• Published 25th Oct 2015
  • 13,923 Views, 509 Comments

Shinigami In Equestria - Urimas Ebonheart

An average but nerdy young man goes to an anime convention dressed as Ichigo from Bleach. He was missing only one thing from his costume, where a mysterious merchant sells him just the item he needed. Only to be sent somewhere he doesn't know.

  • ...

Chapter 24: Settling In

Chapter 24: Settling In

I sigh as I rub my still throbbing chin, damn Rukia can hit hard when she wants to...

"Ichigo? Are you alright?" Orihime asks me with worry as she kneels beside me.

"Yeah I'm fine," I reply and sit up.

"So how did it go with Head Captain Yamamoto?" Urahara asks me.

"Good, good. Until Kenpachi showed up and tried to kill me..." I reply. "Oh! Also the old man wants to see you about trying to get their own inner hollows," I tell him.

He goes stiff and drops his paper fan. "He wants me to do what?" he asks me with shock and wide eyes.

"That's what he wants, even he thinks this is going to go bad and wants to make sure he and the other Captains are ready. Though I really don't want Kenpachi or Mayuri to have one..." I reply with a shudder at the thought and stand up. "I'm going home for the rest of the day after that fight with Kenpachi, drained most of my reiatsu and I'm tired," I say and head for the stairs.

"Ichigo! I'll be back in two more days!" Rukia tells me and then turns to Renji.

"Got it!" I yell back and walk up the stairs.

Orihime follows behind me with Kira in her arms, Chad and Ishida also tag along as we exit the store. Luna and Celestia remained behind, probably to learn more kido from Tessai.

The ponies in the street avoid us as we walk down to the train station. We make sure we still have our return tickets back to Ponyville on us along the way.

"So what happened over in the Soul Society?" Ishida asks me.

"Talked to the old man and almost got killed by the crazy bastard Kenpachi, that's about it," I reply and yawn.

"Oh... Will we be able to go there?" he asks intrigued.

"I don't want to go there unless I have to... With both Mayuri and Kenpachi there it'll be a miracle if you don't run into either. Mayuri wants to experiment on my ass since I'm technically half alive and half dead and Kenpachi wants to stab my ass..." I tell him with a frown. "I'd rather stay in Ponyville and fight the hollows around there to be honest."

"I'm going to agree with Ichigo," Kira says. "The Soul Reapers there aren't the most friendly around."

"Well as I said, I'd rather stay here, and now that you're both here I'm going to have to either find a bigger home to house you both, or pay the rent for your own house until you can pay me back," I reply and tell the brothers.

"Well, from what I see you don't have much room and you'd want Orihime to move in eventually..." Uryu says making Orihime blush. "I guess having our own home would be better, but how will we earn money?" he asks me.

"There's a job bulletin board inside the town hall, you can look there for jobs. I get paid for slaying hollows from Celestia and Luna and also helping at the local apple orchard," I reply.

The train station comes into view but a pony walks in front of me wearing a cloak.

"Can I help you?" I ask him with a raised brow as he glares up at me.

"Yes you can... you can DIE!" he yells and thrusts a shortsword at me. I frown and grab the chipped looking blade between my thumb and index finger.

"You mind telling me the reason behind this attack?" I ask him calmly.

He grunts as he tries to pull the blade back. "You're a killer, we haven't forgotten what you did a thousand years ago! How can the Princesses let a monster like you roam free after the massacre you committed!" he yells at me as the bystanders all stare at me.

I sigh and let go of the blade and he falls back on his ass. "I was possessed back then and I'm glad the Princesses stopped me," I reply and walk past him. "The same thing that happened to Luna happened to me... Maybe you should get all the details first before you act irrationally," I tell him.

He just glares at me but doesn't stand up. The guards then arrest him for assault and take him away as we continue our walk to the station.

"Are you okay?" Orihime asks me from my side and holds my hand.

I smile at her and squeeze her hand gently. "I'm good. I'm just not proud of what happened back then... Let's just go home and get some lunch, I'm hungry," I reply and show our four return tickets at the booth.

The others look at each other but say nothing as we board the train and head home.

The trip was silent and we arrive back at Ponyville and head to my place so I can get enough bits to help pay for Ishida's and Chad's own place. After a quick lunch we all then head towards the town hall.

We enter the building and I look to the right. "There's the bulletin board, you can look at it after we find you a place." I point out said board to the right of the entrance.

"Alright," Chad replies as we walk in.

"Hey, Post Script, I need to see the mayor," I say to the light blue mare with a light pale green mane and tail with a mark of an open scroll with a quill writing on it behind the counter.

"Hmm?" she says and looks up with her deep green eyes. "Oh, Ichigo. Something wrong?" she asks me.

"No, just need to find a place for Ponyville's newest humans," I reply and point my thumb towards the brothers behind me.

