• Published 25th Oct 2015
  • 13,923 Views, 509 Comments

Shinigami In Equestria - Urimas Ebonheart

An average but nerdy young man goes to an anime convention dressed as Ichigo from Bleach. He was missing only one thing from his costume, where a mysterious merchant sells him just the item he needed. Only to be sent somewhere he doesn't know.

  • ...

Chapter 4: Of Soul Reapers, Hollows, and Zanpakutos

Chapter 4: Of Soul Reapers, Hollows, and Zanpakutos

"Princess Luna! Are you and Princess Celestia alright?" Twilight asks. I just stare at her and her friends dumbly. They all now have a katana with them as well. Seriously, the fuck is going on here?

"We art fine. Ichigo thinks Tia will be okay as well," Luna replies.

I just finish off my apple and toss the core onto a patch of grass nearby. Applejack gives me a stern stare which I promptly ignore.

Ponies begin to crowd around but keep their distance from us. Whether or not it's because of me or Celestia, I'm not sure.

Twilight sits beside Celestia while putting her sword on the ground and lightly shakes her. "Princess? Please wake up," she asks her. I pick up her sword and pull it out of the purple scabbard a few inches. The grip is purple like her fur while the blade is white with a deep purple oily like shine to it. The habaki, fuchi, and kashira are a deep bluish purple like her mane while the tsuba is shaped like a light purple six pointed star.

Celestia groans and slowly opens her eyes. "Wha... What happened?" she asks and hisses in pain and rubs a hoof to her head.

"Yeah, sorry about that. You might have a bit of a headache for awhile, but it was the only way to get the mask off you," I tell her.

Her eyes snap open and she looks at me. I just sit on the the ground and watch her cautiously as I put Twilight's sword back on the ground next to her.

She frowns and looks away, I guess she understands what it was like now. At least she didn't kill or hurt anyone badly, she looks to Luna with a sad expression. "I'm so sorry, Lulu," she says quietly.

Luna gets up and lays beside Celestia and drapes a wing over her back. "Tis alright, sister. Thou art fine now," she tells her.

"I can feel it, Luna. The demon in the back of my mind... What if it takes over again," Celestia says with fear in her tone.

"Then you just need to make it submit to you," I tell her. She frowns at me and I sigh. "Really? After all this you still hate me? Fine, whatever, I can't be bothered anymore," I tell her and get up and start walking down the street.

"Where art thou going, Ichigo?" Luna calls out.

I look back at her. "I'm taking a walk to clear my head. Too much has happened in just a few hours for me to think straight," I reply and walk off. The ponies move out of my way with different expressions ranging from curiosity to outright fear.

I hear the soft flapping of wings beside me I can feel the strong presence of Fluttershy's reiatsu. "Um, you're welcome at my cottage for some tea. That is... if you want," she tells me.

I smile. "That actually sounds nice, thank you, Fluttershy," I reply and follow her back to her home. I look at the sword on her back and notice it's more like a wakizashi. "Fluttershy, where did you and your friends get those swords?" I ask her.

"Hmm? Oh! Erm. We got them after freeing Luna from her demon with the elements of harmony," she tells me.

Just like how Celestia and Luna got theirs from using the elements on me. "Do you know your sword's name?" I ask her.

"Its name?" she replies with an adorably confused expression.

''That's a no then.' "Yours and the others swords are just like mine. It's called a zanpakuto, and they're alive like you or me," I tell her.

"It's alive? B-But how do I find out its name?" she asks me while looking at her Zanpakuto.

I rub the back of my neck. "Once everything calms down, how about we all gather together and I can explain it to all of you," I reply.

"Oh, okay. That sounds reasonable," she says.

We arrive at her little cottage and I make myself comfortable on the floor. "Fluttershy, can I have a look at your zanpakuto?" I ask her.

"Sure, here you go," she says and gives me her sword.

