• Published 25th Oct 2015
  • 13,926 Views, 509 Comments

Shinigami In Equestria - Urimas Ebonheart

An average but nerdy young man goes to an anime convention dressed as Ichigo from Bleach. He was missing only one thing from his costume, where a mysterious merchant sells him just the item he needed. Only to be sent somewhere he doesn't know.

  • ...

Chapter 19: A Date and New Arrivals

Chapter 19: A Date and New Arrivals

I rush home and get even more bits, I need to make a reservation at the local restaurant and plan other activities for our date.

'She said yes...' I keep repeating over and over again in my head.

'So you got the girl, you're just going to fuck it up and she'll hate your guts after,' Bob says with a chuckle.

'Hey, I ain't gonna fuck this up, it's going to be perfect!' I scold the asshole.

'Uh-huh, we'll see,' he says and goes silent.

I pocket the bits and head out towards the Silver Platter Restaurant.

I walk over to the posh looking creamy coloured pony with a slicked back blue mane and tail, he even has a fancy moustache.

"Velcome to ze Silver Platter, Sir. How may I assist you," he asks me.

"Hi, I'd like to get a table for two at eight fifteen please?" I reply.

He looks down at a book in front of him on a podium. "Ve have two tables remaining, Sir. Vould you like ze private room or ze open area table?" he asks.

I frown in thought. 'I'd probably get way too embarrassed at the open table with others watching... but with the room we get our privacy and I can tell her what's going on without anyone eavesdropping. The room may be more expensive, but she's worth it.'

"I'd like the room please," I reply.

"Very well, Sir. Zat vill be one-hundred bits in advance," he says. I fish out the money and hand it over to him. "Vhat name shall I put ze room under sir?" he then asks me.

"Ichigo Kurosaki," I reply and spell it out for him.

"Thank you for dining at ze Silver Platter, Sir. Ve look forward to your arrival tonight," he tells me and bows slightly.

"Thank you," I say to him and then leave. I still have two hours before Orihime arrives and I need to plan the rest.

I quickly head back up to Canterlot and check the local Theatre for any decent movies. A romance starts at nine and some sort of adventure story starts at nine thirty in another room with other movies as well... 'I'll let Orihime pick what to watch,' I think to myself and head back down to Ponyville.

I find Roseluck just packing her cart away and ‘appear’ in front of her. "Hey, Rose! Any chance I can get a bouquet before you go?" I ask her.

She yelps at my sudden appearance and sighs. "Please stop doing that, how you get around quicker than Rainbow Dash with only two legs and no wings still stumps me," she replies.

"I told you I use reishi to do it, or magic to you," I tell her.

"Yeah yeah, so you say, so what do you need?" she asks me.

"I'd like ten white roses please," I reply.

"White roses?" she mumbles and then gasps. "Are you taking a mare out on a date?" she asks me with a wide smile.

I chuckle a little. "Kinda," I reply.

"Who's the lucky mare then?" she asks while putting the bouquet together.

"Orihime, I finally worked up the nerve to ask her out," I tell her.

"You mean the human mare working at the Hospital? Yeah I can see that, she's really sweet, kinda like Fluttershy actually, must be why they get along so well," she says and hands me the bouquet. "That'll be thirty bits please."

I pay her for the flowers and smile. "Thanks, I still need to get ready and prepare for our date, see ya around," I tell her and head back home.

“Good luck!” she yells back at me.

I'm going to have to ask Rarity to make me some casual clothes later, although my Shihakushō doesn't seem to easily stain and is quick and easy to wash, a bigger variety to wear would be good.

After showering and making sure I'm presentable I leave my zanpakuto in my room as I doubt I'll be allowed into the Restaurant and Theatre with it, but at least I can still use my mask, bow, and Kido if I have to.

I pass the time reading a book about a unicorn stallion who braved the demons of Tartarus to save his mare from an evil warlord, very cheesy but the action scenes are well written. Rukia has teased me non-stop about my upcoming date as she reads her own book next to me.

"By the way, I need to head back to the Soul Society for the next three days to report back and get the latest updates for my soul pager," Rukia tells me and puts her book away.

"Alright, see you when ya get back," I reply and flip the page of my book.

She leaves the house and I'm left alone for now.

A knock on the door gets my attention after about twenty minutes and I place a bookmark in the book and head to the door. I open it and go slack jawed at what I see.

Orihime is wearing a beautiful white dress that looks kinda like a kimono with a light pink flower tucked behind her right ear.

"Hello, Ichigo. Are you ready to go?" she asks me with a sweet smile. I just dumbly nodded up and down. "Good, so where are we going first?" she asks.

