• Published 25th Oct 2015
  • 13,923 Views, 509 Comments

Shinigami In Equestria - Urimas Ebonheart

An average but nerdy young man goes to an anime convention dressed as Ichigo from Bleach. He was missing only one thing from his costume, where a mysterious merchant sells him just the item he needed. Only to be sent somewhere he doesn't know.

  • ...

Chapter 6: Another Human?

Chapter 6: Another Human?

"So, when do you want to start?" I ask Celestia.

"Tomorrow. Luna and I need to head back to Canterlot right now. I need a lie down after all this to be honest," she replies. "I'm sorry for how I acted towards you... I thought you were toying with us when you said you got it under control, making yourself to be the victim," she tells me. "but after experiencing it myself..." she says with shudder.

"Don't worry about it, I'm just glad you didn't destroy me or throw me into this Tartarus place after turning me to stone," I tell her.

"How do you know about Tartarus?" she asks.

I point at the book on the table. "It was in that book, some pony named Silver Arrow wrote it," I reply.

"Ah yes, I remember him. It was about two-hundred years ago when he wrote that, he believed that Tartarus is where the dem... hollows, are coming from. It's nothing but a desert like realm that is always night time," she tells me.

'Why does that sound familiar?.. Wait a minute, that sounds like Hueco Mundo!' I think to myself and stare at her wide eyed.

"What?" she asks me with a frown.

"You just described the hollow's realm of Hueco Mundo," I reply.

"Hueco Mundo?" she asks me with confusion.

"Yeah, it's where the hollows live and gather before they come here looking for souls," I tell her.

"Then you mean... I've been locking the cruellest, most vile, and dangerous criminals on Equus in the hollows home world?" she asks with a far away expression, realising that she's been turning them into hollows..

'Crap, I need to cheer her up, any negative emotions might trigger her hollowfication again.' "Don't worry about it, if any of them do manage to get out, I'll deal with it," I tell her with a smile.

She sighs and look me in the eyes. "But it's mine and Luna's duty to protect Equestria... It should be us who defend our ponies," she says.

"And you don't need to do it alone. Twilight and the others have the power to stop the hollows as well, I'm not sure how these elements of yours turned you and them into Soul Reapers, but it's a chance to better protect the world," I tell her.

A quick flash of light blinds me as a scroll appears in front of Celestia with a red seal on it, she tears the seal off and quickly reads it.

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

"A bipedal creature has just appeared in the Castle's Garden, it seems female and resembles something like you. She has no weapons and is being held in the Throne Room... Constantly apologising to the guards?" she says with an raised eyebrow.

'Another Human? Did she get sent here like I did?'

"I need to go and meet this new human. Luna and I shall see you tomorrow at Canterlot," she tells me and her horn begins to glow.

"Then I'm coming with you, I want to know how she got here myself," I reply.

Celestia looks at me for a few seconds before answering. "Alright, stand beside me please," she says.

I stand beside her and her horn glows brighter. After a few seconds, spots cloud my vision and I feel a bit dizzy. I shake my head and look around, a girl that looks just like Orihime Inoue in her school uniform Is sitting on the floor with a worried expression.

The guards spot me and then point their spears at me.

Celestia waves a hoof at them. "It's alright, he's not a threat," she then looks at the wide eyed girl. "So this is the mare, she doesn't look as dangerous as you," Celestia says to me.

"Gee, thanks," I say sarcastically and roll my eyes.

Celestia walks over to the girl and smiles at her. "Hello, I am Princess Celestia, and what is your name?" she asks her.

"Erm... I, I can't remember my name," the girl replies. I kneel down to her and smile as well. "Wait... I recognise you. I saw you at the Convention," she tells me.

My eyebrows rise at that. "Really? Did you buy something from a guy dressed as the resident evil four merchant by chance?" I ask her.

"Yeah, I bought these hair pins from him and then I blacked out. Next thing I know, I'm here and I can't remember much before the convention. Did the same happen to you too?" she replies and asks me.

'I guess she's just lucky she was sent here and not back when I arrived.' "Yeah, I bought a phone just like Rukia's from him and then woke up in a nearby forest," I tell her.