The scabbard is yellow like her fur and the grip is pink like her mane. The habaki, fuchi, and kashira are light blue like her eyes, and the tsuba is shaped like a light blue butterfly with light pink wings. The blade is white with tiny butterflies going up the sides of it.

"Is there a reason it's smaller than the others?" she asks me.

"Possibly, but until we see its shikai form, we won't know. Each zanpakuto is unique to its owner," I tell her as I sheath the sword and hand it back to her.

"Shikai? What's that?" she asks and heads into her kitchen.

"I'll explain that with the others as well later," I reply.

"Okay," she calls back.

Once again I get thumped on my thigh by her little bunny. "Can I help you?" I ask Angel.

He again glares at me but doesn't seem to be telling me to leave this time.

We stare at each other for awhile until it starts to get on my nerves. "Alright you little fluff ball, what is it?" I ask again.

He points his paw at his eyes and then points it at me, I stare at him for a few seconds before speaking. "That's not intimidating at all. If anything, it makes you look adorable," I tell him.

He scowls at me before hopping away.

"Here you go, Ichigo. I hope you like it," she says and hands me a cup of hot tea and a big bowl of salad.

"Thank you," I say and take a sip. I look around and notice a badger with a broken chain on its chest. "You do know that badger is a spirit right?" I ask her.

"Oh yes, but he's being stubborn and won't pass on," she tells me.

"You can make him pass on peacefully with your zanpakuto you know," I tell her and take a sip of the delicious tea..

Her eyes widen and she looks mortified. "I couldn't do that to the poor thing!" she replies horrified at the idea.

I frown for a second before I knew what she meant. "Oh no no no no, I don't mean slaying him. The kashira end of your Zanpakuto can be used to perform a soul burial, helping the Spirit to move on, like this," I tell her and draw my sword.

She looks worried but I don't unwrap my blade, I gently tap the badger on it's head with the bottom of the grip and he turns into a black and red hell butterfly which then flies out the open window.

Fluttershy is just staring wide eyed. "What did you do?" she asks in awe.

"I performed what's called a Konsō, or Soul Burial. I just helped the spirit to move on, to let go of anything holding it here. You can do the same with your zanpakuto," I reply.

She looks at her sword for a while, while I just drink my tea and munch on my salad. I let out a relaxed sigh, It's nice and quiet, a perfect time to relax after the mayhem this morning.

*Knock knock knock* "Fluttershy! Is Ichigo in there with ya!?" Rainbow Dash yells, startling Fluttershy out of her thoughts.

'So much for peace and quiet,' I groan internally.

'Oh quit being a baby. You've had plenty of 'peace and quiet' for the last millennia,' Bob tells me.

Fluttershy gets up and opens the door. "Oh, Rainbow Dash. Yes he's here, why?" she asks the prismatic pony.

"Twilight's looking for him, said she wanted answers about what has been going on," Rainbow replies.

I rub my eyes and stand up. "Answers to what exactly?" I ask as I walk over to the door.

Rainbow then looks up at me. "The whole demon thing and Celestia losing her cool, also about these swords we found after kicking Nightmare Moon's flank and why they match our coats, manes, and marks," she says and nodded to the zanpakuto on her back.

"Fine, let's go and get it over with, I'd like to take a nap afterwards," I tell her.

"I like the way you think!" Rainbow says and starts hovering. "Come on, I'll take you to Twi's place, it's the large tree at the north side of town. The others are waiting there as well," she tells me and starts flying off. "Try to keep up if you can!" she shouts back.

I frown at her rapidly shrinking form. 'Really?... Challenge accepted.' "See you there, Fluttershy," I tell the kind pegasus.

"Alright," she replies and slowly flies towards the town. I then use my Shunpo and dash towards the town, I see Rainbow ahead and I start leaping from rooftop to rooftop.

I finally catch up and grin. "Sup, Dash. This the fastest you can go?" I ask her smugly.

"Wha?" she says stunned and looks at me.