"I, errr," I mumble as she giggles at me. "I booked us a reservation at the Silver Platter for eight fifteen, then we can go see a movie in Canterlot," I tell her and pick up the white rose bouquet on the table by the door and give them to her.

She gasps and takes the flowers and gives them a sniff. "They're beautiful," she says and smiles at me.

I smile in return and hold my left arm out. "Well then, my lady. Shall we depart?" I ask her in a posh gentlemanly way.

She giggles and hooks her right arm around my left. "Yes my good sir, let's," she replies and we head out.

We receive a lot of smiles and waves from the ponies as we walk by and we wave back at them.

"So, where did you get the dress? From Rarity I take it?" I ask her.

"Uh-huh, she was really excited to make it for me, I had it designed after your robes actually," she tells me.

"I thought it looked similar, wait... you mean to tell me you've been waiting for me to ask you out for awhile now?" I ask.

She blushes slightly and nodded. "Uh-huh, you've treated me kindly and always looked out for me, you've helped me fit in and I wouldn't even have a job if it wasn't for you. I don't know what I would've done if you weren't here to help me when I arrived," she replies. "I was just too shy to ask you myself..."

I smile wider at that.

'Argh, gag me with a spoon,' Bob says.

'Dude, can you please just let me have this tonight without the sarcastic remarks?' I ask him.

'Yeah yeah sure, just don't make too much noise when you both get back home,' he teases making me sigh.

"Ichigo? What's the matter?" Orihime asks me.

"Nothing, just Bob being a twat again," I reply and she giggles.

We arrive at the restaurant and we're led to the private room, ponies dining here stare at us as we pass by. 'I'm so glad I went for the private room now.'

I pull out Orihime's seat and push her closer to the table once she sits down, I sit across from her and the waiter takes our orders.

I order the sweet potato salad with a small amount of red wine and Orihime gets some kind of pasta dish with a really weird name and some wine as well.

Once the waiter leaves, Orihime asks me about the Hogyoku. I explained to her what happened and why I had it done.

"So something strong is coming but no one knows what it is exactly?" she asks me.

"That's what it feels like, whether or not it's hollows, Aizen, or something else... I don't know," I reply.

She then frowns at me. "Why didn't you tell me Urahara was here! I want to meet Ururu so much, she's adorable!" she tells me.

'She's more upset over the fact that I didn't tell her about Urahara than the threat coming?' I think to myself with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, we're going to Canterlot after dinner for a movie... We could meet them before that if you'd like," I tell her.

She smiles again and nodded. "Yes please," she replies.

Our food arrives and we dig in. "So, what's work at the Hospital like?" I ask her.

She's startled by my question and slurps up a strand of pasta a bit too quickly and coughs a bit. "Oh you know, the Doctors are friendly and the Nurses are kind. It's a great place really... though there is one Nurse who doesn't like me..." she replies with a sad frown.

"Who?" I ask with a frown. 'Who wouldn't Like Orihime? She's just as kind as Fluttershy.'

"Nurse Life Line, she thinks that my power will put the other Nurses and Doctors out of work..." she tells me.

"Has anyone been fired since you started working there?" I ask her.

"Well... no, but she says my power is something only Princess Celestia should have..." Orihime replies.

I facepalm and sigh. "Sounds like she worships the Princess too much, and that she favours Celestia over Luna." I say and rub my eyes. "Just ignore her, and if she threatens you, let me know," I tell her. She nodded and smiles. "So what would you like for dessert?" I ask her.

"A chocolate banana sundae we can share would be nice," she replies.

I smile back. "Sure, sounds delicious," I say and we order it.

After ten minutes just eating and chatting, I pay the bill of eighty-two bits and we make our way out.

"So what are we doing next?" Orihime asks me.

I grin and pick her up bridal style and she yelps in surprise, I start walking into the air getting some of the ponies to stare at the seemingly impossible action.

"We're going to Urahara's store, so hold on tight," I tell her and she wraps her arms around my neck as I kick off the air and launch myself towards Canterlot.

I don't go very fast and it takes around ten minutes to get there, I was enjoying the trip over here to be honest, it was nice holding Orihime close.

We land in the middle of the street where some of the ponies run away. 'I guess they still remember my little stunt.'

I lead Orihime to the store and slide the door open.

"Urahara!? Are you here?" I call out.

I spot Jinta stacking the shelves with new candy. "Huh? Oh it's you, yeah he's in the back... who's the chick?" he replies and asks.

"I'm Orihime, oh you're so much more adorable as a pony!" Orihime replies to him and ruffles his mane.

Jinta frowns at that and groans as he lightly swats her hand away with a hoof. "I'm not adorable! I'm a mighty warrior!... Wait here, I'll get the owner," he tells us and walks into the back room.

Orihime looks around and she checks the candy shelves. After a few minutes, Urahara enters the room and spots Orihime.

