• Published 24th Feb 2017
  • 896 Views, 11 Comments

Lucid Dreams - Jumping Jack

A young orphan pegasus escapes into his dreams and imagination while trying to overcome his fear of befriending others. And to do that, he needs the help of three young fillies and a majestic alicorn.

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Do The Dead Dream?

Princess Luna looked out the window of the Cutie-Mark Crusader clubhouse. Her sister had lowered the sun, nearing her turn to raise her moon. She looked back to the three fillies. They were snoozing quietly. A small smile spread across her face.

Children were always at peace when asleep. More so than full grown ponies. They should be waking up any moment if they followed her directions. She took a moment to look around the small space. Many child like drawings with X’s crossed over activities, almost making a collage of memories. She then saw the diagram Scootaloo had drawn.

It appeared that Scootaloo had dabbled in some lucid dreaming herself, much to the surprise of her friends. It worried Luna just a bit, as attempting to lucid dream intentionally would have great consequences upon waking up. Her thoughts fell onto the young pegasus colt in the orphanage. She made a quiet prayer for the colt and his little playmates’s safety. Her gaze fell back to the stirring of the three young fillies.

They rubbed their eyes and yawned before looking at each other, their tiredness turning into victorious smiles.

“That was awesome!” Scootaloo exclaimed excitedly. Sweetie Bell looked up at Luna.

“All that was created by you?” She asked in awe. Princess Luna giggled and nodded. Indeed, the princess had discussed much with the three upon her visit. They bounced ideas and solutions to aid the princess in her spell. There best bet was to practice controlling their dreams via triggers they can point out. Once again, Scootaloo has shown to be a bit more adept with lucid dreaming. So long as she sees a light cyan feather land on her snout, anything was possible.

Sweetie Bell is still struggling with finding her trigger, despite Luna directing the dream they were in. Applebloom believes she may have seen her trigger unintentionally, for she was able to control the dream out of nowhere. Luna had asked her to try again and retrace in the dream, only to have her be directed into the path.

Once the three were calmed and focused on Luna, the alicorn nodded.

“You three did exceptional. Of course, we will continue to keep practicing. Tonight, I will be accompanying you to Ghost Pepper.” She smiled. Applebloom scratched her head with the tip of her hoof.

“So, princess. ‘Ah’ve been meanin’ to ask. Why us?” Luna nodded.

“A fair question. One that can simply be stated that the minds of the young are bright and imaginative. They are full of wonder and curiosity that the Dream Realm will make possible.” She replied. Scootaloo chimed in.

“So, you must know a lot of the Dream Realm. Like how it works from the inside and all?” The pegasus filly asked curiously. Luna chuckled.

“More or less. Tis a task I was given as a filly. I do not know where the Dream Realm originates. But it’s sole purpose is to acquire imagination and memories. To shape them into a connection that allows creatures of all kinds to partake in. It is said that even those that have passed continue to dream.” A serious look darkened her face, causing the three to listen intently. “But while it does nothing but provide, it does not discriminate from beings. Evil hearts and minds create horrors for the Dream Realm, creating what is called Nightmares.”

She turned to look out the window, seeing the sun meet the horizon. The cue to raise the moon. Luna closed her eyes and willed the moon to rise. The beautiful blue glow beginning to shine down across the land. The fillies couldn’t help but feel giddy at the sight. Their attention quickly turned to focus as Luna returned to her serious expression.

“We are all familiar with Nightmares. They haunt and terrorize every creature. As Princess of the Night, it is my duty to best these nightmares to ease the troubled minds.” She sighed. “We wish to best all forces in the Dream Realm. But alas, tis not something easily achieved. There are times where some nightmares are too much for us to handle. Sometimes we get thrown out of the dream or not even allowed in. If we do not do our best to give peace of mind to ponies, it’ll have a grave consequence on their psyche.” The three fillies exchanged worried glances.

“So, how can we truly help you?” Sweetie Bell asked. Luna stood up.

“Sleep. And I will guide thee to Pepper.” She smiled. Applebloom looked over to the door worriedly.

“Won’t Applejack and the others come lookin’ for us?” She asked. Luna rubbed her chin and smiled.

“Ah. I did indeed forgot about that. Do not fret. I will let them know personally.” She replied. Applebloom looked to the other two.

