• Published 25th Oct 2015
  • 13,911 Views, 509 Comments

Shinigami In Equestria - Urimas Ebonheart

An average but nerdy young man goes to an anime convention dressed as Ichigo from Bleach. He was missing only one thing from his costume, where a mysterious merchant sells him just the item he needed. Only to be sent somewhere he doesn't know.

  • ...

Chapter 27: More hollows within Part 1

Chapter 27: More hollows within Part 1

Pinkie and I head back to Zecora's hut as she's skipping along the way while I just watch her with confusion.

'Why does she have a human like body? Does this mean ponies become... what was the term again... anfrie? anthra?... Oh I think is was anthro,' I think to myself as Pinkie hops over a small rock without losing her balance. 'It's like she's had only two legs since birth.'

'I've got no Idea what is going on,' Bob says just as confused.

'It could be unique to her,' Zangetsu then says.

'I believe it has to do with what your reishi did to the their Elements of Harmony when they were used on you,' Jatsura informs us.

'My reishi?' I ask him.

'Correct. You're reishi is slightly different than a pony's. So they must have received some of yours when they used them on Princess Luna,' he replies.

'So that's why she still looks more pony than human? Because it was only a small amount of my reishi?'

'Not just yours, but Zangetsu's and Bob's as well,' he tells me.

I frown in thought and then go wide eyed. 'Is that how Celestia and Luna got their hollows!?' I ask him.

For a few seconds he's silent. 'It could be possible. Bob's reishi could very well have fused with theirs and manifested into hollows.'

I look back at Pinkie and call out to her. "Pinkie! We need to get back now!" I tell her and use my shunpo to run off ahead.

"HEY!" she calls back and follows behind me, barely keeping up.

We arrive back at the hut to see the others drinking tea and chatting.

"Ichigo!" Orihime says and walks over to hug me.

I return the hug and smile at her. "I'm back and I don't have good news," I tell them all.

"What's wrong?" Twilight asks with worry, but then goes wide eyed as she spots Pinkie walking in behind me.

"The hollow that attacked was an arrancar. She was here to kill me and the hollows that attacked me before were her scouts. I was forced to go full hollow to kill her quickly," I tell her. "But that's not all... all six you might have your own hollows in you as well."

They all look from Pinkie to me with wide eyes. "We what!?" Rainbow yells.

I tap the Hogyoku on my chest. "Jatsura here believes that some of Zangetsu's, Bob's, and my reishi got absorbed into the Elements of Harmony when they were used on me, thus infusing Celestia and Luna with Soul Reaper powers... and where their hollows started to manifest. And possibly the rest of you," I tell them and then gesture to Pinkie.

"Pinkie here used her Bankai against the arrancar which turned her bipedal due to our reishi she got from the elements fusing with hers. Since it was only a very small portion of my reishi, it only affected her body structure, not her general appearance."

They all look at Pinkie then back to me. "You mean if we learn our Bankai we'll look like that as well?" Rainbow asks me.

"Probably, but this is Pinkie we're talking about," I reply.

I turn to Pinkie to see her jiggling her chest. "It feels so weird having my teats up here and much bigger too!" she says and giggles.

I notice Chad staring at her with a blush while Uryu looks away while pushing his glasses higher on his nose.

Ignoring the pink mare, I look back to the others. "So, we're going to Canterlot to see Luna and Celestia. There they'll look inside your heads for any sign of a hollow, or at least one beginning to form," I tell them all.

Fluttershy looks like she's about to faint while Rarity has a twitching eye. Rainbow is frowning and Twilight is writing this all down. Applejack though looks unfazed.

"Do we have to go?" Chad asks me while pointing to his brother as well.

"Not really," I reply.

"Good. I start work at the local construction company in a few hours. They're having me build a room to test my skills as well as moving heavy materials and tools," he tells me.

"That's good. I hope it works out for you," I say and turn to Uryu. "What about you?"

"I'm still looking for a job... for some reason I feel the need to sew something..." he tells me making me smirk.

Rarity gasps and looks at him. "You can sew?" she asks him in surprise.