I look forward and see the tree in question, are those balconies and windows on it? "Well lookie there, the finish line. See ya later, Dash," I tell her and bolt off ahead.

"HEY! GET BACK HERE!" she shouts at me.

I stop in front of the door and turn around with a smirk. "Took your time slowpoke," I say to her.

I can just hear the grinding of her teeth. "You... You must have cheated! Yeah that's it!" she shouts at me.

My smirk widens and I raise an eyebrow. "Oh? How so?" I ask but my bragging is cut short as the door opens and slams me in the ass making me fall forward, face planting the dirt hard.

"HA! Serves you right!" she says to me with a shit eating grin.

"Huh?" a young male voice says. "Oops, sorry! Whoa! He's bigger than I thought," he then says.

I get up and spit out the dirt between my teeth, Rainbow is laughing her ass off while I brush off my Shihakushō. "Yeah yeah, laugh it up," I say to her.

"Sorry about that, but I heard Rainbow yelling and came to see what it was," the boy says again. I turn to see a small dragon no taller than my mid thigh, I've seen a couple of dragons before flying by the Castle Gardens a few times years ago, but none this young.

"No problem, so I take it Twilight is inside waiting for us?" I ask.

"Uh-huh, so are the Princesses," he replies.

'Oh joy. I bet Celestia is still sulking.' "I'll wait here for Fluttershy first, we kinda left her behind," I tell him.

After a few minutes, Fluttershy slowly flies towards us and lands. "I'm sorry if I took so long," she says.

"Na, it's alright. So let's get this thing going! I wanna know what these swords are, I've never seen one like these before," Rainbow says.

They walk into the tree house first and I follow after, all the talking stops and they all look at me, I notice the furniture is set up in a crescent shape.

"Greetings, Ichigo. Please sit on the cushion, we art hoping thou will tell us what thou knows of what these demons really are and what our blades are as well," Luna tells me. She's looking better with a few bandages on her, Celestia on the other hand still looks depressed.

I sigh and walk over to the small cushion and sit down on it. "Alright. So what do you want to know first?" I ask them.

"Tell us what these demons are," Luna replies.

"Well. Firstly, they're actually called hollows, due to the hole in their chests and the lack of a heart. They are the souls of the deceased who have lingered too long in the world of the living and degraded into a hollow, which takes months or even years. Another way is if their soul is devoured by another hollow, leaving an empty husk of the soul which instantly turns into a hollow," I tell them.

They all look pale with horrified expressions.

"They devour a pony's soul?" Rarity asks with wide eyes.

"Any soul with high reiatsu really, both the dead and the living, and it's up to Soul Reapers to stop them," I reply.

"What is this reiatsu?" Twilight asks.

"Reiatsu, or spiritual pressure, is what we give off in terms of strength or power. You ponies call it magic," I tell her.

"That explains a few things, but what about these blades, these, zanpakuto?" Luna asks.

"A zanpakuto's shape and abilities are based on their Shinigami's soul. Once you learn your zanpakuto's name, you both will get considerably stronger and have access to it's second form called Shikai," I tell them.

Rainbow then raises her hoof. "Then why does yours look so different to ours?" she asks.

"Mine is always in it's released state due to the high amount of reiatsu I generate and release, but a zanpakuto's shape and size is determined by how strong it's owner's reiatsu is. Mine was similar in shape to yours, only about three times bigger and with a thick blade. My zanpakuto is more of a physical based one, for instance, I believe Twilight's will be a Kido based Zanpakuto due to her strong reiatsu or magic as you call it," I reply.

"There's also another form after that called Bankai, where you learn your Zanpakuto's full name, but I'm still training for mine," I tell them. Although I know zangetsu's full name, I'm just not physically ready to try it yet.

Twilight levitates her sword in front of her. "And how do we learn their names?" she asks. Fluttershy perks up at that.

"You just have to ask it and listen for a reply. The more time you spend trying to hear it, the greater your bond with them will be."