“Alright, you two! You ready to dream dive?” She grinned. Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo returned the grin and nodded. The three high hoofed each other.

“Cutie-Mark Dream Crusaders!” They cheered in unison. Luna giggled at the sight.

“Get comfortable now, Crusaders. I do not know how long we have. And do not fear. I will be by your sides.” She said soothingly. The three fillies curled into comfortable sleeping positions before exclaiming ready. Luna then closed her eyes and washed her magic over them. The room melted as glowing, white strings slithered out of her horn and connected to the Crusader’s minds. When Luna opened her eyes, the Cutie-Mark Crusaders looked around at the many, sparkling orbs dotting a dreamy night sky.

The three had their breath stolen from the sight as Princess Luna unfurled her wings in a display of majesty. The orbs around them began to glow and sink below them. Then, a row of doors rose in front of them and began to quickly blur by. When the doors came to a stop, they stood in front of a tarnished, hickory door. Luna willed the door open. Upon doing so, the four found themselves standing in front of the orphanage.

“I hope Pepper won’t be too surprised to see us.” Sweetie Bell snickered, remembering how skittish the colt could be. Luna hummed and looked around. The three exchanged glances.

“So… is something supposed to happen?” Applebloom asked. Luna nodded.

“We are in the right plane. Yet, the colt appears to not be dreaming yet.” She said. Scootaloo knocked on the door.

“Perhaps we are a bit early?” She asked. The door then swung open and all four yelped as they were pulled in by an invisible force. Luna stumbled forward while the three rolled along the orphanage floor, crashing into the wall. The three shook away their daze and rubbed their heads as Luna looked around, her look aware and cautious.

“Stick close to me, little ones. I fear something else is dreaming.” She said. The three quickly cantered over to her and stayed close as Luna proceeded to walk down the hall. It appeared to go beyond what their sight could make out. Luna’s eyes darted around, taking in every minute detail. Luna then stopped in front of one of the doors.

She reached with her magic and opened the door. The Crusaders looked in with awe as they saw a stout filly looking over a bow of the ship. The beautiful sunset backdrop sparkling against the ocean. Not too far from them on the side, was a skinny colt inna artist barrette, happily drawing the filly as well as the surroundings. The Crusaders shrugged at each other quizzically. Luna, however, gave a quick look around, seeing that the colt’s dream is in stable condition.

She closed the door and went to the next one. When she opened it, she had to duck back as a spark of electricity struck the door. Taking a careful peek from the door, they saw a small filly in an oversized lab coat, shaking hooves with a wild grey mane pony with a mustache. She looked rather pleased as the giant contraption behind them sparked wildly.

“Is that even safe?” Sweetie Bell asked.

“Tis a dream that the filly portrays. Her glorious achievements being recognized by the greatest minds in Equestria, even though she has no clue what it could be.” Luna explained. The four ducked back and closed the door just in time as the machine began to rev up to a certain intensity that would for sure spell dangerous. Luna went to the next one and opened it.

The same dream as previous. The sunset sparkling across the ocean water and the stout filly looking over the bow. This time, her mane longer and prettier. She took in the sight before looking back to a handsome and muscular version of the colt, giving her a handsome wink. She playfully waved at him. Applebloom and Sweetie Bell snickered while Scootaloo felt a little uncomfortable at the sight.

“Err… let’s move on from this one.” The pegasus filly said. Luna smiled softly before closing the door. The door behind them opened, causing them to turn and study it. Sweetie Bell walked over and opened it with her magic. When she did, the four found themselves pulled into the room, only to be standing in a woodland patch. Luna cautiously looked around before her eyes fell onto Pepper, staring at a cracked open casket.

His look curious as well as nervous. The leather journal in front of him and open to a blank page. Sweetie Bell tilted her head.

“Pepper?” This caused the colt to yelp and quickly turn around, fearful at first before it turned into recognition. The three fillies smiled softly and waved while Luna nodded with a motherly smile.

“We’ve been looking for you, little one.” Luna said. Pepper eyed the four, remaining wary. Applebloom looked at the grinning skeleton in the casket with concern.

“What’s goin’ on here?” She asked. Pepper looked down at the journal and then to the skeleton. Luna hummed as she stepped forward.

