• Published 25th Oct 2015
  • 13,923 Views, 509 Comments

Shinigami In Equestria - Urimas Ebonheart

An average but nerdy young man goes to an anime convention dressed as Ichigo from Bleach. He was missing only one thing from his costume, where a mysterious merchant sells him just the item he needed. Only to be sent somewhere he doesn't know.

  • ...

Chapter 29: More hollows within Part 3

Chapter 29: More hollows within Part 3

Luna takes us into Rarity's mindscape where everything around us looks like it's made from some sort of cloth or fabric with small gems of various kinds, patterns, and frills adding detail to them. There's many buildings that looks similar to the high class homes and shops from Canterlot.

"Oh my, this... this looks simply divine! The ground feels like the softest silk I've ever felt!" Rarity says beside us pawing at the light grey brick road she's standing on while she looks around wide eyed.

I form my hollow mask and after a few seconds, Bob informs me of the direction.

"Right then, the hollow is this way," I tell them and start walking, the ground giving way slightly as we walk on it.

They follow behind me while Rarity keeps looking at the landscape and Luna is ready to catch the hollow.

We pass through many alleyways and roads until we finally find the hollow. Rarity stops mid stride and her eyes widen as she spots it. "Opal?..." she says to herself as the hollow looks like a kitten the size of a foal. Its mask has a four sided light blue diamond like Rarity's cutie-mark over the left eye, it also has sharp looking teeth and long whiskers on the mask as well. Finally the cat's fur is a dark grey and its tail has a spear tip like end to it.

The cat is currently scratching a building like a house cat would a couch or scratching post, though it stops and slowly turns to look at Rarity as its eyes slowly shrink and focus on her.

Rarity nervously grins and slowly backs away.

Without warning, the cat hisses and pounces at a speed I was not expecting, but still not faster than me so before it got to Rarity's face with teeth and claws ready, I grab the cat by the scruff of its neck where it begins to struggle and attempt to claw at me.

"Luna!? Cage it please!" I ask her and hiss in pain as a claw nicks my hand.

Luna's horn glows and a cage forms around the cat, so I pull my hand out and hold the base of the cage.

"There, tis restrained," she tells us as I set the cage down, the hollow hissing and angrily meowing while trying to claw us through the bars.

"As we told the others, Rarity, don't let it out of the cage until you're ready to face it," I tell her and point to the cage.

"B-But of course... if it's anything like Opal..." she replies and shudders.

"Well, just explore this place until you wake up," I say and look to Luna. "Let's go," I tell her and she nods as her horn glows again.

We're back in the lounge where all but Applejack are fast asleep.

"So mah turn then?" Applejack asks us.

"Yup, so get comfortable," I tell her as she lays down on the floor with a pillow under her head.

Luna once again sends us into another dream where I open my eyes to what Applejack described before. A large open clearing with apple trees as far as the eye can see.

I look to my left to see Applejack and her Zanpakuto, Furue. Furue looks like rocks held together in the shape of a pony stallion the size of Big Mac with glowing blue eyes. "Well then, let's go find your hollow," I say and form my mask.

I feel the hollow to the left of me as Applejack speaks up and I start walking. "Well... ah didn't see any of those hollow things every time ah came here since I met Furue..." she says in confusion as she starts following me.

"It feels like a good distance away, the other's hollows were quite far from their starting points as well," I reply as we go.

After a few minutes, the area starts to look different, thorn bushes start showing up, ivy clinging to the trees, the apple trees looking sickly and the apples rotting the further we go.

A growl ahead gets our attention as what appears to be a Timberwolf pup hollow, but the wooden body looks tougher, the eyes wider and more narrow, and over both eyes are long red fangs.

"No..." Applejack says as she stares at the pup, an expression of horror on her face.

"Applejack?" I say in concern as she backs away slowly.

"I-It looks just l-like the one who k-k-killed ma an' pa..." she whispers before she trips on a root and falls on her back.

The pup howls and rushes at Applejack, and just like the others, I reach out to grab it from the air. But this time, the little bugger twists in the air and clamps down on my hand.

"OW MOTHER FFFFFF!" I yelp in pain and grip it by the back of the neck with my other hand and squeeze slightly making it whine and let go. "Agile little bastard," I grunt in pain as I shake my bleeding hand.

It growls and barks as it tries to get to me. I grin and bring the little shit to my face. "That hurt you little bugger," I say to it only for it to go silent. I frown at it, only to then yelp as something grabs me by the ankle and drag me across the grass and into a thorn bush.

"OW OW OW OW OW OW!" I hiss in pain as I'm torn up by the thorns, though my grip on the pup remains strong.

"Ichigo!" Luna calls out as I'm pulled deeper and deeper into the more wild forest like area.