"So what happens when a zanpakuto is released?" Applejack asks.

"It will change shape and will gain an effect. Mine just got stronger and hits harder than before, it can also launch a condensed beam of my reiatsu as well, but there are some that have unique abilities. There is one called Senbonzakura, where the blade breaks apart into hundreds of little blades that look like cherry blossoms and its wielder can control the blades mentally and can attack their opponent from every angle simultaneously," I tell her.

"Whoa," Rainbow says. "What will mine do?" she asks excitedly.

"I don't know, it depends on the Shinigami's personality. I'm betting yours will be a physical based one that's for fast and quick attacks. Or maybe it'll have some sort of wind manipulating ability," I reply.

"Awesome!" she says holds her zanpakuto in front of her. "Hey there! I'm Rainbow Dash, what's your name?" she asks the blade. After a few awkward seconds of silence, she sighs and puts it on her back. "Nothing..." she mumbles in disappointment.

"Don't worry about it. It will just take some time," I tell her.

"Okay, can you tell us what just happened to Princess Celestia?" Twilight asks me.

"Ah, that," I say and form my hollow mask, making them all gasp. "She went through her hollowfication, where her hollow half tried to take over," I explain in a distorted tone.

"But why are you in control and she wasn't?" Rarity asks.

"Because I've made mine submit to me, and now I can call on his power to boost my own, making me stronger and faster," I tell them.

'No need to sound smug about it you dick. I'll kick your ass one day and take my body back,' Bob says.

I just ignore him and continue. "Twilight, you called me the Canterlot Demon, why is that?" I ask her.

"Erm... because you killed hundreds of ponies before you were sealed in stone," she replies clearly uncomfortable by the question.

"That was my hollow half that did that after taking over my body, my hollowfication just like Celestia did. But fortunately, Luna and I were here to stop her from going on a killing spree, unlike me," I tell her with a sigh.

"I see," Twilight says with a sad frown.

I continue with my explanation. "To have a hollow half, someone must have put the soul of a hollow into the Princesses. That's what causes the hollowfication process, but I don't know how she's managed to suppress it this long before her anger got the better of her, or who managed to put one into them to begin with," I reply.

"We don't have these, hollows, inside us do we?" Fluttershy asks with fear.

"I don't think so, you've only been Soul Reapers for a short while," I tell her to which she relaxes.

"What are Soul Reapers exactly?" Twilight asks. I didn't notice before, but she's writing down everything.

"A Soul Reaper is someone who slays hollows and purifies their souls, sending them to the afterlife. We can also perform the Konso, or Soul Burial, to send spirits of the deceased to the afterlife peacefully. I've already shown Fluttershy how that works," I reply.

"Fascinating," Twilight says.

I look at Pinkie and notice her staring at her zanpakuto. "Pinkie... You okay?" I ask and let my mask crumble off.

"Uh-huh," she replies.

"What are you doing darling?" Rarity ask her.

"Having a staring contest with Myōgane," she replies.

Wait... did she just say her zanpakuto's name? "Pinkie... Is that your zanpakuto's name?" I ask her with a raised brow.

"Uh-huh," she replies and strains her eyes, she finally blinks and glares at her Zanpakuto. "Ooooo, you're good," she says to it.

"Well then, one down I guess," I say and ignore her for now. "Any other questions?" I ask them.

They shake their heads in reply. "Alright then," I say and yawn. "I'm gonna have a nap, see you in a few hours," I tell them and use Shunpo to leave the tree house before they could ask me anything else.

I arrive at what looks like a park and find a nice big tree, I jump up onto a thick branch and lay back against the trunk. After a few minutes of just listening to the ponies playing and the sounds of nature around me, I drift off to sleep.

Author's Note:

If I got anything wrong here. Please let me know.

EDIT: I've changed Pinkie's Zanpakuto's name due to a great suggestion I got.

Myōgane = Bright Bell