• Published 25th Oct 2015
  • 13,911 Views, 509 Comments

Shinigami In Equestria - Urimas Ebonheart

An average but nerdy young man goes to an anime convention dressed as Ichigo from Bleach. He was missing only one thing from his costume, where a mysterious merchant sells him just the item he needed. Only to be sent somewhere he doesn't know.

  • ...

Chapter 26: Arrancar and another Bankai?

Chapter 26: Arrancar and another Bankai?

My eyes slowly open and my vision is badly blurred as all I can see is coloured blobs. "Where am I?" I wonder to myself. My body still feels numb and I can't move a muscle.

"Ah, I see you are awake, I am currently making a brew for your sake," that female voice I heard before replies.

I glance to my left and barely see a grey blob moving about around a black blob with what appears to be a fire under it.

"Who are you?" I ask her and groan as my stomach still hurts.

"My name is Zecora, it is an honour to help such a brave warrior," she replies and walks over to me.

I feel a cloth on my forehead get taken off and replaced again with more cool water in it. "Where am I?" I ask her this time.

"You are in my home, where beasts and demons dare not roam," she replies.

I frown and wince, her rhyming is going to give me a headache. "Do you have to rhyme everything? It's kinda hard to follow what you're saying," I tell her.

I hear her chuckle and walk away back to the black blob. "I shall refrain from doing so then, warrior. I have given you my name, will you give me yours?" she asks me.

"Ichigo Kurosaki," I reply and try to move my right arm but couldn't even twitch it.

"Then welcome to my abode, Ichigo," she says and I hear something wooden hitting metal followed by liquid sloshing.

"What are you doing?" I ask her.

"I am making a remedy for the poison that is flowing in your veins, it should be ready in a few minutes," she replies.

"I see, how long was I out for?" I then ask her.

I hear her dropping something into the black blob. "I would say two to three hours, I am surprised you are awake so soon," she tells me.

I was going to ask about my sword, but I can feel Zangetsu nearby. "How did you bring my zanpakuto back with you? Only someone as strong as a Soul Reaper could pick one up," I ask her.

"Another like yourself wearing a flowing coat and strange glasses appeared and silently carried the blade as he followed us, as soon as I put you onto the bed, he placed the sword against the wall and just disappeared," she replies with a bewildered tone.

'You carried yourself?' I ask Zangetsu with a faint chuckle.

'I did. I couldn't just leave myself there for a hollow to take me,' he replies.

'And what's with you? You could have killed that hollow easily! Why did you let such a weakling even touch you?' Bob asks me with a harsh tone.

'Even if I cut off its tails, they could've continued and still struck one of the fillies... so I tried to stop them, two outta three wasn't that bad,' I reply.

'Not bad? I would have blocked all of them! You have two hands you dolt, you could have caught the third one!' Bob yells at me. I know he really cares but just doesn't like to show it.

'Alright, my bad... but I was focused on the girls first,' I tell him and sigh.

They go silent as I wait for this Zecora to finish whatever she's doing for the last twenty or so minutes. The door suddenly bursts open with the element bearers all wielding their zanpakutos, along with Orihime, Chad, and Uryu rush inside.

This startles Zecora causing her to yelp and knock over her pot of boiling... whatever it is all over the floor forcing everyone back out. 'Oh god that stinks!' I think to myself and I can't even hold my nose closed.

"ICHIGO!" I hear Twilight yell from outside the door.

"What is with your rude behaviour? I am trying to help this wounded saviour!" Zecora scolds them all, back into her rhymes.

"Yeah right you creepy witch!" I hear Rainbow yell back at her.

"What were you planning to do to Ichy you evil enchantress!" I then hear Pinkie demand.

"As I said after you barged in here, I was brewing a potion to aid the poor dear," Zecora replies and then sighs.

"Ichigo!" I hear Orihime call out with worry but I still can't move.

"I'm fine, Orihime," I reply.

After a few minutes and what sounds like magic being used, the mares and humans enter Zecora's home while Orihime begins to heal me.