"ALRIGHT YOU GRABBY PIECE OF SH- OW!" My ranting is cut off as an arched root smacks me right in the forehead, making me drop the pup who growls and scurries off into the woods. "... Dammit..." I mumble as I rub my head and hiss from all the little cuts and scratches over my body, my Shihakushō torn up and slightly bloody.

I grab the next root I come by and then grip my sword where I chop off the vine wrapped around my ankle. A groaning sound of wood roars out through out the trees as I stand up quickly and look for the hollow.

My senses tell me it's to my right about twenty meters away and heading back to the others. I go to give chase but more vines lunge out and I have to use my shunpo as they're faster than I thought.

After a few dodges, six ghosts that look like timberwolf pup hollows form and begin to attack me.

I swing my zanpakuto at the first one who leaps at me, but my blade just phases through it while the others pounce and pile on me, biting and pulling at my skin.

"Nnnggh!" I grunt as I point my left index finger at the ghost on my right shoulder. "Hadō number one, Shō!" I say and it gets blasted off my shoulder before fading into mist.

I repeat the attack for the others and one by one they're all destroyed. Once done, I use shunpo to bolt out of the forest area and back to the others where Luna is having trouble trying to catch the agile little hollow who is doing its damn best to get to Applejack.

Furue just stands beside Applejack as he can't interfere with the hollow, just like mine and Luna's couldn't against our own hollows.

"S-Stay back!" Applejack yells and in her panic, releases her zanpakuto where her heavy metal boots are now on her legs.

She rears up and kicks out her forelegs at the hollow where it avoids her and bites into her upper right foreleg. She screams in panic as she flails her leg to try and get it off.

"Get off me!" she says and goes into a roll, squashing the hollow under her, making it yelp in pain and release her. She then starts stomping on it over and over again with eyes wide and irises near pinpricks. But it's no longer fear in her eyes, but anger and rage. The hollow's mask cracks and after a few more powerful stomps, it completely shatters.

The bloodied hollow is then ensnared as a tree sapling sprouts under it, growing into an apple tree with the hollow stuck in the middle of the trunk.

Applejack is breathing heavily as she stares at the now mask-less hollow that looks unconscious in the tree.

"Well... That was harder than I thought it would be..." I comment as I notice the forest area receding and withering away.

Luna gasps so I turn back to see Applejack wearing a wolf shaped mask with the red fangs over each eye.

"Errr... I guess we don't have to worry about applejack's hollow now," I comment making Applejack look at me confused.

"What just happened?" she asks and then freezes at the distorted tone of her own voice.

"You overcame your hollow... So now you have access to its power. Makes me wonder if the others are weak enough subjugate right now," I reply as she takes off the mask and stares at it.

"Aaaahhh!" she yells and throws the mask away while breathing heavily again as the mask crumbles away and her eyes and voice return to normal. Her body is trembling and she looks like she's about to break down in tears.

I frown sadly and walk over to her before kneeling down and wrapping my arms around her.

"It's okay, Applejack. You beat it, it's over now, just calm down," I tell her gently as she sobs into my shoulder.

"W-W-Why does mah hollow l-look like the one that took mah folks away from me!" she demands and trembles harder.

"Perhaps it took that form due to it being the thing you fear the most, there could also be loads of other reasons. But you beat it, even as you panicked, you faced it head on and overcame that fear instead of running from it. Well done, Applejack," I tell her, making her calm down a bit.

After a few minutes, her trembling is gone and she's left with hiccups and sniffles.

"T-Thank you..." she finally says as she pulls away.

I look her in the eyes and smirk. "Hey! You're my boss, gotta make sure my boss is okay or she'll work me to the bone like a slave!" I joke lightheartedly.

That gets a weak chuckle outta her as she wipes her eyes. "Now what? *Hic*," she asks me.

"Now? We head back to the others and make a game plan," I reply as Luna walks over, horn already glowing.

"Okay, ah'll see you in a bit," she says with a small smile.

I smile back as my vision goes white and I wake back up in my own body. I see Celestia has a shocked expression while looking at Applejack. I follow her gaze and see Applejack has her mask on while she's still asleep, I also notice both Fluttershy and Pinkie have their masks on as well.

"Well, three of them have tamed their hollows, though Applejack's required her to fight as I was being held back by something," I tell her as Luna stretches her legs as she stands up.

"Twas very strange, while the others were simple enough to restraint, Applejack's twas much more resilient to our magic and rather agile," Luna tells her sister.

"So what do we do now? These Arrancar are bound to strike again when they don't hear from the one you killed," Celestia says with a thoughtful expression.

"I'll ask Urahara if he'll send me to Hueco Mundo so I can scout around and see what we're up against while you, Luna, and Urahara continue training and help these six train... They're surely going to be targets as well," I reply and sigh as I get up and head for the door.