“A curious idea thy certainly has thought of.” She said. “Pray tell. This plane is a memory. Was this something you’ve seen?” Pepper didn’t say anything but nodded softly. Luna furrowed her look in grim concern. Scootaloo studied the skeleton uneasily.

“Creepy…” she muttered. Pepper sat down in front of the skeleton with the journal at his side. The three fillies exchanged glances. Applebloom then spoke up.

“Hey, Pepper. Mind if we help?” She asked. Pepper studied the filly. He was still uncertain if he should trust any of this. But after the whole Black Eyed Colt incident and the mention of theory testing, he could ‘t help but have the idea pop into his head, as morbid as it was. He just hoped he’d be able to wake up in time to make it back to the orphanage. He gave a small nod as the three sat beside him.

Luna watched the four carefully, her eyes occasionally glancing around their surroundings. The presence was known, but it was hard to pinpoint exactly. Pepper closed his eyes and began to imagine Mrs. Marigold exactly how she looked like in the dream before. The Crusaders balked as the wind around them picked up suddenly and a ghostly visage of a mare appeared like a flickering flame, smiling down at them over the skeleton.

Luna looked surprised. This colt is truly something. The ghost of Mrs. Marigold vanished into the wind as the world around them shimmered and wobbled before steadying into a different area. Pepper opened his eyes and they found themselves, to the colt’s familiarity, in front of the lone house in the field. On the porch in a swing bench, sat Mrs. Marigold in her purple dress and jewelry. She was looking out towards the field with a small, blue blanket wrapped around her.

Sensing visitors, she turned and smiled warmly at them.

“My, my! I wasn’t expecting company so early!” She stood up and walked down the steps, stopping to then bow towards Princess Luna. “Must I say, it is quite an honor to see you, Princess Luna. To what pleasure do I owe this visit?” The mare asked. The Crusaders looked to each other and shrugged. Sweetie Bell believed she might have an idea.

“W-well, miss err…” She began. The mare smiled kindly.

“Mrs. Marigold is fine. But Mari is easy to remember.” She replied. Sweetie Bell nodded.

“R-right. Mrs. Mari. We were… well… we aren’t sure why we are here. I think we were just trying to test something out.” She explained. Pepper had to agree. He didn’t know what to expect with his theory. But seeing as they are here now, it’s now trying to figure out what can and cannot be done. Mrs. Marigold snickered.

“Ahh, to be young. I remember being just as curious as you four. The fields were vast and endless. The fond memories of me playing with my friends out here. I can’t help but remember all the fun I’ve had.” She said, looking out to the field. Applebloom smiled as they followed her gaze.

“It really is quite a sight, Mari.” She said. “Have you’ve lived here your whole life?” Mrs. Marigold nodded.

“Born, raised and passed. These fields have been ever so kind to me.” She chuckled. “I once had the curious ambition to build a hamlet here in the fields to share with my friends and neighbors, but alas, was only a filly’s dream.”

“Well, why couldn’t you?” Scootaloo began. Mrs. Marigold smiled at the pegasus. “I mean, this place is huge! You could create an entire town in this field!” The mare chuckled.

“Unfortunately, there are powers beyond that prevent simple dreams such as that. Sad to say, it is the world in which you all live in.” Princess Luna gave the mare a concerned look. Mrs. Marigold looked to Pepper. “You must be that colt. You have to forgive me. One cannot do anything to the elements. The bad ponies haven’t hurt you, have they?” Pepper, realizing he was being addressed, shook his head softly. She smiled and got on his level. “You were very brave. It must have been terrifying.”

Sweetie Bell scratched her head with the tip of her hoof.

“Wait, what happened?” She asked. Mrs. Marigold adjusted the blanket around her and sighed softly as she looked towards Princess Luna.

“This colt had witnessed my desecration. I am laid to rest in the fields. But it appears somepony has taken the liberty to grow adventurous with malicious intent. I was stumbled upon by mere accident.” Applebloom balked.

“W-wait a minute. Does this mean… we are actually inside the dream of a dead pony?” She asked with shock. Sweetie Bell frowned and nudged her.

“Don’t be rude.” She said sternly. Applebloom grew pink in the cheeks before nervously smiling.

“S-sorry…” Mrs. Marigold giggled.

“Quite alright. I’ve already made peace with my fate. Natural causes, fortunately.” Scootaloo looked around.