"Oh hello, Mr. Kurosaki. I see you've brought a friend with you this time," he greets me.

"Yeah, she wanted to meet Ururu, she's just like me, a Displaced," I tell him.

"Ah, well, I don't see why she can't meet Ururu," he says and faces the back room. "Ururu! You have a visitor!" he calls out.

A little pink pegasus filly with a black mane and tail with two pigtails and a snake tongue like strand of hair over her muzzle looks at us.

"Yes?" she asks quietly.

I look to Orihime and notice her starry eyed expression, she then rushes forward and scoops the filly up and cuddles her tightly.

"Oooooh! She's so cute and adorable!" she says with a wide smile.

Ururu looks confused but doesn't struggle. "Erm, thank you?" she says.

After a few more seconds, Orihime puts her back down. "You're much more cuter than I thought," she says and scratches Ururu behind her ears.

This gets a smile from Ururu and she leans her head into Orihime's hand some more.

"So, Mr. Kurosaki. What brings you back here today?" Urahara asks me.

"Taking Orihime out on a date, she wanted to come here and meet Ururu," I reply.

"Oh I see, young love. So I take it she has powers of her own then?" he asks me.

"Yes, she can heal any wound, create a strong shield, and has a single target attack. She's more of a support character than an offensive one and her powers are like a fullbring," I tell him.

"That makes sense," he replies and leans over to me and whispers. "I've managed to track the source of the energy we've been sensing, I believe it's coming from Hueco Mondo," he tells me.

"So it could be the hollow or Aizen... but then what I know of the anime has a good chance of not applying here. Aizen could be a good guy for all I know and the hollows have gotten stronger by themselves or have someone else leading them..." I reply.

"True, we'll just have to send an expedition into Hueco Mundo to find out what's going on in a few weeks," he says.

"Yeah, I still need to go to a Captains meeting later about the Displaced Quincy that came by a couple weeks ago… Where's Renji by the way?" I ask as I don't see him around.

"Down below training, after witnessing your rise in power he's tripled his training to try and catch up," he tells me and chuckles. “I think you motivated him.”

Orihime then stands back up and smiles at us. "Thanks for bringing me here, Ichigo. It was great," she says.

Urahara closes his paper fan and smiles at Orihime. "I am happy you enjoyed it miss, now if you don't mind, I'm waiting for a new shipment of goods to arrive soon," he replies cheerfully.

We say our goodbyes and I lead Orihime to the Theatre. "So what would you like to watch?" I ask her.

"Hmmm." She hums in thought and looks at the posters on the wall. "Oh! That one," she says pointing at a comedy called 'Dude, where's my carriage?' With two stallions, one of them holding a carriage wheel.

I shrug and nodded. "Alright, I could go for a laugh," I reply.

We enter the Theatre and walk up to the front counter where three other ponies are in line, a young pale green mare with a pink mane and tail, braces on her teeth and is wearing a uniform is manning the register.

After a few minutes it's our turn.

"Welcome! How may I help you?" she asks us with a happy tone.

"Yeah, can we get two tickets to dude where's my carriage please?" I reply.

"Sure! Would you like to purchase any snacks or drinks?" she asks while getting two tickets.

"You want anything?" I ask Orihime.

She nodded and looks at the snacks. "I'll have a small popcorn, some nachos and a colt'a cola please," she says.

I look back to the mare. "I'll have the same as well," I add and get my bit bag out.

"That'll be thirty-six bits please," she tells us and I pay for it. "Thank you and enjoy the movie!" she says and waves us off with a smile.

We head to the doors leading to the screening rooms and a stallion in a similar uniform stops us. "Tickets?" he asks.

"Here," I reply and hand them to him.

"Okay... oh this movie, yeah it's a good one, please follow me," he tells us and we follow him into the room the movie is showing in. "Please pick any seat you like," he says and heads back to guide other customers.

We head to the back row in the middle and sit next to each other.

"So what do you think this movie will be like?" I ask Orihime.

"Not sure, but the poster made it look funny," she replies.

We wait for another five minutes and the movie starts.

One Hour And Twenty Minutes Later

That was surprisingly funny, especially the part where the two stallions woke up in the same bed together after their night of drinking, the screams of horror they gave.

Half way through, Orihime leaned her head on my left shoulder making me smile.

We leave the Theatre laughing still from the movie. "That was a lot better than I thought it would be," Orihime says.

"I know right? I'll have to look for more of that director's movies," I reply and stretch my arms and back. "So, you ready to head home?" I ask her. It is starting to get late and the sun is close to setting.

She yawns and nodded. "Yeah, I'm getting tired... thanks for a great time, Ichigo. Maybe next time I'll take you out on a date," she tells me and giggles.