"I think so... Uryu from the anime was a master at sewing and making clothes. Since I am him now with his abilities, it would make sense I have his skills with a needle," he replies.

"Then I may hire you to help around my boutique, I could use an extra set of hooves... err, hands," she tells him with a smile.

He smiles back and nodded to her. "I'll think about it... I’m still getting settled in this new world to be honest," he says with a sigh.

"Don't worry, darling. Take all the time you need," she replies and looks back to me.

I clap my hands together and speak up. "Well then, let's get going!" I say and turn to see Pinkie comparing her chest size with Orihime.

"Doh, yours are bigger than mine!" Pinkie says with a pout.

"Erm, I'm sorry?" Orihime says with a flushed face when Pinkie presses their chests together.

I pull Pinkie away and roll my eyes, though I won't lie and say that wasn't enjoyable to watch. "Come on, the sooner we find out the sooner I'll be able to relax!" I tell them all.

We head back to Ponyville after saying goodbye to Zecora, who I promised to visit again to learn what she knew of hollows. Chad and Uryu head off back to their house while the rest of us head to the Train Station. Orihime want's to come with us to see Ururu again.

We've arrived at the station and purchased our tickets as we wait for the train to arrive. "So what do we do if we do have these hollows in us?" Rainbow then asks breaking the silence.

"Take precautions, don't let negative emotions control you. If we find nothing, doesn't mean they might not form later. It took Celestia over a thousand years for hers to appear, while only a short while for Luna. The best thing to do is not be alone in case it does try to take over so we can remove your mask or prevent it from even happening," I tell her.

"But what if you can't?" Fluttershy asks fearfully.

"Luna and I managed to stop Celestia's and freed her. I think you six would be easier to subdue," I reply.

Rainbow then frowns at me. "You calling us weak!?" she says angrily.

"Yes. Apart from Pinkie who has her Bankai already, only two of you have even released your zanpakutos so far. And you haven't been trained in either proper combat or even kido," I tell her bluntly.

She growls and then pounces at me with a yell of anger. I easily flash step to the side and grab her by the scruff of her neck and hold her out with a bored expression. She flails about pointlessly in an attempt to hit me with her hooves. Even resorting to hitting my fingers around her neck which just makes me wince slightly.

After a few minutes she calms down and sighs. "FINE! You made your point!" she tells me and I gently put her on the ground.

She mumbles slightly and sulks off to a bench. "Ichigo?" Twilight says getting my attention.

"Yes, Twilight?" I reply and look at her.

"If these hollows do manifest... what do we do to beat them like you have?" she asks me.

"Get stronger, find a fighting style you like and focus on what you excel at after the basics. Then you just have to beat the hollow within your mindscape and subjugate it to your will. I can tell you Bob was not a happy camper when I first beat him and gained access to his power. But over the centuries, we've gotten to know each other and come to an understanding. It's why I let him roam around in my head with Zangetsu and not chained to the floor like Luna's hollow right now," I tell her.

'Well aren't you just the best bff a hollow could ask for!' Bob says in a sarcastically happy tone.

I just chuckle confusing the others. "Bob just said something, don't worry about it."

"Ah still don't see how ya could let that varmint run around in yer head..." Applejack says with a frown.

"I trust him and he's my friend. Just took a long time to get to this point," I reply with a shrug.

The sound of a train's whistle sounds out and I look down the track to see a train coming into the station.

"Well, here's the train, let's just get going," I tell them all and we get on board.

Orihime sits next to me while the mares all chat amongst themselves. Mostly the other five ask Pinkie what being bipedal and having hands is like. She answers them happily and even wiggles her fingers or picking things up for them, making Rainbow Dash look at her right forehoof and flex it a few times with a frown. Most likely imagining what it would be like to have hands herself.

Pinkie then sneezes making her mane and tail inflate before returning to normal. She's giggling while the others roll their eyes at her, I can't help but chuckle as she has a way of making others smile or laugh.