“So… does that mean we are in… that place?” The filly asked. Luna shook her head.

“I am afraid tis much more complicated than that. Mrs. Marigold, forgive my asking, but by chance, doth thou happen to have seen anything… peculiar?” She asked. Mrs. Marigold tilted her head quizzically.

“I am afraid I am not sure what you mean, your majesty.” She replied. Luna gave a small sigh before smiling and waving a hoof softly.

“Tis nothing then.” Mrs. Marigold turned to the four children.

“It’s been so long since I have had visitors. What are your names, little ones?” She smiled. Applebloom grinned and put a hoof to her chest proudly.

“We are the Cutie-Mark Crusaders, ma’am! ‘Ahm Applebloom. This ‘ere is Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo.” The filly stated happily. The two others greeted in unison as Mrs. Marigold beamed.

“My, how adorable! What is it that you three do?” She asked curiously. Sweetie Bell chimed in.

“We created the group to discover our talents!” She said. Scootaloo chimed in after.

“We’ve even helped some of our classmates with their own problems!” She said. Mrs. Marigold giggled and pet Applebloom on the head.

“What brave little fillies. Is Pepper your new member?” She asked. Pepper stiffened as the three looked to him.

“Well, not exactly. But he’s welcome to join!” Applebloom nodded to him. Pepper felt anxious suddenly. Joining a club? No pony has ever asked him to join a club before. But then again, the colt doesn’t know anypony in the orphanage who made a club. Maybe his old tormentor had before. But that was one he wholly wanted to avoid. Luna’s eyes widened as she sensed a heavy presence. She looked around cautiously, her eyes scanning the area.

Mrs. Marigold suddenly stood up and gasped.

“You all need to leave. Now!” She said suddenly, her voice matching her terrified expression. Luna and the children looked at her, the children quizzical.

“What?” Scootaloo began. Mrs. Marigold looked to Princess Luna.

“Your highness, please take the kids and leave! This is no longer a safe place! They cannot know about the children!” She said in a panic. This unnerved the children. Pepper looked around, terrified as he backed over to Princess Luna with the Crusaders. Luna stood her ground.

“Wh-what about you?” Applebloom asked. Mrs. Marigold gave them a nervous, reassuring smile.

“Do not worry about me. They do not care for me. You must hurry. Please!” The field began to have an overcast. The wind picking up as distant whispers surrounded them. Pepper shivered underneath Luna. His journal then opened before him and he looked to see words scribble onto the page:

Look behind my happiest memory. There you will find what you need to put my soul to rest.

Pepper looked over to Mrs. Marigold and the mare gave a kind smile. Suddenly, her eyes widened and she let out a pained scream. Luna balked and used her wings to gather the four under her.

“Remain calm and quiet you four. They know who I am. But they will harm you if they see you.” She said with a low, serious voice. Luna’s horn glowed and bats descended from the sky, squeaking wildly as they conjoined at the neck of the alicorn. The bats formed a cloak that Luna quickly draped around her, enshrouding the four children in darkness under her. She thrww her hood on and watched as a terrifying transformation turned Mrs. Marigold into an mangled abomination.

Luna kept her head low, the children unable to see what was going on. But the movement of the mare could be heard with sickening cracks of her bones. The four held their breathes, shivering and huddling together. Luna always found these creatures despicable. Pygmies created by the passing nightmares of the demented. Luna has tried what she could to best these creatures, but even though they can be quelled, so long as demented dreams exist, they too will continue to do so.

She watched as the creature got low and faced the alicorn. Luna narrowed her eyes challengingly at the creature.

“Forgive the intrusion. But tis it not my duty to walk the dreams of others? Especially the passed?” She arched a brow at the creature. It only responded with a agonized moan, studying the princess. Luna didn’t miss a beat. “Do not begin to test our patience, abomination. Thou knows full well who I am and what I am capable of. Unless thy want to test your challenge?” The creature breathed slowly and loudly, as if gauging the might of the Princess of the Night.

Luna remained focused on the creature, hiding her worry of the children under her. She cannot let this creature know. It is here because it sensed a pure mind. The creature let out a guttural cry before turning and limp crawling into the house of Mrs. Marigold. The door that opened by itself to let the creature through slammed shut, leaving Luna to let out a soft breath of relief. The wind died down and the overcast faded.