"So where are we?" she asks looking around.

"You are in Equestria, we're not on Earth anymore," I reply.

"Equestria?.. And how do I get home?" she asks with a very worried expression.

I look at Celestia to see her sigh. "I don't know, I wouldn't even know where to look through the number of planets or even universes where you could have came from. I'm sorry, but you are stuck here I'm afraid," she tells her.

"I... I can't go home?" the girl says with tears in her eyes.

I'm surprised when she grabs me and starts crying on my chest. I stare at her with wide eyes wondering what I can even say to calm her down, I do the only thing I can think off and awkwardly pat her on the back.

"Hey now, it's not all that bad... The ponies here are nice once you get to know them," I tell her.

After a couple of minutes, she calms down and looks at me. "*Sniff* I-If I can't go home... *hic* What do I d-do now? I got no where to go...*hic*" she asks me.

I can only frown sadly, I can't remember my old life, my family, friends, or anything personal before the convention. So I don't feel as bad about not being able to go home. "I don't know, but I plan to make a new life for myself here. You're welcome to stay with me if you want to, as far as I know, we're the only humans here," I tell her.

"The only ones?" she asks with wide eyes.

"As far as we know, yes," I reply.

After a few seconds of silence she speaks up. "Do you remember your name?" she asks me.

"No, I don't. I'm using Ichigo Kurosaki's name now, since you can't remember yours as well I suggest taking Orihime Inoue's name for yourself then," I reply.

She sniffles a bit and nodded. "I guess so..."

"Ichigo, is she like you? A Soul Reaper?" Celestia asks me.

I look at her and shake my head. "No, she's more like a Fullbringer. The character she dressed as can call forth a power using those hair pins called Shun Shun Rikka that can create a shield, heal any wound, and do a single target attack," I tell her. Though I don't know if she can do that, I think she should since I got Ichigo's abilities.

"Heal any wound?" she asks me.

"Uh-huh, she can even restore lost limbs," I reply.

Celestia looks at Orihime with wide eyes. "Incredible," she says in surprise.

"She can't do that right now since she just got here and doesn't know how they work," I say and look at Orihime. "Try calling out one of their names," I tell her.

"Erm... Okay. Ayame!" she says and a piece of a pin comes off and turns into a little fairy like girl in a pink dress with a red cape or head dress like wings that has small creamy colour patterns on it.

"Yes? Can I help you, Orihime?" the tiny girl asks her.

Celestia and a few of the guards are looking at Ayame with wide eyes, the other guards just look confused. "What's going on?" one of them asks another guard.

"You can't see that thing?" he replies to him.

"See what?" the oblivious guard asks while looking around.

I ignore them and smile. "Well, I guess that answers my question," I say.

"So... you don't need anything?" Ayame asks the girl.

"Oh, no. We were just testing something, I'm sorry for wasting your time," Orihime replies.

"It's no problem, I'm happy to help in anyway," the tiny girl says and returns back to the pin.

I hold my hand out to help Orihime up. "All that's left to do then is practice with them," I tell her.

I then notice that a few of the guards are still pointing spears at me, I just groan and facepalm. "Really? Celestia says I'm not a threat and yet you still point those at me? Pfft, whatever," I say. I then look to Orihime. "So what would you like to do? I'm staying at a farm in Ponyville for now, I'm sure one of the others would let you stay with them," I ask her.

She looks sad for a few seconds. "I don't know, I want to go home, but I can't remember where I lived or who my family are..." she says, fresh tears starting to fall.

"Hey, it's alright, I can't remember mine either," I tell her.

"How can you be so cold about it? Don't you want to go home too?" she asks me.

"I've come to terms with it, being stuck in stone for a thousand years gives you a long time to think about things," I reply.

She looks shocked and gasps. "You were turned to stone!? For a thousand years!?"

"Yeah, wasn't as bad as it sounds though," I tell her.

"I see... but weren't you lonely?" she asks me.

"Sometimes, but I have Zangetsu and Bob to keep me company, plus I got to see different ponies walking by over the years," I reply. "So, back to my question, do you want to come to Ponyville with me, or stay here?" I ask her and gesture to the Castle.