"We were told Ichigo was injured, why is he here?" Twilight asks Zecora as my vision begins to clear up, though her zanpakuto is still levitating in the air next to her if the purple glow in the air is anything to go by.

"I watched as he battled the four demons, but his concern for the fillies only deepened. Threw himself in harms wa-" she replies but I cut her off.

"Please stop rhyming, it's giving me a headache," I ask her making her chuckle again.

"Very well. After he slayed the demons, I brought him back here to brew an antidote for the poison coursing through his veins..." she says then pauses for a few seconds. "but it would seem that is no longer necessary..."

I sigh as the numb feeling fades and I can move my arms again. "Thanks, Orihime," I say making her smile.

"I'm just glad you're okay, I don't want my boyfriend dying on me just after getting him," she replies and hugs me making me chuckle.

The tension in the room settles down a bit but I look to see the mares with their zanpakutos still out. "Put those away already, if she wanted to hurt me she had the perfect opportunity to do so back when I passed out," I tell them sternly, I then look to Zecora properly for the first time and notice she's just like a pony but with stripes on her fur.

They all sheath their swords but Rainbow glares at Zecora for a few more seconds before sheathing her own zanpakuto.

Twilight then uses her magic to clean up the mess on the floor and rights the what I can now see is a cauldron back above a fire pit.

"So, what are you doing out here, Zecora? It's not exactly safe here with all the hollows running about," I ask her.

"Rare and exotic plants and herbs grow in this forest that are unavailable in my homeland, so to expand my knowledge and skill I have settled here to find them," she replies and starts filling the cauldron with some water.

"And how have you been avoiding the hollows?" I then ask her.

"I have set up shrines around my home that emit a foul scent and aura that the demons find repulsive, so long as I carry this mixture, they leave me be," she tells me and gathers a few ingredients which she tosses into the pot.

'Then why hasn't it affected my inner hollow?' I wonder to myself.

'Because I can't smell it you dumbass,' Bob tells me and I roll my eyes.

"So you're an alchemist?" Twilight asks intrigued.

"Yes, though we prefer the term shaman," Zecora replies and starts mixing the brew.

"Can you show me how to make this mixture? We could use it to repel the dem... hollows from Ponyville and other places!" Twilight asks the striped mare excitedly.

"I would be happy to show you how, I just require the ingredients needed to make more," Zecora replies.

I stand up and stretch my limbs earning me some popped joints and a sigh of relief. Orihime smiles and hugs me again which I happily return.

"So, what ingredients do you nee-" I start but my phone goes off again. I quickly pull it out of my bumbag and see a strong hollow coming our way.

"Ichigo? What's wrong?" Applejack asks me.

"A very strong looking hollow is heading this way," I reply and look to them all. "Stay here and keep each other safe," I tell them and before they could stop me I use my Shunpo to leave Zecora's house and head towards the hollow.

After a few seconds I find the hollow and see it's different than any I've seen before. It looks similar to a pony except bipedal and has black chitinous like skin, it's clearly female if the breasts are any indication and she's wearing very revealing white clothes that barely cover up her chest and hip area. Her eyes are a solid blue with white dots for pupils and her hair is a shoulder length dark grey colour. I also notice she has holes in her forearms and shins as well as the signature hole in her chest.

"So you're the one who's been killing our scouts? I was wondering why they didn’t return," she asks me and checks me over. "I must say I'm not impressed."

"Who are you?" I ask her, but I get the feeling she's an arrancar if the clothing is anything to go by.

"That's not important to a pest like you, I'm just here to remove you so our plans go unhindered," she replies and draws a pair of thin daggers I didn't see from behind her waist.

I frown and draw my own sword and wait for her to make the first move.

She wastes no time and launches herself at me with both daggers ready to strike. Only for Pinkie Pie to use her Shunpo and slam into the side of the arrancar with all four hooves sending her through a tree.

"Pinkie! What are you doing here?" I ask her with a frown.

"My knee started to get pinchy, so I knew something bad was going to happen to you so I came to help! No pony hurts my friends and GETS AWAY WITH IT!" she yells and then confuses me as she draws her zanpakuto and rears up on her hind legs. "BAN-KAI!" she says making my jaw drop.