Luna closed her eyes and called to the previous realm. The scenery blurred past her before they stood outside the door they had entered in. Luna used a foreleg to toss her cloak back, letting the four shivering children peek out from under her. She smiled kindly.

“It’s alright to come out now.” She said. Sweetie Bell cautiously looked around.

“A-are you sure?” She asked. Luna nodded as the Crusaders stepped out from under her. Pepper remained, shivering and terrified. Luna stepped over the colt and sat down next to him. Her wing bringing the colt into a comforting hold.

“Tis alright, little one. The danger has passed.” She said soothingly. Pepper looked up fearfully at Luna. The colt took a meek step out from her wing.

“What was that?” Applebloom rasped, taking a moment to calm her panicked heart beat. Luna bowed her head apologetically.

“Forgive me, young ones. I did not realize the danger was wandering. I sensed the presence but could not find it.” She said. “Listen well. I have told thee lucid dreaming can be harmful if done incorrectly. The creature thou has heard is the byproduct of such effects. Abominations created by troubled and demented minds that dared to lucid dream themselves. They are very rare to encounter as they do not invade normal dreams.

“However, if thou doth encounter such creatures, they will manipulate thy dreams, twisting it to seek their entertainment pleasure. By directly involving themselves, they will not stop until thy psyche is broken.”

“How can we stop then?” Sweetie Bell asked. Luna smiled.

“A strong heart and will. They will do everything to break thee. Remain strong. Unbroken. They will yield to thy might.” Pepper bowed his head sadly. That’s easier said then done. The colt wasn’t at all ready to do any of this. Why does Princess Luna want him to ensure safety among his peers? He is anything but a brave pony. He shut his eyes in frustration. The area began to melt around them, causing the four to look around.

They were by a lake bed. The pier hanging just a bit beyond the lake edge. A tall tree shading the area. Past it, a tall grass and field leading to a run down shack.

“Where are we now??” Scootaloo asked, her eyes cautiously looking around. Luna looked to the colt, who was now wearing a red flannel and a poorly slung together overalls. Two other ponies had appeared behind him. One kicking back under the tree with a wheat stem in his muzzle. The other, a tall and laid back looking pony that was holding onto a makeshift fishing rod.

The pony under the tree looked up and smirked.

“Well, I’ll be. Welcome back, Pepper. Was wonderin’ where ya’ went off too.” He smiled. Scootaloo looked at him as Pepper turned to face the pony.

“Who are you?” She asked. The pony swished the wheat stem in his muzzle.

“Name’s Constance. That there is Tussel. He ain’t the brightest. But his heart is always on the right place.” He nodded to the bigger pony. Tussel smiled lazily and waved. Constance looked down at the colt. “So, kid. Ya’ wanting to try an’ catch Monstroso again?” Pepper eyes the stallion. He looked back to the others. Constance nodded. “Yer’ friends can join to.” Applebloom smiled.

“Fishin’ by the lake? Count me in!” She stated excitedly. The filly was suddenly wearing overalls and a straw hat with her bow lashed around the rim. Sweetie Bell blinked.

“How did…?” She asked. Scootaloo nudged Sweetie Bell. The pegasus already wearing an outdoorsy vest and tee.

“C’mon, Sweetie Bell! This lake is perfect for speed boating!” She said happily. It took a bit for Sweetie Bell to notice that Scootaloo was floating in the air. Her wings flapping at a steady pace. Luna stood beside Sweetie Bell and the princess smiled down at her.

“We are safe here, Sweetie Bell. You are free to think of whatever you like.” Sweetie Bell balked as Princess Luna was already wearing a tropical shirt and sunglasses, her mane styled into a pony tail. She walked forward, a sun chair shimmering in front of her along with an umbrella shading the seat. She sat down and laid back in a relaxed manner. Sweetie Bell was a bit dumbfounded.

“But… I thought we were learning about lucid dreaming?” She asked. Luna nodded.

“We are. But thy cannot learn without hooves on.” She said, lifting up her sunglasses to give the filly a playful wink before going back to relaxing. Sweetie Bell looked to the others, seeing that Applebloom sat next to Tussel and tacked a worm to the hook. Scootaloo was rubbing her temples, staring intently at the lake. A boat shimmered in front of her and she beamed. Sport skies and a harness shimmered onto her back as she looked over to Sweetie Bell.