"Erm... I think I'll go to Ponyville, not that this place isn't nice... It's just that, I don't like the looks some of them are giving me..." she says pointing at some fancily dressed ponies, some look snide while others look like their examining a product.

"Eeehh, just ignore them," I say with a wave of my right hand. "I've only been there for a day, but Ponyville looks like a very nice quiet place... Hmmmm, I think Fluttershy would love to have you stay with her, you two seem like you'd get along well," I tell her.

"Who?" she asks.

"Fluttershy, she's a rather timid pegasus who lives in a little cottage on the edge of the town. She's very kind and makes nice tea," I reply.

Orihime just looks down with her sad expression still. 'It's going to take her some time to get adjusted to being here.'

'Pfft. She's just a big baby, ' Bob says.

'She was just ripped away from her home,' I scold him.

'And so were you, but you didn't blubber like this,' he replies.

I roll my eyes and look at Celestia. "Are you okay with that?" I ask her.

She nodded with a smile. "I don't see a problem with it, I'm afraid that I must remain here and return to my duties for now. The train to Ponyville should be here in ten minutes," she tells me and her horn glows, a small jingling bag appears and she floats it over to me. "This should cover the ticket costs for you."

I shake my head at her. "Nah, I can get us there faster than a train can," I reply.

She raises an eyebrow at me. "If you say so, then at least take it to help you settle in," she says.

I take the bag and give it to Orihime. "I don't need it as I start work on Applejack's farm tomorrow, but I'll be here after I've finished my work to help you and Luna begin your hollow control," I tell her.

She slightly bows to me. "Very well, and again... I'm sorry for accusing and attacking you earlier, I let my anger get the better of me," she tells me.

I grin and to the shock of everyone around me, I flick Celestia's forehead just under her horn. "Apology accepted, Just try to stay calm and positive until tomorrow, we don't want a repeat performance of what happened in Ponyville here do we?" I tell her.

She frowns at me and sighs. "I guess I deserved that," she says and walks over to her throne. "Luna and I shall see you tomorrow," she tells me and levitates a scroll over to herself.

I turn back to Orihime and smile. "Well, you heard the mare, let's get going," I say and walk towards the exit.

Orihime shakes her head. "Wait for me!" she shouts and follows me. "So how are getting there if we're not taking the train?" she asks me.

"Easy, I'll carry you and use my Shunpo to get there," I reply.

"You mean flash step?" she asks.

"Uh-huh, we can just... Fly off the mountain," I tell her.

"What?" she asks with wide eyes.

"Don't worry about it, I've had centuries of practice," I say. 'Though it was all in my head...' We walk around the Castle and to the edge of the mountain. I look over the side and whistle, didn't look this high when I jumped off yesterday. "Right then, you ready?" I ask her.

She just stands there looking out across the horizon. "It's beautiful," she says.

I follow her gaze and see the sun was on its way to start setting, the sky beginning to turn from blue to orange. "Yeah. It's rather peaceful here compared to what I can remember of Earth, besides the hollows of course," I tell her.

"Hollows? They're real here?" she asks me with worry.

"Yup, fought three of them already," I reply and pick her up bridal style.

"Aaaahh! W-What are you doing!?" she asks and wraps her arms around my neck tightly with a blush on her face.

'Holy crap, Orihime is very beautiful in person... wait, where did that thought come from?' I think to myself.

'You're just perverted, but I don't blame you, she is hot,' Bob tells me.

'Gee, thanks,' I reply and roll my eyes. "So, you ready? If you don't like heights, just keep your eyes closed, I'll go as slow as I can for you," I tell her and she clenches her eyes shut.

I gather reishi under my feet and lift myself up, I then push myself forward and go over the edge. Orihime whimpers and grips me so tightly she's almost choking me, I just bare the discomfort and keep going, I think we're going just as fast as a train would be.

"Are w-we there yet?" she asks me.

"Not yet, we're just about to pass some clouds if you want to see," I reply.

I slow down and stop next to a cloud. She cracks one eye open and looks in front of us, she gasps and reaches a hand out to touch the cloud.