"I'd like that," I reply and pick her up bridal style again and start jogging to the mountain edge where I then leap off.

Orihime grips me tightly but a smile is on her face. I make my way towards Fluttershy's cottage and after fifteen minutes, I land by the front door.

"I'll see you tomorrow yeah?" she asks me and knocks on the door.

"Sure, I'm going to be training with Urahara for a few hours then with the Princesses for a couple as well, then I'll be heading back here," I tell her.

"Alright, again I had a great time tonig..." she says but we hear a loud tearing sound behind me.

I create my bow and pull back the reishi string and form an arrow. I hear the screams of terror as two people fall out of the tear with the void in it.

"Ow... I knew we should have stayed away from that creepy guy, but noooooo, you wanted to buy that replica of Chad's necklace," the guy who looks just like Ishida says to the other guy who looks just like Chad.

"What? It was better than the cheap thing I made, why wouldn't I get it? You got that Quincy bow pendant from him as well," Chad replies to Ishida.

I lose my frown for a confused expression but I don't lower my bow.

"Who are you?" I ask them.

They stop arguing and turn to look at me. "Huh? Oh erm, my name is... is..." Ishida says but then slowly looks horrified. "I can't remember my name... I CAN'T REMEMBER MY NAME!" he screams in panic and grasps his head.

'Wow, what a wuss, even you didn't whine like this,' Bob says.

'No kidding, he looks like he's about to hyperventilate,' I reply. 'Thanks for keeping quiet during my date by the way,' I tell him.

'Whatever, I'll be nagging you for hours tomorrow to make up for it hehe,' he replies.

I sigh and deform the arrow but keep my bow out. "Do you remember being at a convention?" I ask them.

Ishida is still having his panic attack while Chad looks more relaxed. "Yeah, we were. I wanted to buy this necklace and... and... I can't remember our names as well... Well, we both bought an item from this merchant and then the next thing we know we're falling through the floor," Chad replies.

"Just like me and Orihime, well, you're both coming with me then. I can't have you wandering around without a clue in the world and getting yourselves killed," I tell them.

"K-K-Killed!?" Ishida stutters.

"Yes, killed. You're now in Equestria and hollows exist here. I'm taking you back to my place so I can fill you both in on what's going on," I reply and rub the bridge of my nose.

Chad stands up and effortlessly pulls Ishida onto his feet with one hand. "That's new," he says and looks at his hand.

"You now have Chad's strength and endurance as well as his hollow like powers," I tell him. He then looks at me with a shocked expression.

I look back to Orihime and smile. "I'll get these guys settled in, you get some rest," I tell her and notice Fluttershy peeking out from behind her door.

"See ya later, Fluttershy," I say to the shy mare.

She squeaks and whispers her own goodbye as she lets Orihime inside.

I turn back to the two confused and one very panicked individuals. "Alright then, since you're new here you can bunk with me at my place, I have a spare room and a fold out bed couch, you two can decide who gets what. Let's get going before the sun sets," I tell them.

I lead them back in silence, they’re probably trying to come to terms with what’s happening and when we’re halfway to Ponyville my Soul Pager goes off.

It's another pack of five timberwolf hollows and they charge out of the Everfree at us, I still have my bow out and I form an arrow and fire it at the first one. The arrow hits its mark and the hollow's head gets blown in half and begins to dissolve, I quickly form another and fire it at the second Hollow.

The arrow hits it in the neck and blows its head clean off. I form a third arrow and launch it at another but only manage to take its left foreleg off.

The fourth hollow pounces at Chad, but he manages to grip the hollows jaw with both his hands with a wide eyed expression.

Ishida picks up a nearby rock and tosses it at the hollow's head which gave Chad enough time to rip its lower jaw off. I turn and fire an arrow through its head and then roll away from the fifth hollow's leaping attack at me.

I get back up and point my right index finger at the hollow. "Hado number four! Byakurai!" I yell out and fire a bolt of reishi at it which burns a hole right through its side.

It collapses onto the ground and I form another arrow and use my shunpo to stand right by its head and shoot it right between the eyes.

I look around and see Chad bring down both of his hands and crush the hollow’s head whose leg I shot off to pieces.

"Holy crap! I don't recognise that kind of hollow!" Ishida yells while panting heavily.

"Those were timberwolf hollows... they hunt in packs and while not a threat on their own, they are in a group as they can overwhelm you quite quickly," I reply and walk over to Chad. "You alright?" I ask him.

He nodded and sighs. "Yeah, thanks for the help," he replies. "Wait a minute, why do you have a bow? You’re dressed as Ichigo, where's your Zanpakuto?" he asks me.

"Long story, I'll tell you about it when we get to my place," I reply and we continue towards Ponyville.