“Come on, Sweetie Bell! I wanna catch the waves!” She said excitedly and a little impatiently. Sweetie Bell hummed and rubbed her chin. The boat suddenly shimmered into a tall goose. It honked and looked at the startled filly. Sweetie Bell smirked and the goose dawned sunglasses and a motor slung to the sides. The unicorn filly cantered over and hopped onto the goose, smiling happily as Scootaloo laughed and hooked the harness on. Putting on a helmet, the goose honked and took off from the edge of the lake, pulling Scootaloo in. The filly skimmed the water before cheering along with Sweetie Bell as they went further out to the lake.

Pepper had observed all of this, but sat by himself next to Constance.

“Ya’ know kid. I appreciate everythin’ yer’ tryin’ to do for me an’ Tussel. And while you can make a right, sometimes ya’ gotta’ learn to let go.” Pepper looked up at the pony quizzically. Constance nodded. “I wouldn’t replace Tussel with anypony. What he would do for me. I can’t let the ol’ fool think he failed. Not after all of that. In a way, you are givin’ me a peace of mind. And that’s really all I can ask fer’.” Pepper studied the stallion. Understanding beginning to wash over him.

He always asked why. And while it is a correct question, it wasn’t the appropriate. He should have asked how. How these two are able to go through thick and thin. Appreciating each other til the very end. Constance stood up and pat the colt on the back.

“Think yer’ majesty is wanting you. Take care, kid.” Pepper watched Constance trot back to his tree, returning to his kick back position, this time with a smile. Whole the Crusaders were having the time of their lives, Pepper walked over to Princess Luna, who only flicked her ear in acknowledgment of the colt.

“Tis a pleasant dream, Pepper. Of Spice and Ponies is one I never truly appreciated at the time.” The colt didn’t say anything but say down next to her sun seat. She lifted her sunglasses over her head and smiled softly at the colt. “I can tell thou art nervous.” Pepper finally nodded and spoke.

“How am I able to keep everypony safe? How can I know for sure that I am doing any form of a good job?” He asked without looking at her. Princess Luna studied the colt and kicked back into the seat.

“Thy special talent of freely walking among dreams. Even those that aren’t thou’s. You have even shown me tonight that thy can even walk with those that endlessly sleep.” She then turned her head to the colt, meeting his eyes. “Tell me. What has thy learned of the moment?” Pepper was unsure. He couldn’t really put it into words. He could only tell how it was.

“I… learned that Mrs. Marigold loved the Honeywood fields more than anypony. She even convinced Mother Wisp to live there as well.” He furrowed his look. “She’s a nice mare. How can Funnel do that to her?” Princess Luna did her best not to make her smile come off as proud at the colt.

“Tis something that thy will have to study more on. Have thy read the passage she left thou?” Pepper reached into his overalls and withdrew the journal, opening to the page.

“Look for my happiest memories. There you will be able to put my soul to rest.” He read. Princess Luna nodded.

“Dreams are always affected by what is experienced in the real world. Mrs. Marigold knows what thou hath seen and she is trying to help thee. I hadn’t realized that pony I used as a volunteer would cause so much unrest for the poor dear.” She replied sadly. Pepper couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty himself. But what could he do? He’s not a strong pony. They might have done something much worse than graverobbing if he was found. Pepper rubbed his foreleg sadly, leaving Luna to worry about the colt. She then had an idea. Closing her eyes, she thought of the best memory she could think of that meant so much to her. Pepper saw a flash within the pages of the journal. He opened it curiously.

It was so dark and lonely being trapped as such. When I came to, I hadn't realized how much I've missed my dear sister. It was thanks to six special ponies to guide me back to her.

The colt tilted his head before a flash of memories entered his mind. Twilight Sparkle, not as an alicorn, stood before Nightmaremoon. With her friends showing up by her side, they bonded together to create a powerful rainbow that banished the nightmare of Luna, leaving her terrified till her sister appeared. The colt blinked and shook away the daze. He looked at Luna quizzically, only to gape softly as Luna had a tear trickle down her cheek. She sniffled and wiped it, smiling to the colt.