'The fuck she just say?'

Bright pink reishi surrounds the pink pony and she seems to be getting taller, once the bright pink energy fades, a five foot five inch tall bipedal Pinkie Pie wearing a dark pink Shihakushō that looks like it has some plates of armour on her shoulders, chest, back and hips while wielding what looks like a large blue cannon like one would hold a minigun.

"Myōgane: Warai Sekai no Kyōki!" she says and hefts up the cannon like its weightless.

"When did you learn to use bankai!?" I ask her forgetting about the arrancar due to this new development.

"Oh, about two weeks ago," she replies and then fires her cannon.

The loud shot echoes throughout the forest as a concentrated ball of pink reishi soars quickly into the trees where the arrancar was knocked away and detonates on impact.

Trees are blown aside from the blast but the arrancar manages to avoid it and now stands a few metres away from us.

"This is unexpected," the hollow says and looks to her left and sees her left arm is missing.

"Ichy, you need to go bankai and cover my flanks, I can't move very fast like this," Pinkie tells me and fires another shot which the hollow dodges again, while also blowing away a chunk of the forest again as well.

I frown but I’ll question her later. "BANKAI!" I yell and quickly take my bankai form. I then activate my hollow mask and take on my hollowfied form, I'm ending this quickly and not taking any chances with this bitch or letting her escape. I don't have three fillies to protect this time to hold me back.

Pinkie looks at me wide eyed as she stares at my hollow form.

I have just over thirty seconds to kill this arrancar so I dash towards her faster than she could react and slash towards her head, she leans away and I just cut her right ear off making her hiss in pain. She tries to stab me with her remaining dagger, but I grab her wrist making her unable to to flee from me now.

I kick her to the ground while still holding her wrist and then impale her to the ground with my zanpakuto through her stomach and then point both of my horns at her head.

Her eyes widen as I charge up a cero and blast her point blank leaving a five or six metre deep hole where her head used to be. Her body then dissolves and I pull my sword out of the ground.

"Ichy?" Pinkie asks with fear in her tone while pointing her cannon at me.

I look towards her and dismiss my mask and bankai. "It's me, Pinkie," I tell her and smile slightly at her.

She narrows her eyes at me and then sighs. "Don't scare me like that!" she yells and puts her cannon onto her back before leaping at me and crushes me in a bone breaking hug.

"I'm... sorry!.. Can't... breathe!" I choke out making her giggle and let go.

I cough a few times and then really get a good look at her. She's a few inches shorter than me and her body looks fit and muscular, probably due to being an earth pony despite the amount of sweets she eats. Her Shihakushō is more like a coat similar to my old bankai before I got the Hogyoku revealing her legs which still look like a pony's with hooves instead of feet and is wearing skin tight dark blue leggings.

"What happened to that creepy mask of yours? And why did it cover your whole body?" she asks me with a tilted head.

I sigh and stretch my limbs. "Let's head back to the others and I'll explain it there... how long does your bankai last?" I ask her.

"I dunno, this is the first time I used it outside of my head," she replies and starts skipping away towards Zecora's house while humming a tune.

During the walk back, Pinkie was covered in her reishi as her bankai finally wears off, except she's still bipedal but is wearing a normal black Shihakushō and her zanpakuto is on her left hip.

"Oh..." she says and looks herself over.

"That is... strange," I say and frown. 'Will she be stuck like this?' I wonder to myself.

But Pinkie just gasps and smiles at me. "Does this mean I get to keep these!?" she asks and flexes her fingers at me.

"I guess so, but we'll have to wait and see, I get the feeling Twilight will want to examine you," I reply.

She giggles and starts skipping again. "Not the first time she's tried," she says and I just shake my head.

'But we have bigger problems if arrancar are starting to come here, I'll need to notify the Soul Society,' I think to myself and get my soul pager out.

'That would be wise, they'll need to maybe send a captain or two here to keep an eye out,' Zangetsu tells me.

'Gotta admit, that arrancar was quite the looker, I could've looked into those soulless eyes for hours!' Bob says making me raise an eyebrow at him.