She strokes the cloud and surprisingly, she gets a handful of it. "Wow, it feels like wet cotton," she says and shakes the cloud on her hand off.

'Not sure how she did that, I'll have to ask a pegasus how clouds work here.' Orihime then looks down and yelps. She wraps her arm back around my neck and shuts her eyes again.

"Okay, I've seen it, can we go now?" she asks.

I can't help but chuckle. "Sure, shouldn't be more then tens minutes unless you feel like we can go faster," I reply.

"No no, It's fine. Just don't drop me okay?" she asks.

I tighten my grip on her and smile. "No problem, you should enjoy the view, you can already see Ponyville from here," I tell her and begin moving again.

She hesitantly opens her eyes and looks at the small town in the distance. "I-It looks like a country village," she says.

"Yeah, but the ponies are friendly, once they get to know you. I remember earlier when they panicked just by me running down the street," I tell her with a chuckle.

She giggles softly and just watches the terrain as we get closer.

"What can you remember before coming here?" I ask her.

"Hmm? Oh! Erm, I was picked up by a friend and she drove me to the Convention, she was dressed as Nami from One Piece and we looked around for a bit. I saw you eating a lunch before you walked off, I actually tried to find you since your costume looked really good, but I couldn't find you again. I then saw these pins on a table and bought them from that merchant person, next thing I see is tiny ponies staring at me and then point spears at me," she says.

"I see, well. I bought a working replica of Rukia's phone from the merchant and after I put my sim card in it, I found myself in a forest. You should consider yourself lucky, I was attacked by a large Lion like creature and it scratched me on my chest. I managed to kill it though and met Zangetsu for the first time, I then went to a town with a Castle and that's when it all went down hill," I tell her.

"What happened?" she asks.

"I met the Princesses and it was going well, until Luna sensed my hollow mask I had on me and wanted to know why I had it. That's when the mask latched onto my face and my hollow half took over... He ended up killing hundreds of ponies before the Princesses turned me to stone, I just freed myself yesterday actually," I reply.

She's quiet for about a minute before speaking up. "How did you not go bonkers?" she asks me.

I couldn't hold back a snort from what she said. Insane, crazy, or mad I expected, but bonkers? She seems to a have a bit of Orihime's fun personality... Does that mean I got some of Ichigo's myself then?

"I spent the time watching the ponies from where I was and I trained with Zangetsu and Bob within my mind," I tell her.

"Who's Bob?" she asks with a cutely raised brow.

"My hollow half," I reply.

"Oh," she says and looks down. "We're almost there!" she says excitedly, I'm happy to see she's cheering up a bit.

After a few more minutes I land just outside of the apple orchard. "This is the farm where I'll be staying," I tell her and let go of her.

She takes a deep breath and exhales. "The air smells so much cleaner here!" she says and twirls around.

I chuckle and pat her shoulder. "Come on, I'll introduce you to Applejack and the others," I tell her.

We walk through the orchard for awhile before her stomach growls. "I just remembered, I haven't had anything to eat since breakfast..." she says and looks at the apples around us, a thin line of saliva dribbles down her chin.

"Whoa whoa whoa, don't be thinking about taking the apples. I did that when I first got here and had to work it off, once we get to Applejack's place, I'm sure you can use the money Celestia gave you to buy some from her," I tell her.

"Awww," she says and follows me.

We finally arrive at the farm house and I see Applejack and Twilight talking on the porch.

"HEY! I'M BACK!" I shout out to them.

They look at me and go wide eyed when they see Orihime. Twilight has this large grin on her face and starts running over to us.

"On my gosh! Another human! Where did you come from? Are you a Soul Reaper as well? What's your name? How old are you?" Twilight asks her in rapid succession.

Orihime just looks at her nervous and confused, I just facepalm and shake my head.

I lower my hand and notice Applebloom and her two friends next to Applejack looking up at Orihime. Orihime spots the little filly and squeals, startling the yellow filly. She reaches her arms out and scoops Applebloom up and hugs her.

"She's so adorable!" Orihime says while Applebloom tries to get out of her grip.

"Put me down!" she demands while Applejack and the others try to hold back their laughter.

I can only chuckle as the poor filly gets smothered by the girl.