?”

“Sure, I actually have a house in Ponyville,” I reply and turn to Orihime, who is still suffocating the breezie in a hug. “Orihime, were heading back to town, you might wanna give the poor thing some air!” I tell her.

“L-Losing… Air… Seeing a bright light…” Lotus says as her face turned blue.

“Oh goodness! I’m so sorry!” Orihime says and releases Lotus from her squishy prison.

“I just saw my life flash before my eyes!.... It sucked,” the breezie says and gasps for air.

“Well then, let’s get going, I need to make sure Twilight isn’t trying to probe her zanpakuto again,” I say and start walking back to town.

“I feel sorry for her zanpakuto….. Wait she has a zanpakuto?” Gremmy asks me.

“Uh-huh. She and the other Element Bearers got them when they used the Elements of Harmony on Luna while she was hollowfied, and Luna and Celestia got theirs by using the Elements on me while I was hollowfied… but over the years after that, they somehow got hollows placed into them as well… I’m not sure who did it but if we’re following the anime or manga, I’m betting it was Aizen,” I reply.

“Pretty much yeah when you think about…Question, is your world anthro or four legs?” he asks me

“Four legs, the last Displaced here was from an anthro version of Equestria. I take it yours is as well?” I reply and ask.

“Could you not tell by the way I look?” Gremmy says as he spun around. “Pretty much yeah…. Though I am dreading on going back at this point.”

“Well I thought you were caught in a spell gone wrong and you were stuck between a human and a pony… but why are you dreading going back?” I ask him as the town comes into view.

“Night Gilder and Luna are fighting over Gremmy,” Gerard says bluntly. “Luna pretty much has a crush on him after beating her in a fight a while back.”

“While Night Gilder has a crush on him for saving her town from Starlight Glimmer,” Giselle adds.

“Oh, women trouble, well I don’t think I’ll have that here. I just don’t find the ponies attractive.” I tell them and glance towards Orihime. “But there is someone I have my eye on.”

“Oh, I see,” Gremmy said as he looked at Orihime up and down. “Good luck buddy-.” Gremmy was cut short when he felt the phone that I gave him ring. “It better not be one of those telemarketers.”

“That can’t be possible, I made them to only call others with my token…” I tell him with a raised eyebrow.

“Let’s find out who’s calling,” he said as he answers the phone. “Hello?”

"AH HA! I knew this was your phone, Gremmy!" a woman yells as we hear someone pushing her to the side.

"Thank Faust you are okay. Where are you, have you been foalnapped by somepony?" Luna’s voice asks, she's not speaking in ye old'e English which is weird.

“.......Why did I agree to fight Luna in the first place?” Gremmy mumbles to himself.

“Is that your Luna? She sounds normal compared to mine, she speaks with ye old'e speech,” I ask.

“Mine does, but she’s more up to date with the present time english,” he replies.

"Gremmy who are you talking to?" Luna asks.

“Another displaced human, you know like the ones from before?” Gremmy tells her.

"Oh okay," she replies.

"Hey I wanna talk to Gremmy. Give me the phone!" the other woman I guess is this Night Glider demands.

"GET YOUR OWN PHONE YOU BIMBO!" Luna yells at her.


“They do realize there is a speaker function right?” I tell Gremmy.

“I doubt they know about it.” Gremmy hands the phone to Giselle. “They might be busy for a while, let’s go meet the Elements of Harmony?”

We reach the edge of town where the ponies nearby stop and stare at us, mostly at Gremmy and his bipedal pony appearance.

“Greetings from the future ponies of the past. I am from the distant future where all ponies are anthropomorphic, and earth and pegasi ponies can use magic,” Gremmy says as he made a miniature sun appear on his fingertip.

I lightly shove him in the shoulder. “Don’t say shit like that to them… they’d most likely believe ya… You can do that in front of Twilight though,” I tell him.

“Oh come on, with the way things are now from what you told me, I wouldn't be surprise if it did happen,” he complains.

“Yeah, and when that time comes we’ll deal with it, no need to spread rumours that may or may not be true… Besides, we have enough problems with the constant hollow attacks.” I reply.

“Fine I’ll keep my shit under control. God you’re just as worse as Buzz Killington the third,” he says and rolls his eyes.

“I say, I resent that remark,” a British version of Gremmy sitting at a nearby table drinking tea says.

I look at the double wearing a tophat and then back at Gremmy. “What is your power by the way? You never mentioned that,” I ask.

“I have the power over imagination. I’m pretty much the strongest out of the Quincy’s.”

“Wait what? Then how the fuck do I fight my Equestria’s version of you then? How the fuck do you counter something like that!” I ask in a panicked tone, how do you kill something that can think up anything and make it real?

“Kenpachi, that’s how my good lad,” Buzz Killington says as he takes a sip from his tea. “That monster can pretty much cut through anything.”

“Yeah I’ll be keeping my distance from him in both here and back home,” Gremmy says.

“You’re not the only one, fucker wants to fight me so badly after I took out those five Menos Grande two weeks ago,” I tell him.

“Yeah that bastard is the only one that can kill Gremmy. Especially when he finally gets his Bankai,” the Quincy pony tells me.