"I see. Hold on a second," she says and presses a button on her desk. "Mayor Mare? Ichigo is here to see you," she says into the microphone.

"He is? Please send him through," the mayor replies.

"You know the way," Script tells me with a smile.

"Yup, you have a good day, Script," I reply and walk past the desk to the right door.

The others follow behind me and I knock on the mayor's door.

"Come in!" she calls out from inside, so we all enter and I sit in front of her desk.

"Hello, Ichigo... Who are your friends?" she asks me looking as Chad and Ishida.

"They're like me and now stuck here, I'm going to pay the rent for a house for them until they pay me back and can pay for themselves," I reply.

"Ah, well we have an empty house near yours. It has: two bedrooms, a lounge, a kitchen, bathroom and a small back yard," she tells me.

Sounds perfect. "How much?" I ask.

"Just fifty bits per pony a week," she replies.

So a hundred bits a week... that's doable. "Deal," I say and shake her hoof.

The mayor then gets out some forms and paperwork. "I'll need them to sign these and the first payment," she tells us.

I then place three-hundred bits on the desk. "Here's three weeks worth of rent then. Should give them plenty of time to find decent jobs," I say as the brothers start signing the papers.

"Very well then, here is a copy of the house deed under a rent licence as well as two keys," Mayor Mare says and hands the document and keys to Uryu.

"Thank you, ma'am," he replies and folds the document up and places it and a key into his pocket, he then gives Chad a key for himself.

"You're welcome, is there anything else?" she asks us.

"Yeah, the hollows, or demons as you call them, are going to be more active in the future, we'll do what we can to get rid of them quickly but there might be some damage to the town as they're getting smarter and stronger," I warn her.

She frowns and sighs. "I've never seen a demon before but the Element Bearers confirmed their existence, as well as seeing the Princess being possessed by one," she replies with a shudder. "The whole town thanks you for saving her by the way."

I just shrug and stand up. "Luna helped with that as well, but as I said, we'll try our best to stop the hollows before they can do any damage or kill anyone," I tell her and head for the door. "Come on guys. I've got a hundred bits left and I'll use that for your food and utensils," I tell the brothers.

"Erm, sure," Chad says and follows me.

Orihime walks beside me while Uryu and Chad talk about what they want for their new home. I hope they appreciate this, this has set me back quite a bit. I'll need to pick up odd jobs around town just to recover the costs.

We reach the market and get a week's worth of food for the two brothers which cost me fifty bits. We then got them some cups, plates, pots, pans and cutlery which cost me forty bits.

So with that done we head to their new house which was just three houses down from mine. "Well, get settled in and tomorrow you can look for a job for your own income," I tell them.

"Thanks for doing this for us," Uryu says to me.

"Don't worry about it, only pay me back when you're stable. Uryu and Ichigo may never have gotten along well in the anime, but that doesn't mean we have to as well. Besides, we're the only humans here now... the ones at Soul Society don't count though since they haven't gone through what we went through," I reply and pat him on the shoulder.

"Right... Well, we better get everything unpacked and such," Uryu says and uses his key to unlock the door.

"Yeah, thank you for the help. We'll make sure to pay you back when we can," Chad says.

"No problem, see you guys tomorrow," I reply and wave goodbye.

"I'm sorry you were both dragged here as well, but I hope you both feel better soon, it's nice having others who know what we're going through," Orihime tells them and they smile at her.

"Thank you, we'll see you both later," Uryu replies to her. Both brothers then enter their new home and close the door.

"So, now that that's out of the way, how about I walk you back to Fluttershy's?" I ask Orihime.

She smiles and nodded. "That would be nice," she replies and hooks her left arm around my right.

I return the smile and we walk through town towards Fluttershy's place. The ponies wave at us and we return it as we pass by, I look up as I hear a loud noise and spot Rainbow Dash napping on a cloud, damn can she snore.

It took about ten minutes walking there, but it was calm, quiet, and relaxing. We'll have to cherish these moments as they'll be gone once whatever is coming arrives.

We arrive at the small cottage's front door and I turn to look at Orihime. "If there's nothing going on tomorrow, would you like to go somewhere? Your choice of location and my treat," I ask her.

She hums in thought and smiles. "I'd love to," she replies and then leans up as she gives me a quick kiss on the lips.

I feel my cheeks heat up and a big grin on my face. "Six in the afternoon sound good? I'll pick you up here," I ask her.

"I'll see you then," she replies and knocks on the door.

Fluttershy opens the door and let's her in, I hear the shy pony squeal upon seeing Kira and the poor mod soul is snatched up and fawned over. Kira turns back to the door and reaches out to me as if asking me to save her. Once the door closes, I head home where I spend the rest of the day just relaxing on the couch.

Author's Note:

Three Chapters in one day... time for a nap...