"Tis a lesson all ponies then learned. Powerful magic lies within friends. With that kind of magic, thou most definitely be able to bring good dreams to everypony." Luna stated confidently. Pepper wasn't so sure. He had thought his playmates were friends until Alabaster came along. He frowned at the thought of the filly just making his life turn around. It was bad enough when Blackheart was around. Alabaster was never for Blackheart's sake. She's made that clear many times to him as he tried to recruit her. But it still confused him to no ends why she continues to be so frustratingly annoying towards him. Luna sat up on her sun seat. "Thou cannot find it just yet, little one. But with the help of these three, I trust well enough that the dreams will be peaceful." There was the sound of a loud boom and a ripple around the area. Princess Luna stood up and stretched her wings a bit. "Tis time to wake up. Stay strong and chin high, Ghost Pepper. Thou art more important than anypony states."

The world began to stretch as Luna, along with the CMC, swirled into the air, the colt opening his eyes with a gasp. He looked around in a small panic before realizing where he was. The freshly stirred dirt mound in front of him. The sun slowly peeking the horizon. The colt scrambled to his hooves and put the book under his wing, taking a couple of steps and froze, looking back at the small mound. His look turned solemn, the colt taking a small deep breath before galloping off towards the orphanage.

Funnel stirred awake, feeling just as miserable as ever. He stared up at the ceiling, his thoughts wandering off to a memory from ages pass. Funnel felt the space next to him stir. Looking over, Mother Wisp rose from her slumber, rubbing her eyes tiredly. She threw off the sheets and stretched. She glanced at the stallion, blushing just a little. Funnel feigned a soft smile. He had failed this night. The nanny certainly wasn't bad looking either to the stallion. Average, but not bad. Aside from this, he still felt disgusted. Mother Wisp was a rather clingy mare. It has been a long while since the mare had done so much. Mother Wisp certainly felt better than usual. When she had finally passed out, Funnel spent a good two hours searching the room for anything that might lead to that inheritance letter.

The most he found was old photos of her late family and what appeared to be her rich mother and father. Which sickened the stallion even more. He sat up and got out of the bed, shuddering.

"I'm going to wash up." He said. Mother Wisp was fixing her mane and sighed in relief.

"Very well. Don't take too long. We have to get the kids ready for their fair." She sighed and frowned. "I just hope those six don't do anything so over the top that'll distract them from getting adopted." Funnel frowned in annoyance. There was nothing more irritating than all the attention this place was getting. He had another idea as he stepped into the porcelain tub with hot water. Scrubbing off the filth from the night, he leaned back and closed his eyes. What could he do to accomplish this task? He wanted to get out of here. To leave this damned place of Equestria. Start fresh somewhere new. Too many bad memories. He heard Pony Land might be a nice change of pace. Tropical and less likely to be ruled by two celestial beings. He opened his eyes as he had another idea. The colt. He wondered if the colt managed to find anything in that journal of his.

Stepping out of the tub, he dried himself off and stepped out as Mother Wisp gave him a playful wink before stepping into the washroom. Funnel dressed himself in his work clothes and left the room. The kids would be waking up soon. As he trotted by the rooms, he stopped as he heard the sound of a window opening behind a door. Pepper's room. He leaned down and looked through the keyhole.

The colt drew the curtains, yawning a bit as he placed his journal on his desk. Funnel noticed the colt looking a bit dusty with dirt. The colt must have snuck outside. Nothing unusual about it as it isn’t the first time the colt has done so. Funnel stepped back as the colt reached his door. Pepper looked startled at the sight of Funnel before quickly scampering past him into the wash room. Funnel narrowed his eyes before looking back towards his desk.

He quickly glanced around, seeing that no pony else stirred. He trotted inside and flipped open the journal, flipping through the pages before stopping on the recent passage. His eyes narrowed. Why is the colt dreaming of the day Princess Luna returned? He flipped over to the next page. Funnel frowned at the passage. As vague as it sounded, it does seem to ring with the stallion.

‘Find my happiest memory. There you will bring my soul to rest.’ The colt did it. Funnel felt a renewed sense of purpose. He is almost there. He trotted out of the room after closing the door slightly. Funnel began to walk towards the back door, a little pep in his step. Not even last night could weigh him down. He has to keep going. Just three more days until the adoption fair. There is still plenty of time. He stepped out into the bright rays, thanking Celestia's warming embrace this day.

Author's Note:

Three days until the fair. Fourteen remain.