"Art thou going now?" Luna asks in concern.

"The sooner we know what we're up against, the sooner we can prepare for it," I reply and before either of them could speak, I use shunpo to head to Canterlot.

After a few minutes I arrive and make my way to Urahara'a store. I open the door to reveal Jinta doing hoof stands on his forelegs. The sudden noise of the door opening startles him making him topple into a sweet shelf.

"Dammit!" he yelps and rubs his head as he sits up.

"Sorry, but is Urahara here? It's important," I ask him and he grumbles.

Before he answers, Urahara in his pony gigai walks in from the back and sighs at Jinta. "I see you were fooling around again, clean up your mess or no desert for you tonight," he tells Jinta who looks horrified before quickly cleaning up the candy.

Urahara then turns to me with a smile and folding up his fan. "Mr. Kurosaki, to what do I owe this visit?" he asks but the smile drops from his face.

"Well, first off, I was attacked by an Arrancar who was sent specifically after me from their Queen. She's dead and Pinkie Pie already has her Bankai. Also all six of the element bearers have hollows in them... So yeah a lot has happened since we last talked," I tell him as I walk into the store.

"I see, I was just getting ready to head to the Soul Society to figure out how to give the Captains their own hollows. Would you perhaps be willing to come with me? Getting data on a soul reaper already with a hollow will help speed up the process," he replies and asks me.

I shudder at the thought Mayuri getting wind of this and even getting his own hollow, who would be even more fucked in the head than he already is. "I'd rather not be anywhere near Mayuri if I can help it. Why not ask if one of the captains is willing to have the Elements used on them? That might manifest their own hollow," I tell him.

He hums in thought and frowns. "Only one way to find out, I shall discuss this with Head Captain Yamamoto. Was there another reason you came here?" he replies and asks me.

"Yeah, I want to go to Hueco Mundo and scout it out, find out how many we're dealing with and what they're capable off," I tell him.

"You want to go to Hueco Mundo now?" he replies in surprise.

"This way we can see what we're up against and plan for it," I reply and look towards the door, I sense a powerful presence approaching and it's not a hollow as my phone isn't going off.

I see the outline of a soul reaper's shihakushō and a katana on their hip. I gulp as they lift their hand and reach it out to open the door.

Author's Note:

Like my stories? Please donate to my Patreon!
Every donation will allow me to make more time for writing.

Comments ( 30 )

Damn, that's what I call popular. It's been two years since this was updated, but it got front page the moment you updated despite the long hiatus.


Cat-mare? Okay, I just suddenly remember another fic with Rarity as Batmare.

"You want to go to Hueco Mundo now?" he replies in surprise.

Woah, not going to bother to make any preparation? I think Ichiko does underestimate the Hueco Mundo.



Yay it lives!!!!

well that was a fun read, hope to see more.

Ok that's fine I'll keep reading for now

So, in the end... Did Ichigo read the manga that Grimm give to him? Maybe he could share it with Urahara and the others...

Almost forgot about that xD I'll have to get him to read it after the Hueco Mundo trip.

I'm so glad you made me aware of this story in the blog post. Even with the ever so slight cringe of the crossovers, I love this.

As I've said before, no more crossovers. Unless they're of my own design (I introduce made up Displaced myself, SPOILER! I plan to introduce his two friends Zoro (one piece) and Naruto (well... from Naruto) That he went to the convention with)

Yeah that's different. It's just when you have displaced from other stories it disrupts the flow of the story, while having his friends be displaced to the same Equestria is just another plot in the story.

I'm totally looking forward to more of this story. I thought this site was devoid of Soul Reaper in Equestria stories.

I've seen a hollow in Equestria one but I've not seen any soul reaper ones myself.

Now who could that be, oh and when is this story going be out of hiatus?

i have a Question, When are you going to update some of your other story's, like Shinigami in Equestria and Terracana?

Terracana got updated on the 4th. Though as I said in blogs. Unless I get more donators on my patreon I have to dedicate more of my time as a freelance spriter to make money. Not only that I've started learning 3D modelling and animating so that is chewing up time as well.

thanks for answering my question so soon and i hope you have fun 3D printing things you like.

Don't have a 3D printer. I meant models and animations for games/cuts scenes.

Oh, sorry i wasn't reading right because my eye sight is a little off.

reread this story and it's still as fun as the first time hope to see more of this story soon.

dude we need more chapters for all your stories they all are fucking awesome

Wan will this story continue ones more

Oh kewl. That is so Pinkie Pie lol :pinkiehappy:

The cliff hangers are Killin me

I still love this series you can't really find and mlp x Bleach series these days.

Can you finish the story please thank you more more good

Please restart the story, it's wormed its way into my brain and won't leave. I must know what happens next, the wait is killing me.

This story is so good I've read it ten times over already.

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