We arrive at Canterlot after a long boring train ride and make our way to the Castle. The ponies here recognise me again and run off making me chuckle and Orihime to hit my arm lightly with a frown on her face.

The guards at the main gate glance at our group and then look forward again as we walk past. Twilight decides to lead us and speaks to the guard at the throne room door. After a few seconds talking, he walks in and announces our arrival.

We enter the throne room where there's only three ponies talking to the Princesses. I grin seeing the stallion I made faint before staring at me with wide eyes. My grin widens and his eyes roll up as he faints again.

"BWAAAAHAHAHAHA! Oh my gosh! That's so funny!" Rainbow Dash says as she rolls on the floor along with a giggling Pinkie Pie. Once again Orihime hits my arm with a glare this time.

"What?" I ask her still with my grin. "Ain't my fault he's allergic to smiles," I tell her, getting more giggles from the two mares still on the floor.

I look back to the Princesses and see them staring at Pinkie with shocked expression. "Ichigo... what hast happened to Miss Pie?" Luna asks me while the two mares with the stallion drag him out the room quickly.

"Oh, that's one of the reasons we're here. Do you have a private room we can talk in?" I reply and ask them.

They both glance at each other with worried expressions. "We have a small lounge we use to rest during a court recess, we can speak there," Celestia replies and stands up off her throne followed by Luna.

Our group follows them to a door behind the throne and enter to see a nice rather homely room with a fireplace and two desks. One a light oak and the other a dark redwood. A bookcase and a couple of filing cabinets are along the back wall behind the desks and what appears to be a small refrigerator, possibly filled with refreshments.

"So, what is going on, Ichigo?" Celestia asks and sits down on a cushion.

I explain to them what I've already told the others. My reishi possibly in the elements, the six mares possibly having their own hollows, and the arrancar that attacked me.

"We see. Thou wishes us to search for their hollows if they have them?" Luna asks me.

"Exactly. I'd rather nip this in the bud before they grow into their power," I reply.

"Very well, our sister shall put them to sleep while we enter their dreams and search for their hollows," Luna tells me.

The six mares all share glances before laying down on some cushions as well. Luna then walks over to Twilight and her horn glows. In just a few seconds she falls asleep and Luna turns to me.

"Place thy hand on our back and we shall see what we canst find," she tells me and I walk over and sit next to her.

Once my hand is firmly on the middle of her back, her horn glows again and my vision turns white. I open my eyes and see myself in Twilight's mindscape, it looks like a vast library with a reading area in the centre where a circular table with a lamp in the middle and cushions around it.

We spot Twilight down one of the aisles staring in wonder at all the books and levitating a couple in front of her.

"Hey, Twilight!" I call out to her making her yelp.

She quickly looks at me from the book she was reading. "Ichigo? Where are we?" she asks me.

"We're in your mindscape, a place you can retreat to to practise your skills and or just relax while your body is sleeping. It’s easier to access once you’ve spoken to your zanpakuto," I reply.

She looks back down at the book she's looking at. "These books are my memories, things I know, seen, or read," she says and looks at the bookshelf in front of her again.

"Well you have fun looking around, we're going to start hunting for your hollow if it's even here," I tell her and look around.

I can't feel any form of hollow reishi nearby, then again it could just be too faint to sense.

'Put your mask on, I might be able to strengthen your senses a bit,' Bob tells me and I do so.

Once my mask is formed, I look around again and feel a faint trace of hollow reishi near the back of one of the aisles. I nodded to Luna who frowns and follows me down the aisle, it stretches on for a good few minutes until we start seeing some damaged and torn pages on the floor. We follow the trail of shredded paper until we see a dark purple filly sized pony shaped hollow with a black mane and tail with a grey highlight through it eating the books around her.

I frown and walk over to it, if these are Twilight's memories and what she's learnt, then it could be damaging or erasing her memories by eating the books.

I draw my sword and cough loudly, getting the hollows attention. It turns around and has a small mask on with wide unfocused eyes, it also has a pattern of a six pointed star over the right eye. It snarls at me baring some sharp looking teeth and without warning, pounces at me.