I just stare slack jawed at Gremmy. “That insane bugger gets his Bankai!? But he can’t even talk to his Zanpakuto!”

“Yeah he gets it after killing what’s her name, Mayuri’s rival… Crap I can’t remember her name, but she does scare the hell out of you with that look of hers,” he tells me.

“Wait, that woman that looked like that Bount women Ishida liked?” I ask.

“No not that, she’s the part of the medical squad. Damn it’s on the tip of my tongue,” Gremmy says with an expression of deep thought.

“Then I have no idea who you’re talking about, I thought Urahara was Mayuri’s rival,” I tell him.

“No not him. She’s part of the thirteen court guard squad,” he says.

“Hmmm, well, I’ll ask Urahara if he knows anything about it, but as for us! we have a tour to do!” I say and walk off into the town.

Halfway to the Library to find Twilight, Pinkie Pie used her shunpo to appear before us.

“OH! Ichi! Who are these guys?” she asks getting right in Giselle’s face.

Giselle’s eyes began to sparkle as she looks at Pinkie Pie. “Giselle, no,” Gremmy told her.

“But…. But she’s so cute.” Giselle pouts at him.

“No means no, Giselle. We wouldn’t want Bambi to lecture again don’t you?” he tells her.

“Fine, but can I at least cuddle her?” she asks.

“Buzz, keep an eye on her will you,” Gremmy asks his double.

“I suppose so, we wouldn’t want her to be another of her toys now do we?” Buzz says as he appears behind Giselle and Pinkie Pie.

“Toys?” Pinkie says confused. “I like toys! What kinda toys?” she asks them.

“Oh, I’m able to turn ponies or any living being into a zombie. That’s how I was able to make Bambi-chan into my favourite toy to play with.” Giselle says as she gave off an innocent look.

Pinkie’s smile instantly fades and her eyes goes wide and her pupils mere pinpricks. “ZOMBIES! AAAAHH! SHE’S AN EVIL ENCHANTRESS! EVERYPONY RUN!” she screams out and in the blink of an eye is gone, just a pink cloud of dust in her shape remains.

“Wow, look at her run,” Gremmy says. “Surprisingly fast for a pony that eats sweets all day.”

“She knows how to use Flash Step,” I tell him and look at Giselle. “And you turn anyone into a zombie and I’m gonna get pissed off,” I warn her.

“Oh I’m so afraid of the Shinigami who couldn’t handle a hollow version of a hydra.” Giselle replies sarcastically. “Don’t worry mister pajama man, I won’t turn anypony in a zombie unless they’re dying from a fatal wound.”

“And you don’t even need to do that as Orihime can heal any wound and even restore lost limbs. Also I recall you getting snotted all over by said hydra,” I retort.

“......Oh I am so tempted on making you into a zombie,” she tells me again.

“Why do I get the feeling these two will hate each other by the end of this?” Gremmy says.

“As if your skinny ass could even catch me,” I tell her and walk off towards the Library.

Orihime and Rukia both slapped me in the back of the head. “OW! What was that for?” I ask them.

“That’s for being mean,” Orihime scolds me.

“What? But she wanted to turn Pinkie into a zombie! And her attitude isn’t helping either,” I say defending myself.

“That may be true, but a gentlemen like yourself can at least show some class around a lady,” Buzz Killington says.

I stop and turn towards the group. “Alright, the moment she acts like a lady and not some little brat is when I behave like a gentleman,” I tell them and then continue towards the Library, ponies just watch us with confused or amused expressions.

“Geez, you think they’d be used to weird stuff like this happening around here in Ponyville,” Gremmy comments.

I grumble to myself as we finally reach our destination. “Well we’re here,” I say and knock on the door. “Hey, Twilight! You in?” I call out.

“You know this is a public Library right!” Twilight yells back from inside.

Ignoring the giggles behind me, I pull the door open and walk inside as well as the others.

“So what did you need Ichi…” Twilight started but stops when she sees the others. “Who are they? And why is that pony standing on two legs?” she asks in shock.

“I’m from the future, all ponies walk on two legs now and earth and pegasi ponies can do magic now,” Gremmy says as he made a mini black hole appear in his hand.

Twilight gasps and grabs Gremmy with her magic and drags him down into the basement. “You’re going to tell me everything!” she tells him with a manic look in her eyes.

“It’s pretty much just years of evolution, Twilight. There’s not that much to explain about it,” he tells her.

“Then how is it possible for an earth pony to use magic…” Twilight asks but her voice fades away once the basement door closed.

“Well… That just happened… I don’t think we’ll be seeing him again anytime soon,” I say. “I had to distract her just to get away from her constant questioning.”

“Give him a minute,” Lotus says as the door to Twilight’s basement opens up.

“And that Twilight is how earth ponies and pegasi evolved and can use magic,” Gremmy tells her.

“Fascinating! I’ll have to look into this later,” Twilight replies scribbling down notes.

I walk over to Gremmy and whisper into his ear. “You just told her a load of bullshit didn’t you.”

“The magic part yes, the evolution part. I just pretty much told about my world’s evolution into anthro,” Gremmy whispers back. “Though give them time and they will be able to use magic.”

“Eh, that’s not for millennia yet. Right then, let’s continue the tour,” I tell the others.